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Anonfilly Thread - Reborn Edition
>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.
>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify All Nighter Fgt Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing
Assess how well you fit into the filly hivemind: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/personality-quiz/?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8
>I don't like this thread because of reasons.
You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old-mare Thread: >>325047 →
356 replies and 244 files omitted.
Thanks, fren.
Tho, it's taking a bit different route.
"Oh," you say.
>In this moment, you realize again, that this world is similar but different from yours.
>But to you it does seem to make sense.
>A group of friends probably would make a good family unit if there is suppose to be polygamy here.
>You hadn't put much thought into it before because at home you were adopted into the family and the your brothers and sisters were just toddlers crying in cribs all day.
>So the only thing that stood out was that Fluer, your mother, shared the house with Fancy Pants, your dad, and two other mares, Chastity Strumpet and Sassy Saddles.
>And also, that there was always one mare at home taking care of the foals upstairs.
>But one things is still a bit strange about all this.
"Okay, I see. But... Uhm... Why me? I clearly don't know much about all this herd stuff so why do you guys think I'd be a good alpha for our herd, if we have one?" you ask.
>"How do you not know about this? Isn't your mom the alpha in your home," Air Dip ask.
"Probably, but they have never talked about it with me but maybe that's because I was adopted and I'm, basically, the only child of the household considering my siblings are all still toddlers."

Tho, now when I think about it. Youmight be more right than I'm actually. I'll let you decide when Or if I finish this.

>At that point in time purple has been done to death as is Filly Anon classic.
Oldschool Anonfilly isn't a premise, but a character. You don’t see people writing anonfilly as a villain or a business advisor, but you can quite easily write situations that have him end up in those positions while still retaining his personality. It's only the premise and story trajectory that's been done to death.
As >>369821 and >>369827 point out, Green isn't Anonfilly, but a direct self-insert wearing his skin in a generic TF woobie story. You wouldn't call every story that has a dude turned into a filly an Anonfilly story.
> I wouldn't put it past Anonfilly to push her over in the dead of night when she's walking to the outhouse and just stand over her with her hoof covering the old mare's mouth for over an hour in a bid to show she's not to be trifled with, then deny the whole thing later should Granny bring it up.
This just makes me want a villy filly story lol. I liked that Villainanon story when it was being written; a compelling villain anon that's not just written for gags is a rare sight but always fun to behold. Less explicit Anon villains such as Obsession's even less so.
>Old anonfilly culture is effectively dead
You hate to see it.
Admittedly I actually joined the ride relatively late tail end of 2020 but I was hooked on it in the first place through someone recommending a green to me. First thing I did after that was read as many of them as I could get my hands on, old and new, searching Desu after the generals' paste archives ran dry. After doing so, it comes off as extremely bizarre seeing people in the filly thread posting him as gay, or comfortable with being a little girl. You can tell it's just become blatant wish-fulfillment and self-insertion, and that they're more interested in being Anonfilly than they are the character, with destructive results on his portrayal.
>there are other good ones out there that don't undermine her intelligence or make her no longer be anonfilly.
More often than not she usually wants to turn back into a human, though. The "I'd like to enjoy my childhood again" angle definitely exists, but I've never seen it done organically in a short span of words or without significant development that involves her initially wanting to be turned back before being made to get over it.
>I kinda wonder if the mlpol thread should be somehow brought up more often on /mlp/
I believe that slapping a directory to this thread on the general would only serve to direct anons here who would inject this place with /mlp/s version of anonfilly - not true anonfilly culture - diluting what we have here and turning it into a second version of what's on the board. We would get more people, maybe, but the quality may take a hit. I don't really want the weirdos on there coming over here, honestly, though the whole nazi angle might serve as a filter of sorts. I would say that you should only mention /mlpol/ or advertise it if you want more people up in here while being conscious of the potential quality degradation.
I made a list of common Anonfilly traits found throughout his various works and saved it as a .txt file – the things that make Anonfilly Anonfilly. I’d be glad if you told me of anything on there you’d like to add, remove, or change.

>This just makes me want a villy filly story lol. I liked that Villainanon story when it was being written; a compelling villain anon that's not just written for gags is a rare sight but always fun to behold.
Yeah, it's certainly a treat. Nobody really thinks of himself as the villain (fillian) of his own story, but there are certainly more villainous seeming actions one can take even if it's arguably for the greater good
>I was hooked on it in the first place through someone recommending a green to me
Curious what green that was, that may have been me honestly. I've recommended a lot of greens from here to people over the years
>searching Desu after the generals' paste archives ran dry
I've been meaning to do that for years, but haven't gotten around to it yet. There are so many little stories that never got binned or were never completed, but combing through every single filly thread before the exodus from /mlp/ for green is such a huge undertaking. Someday I'd like to do it and properly bin all that I can, preserve what can be of filly history.
>You can tell it's just become blatant wish-fulfillment and self-insertion, and that they're more interested in being Anonfilly than they are the character, with destructive results on his portrayal.
It's the ptfg interpretation of anonfilly really, the idea that becoming a pony is some sort of holy grail. "How could you ever be unhappy if you were a pony?" and all that I guess. It's sad that filly's original purpose has been degraded, the ptfg guy who always posts about filly being a part of ptfg has more ammunition than ever for modern /mlp/ filly, although back in the day he was clearly just seething.
>I believe that slapping a directory to this thread on the general would only serve to direct anons here who would inject this place with /mlp/s version of anonfilly
I agree, best not to do so. I don't want the culture to further degrade on /mlp/, but I don't really know what's to be done. I guess mlpol is still filly's home after all this time, it's kinda poetic
>Text file
This is without a doubt one of the most impressive condensed summarizations of Anonfilly's culture and mannerisms that I've ever seen. Do you mind if I add this to the anonfilly archive ponepaste account and put it in the word doc as a sort of rule of thumb guide for writing anonfilly?
>combing through every single filly thread before the exodus from /mlp/ for green is such a huge undertaking.
Oh yeah, doing so would be crazy unless you have a really good method of going about it. I just go to the earlier years of /mlp/ when greens were as common as grass and pick a tripcode to follow. The poneb.in archive search system also digs up some good stories that aren't on ponepaste yet.
>It's the ptfg interpretation of anonfilly really
Transformation to the average person is body horror, even without impact is has on the mind - on (You). ptfg somehow shamelessly fetishizes it and attempts to take the moral high ground in doing so, all without producing a single story of quality to show for it in the process. It just comes off as the same brand of mental illness that unironic trannies have. No surprise that a large number of their stories have them change sex as well.
>I don't want the culture to further degrade on /mlp/
Yeah, I don't really know how to remedy that. I think a large part of the problem is that green culture has largely declined, and people don't read about who Anonfilly is supposed to be a result. Its been ages since the fabled "fat fucking walls of green text" has graced the filly thread. People are more interested in other things.
>Do you mind if I add this to the anonfilly archive ponepaste account and put it in the word doc as a sort of rule of thumb guide for writing anonfilly?
Not at all, I'd be grateful if you did!
370006 370011
>I just go to the earlier years of /mlp/ when greens were as common as grass and pick a tripcode to follow.
The good old days... feels like just yesterday, but I was an underageb& in my second year of high school when I discovered filly, and now I'm in my final year of university. How time flies.
>all without producing a single story of quality to show for it in the process
I like a few of them, of them a lot of those are just anonfilly stories that were also posted there. They aren't all blatant wish-fulfillment at least, and some of them avoid sex change as a central theme
>Its been ages since the fabled "fat fucking walls of green text" has graced the filly thread.
I feel partially responsible for that, given I'm a greentext writer myself. Arguable whether I'm a good one, but I certainly should've written more filly than I have in the past few years. I have been busy with coursework, but I could've made time instead of wasting it playing video games
>Not at all, I'd be grateful if you did!
Alright, I'll add it to the doc if you're happy with the title and blurb I put at the top. I plan to put this at the very top of the document underneath the Dropbox and Backup Text Documents links, I think having it near the top would help as it's easily accessible from the document itself. I don't expect the improvement to be immediate of course, but I've noticed that a bunch of lurkers tend to comb over the word doc and click on the links contained in it, in three years alone the archival account has attained over 10000 views on its text documents. When you're happy with it I'll also list the paste as "public", unlisted is just so it isn't immediately shown to random passerby before you're happy with it.
370002 370003

>Filly just woke up

>I feel partially responsible for that, given I'm a greentext writer myself.
Don't be. My belief is that filly should be fun and so should writing(storytelling).

<"fat fucking walls of green text"
How about instead of doing that, you just post an image of anonfilly with just a few sentences of greentext to it. Like this:
>Be filly.
>Huff Puff.
"I say ma'am, this is quite the bomb-ass tea, mistress Purps."

Just to invigorate the passion for filly green-texting again, no guilt. c:
>They aren't all blatant wish-fulfillment at least, and some of them avoid sex change as a central theme
Huh, I haven’t seen any. I’ll take your word for it.
>I feel partially responsible for that, given I'm a greentext writer myself.
You’ve done a lot more than is required for the filly. Its fine if you don’t want him to become spoiled :^).
But yeah I feel you. Getting off your ass and creating is hard. I used to drawfag but doing so now always feels like a chore. I quit playing videogames somewhere down the line but now I just waste my time reading, surfing the boards, or studying art rather than actually doing it.
>Alright, I'll add it to the doc
The title and blurb look good, you can go ahead and unlist it. All those views on the doc is surprising.

>Be Filly
>Suddenly, moonhorse
>"U no niktmares? Y am here?" she asks
>You shrug shoulders
>Proseed to frolick in flower field
>You’ve done a lot more than is required for the filly. Its fine if you don’t want him to become spoiled :^).
Lmao, true
>I quit playing videogames somewhere down the line but now I just waste my time reading, surfing the boards, or studying art rather than actually doing it.
Reading is never a waste of time, even a bad story can provide you with examples on what not to do without having to fuck up there yourself. Studying art is cool too, though yeah it's important to create. I used to draw some too, was never very good but I have a few pieces I was proud of.
>The title and blurb look good, you can go ahead and unlist it. All those views on the doc is surprising.
Alright, added it to the doc. Some of the views might just be bots, but every once in a while I'll encounter /mlp/ lurkers in the wild and they'll mention having read something I wrote. Small world.


That's some nice hips on this Anonfilly.
ty ^^

>Be filly.
>Purps is like, "Who wants pancakes?"
>How smol does she think u r?
"Nuh uh."
>"Are u certain?" she asks before setting down a tower of them bathed in delicious jam.
"Obviously purps," you say and then proceed to stuff as many pancake into your mouth as you can fit.

>Chug Jug With You (Anonfilly)

<Set in RGRE="Reverse Gender Roles Equestria"
>Be filly.
>Midnight Blossom, a colt from class, taps you on your shoulder on your way home from school.
>"Uhh, mmm, ehh. Hi, Anon," he says and then looks away, blushing.
"Uhh, sup?" you ask, tilting your head at the colt. "Do you need something Midnight?"
>"Well, uhm, I mean if you don't mind..." He stammers.
"Oi, speak man!" You told the other foals at school that 'man' just meant mare from where you came from.
>He jumps and his eyes go wide.

>Be Midnight Blossom.
>You just asked out the most marely filly in school.
>Your heart just wants to leap out of your chest.
>Anon looks puzzled.
>"Heh heh. Take a deep breath," she says and place a firm, and save hoof, on your shoulder. "And take it one step at a time, we got time, bro."
>She gives you that reassuring but also somewhat knowing smile, though you both fear and hope that she doesn't know, you know?
>You inhale and exhale.
>Then you face Anon with a determine look.
>"On Saturday, how about we visit the cinema. There's this new movie that I'd like to see. I'd lo- Eh, like you to come with, if you're free."
>"Ah." Her face shines up in realization. "I can make time for it. Sounds fun."
>She reaches out and tussles you mane with her hoof.
>You can't help but to enjoy her touch, however, this is what how you feared it might turn out.
>Anon doesn't see you as a, well stallion, but more like a little brother-type colt, that she feels needs to protected.
>While you enjoy her giving you attention, what you really wanted was something more, well, lewd.
>Your heart aches with nervousness as you decide to follow through with your friends advice.

>Be Anon.
>You pet Midnight's soft, white mane.
>So cozy.
>This guy really need someone to take him under their wing, how else would he be able to catch a mare in the future?
>Maybe he lacked a father-figure at home, after all he mentioned how his mom cooked for a high-class restaurant as their top chef, or something, but nothing about what his dad did for a living.
>And from your experience in Equestria thus far, it was clear that the females in this world were way tougher than the woman back home.
>So you couldn't help but to worry for him a bit, mannerbund-style.
>Suddenly, he pulls away from your hoof.
>He looks at you with, somewhat, angry eyes.
>"No," he says and stomps his hoof. "You don't get it."
>You blink.
>Ugh, another tantrum. Maybe you'd spoiled him to much. Don't spare the rod after all.^^
"Get what?"
>He goes low on his front hooves.
>Then he creeps forward with his hips swaying from side to side with each step.
>He pulls up again.
>Pulling his face closer to yours with half-lid eyes and an open maw.
>He release his breath that hits your face like a pancake of smell.
>It smells...
>Good actually.
>You sniff and feel something far back in your body jerk or throb or something.
>You look back at him and he looks happily surprised for a moment before his eyes turn coy.
>He leans in, at first you think his gonna kiss you and so does he it seems but hesitates and leaves a peck on your cheek before, pulling back.
>He smacks his lips.
>His gaze lingers on you and your wide eyes.
>He seems satisfied before turning around.
>As he struts away, he pulls his tail to the side... Revealing his asshole?!(copy+paste=uncensored)
>...And his flaccid cock, swinging like a grandfather clock's pendulum with his steps and the invigorated swings of his hips.
>Woah. He's a straight up fag.

Style practice:
Turning "be-verbs" into other verbs, mostly.
actually no
It's just my theme
Kek, I "made" that. Any questions?
It's exquisite. Thank you.
You're very welcome!

Silly billy cookie filly.png
Silly billy cookie filly.jpg


371262 371277
>Be filly.
>Yes, ur the chosen one!
>But a twist... of the knife.
>Ur a zebra.
Oekaki (1).png
Forgot the stripes.
>You're Anon in Equestria.
>Bad news you're a zigger.
>You also somehow lost all your stripes.
>Don't even look like a pony, but a zebra.
>As a freak show it falls to you with massive autism to be the change you want to see.
>Be me, the royal jester.
>Shitposting, insulting, mocking and advising.
>It's like image boards but pays well with room and board.
>Be Anon
>Day: too many to count but definitely more than four
>Twilight that big nerd owes me my money and my human body back.
>I've been the perfect filly
>Sure the broken cups and plates and bowls when I couldn't grab things just happens as a part of life.
>Even if it's the fine china passed from generation to generation.
>Can't even make my own meals or get any snacks so constantly having to go to her to get anything done is what a big mare puuuurple has to deal with.
>It's not like she can hold me accountable for being unable to grab books notmally and that the pages in books for some reason taste pretty decent.
>Maybe I shouldn't have pranked her by trolling and falling into her cooch with a book in mouth giving her a new found fetish to enjoy.
>It only happened once.
>Okay alot of times and sometimes the mug of whatever at the time too.
>Maybe shit talking about how the human form solves most of a ponies problems is something I should have toned down.
>"Anonymous! I finished the spell. Check out how cute and functional I look now."
>Nearing the curtains dread itches up my spine. I bite the bullet.
>She's using her hands and fingers on me-heee-heee. Save me friendship pones you're my only hope!

Please remember to save media you make, otherwise it can be nuked at any time.



fluttershy - giggling.gif
Sup anon.
Twilight hosing Anonfilly with water.jpg


All of my attempts to re-read Chilly Filly (which I really want to do before continuing it) in recent years have failed, I think because I've been too busy to do so and my standards have improved quite a bit since starting it, so a lot of the beginning is a cringefest slog to get through. I've decided to use a tts reader to listen to it instead so I can play vidya/study/model shit while I absorb it, and hopefully soon-ish I can continue working on it. I'm still juggling a few other projects and university though, so don't hold your breath. I'm not making any promises this time; god I've love to, but I'm not quite the person I used to be back in 2018/2019. Love you all, mlpol. Sleep tight poner.
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Anonfilly is 4cuck slop, i would still love to jerk off to her doe