Post all your foalcon here
God I've not been on here for an age it seems. Life gets too much in the way. Such cute posts though while I've been gone.
>>376227Such a cute filly, hope you take good care of your little wife
>>376173Now that's one cute way to have a sex ed class, although I'm sure teaching that way will guarantee she has the next generation of her classroom growing in her
>>376420Now just how the hay is she supposed to raise all those foals as a (may god forgive me for saying this) single mom and a teacher? That doesn’t make any sense.
>>376535God i wish that were me(on the bottom)
I came here to bully you.
>>376466You're not a pony if you say this.
>>376653Before you go, one wonders if you might offer an update on
>>>/sp/24377 →
>>376655Psychiatry ain't my domain, you know.
>>377567Anon, no. That's not what that's for.
>>376656You call these foals? Some alicorns don't even grow that big. And the nigger weed... YUCK!
>>372260i like this one a lot so heres the text version
>>377808Hot take:
Normally not into fillies/foals, but Golly is beyond deranged. I think if she could be tried as an adult....
>>377811to think that she was originally meant to be either a creature or worse, a male
>>376535It is true, mares have it lucky but I'm sure there are some good ones that would help a stallion out too. Can't be having all the procreational sex with foals for themselves after all. Much like colt cum works best in mares, fillies need stallion cum for the best results.
>>377610Its funny how I never watched the season with her in but I see her in all the foalcon art and makes me wish she had been in an earlier season
Anyway go impregnate/be impregnated by a foal, that's my advise for the few times I am on here
I need ideas. Which foalcon should I make next ?
>>378514Two foals who grow up together and learn loving with each other, then go on to get married and start a family. When I was a teenager, I wanted nothing more than to meet the woman of my dreams and have children, and I honestly believe that if I had become a teenage parent, I wouldn't be any worse off than I am now. Ponies of your choice. Make it wholesome. You won't do it, fag.
>>378828It's one of my lingering regrets that I didnt get my HS sweetheart pregante o_o
When I was in middle school I met this sweet girl at a sleepover at my buddy's place. She's one of two girls that I ever felt that way about. She called my a couple days after and said we should be a thing. We each lived on the other side of town. She said I should ask my mom to drive me over there so we could ride bikes and hang out. I didn't want to do it because I thought it was embarrassing. We never did 'see' each other after that sleepover.
I saw her two years later at my buddy's graduation. She was fat, and seemed unhappy. I couldn't help but think, as a sensitive kid, did I do that to her? Did I break her heart and break her? All I did that night was smile at her, and she smiled back. She came to me asking me to be her boyfriend. We got along great that night and would've at least had fun for a while as a couple of kids. Did I ruin her, just because I thought it would be cringey to ask my mom to drive me and my bike to the other side of town to spend time with my girlfriend? She lived on a big property with horses too. I done goofed.
There's only like a handful of times that I can look back on in my life and genuinely sausage at or regret, and that's one of them. The rest is just to be expected from a child. Maybe it's all in my head. Maybe nothing would have come of it and not much would really change, but I do feel bad about that one. Is it just narcissism to think that a decision so small on my part would have such a big impact? Probably, right? I'm just an ass. But still, I think "what if?" What if I threw away a good life for myself and, more importantly, ruined another? Relationships can be so traumatic, man. That's why I just want to see a couple sweet little ponies have one that works out.
>>378831>>378828>>378829You'll only know if you ask God. Only He knows if you both and the spawn would have been happy. If that relationship would have been beneficial for you.
On the one hand there's the world with divorce court and paying immense amounts of cash to gold diggers who may or may not abuse your theoretical kid even if the theoretical kid isn't yours, on the other hand you have not that. Ranging from dysfunctional to excellent compatibility.
What could have been is interesting, but God does better than mere vain imaginings.
He can, where all else says it's impossible He can do so.
He has a better plan for you.
>debating religion in the foalcon thread
>>378833That never even happened. It was just one post by some good-hearted Anon who, in his own way, was trying to dissuade his fellows from feeling regret and despair. You are a goober.
Alright, disregard that, I suck cocks. Slow, board infrequent visits, am retarded. Got it.