Hey ponecels I made a vid about you'll cowards
I never forgot 2017
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPPdOkRef4E [Embed]>Thirty fucking views talking about a topic that got turkey tom millions of views
Imagine being worse at this than turkey fucking tom
.........aaaaand it's been removed already.
>>360414>>360415Thanks God's chosen people and followers, fuck the British as always. I scrubbed the intro and reupped.
[YouTube] What is /mlpol/? or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Pone
[Embed] >>360418cut intro :( how could they delete this
>>360418i sense a blasphemous non-believer.
>>360412>>360418Highly autistic and very cool. Thanks for the laugh.
>>360413Unlike Turkey Tom, this one was actually a good watch. Got to learn to laugh at yourself as this was clearly made in kind jest.
>>360418Hi OP.
You did a very well done video. But why you did it? Obviously you're not a poner and dislike /pol/. Is it because of shekels?
>>360423Probably for the sake of doing it. I believe this is the only "break down" video of the event that actually shows /mlpol/ and doesn't just immediately end after the deletion of the board on 4chan.
>>360423I would like to make money off of goytube videos eventually desu but for now I'm basically practicing and lurking the internet has pretty much been my only interest. Not anti-pol or pone, but you can't keep a video up publicly endorsing Hitler.
Plus I feel like coverage on a lot of topics is skewed nad odesn't capture it correctly, I never even watched Turkey Tom's vids cause the thumbnails are just LOSERSPEDOSCREEPS and I'm assuming that's what the video is like, which misses the point of the event entirely. Probably gonna do a vid on furries next but fluffy pony torture is on the list.
>>360424I agree, this video is good and IMO was made in good faith. That said, OP opposes European identity and the ethno-state, then he's anti-white. A pity.
>>360426Seeing as he knows about this site and is posting, I am going to wager a bet that he lied in the description, or at the least is just not die hard. I don't see any evidence of your claim. Regardless, it is content that doesn't suck.
>>360425>but fluffy pony torture is on the list.Protect those little fluffies please. I don't understand why are hated.
>>360429Just the same reason people draw gore images of just about anything. It is just a bit strange that there was a whole subgenre of ponies in that form they did that with. Definitely curious to the history as I don't remember the origins. Going to be hard to put up visuals on Youtube if they took down this video for AI Twilight talking with Hitler though.
>>360413Both You and The grifting faggot tom should neck.
>>360418Bretty Good 14/88
Lol Bonus points for mentioning lee
>>360418WOW! Absolutely outstanding.
Thanks anon.
>>360418For an outsider, it is balanced and well done.
>>360429>I don't understand why are hated.Fluffy abuse is mostly for keks. Like most violent/edgy things that are done for keks, it tends to attract a certain contingent of legitimate edgelords who are too stupid to pick up on tongue-in-cheek humor or irony. Eventually these people took over and "fluffy abuse" turned into a cringe subfandom for legitimately disturbed people.
>>360418Bretty gud, I approve. This is much better and contains more information than the one done by Tom Turkey or whatever his name is. The only inaccuracy I'd point out is that Aryanne was not created during the /mlpol/ merger. She was adopted as our mascot for obvious reasons, but the character had existed on /mlp/ for several years prior. A big part of the reason /mlpol/ worked as a community was that both communities discovered they had more in common than they thought. A lot of /pol/ anons discovered that bronies (at least 4chan bronies) were more redpilled than they would have expected, and /mlp/ anons found that /pol/ anons tend to be autists who already enjoy cartoons and anime, so getting into pony didn't require that much of a leap.
>>360429The fluffies were meant to be pets but escaped after peta blew up the faftory and they bred like roaches and became pests that devastate crops. They are extremely violent, stupid, and selfish and regularly rape and torture each other and try (and fail miserably) to do the same to other animals and people. They shit gargantuan amounts practically constantly and the only shit they have more in supply is baby-babble shittalk.