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Anonfilly Thread - Reborn Edition
>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.
>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify All Nighter Fgt Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing
Assess how well you fit into the filly hivemind: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/personality-quiz/?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8
>I don't like this thread because of reasons.
You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old-mare Thread: >>325047 →
356 replies and 228 files omitted.
Those are really neat Fillies.
Ty c:
^^ bretty acurate
Is this the end of the line for filly?
>Be Copper Top
>You have a frowny disappointed face.
>It's not usually like that,
>Some boozed up street punk filly just sleeping on the bench with four bits had to be dumb.
>That by itself wouldn't get the scruncher all twisted up.
>It's what she's sleep talking.
>"-mnm hores lan-"
>She might be in the pleasure industry without a license, or worse.
>A question mark for questionable choices.
>You can feel the reporters and your boss's boss's boss going to grill this 'young mare'.
"Time to wake up."
>"g'way no hoofs."
>I'm going to need backup to safely move this foal.
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<"-mnm hores lan-"
Sadly, I haven't followed the 4chan cup so I don't follow u on that one.

>Still be Copper Top.
>You ended up taking the foal into custody, literally.
>Now, you're her guardian.
>The higher up thought that since she's still so young, it wouldn't be good to bring her to a prison.
>It also helped her case that a cutie mark was consulted to give her opinion on the filly's mark.
>It could mean, as first was assumed, to make a destined for quiestionable choices -- about a third of the inmates in Equestria's prisons have a cuite mark relating to crimal activity.
>This expert thought differently:
>"Ah, tink e coud b a mak four snoopin'," she said and tipped fedora.
>In other words, if her moral compass was improved upon, she might become an asset to the force by becoming a great detective one day.
>The higher up then decided that (you) should be the one to foster this talent due to squeaky clean and reform this young, and probably criminal, young lady's life.
>So that's the backstory why you're now letting this filly into your apartment in one of the skyscrapers in Manehatten.
>And why she wears a magical collar around her neck.
>his talent due to squeaky clean
Due to your squeaky clean record
<mnm hores lan
Drunk sleepy for I'm in horse land.
<tfw Anonfilly is now detective Conan or Sherlock because not blinded by horsery.
>You're still Copper Top
>Your record is skyrocketing even further.
>Because of one pain in the flank and over all headache, that drunk bench filly.
>Schooling is a disaster.
>A social pariah, menace, chocolate dealer and homework fixer.
>She only covers enough so the school can't catch it, but enough clues to train a whole forensics division in her ways.
>Because you asked her to make a promise to do that.
>Behind all that she's out of her element with Equestrian social cues.
>Her heart right there for everypony to see, yet a whirlwind of contradictions.
>On the streets she's too aware of the most heinous aspects of society.
>Now she's walking with you back to your home after school.
>Usually she mouths off at everypony and everything, typically in high risk cases like hers cracking down on everything is done.
>She's atypical.
>"Keep your eyes up popo pony, some dealer will be up ahead. Just roast me over some school thing she'll be in a drooping saddle bag. Yellow with a black mane. I'm pretty sure her cutie mark is poppy seeds but she deals the hard stuff that's laced with something extra."
>There's an understanding.
>But that also means a bit of fun very light ribbing.
"Anon I can't believe you barely got a D in history. Especially about hoofball."
>Behind those jaded, darkened eyes, is a heart that cares a bit too much.
>Yammering about grades and homework and reports and how important it is, you see the suspect from the edge of your vision.
>Yet again Anon picked out the training mare.
>Merry Poppy manages to be just unhinged enough to scare most foals, mares and stallions straight when deployed to an area.
>More than that Merry blends right in when she wants to.
>Passing by far enough you ask the question needed for the report.
"Why do you suppose she is one?"
>"Her eyes aren't as bright. But not that dark so she's actually someone posing as a dealer for this test. It's how she moves its practiced. The bags being different tells the modification she has is different. But above everything all you ponies just aren't good at deception."
"Let's get you that raise so I can invest it."
>Thankfully she more than did so.
This image makes me think of Rollercoaster Tycoon when you pick up visitors in ur park with pincher and drop them off somewhere else.^^

Took me a few reads to understand this one, so I know who wrote it. I don't even have to use my knowledge of the ocult. ^^
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>"Fluttershy, are you sure abbout this? I don't think that's an animal you tame."
>being pampered by Flutters and away from Purple
Filly best wish.
>:anonfilly:Stop trying to tame me!
>The whole town was startled by a loud "REEEEEEEEEE"
Yeah, that is what happned in Assfaggot's story so I'd say it's canon.^^
I was looking for a specific image where a robot-pony hugs an anonfilly and says, "You are appriciated, autism support horse soft toy." on my computer but couldn't find it so you get this instead lol.
Pick ur mom.
>You arrive to the castle late at night
>Berry may not have wanted to give you any drinks
>But drunken Berry didn't have nearly as many reservations about a drinking buddy
>Even if said buddy was underage
>On the outside, of course
>You're a grown man...
>But fuck, what do these horses put in these drinks?
>That was just a cup of cider
>Cider! For Celestia sake...
>Fucks sake
>And even your humanity is slipping with this swayed mind
>"Anon? Is that you?"
>Fuck, can't let purple see you like this
>You try and turn to get on the first room to your right
>But your mind immediately nopes away, keeping momentum forward and falling on your sides
>You hear a flap of wings coming from the stairs
>Why is the ground so close, everything is spinning...
>A large purple hoof picks your face, lifting you to look at your face
>"What happened? Are your hurt? What's this smell?"
>Oh, you can answer that last one
>You vomit all over her belly, the quick pull of your face disturbing everything inside you just enough
>Twilight meanwhile is so shocked she can only stand there as you finish emptying your stomach
>...that's a lot for one cup
>Eh, at least it should have cleared the alcohol stench from your mouth
>Now she will never know~
>"You went drinking, didn't you?"
>Your features don't show your shock, still groggy and a light headache slowly making itself known
>But your eyes do manage to focus on her face for once
>And especially her glowing horn
>Fuck magic
"Fuck ma-"
>As you open your mouth for the A, your body feels like it's the perfect time for a second round
>But before anything comes out, you feel your world blink away, changed from her embrace into a cold bathtub
>Shit man, this shit is gonna stick into your fur if you don't get out quick
>You get on the opposite side of the tub, dragging yourself across the white ground
>Not long after, the door to the bathroom opens
>And almost immediately the water starts filling the tub
>Wo- wha-
>Your state makes you slow to react to the raising water
>You do manage to raise your head above the water despite everything at least
>And the a large purple mass joins you in the tub
>"What am I gonna do to you?"
>Oh, it's Twilight
>You try saying as cutely as possible, mares can't resist cute fillies
>Unless said filly literally barfed on them not even 5 minutes ago, you think to yourself
>Twilight unceremoniously shoves a potion to your face, levitating away the grime
>As the water keeps raising, she places you on her belly so you don't get drowned
>Finally, as it gets to her neck, she shuts it off
>Soaking with you in her embrace under the warm water
>You almost feel like this is some sorta reward with the comfy
>Until you open your eyes and look at her face
>You immediately look away, trying to recover the comfy imagery your mind had printed
>You're not in Twilight's hooves
>This is some sort of beast thinking what it will do with her prey in its clutches
>Ignoring the visage, her hooves cleaning your coat do feel nice
>And as much shit you give her, you know Twilight is trying her best
>"Hold your breath"
>Her words come as a surprise, breaking the silence
>Booping your nose, her large hoof leaves some dripping water, forcing you to hold your breath for a second
>You think about shaking your head to clear it, but you don't get a chance as she forcefully dips your head down
>She brushes your face with her fetlocks before releasing you
>And you promptly come back up with a gasp
>Things are clearer and not spinning as much and you almost dare to speak up to Twilight
>But laying on top of a larger mare as she looks down so sternly like this shuts you up immediately
>Specially since you know you fucked up
>But you did what had to be done for a man to get his godly beverage dammit
>Even if it wasn't even 10% alcohol and just a cup
>So all you do is scrunch and look to the side
>She goes on to clean herself, her movements surprisingly calming under the water
>Despite the storm going on above in her head
>She finishes with a sigh, likely coming to a conclusion
>"You're grounded"
>No shit sherlock
>What you dread is whatever she says next
>So you just wait for it
>And wait, as both of you just soak in the warm water for a bit longer
>Finally she does something
>Which is to get both of you out, still no words spoken
>She materializes two towels, cleaning you with one while draping herself on the other
>All in silence
>You feel much better already, whatever that potion she gave you was revitalized you right up
>Maybe not as new, but you can certainly stand up and look around with no issues
>Finishing cleaning you, she turns to dry herself out
>Still not saying a word
>Okay what the fuck is going on?
"Cmon Twilight, spit it out. What is my punishment? What the fuck do you want me to do?"
"Because I'll say this was...was more than..." - You actually want to say it was worth it, but staring at her just leaves you at a loss of words
>She just stares down at you, her eyes stoic, looking down at your form
>"I'm disappointed"
>With that she merely walks past you, both towels levitating in her magic and not looking back
>You almost feel the entire world breaking down around you
>Two words...
>You...you needed that fix goddamit...
>To feel that sweet nectar burning down your throat
>Especially ever since you forcelly became a filly, lost your humanity...
>You just wanted to forget it all, get back to old times...
>You fucked up
>You plop your rear on the ground, wondering if it was all worth it
>You really don't deserve Twilight
>The one mare who fucked everything up
>But the one mare who's been trying her best to help you acclimate to the new world
>Hell, since forever even
>And now you...
>Your mind throws a blank, those two words echoing in your mind
>I'm disappointed, you keep hearing, even though she's long gone
>The grounding doesn't even matter anymore
>You just hope you can make it up to her somehow...
Top tier filly. This story has a great mix of almost all anonfilly elements: Cute, comfy, mischievious, stern motherly twi and filly wanting her old man body back.
>Be Anonfilly.
>But sharkfilly.
>Swim around in the depths below.
>Feel the splashing of hooves on the surface.
>See purple rump.
367274 367291
>I honestly don't know what you were expecting
This, perhaps?
Filly rules over the ball.
>Small horses wants the meat.
Beware of Piranhafilly.
367284 367291
>This is Anonymous
>He used to be a human man
>Now for complicated reasons he is now a gril smol hors
>because of magic and plot reasons, Anon now a Filly must flirt with every living being that is capable of speech.
>However, Anon is a shitposter probably and can misconstrue words to get through the day. Some day with practice.
>What do?

>Belly sliding to the kitchen because you're hungry but you see Purple Horse
>Oh no, magic tism
"Heey hot stuff what other kind of magic will you stuff inside me, then we'll talk about what a naughty naughty filly you've been."
>Twilight with all the grace of a hormonal hungry baby bursts into tears and tries to babble apologies.
"Oh baby momma is it you're looking so fine I could sink my theeth into you. How about we make for chow time, you make the noodles and I do the slurping."
>Twilight crys harder.
>Sliding like the childish retarded horse without a horse childhood you are to reach something you can eat.
"I know I'm so pretty it puts you to tears, but before we comfort each other let's put sweet stuff in each other's mouths. You know a way to a man's mare's heart is through her stomach."
>Twilight doing an impression of that kid from Ghost Stories talks mysteries then runs out.
>The problem with Twilight's tree library house is that she cleans everything and closes everything.
>Your body doesn't cooperate and it won't for another few days, but it's good the wood is so slick.
>Trying to kick and push at the cupboard, and just sliding away.
>Instead you think about better times.
>Then less than better times.
>"I-I'm back I brought fast food."
"Whoa sweet cheeks I'm so stunned by your cute brains I lost all bodily control, how about you feed me like one of your French Prench mares."
>She magic's food into your mouth through the air.
>Your fries are not crispy because of the waterworks
>It's salty though.
>how about you feed me like one of your French Prench mares."
>She magic's food into your mouth through the air.
Da fuck anon. You are so spoiled by those mares.
Whos the artist?
>Eat ur dinner, then dessert.
Here's his artist page on ponerpics:
Proof its the right guy:
Ponny is the name it seems, which now when I think of it is the swedish word for pony, or ponnyhäst Ponnyhäst=Ponyhorse but still. Probably, just a coincidence though. Like, people like misspelling things for kicks, like pone or hoers.
>"All fillies stand up for the horse anthem."

Hehe, but why is purps cruing? Who wouldn't like a filly to charm them. The most common sexual fantasy for most afterall is to be raped and dominated by filly.
Nice read.^^
I'm not touching that I don't wanna derail the thread. Globetarts^^
~Shoobido shoob-shoobido. Call upon the seafillies when your in success. Unhelpful as can be ponies, you soon send out and S.O.S.
Shoobido shoob-shoobido.~

Yeah, I didn't think about that.
I have seen piranha's in a tank once. I don't think they can be fillifed. ^^
I think bubblebutt would make for a great mom too. ^^
inb4 dark interpretation of image: Filly 'removed' Dinky and replaced her while Derpy is none the wiser cuz bad eyes.
File (hide): 52AF913C26A8E52010B6008A7D9872DD-8510358.mp4 (8.1 MB, Resolution:720x720 Length:00:00:16, zigger.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>Filly showing contempt for the Equestria's flag
>Be Queen Chryssalis.
>Your body is mostly cole-black but parts of it is transparent smile green.
>For example, your mane and tail.
>Also, your wings are blueish insect wings wtih holes like cheese.
>Doesn't stop you from flying tho.
>Your hooves and horn have the same high amount of number of holes.
>Anyway, the lower part of your abdomen have pugdey bands of transparent green smile going across it.
>You rub it with a hoof and look at it with a pleased smile.
>You can see your entrails through the bands but you don't focus on that.
>It's the things that are inside of the bands that you look at.
>Changelings eggs in different colors; most are green, some black and a few a white as far as you can see from the outside.
>Bit like apples.
>It makes your look a bit obese.
>Your on your way to the brood chambers.
>You walk though stoney passages and enter a cavern with about a hundred similar green eggs but covered in a round slime cacoons attached to the floor.
>You walk pass the eggs through a tight path between them.
>You find a suitable free surface.
>You massage your green belly until your hooves are covered in green slime.
>You knead it a like dough before you spread it by tucking it like baker across the surface.
>Then squat down, spread your hindlegs far apart, and press out the eggs through your snatch onto the smile bed you made.
>The first are green; Nothing special: They will hatch in a month become drones.
>Drones were the grunts of changeling hierachy.
>They were the dumbest, basically animals, that just followed orders from greater changelings.
>They were one of four types you as the queen could produce on your own without help from any breederbug.
>You produced new ones around every full moon.
>They died early too; either by just working with hasardous and dangerous task, or by old age which for them was around five years at most.
>They would be hatched in about a month from now.
>There were cacoons in the chamber with you that had now small transprent bubbles with sleeping drone foals with in them, ready to hatch any day soon.
>The eggs you laid, you quickly packaged with the smile from the bed of it you made into small cacoons and then kneaded some of it at its base to attached them to the stone ground.
>After a several green ones you lay a few black eggs.
>You packaged them as well but your didn't fasten them to the floor.
>The black ones became brutes.
>Drones could be used for anything, including military matters but brutes were specifically made to defend the and fight for the hive.
>They were big and their only purpose was to fight things.
>The things changelings was that longer they stayed incubated for the smarter and the greater their lifespan.
>They grew to have more of an individuality too.
>The drones were all the same as far as anyone could tell but the higher tiers of changelings became more and more personally diversity.
>The black eggs would take about three months before they hatch.
>You didn't stick them to the ground here because you liked to keep it organized.
>You have a different chamber adjacent and short distance to this one where you put the brutes in.
>It doesn't much time to wrap green eggs in to nurising cacoons neither did it take much smile from your stomach folds but again as with everything: the higher tier of eggs the more of you need but the more you also got back.
>But the higher tier changelings were also more rare, in fact their rarity increased the better they were.
>You wrapped the eggs in more goo than the green ones to form their cacoons.
>When you finally finished wrapping these black and green eggs you hada few dozens of them and few hours had passed.
>You would move the black ones soon but you felt the familar pressure of more eggs pushing their way out.
>Next out was few white eggs.
>You lick you mouth.
>These were breederbugs.
>These were your concorts, they gave you pleasureful night and chance to lay eggs of even higher sophistication then what you could on your own, except for one type of egg.
>That egg was also something you'd lay on your own when the time came.
>You made thicker cacoons for the white seeds than the previous ones.
>They incubated for five months.
>You soon felt more more eggs pushing themselves out.
>The next eggs you lay were all of the higher quality and rarity than then ones before.
>You lay eight yellow ones, five orange ones, three red ones, and one teal one.
>You gasp and blink at the collection of eggs before you.
>What a day!
>What a brood!
>So many rare eggs, one of each type.
>You grin.
>You're giddy even.
>The yellow ones are the hive flying ace and leaders on the battlefield, they refered to as Aces.
>These ones would incubated for seven months
>The orange ones, were the infiltrators.
>They infiltrated pony society and ponynapped them back to the hive mostly but could do other things such as spying.
>These would take about nine months to hatch.
>They were similar to the average pony in terms of mental capabilities and individuality too.
>The red ones, were the nobles, her adviser and the changelings she delicated ruling tasks to.
>The incubated for eleven months.
>The teal one...
>She smiled at that one.
>Was the Magus, a rare and powerful spellcaster changeling.
>It would take thirtheen months for this one.
>She would be sore and dry in her belly folds after she finished the large cacoons that would be needed for some of these, especially the magus one.
>However, it would be well worth it
>She would just have to feast later on to regain it, was all.
>Then she felt it.
>There was an egg left.
>But it felt like it was stuck somehow
>You "grr" and sigh.
>You just kinda wanna be done with this at this point.
>You force it loose.
>It hurts for a moment but then you feel it sliding towards your snatch.
>Even thogh you feel like you just won the lottery you want more.
>You lay it and swing around.
>Couldn't be aother teal right?
>You blink a few times.
>Then your eyes widen.
>It's purple.
>You never got that before.
>But there is only one type left.
filly soon
367386 367387
>Still be Chryssalis.
>You let out a hiss.
>Its like something clutches your heart.
>You feel it in in your hooves; the blood in your vein are eitehr ice cold or boiling hot.
>You can't tell but its uncomfortable.
>Your hissing turns into panting.
>You breath heavy.
>You put a hoof to your forehead.
>Its like you have feber and your usually long, straight neck can't seem to support the weight of your head.
>You look.
>You look away.
>You look back again.
>The color remains distincly purple.
>Your horns lits up in arcane green light at its tip.
>The light shone doesn't change it.
>It's still clearly purple.
>Maybe it was miscolor.
>You don't know.
>It could happen.
>You look over at the rest of the eggs and back at the purple one.
>You always felt this way when you with unwrapped eggs; they were meant to be cacooned.
>However, the conpulsion to take care of the purple one was increadiblely strong.
>It would have to take priority.
>It was probably just because you were curious about and nothing more.
>So you dressed the other eggs up in temporal slim webbed shells for now, just keep them from getting too dry.
>They would have to be replanted into proper cacoons later.
>You web up the purple egg wtih care.
>Fasten it with sticky substance into your embrace and took flight.
>You fly through many pipe-like tunnels over large abyssal caverns and pass by many changelings.
>They salute you but you don't give them any attention.
>Only thing you care about is getting to your own private chamber and without having anyone see what you're carrying.
>Not that ayone could object to whateever you decide to do but because...
>You don't want anyone else to come with crazy early assumptions.
>You enter your private chambers through the balcony.
>Inside you find a handsome changeling, with a particularly tasteful jawline, laying on the a green slime bed.
>He's a relatively new breederbug and your current favourite lover.
>But now he's liability, or well he could serve a usage for yet again.
>With a posion joke in his mouth he looks flirtily at you.
>You put down the cacooned egg on the bed in.front of him.
>"Wos tis?" he asks. "Wasy purpel?"
>He doesn't get an answer as your horn lits up in green again and his neck cracks as it fold in on itself.
>You never like killing your changelings, not even the expendable drones.
>You don't feel bad but just wasteful.
>However, he'd serve a new purpose.
>You gurgle for a brief moment before spitting up acid onto him.
>After a while, you start to munch up the changeling remains of your previous night's lover.
>Your gonna need the sustenance to produce more goo and webbing for the cacoon.
>You can see the grandios shape and size of the cacoon the egg will need in your mind's eye.
>How, you don't know but the image is stuck in your mind.
>The cacoon has to be made so.
>You hear whining comming from the corner of the room.
>Upside done inside a green tube of slime hanging from the ceiling, is a pony mare.
>She has small inward bending area over her hooves, like the surface collapsed there and gave away.
>Kinda like if one has a fruit with a rotten area of it, one can presss into it make it bend inwards.
>The mare was brought back after a successful raid on a pony hamlet out in the nowwhere.
>You were informed by some infiltrators that she has a foal but he hasn't turned up.
>It's believe that she lured the drones away from her foal using herself as bait.
>The foal probably died by wandering alone in the wilderness in the end anyway.
>Foolish mare.
>So now she was here.
>You consume her love for her colt daily.
>When fully drained, she'll turn into a mindless drone that can serve the hive for a while if a bit shorter than a normal born drone.
>If she had been a male, maybe you'd considered turning her into a breeding bug instead if he had characterstics you sought for the hive.
>She looks at you in dread.
>Probably because you just eat the breeder bug she witness you having coitus with last night.
>You just grin at her.
>Your attention shifts back to the purple egg.
>You set about to work to create this masterpiece cacoon.
>It takes you the whole day.
>In the end, you don't wanna leave it for the other eggs.
>Usually, you just wrap it and its done but you keep getting caught up staring at every minute detail.
>For some reason,everything has to be perfect.
>Finally you force yourself away and back into the brood chambers at night and finished up the other eggs.
>You slump into your slime bed and wrap yourself in it and fall into a deep slumber.
>Next evening, you wake up and feel extreme pain and dryness in your abdomen.
>Dizzy and wobbling, you leave your chambers to seek out water and food.
>One of your adviser changelings asks you how you feel.
>You have half a mind to tell her to mind her own business but you don't wanna raise suspicion so you tell a half-truth: You laid good eggs yesterday and now you're dried up from all the cacoons you made.
>She pities you but is also slightly excited and bothered.
>Nobles see newborn nobles as both as an opportuinty to strengthen their standing in the hive among other nobles but also as a potential threat.
>You tell her that there will be three new nobles and leave her to her own thoughts.
>You return to your private chamber.
>You suddenly feel very paranoid and wonder if anyone else has been in here.
>You shake your head.
>Why would they?
>You look over to the cacoon your made for your purple egg and do a double take.
>What?! Is that? You think.
>A perfect green sphere with super smooth surfaces hangs in the air by a spider web of green slime attached to the walls, the ceiling, and the floor.
>The sphere is a giant.
>The largest cacoon, you'd ever made by far.
>In the very center of it, is a purple unmoving gas spreading out in all directions.
>It must be the purple egg that has reacted to the sensation of being in a cacoon.
>You have seen the process before.
>You walk over and touch the smooth surface.
"Could you really be..?" you ask aloud.
>"Could you really be..?" you ask aloud.
I felt the need to threw in a useless cliffhanger here, lol.
>You have canceled whatever plans you had that were agrresive.
>Any plans of explanding your hives territory but also plans that mean holding onto newly won territory.
>The nobles accept the your decision but with some resitance.
>They question why you have changed your tune to most plans.
>You give them no answer but placate them by delcating a lot of your own tasks onto them.
>They love feeling powerful afterall.
>You delegate most of your royal duties the more the days pass.
>After few months you no longer show up at certain meetings or courts.
>Most of your time is spent looking over the big cacoon in your bed chamber.
>You do wander to the brood chamber at least a few times a day to check on the other cacoons, especially the ones mades from the rare eggs but soon find yourself drawn back to check on the one in your bedroom.
>Everyday, you find yourself polishing it.
>Checking on it.
>You usually spend a lot of time wandering around your cacoons in the brood chamber to see that all is well but you almost have to force yourself there every day.
>It came natrually for you to check on them, to be intrested in checking on them but it's hard now to summon up that intrest when ever waken thought is focused on the cacoon in your bedroom.
>You have stopped breeding with the breeder bugs too.
>Something tells you not to breed now.
>You only lay green, black, and white eggs now.
>They take no time to wrap and the you have more important things to care for right now.
>Or do you?
>You go through a cycle everyday: You wake up inspect the cacoon in your bedroom over and over and over and over again, before your grow so hungry you have to leave for food.
>While your away from the cacoon you check on the other cacoons in the brood chamber before returning to stare at the big cacoon again until you fall asleep till next so you can do it all over again.
>However, there is also another cycle happening to you.
>A cycle of the mind.
>Should you kill it now?
>You know what happens if you let it grow?
>Although, do you and besides you don't even know what it is yet?
>For all you know, you went through all this work drone...
>No, that was what you said first couple of weeks but now it's been months and the cacoon is still filled with thick impenetrable green soup of somekind.
>The cacoon isn't due for a lone while yet.
>But it could be anything, couldn't it?
>You cringe.
>If this is not it, what is it like then?
>That thought made your hollow heart feel like someone wringed it like they would a wet rag.
>No no, it's fine. As I said before, if and only if it has a it will I accept it and then I can ponder what to do.
>The months pass like this.
>At a certain point, you began to read into your changelings behavior.
>They probably suspect what was going on.
>Though, they didn't bring it up but that was also why it was so suspicious behavior.
>They had stopped asking question on what you were doing in your bedroom all day.
>Maybe they given up on getting an answer since they got none but it seemed more like they knew what was going on.
>Or maybe it was just your crazy paranoia you'd gotten since you started to take care of the cacoon that no longer was a cacoon.
>A smol pitch black filly with with green mane like yours and bluish wings had formed in the cacoon.
>She floated in the center of the green soap, which strong green color had fallen off lately.
>A transparent mouthpiece that covered the filly's mouth but also her nostrils shoot out and spread out into many tendrils that went on to touch the inner surface of the sphere she rested in.
>It kinda looked like somone took a squid made out of bubbles and smeared its body over the mouth and nose and the let it's infinite tentacles spread out like plasma globe.
>You had seen this foal grow from a tiny black figure or speck into what it was now almost entirely.
>What set your head into chaos was the small bump on her head behind her horn that stood up through her mane.
>A black bump.
>It could be anything.
>The weeks passed though and everyday it grew to a familar shape.
>The day came when you couldn't make up excuses anymore.
>That's when rage came.
"Why did you come now, huh?" You stomp you hoof. "I'm only two centuries old."
>You have many times wondered if you somehow could have held back one laying this egg over the course of these many months but never as much has now.
>It did feel as if you forced it out.
>Perhaps, it was a choice thing.
>Perhaps you could have kept it inside you for a some decades more or a century perhaps.
>You look back at your foal.
>The tiny protrusion that sticks up out of her mane slightly ahead of her ears.
>A black pencil that breaks into four inwards bending tendrills with green orbs topping them off.
>Her crown indicated her as hive's leader.
>She was a changeling princess.
>This filly would one day take over the hive.
>Just like you had from your own mother.
>You thought you had it in you to kill it when you had confirmed your suspicions but now that you looked at her, you knew you couldn't.
>But you force yourself and hit the sphere regardless.
>Immidately, guilt wrecks your heart as the sphere shakes the hit is translated into it.
>The filly... You filly shut eyes become even more shut and cringled in fear.
>"Sorry sorry. Don't worry mommy is here," exits your mouth before you can stop it.
>It's been twenty-one months since you first laid the egg and now the cacoon is filled with nothing but a filly and water.
>It's like she's floating in a bubble.
>Suddenly, the mouthpiece falls out and the filly blinks awake.
>The sensation of drowning forces her hooves into failining action.
>That's when you notice how she's been floating all this time.
>Invisible organic string hold her up but her moving hooves tear through them with ease.
>Without their support, she sinks and lands on the spheres bottom that also doesn't support her weight anymore.
Yeah, in the end I hit the character limit so that was my solution.
What is new post? kek

Fine you little shit, I'll switch the servers over to FillyOS
No choice, I guess,

>t. the average filly enjoyer.
Writefag_Roulette posted his final story https://ponepaste.org/9354. Looking forward to reading it, I really really like the rest of his works.
AI MLPOL Pizza Party 2.jpg
Do fillies prefer their Suou diet or regular?
My money is on regular for extra fun and energy.
Now u know. ^^
Did they become friends?
367997 368013
>Did they become friends?

>Be Anon.
>The danger noodle hisses at you.
>He is coiled right in the middle of the path you take to school.
>You try to sho him with a hoof but he snaps at you.
>In the end you decides to go around him.
>Next day, he is still blocking your path in the same spot.
>This continues for a weeks.
>You walk home with youtt friend Aryanne.
>She is like, "Oh my gosh, can't even with this snake blocking the road. What douche."
>But you kindly inform her that you defend his NAP and that obviously he's not a fan of roads and therefore he is blocking this forest path in protest.
>You have created your onw private road around the snek that you lead Aryanne through.
>Another day you are surrounded by a foreigner gang of a zebra filly, a yak female? and a griffin bulldyke.
>They attempt to bully you of your lunch money.
>You fight them but they are too many.
>However, suddenly snek!
>He falls down on the yak from the trees and chase the bullies away.
>Now he hangs coiled around your neck like scarf wherever you go.
A-are you sure Filly?
"A-are yo sure, mah filly," you ask.
>Be Zala the filly zebra.
>You moved in with your aunt Zecora to explore the wonders of pony society.
>Equestrian culture has improved the living standard of the whole Savannah.
>Yet, the ponies asked for nothing back.
>You were one of the few whose entire family was brought out of poverty because the greatness of ponies.
>You decided to dedicate your life to repay your debt.
>...You also might have a slave/master fetish that you wanna experince here...
>But that's for another story, right now you're finally in the room of your best friend in Equestria, Anonymous Filly.
>And her snake.
>Her giant Everfree Python, that was coiled up on the floor, bathing in the afternoon sunlight commin in from the window.
"Are you sure it's- uhhh... safe?" you ask and gesture towards the snake.
>Anon looks in the direction of your hoof but not at the snake before looking back at you.
>"Whyyy wouldn't it be? See anything here that's gonna hurt you?" she asks with a goofy grin on her face.
>You blink.
"Uhh, the snake?"
>She smiles.
>She then walks over to the snake and pushes her face into the coil of the snake and under before pulling the whole snake up by her neck.
>The snake hisses a bit at this but still lets it happen.
>The snake is so big that Anon staggers to the side for a moment before regining balance again.
>You take a step back as she you see Anon trot over to you.
"Ah-ah p-p-please stay back a lil'-hmmm."
>"See, his harmless. Why don't you say hello, Nibble? This is my friend from school. She's a zebrapony. Her name is a Zala."
>The snake extends it's head like branch from a tree towards you as you back and back but sadly back into one of the room's corners.
>You find yourself face to face with giant snake.
>His cloven tongue quickly dart out and slap against your mouth before going back in again.
>"Aww, a lil kiss. I think he likes you," Anon says as she shuts her eyes in joy.
>But you barely notice, all your attention is on the snake in front of you.
>The rest of the visit ia rather snake free.
>Nibble slithers away somewhere in the house.
>However, he returns later in the evening when your gonna sleep.
>This is suppose to be a sleepover and you're dressed in your black and white striped pyjamas.
>Anon wears a pair boxers?
>You're gonna sleep in the lower bed in the bunkbed that's in Anon's room.
>Usually, Dinky, Anon's sister sleep in the bed below but she is staying over at another firends house.
>"Well, goodnight Zala. Sweet dreams," Anon says as she carries Nibble coiled around her neck up the ladder to the top bed.
"Uhh, you too but- but- don't you have like a box or something for- uhh... Nibble?" you ask.
>"Yeah, I do but I can't sleep without him anymore. I don't feel safe," she says, blushes, and pulls some black mane behind her ear. "I kinda use him as a bodypillow. WEll goodnight."
>About a half an hour later your start to hear snoring comming from the bed above you.
>You smile glad to know that Anon is still alive.
>You roll over-
>-And find Nibble slithering down the ladder.
>He's red eyes glow in the darkness with rest of his body is only seen like silhoute.
>Please don't come here. Please don't come here. Please don't come here. Please do-
>The snake dips his head underneath your cover near your hooves.
>Soon you find his tongue tickling the frog of your hoof.
>You force yourself not to move a muscle.
>Soon the unbearable tickling stops and he slithers further towards you, up between your legs.
>Soon you find his snout at your unmentionable ebony horsepussy lips.
>His body is writhing as he seems deterimne to burrow into you.
>You hold a hoof to your mouth to cover your incomming moans.
"No, please... haa. I'm... a-aaah. Saving... huh-uuuh. For Anon."
>The snake stopped.
>He slithered up your belly, soon he started to coil around you.
>When he was satisfied in his wrapping up of you, her put his head right under your chin, on your throat.
>There you lied for the rest night in the darkness but periodically feeling a cloven tongue lick your throat and scaly rope of about two-hundred pounds of pure muscles squeezing your from time to time.
>You didn't sleep that night.
>Anon climbed down the ladder.
>She wipes out the crust in her eyes and then they go wide.
>"Oh, htere you are Nibble. Aww, you're so kind keeping Zala company. You seelp well Zala."
>You nod at your friend with broken eyes.
>Next time, the two of your will have a sleep over at your place.
>In the everfree...
>What was the snake called again?