Purple. Eyes on the prize.
Universal sufferage is a terrible idea, sure.
But (((who))) propagated the idea
Already had this in 1800's, lost due to disgenics, particularly the 2 world wars on behalf of (((moneyed powers))).
NGL, this one is pretty good.
Still, Austrian Painter was a little bit of a soppy romantic, would probably try to expel the jews some where.
Kicking the can down the road again for the 110th time.
Amusing but pointless. Niggers aren't useful for anything.
2nd place. If white man exists in some capacity, there is always hope.
Considering I'm autistic & quarter Jewish, I'm not sure this would be a very good idea.
Could make external threats a lower threat, for some period of time.
But with white man in his current and some what xenophilic form, could very well result in him getting dragged down too.
>>369825Obviously purple. Grey is a close second, because then I win no matter what, but that's too selfish and short-sighted. I'd never be able to afford the child support anyway.
>>369829>quarter kikeWhat ISN'T wrong with (((you)))?
>>369832Seems fine to me. The power of autism and marepussy's combining into something incredible and keeping him on the straight and narrow.
He's even clear-headed enough to know the greatest Earthly danger - something that even 95% of "Christians" can't do.
BTW, such games are silly because we'll never have that power anyway.
However!!! Both the antichrist and Jesus will actually take care of that purple button in the end, and we get to watch the show.
>>369833Stop typing, assclown. There are zero verifiable historical records of a "yehosua ben yussef', much less yahweh.
>>369825Obviously yellow. Europeans are so cucked and infiltrated that only Hitler' spirit will able to fix it.
>>369832>"What ISN'T wrong with (((you)))?"Well for starters, an IQ above double digits.
>He probably thinks I'm Nigel,No. I'm one of the former draw fags, do the odd fun post, rarely make an informative post when I have something to add.
I should've turned my flag off/used a vpn like Sven was talking about.
Can I press the purple button more than once?
>>369868Don't feel bad, it's not your fault. One autist pretty much destroyed your entire country's reputation on this board single-handedly.
>>369864Bringing back Uncle Adolf would be based, but realistically he'd need more than 3 years to do anything productive. Also, you can be sure that America would invade Europe before he got the chance.
Purple has the added benefit of killing off a significant portion of billionaires and political elite, potentially creating a power vacuum to overthrow governments all over the world. In addition, half of the world (AT LEAST all Christians and Muslims) would see the sudden death of all Jews everywhere as a divine event, adding creating confusion and chaos that could further enable overthrow of the status quo.
>>369871The elimination of the parasitical class is not enough because the golems still would be alive and able to trick the normies again, see how gullible are that they still believe that voting harder will get them solutions. On the other hand Hitler brings organization and action which will guarantee deep reforms and wholesale executions.
>>369872The golems would be alive, but they'd be confused and frightened after their masters suddenly dropped dead. It creates the opportunity to overthrow them.
Hitler would bring organization and unity, but it would take him a while to adjust to 21st century technology, let alone militarize Europe to resist the inevitable WWII that would be triggered by his arrival.
>>369868There have been zero observable differences between you and any other Niggel throughout the past 1,600 years. Or more. Adding to that ultimately negative equation is the 25% (((you))) aspect. Explain.
>>369890Is it really that surprising that there might be two Anons from the UK that post on this tiny site?
>>369890> There have been zero observable differences between you and any other Niggel throughout the past 1,600 years.So yes, I was right. All this time, you're still unable to recognise a posting pattern. Your disproportionally large amygdala fires up in a Pavlovian manner when you see a UK flag.
>Explain.No. I'm technically ~7/8ths white with only a patrilineal link (no mitochondria) to the Jewish race . If that doesn't meet (you)r "MoRE HaRDcORE ThAN HItLEr" standards, it is what it is.
Please consider going back on your meds.
>>369829Imagine the mustache man allying with Putin of all people.
>>369902Alliances are based on pragmatism, not ideals. Hitler was allied with Stalin at one point, and for all his bad points I don't think anyone could argue that Putin is worse.
>>369899I do remember a certain British poster who claimed to be partially Jewish. He was always trolling the gullible userbase. Is that you?
>>369890>>369861>>369832Why don't you just say what button (You) would push, instead of fixating on the other posters?
>>369861>There are zero verifiable historical records of a "yehosua ben yussef"That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
I also really like Naruto and Sonic the Hedgehog, if anyone would like to hear all of my thoughts on those two subjects. >>369913Nice to see you improving. Keep it that way, friend
>>369895Possibly. Don't care.
>>369899Nice gaslighting attempts there. It's easy to tell you aren't Niggel, yet you're still as fucked. Stay sheepled.
>>369912In order of value? Fine: blue, red, green, purple, last would be yellow. Orange is a monkey's paw, grey is an
insane idea, pink would destroy every culture better off than 'muricuh.
>>369913Be less of an inbred britmutt.