>>Interviews with Assad[YouTube] حوار مع قناة روسيا 24 و وكالة روسيا سيفودنيا
[YouTube] ASSAD EXCLUSIVE: US will attack foes & friends to protect its hegemony, Syria just a latest victim
[YouTube] حوار الرئيس الأسد مع السورية و الإخبارية (مترجم)
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Why is it even possible here to hide your flag? What good would come out of it?
>>379552if i remember right it was due /mlp/ not having flags and making pony threads more comfy that way.
>>379537IMHO not much
every major actors (turkey usa israel) has their interest in keeping the status quo now that Syria has been neutralized
think of libya, nothing new comes out of it beside some meme factions infighting but nothing done on the grand scale of things (read no unification, no big rebuilding, just a broken state like sudan, libya or somalia)
The chapter is over, time to move on to the next
>>379541>>379542He is welcome to come stay with me in the UK until he finds his feet somewhere.
>>379556Just asking, he hasn't been Ghaddafi'd has he? ._.
>>379558He's in Russia, he's going back to being an optometrist
>>379559Thank you. A little sad to hear, but less sad than if there was worse news. Thanks lads
>>379560They have not yet slain the Assyrian Lion.
>>379561Unironically (and unabashedly cheesy) one can think of fewer world leaders who are deserving of God's blessing and protection.
>>379554Not much of the next chapter tho....all that is left is to cheer for houthis
>>379563Heh, I would gave him an advice to het baptized, if he was meant to meet his end Gaddafi way, but we shall see...
>>379563Indeed. A world leader I would love to drink a pint with knowing full well he used to live and work in the UK before destiny thrust him into the role he would perform admirably until this most sorry latest episode. I give him my regards, and well wishes. Putin, for all his faults, has acted with grace in taking in Assad as Russia has been supporting him up until this time; a serious cost of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine now has to be the fall of an ally in the region for the Russians, since this is clearly due to the fact that the Russians were over-extended.
When they write the book on the villains of the Middle East from Mohammed in the 7th Century to the near future, Assad's name wont be in there despite the Western propaganda effort. Israel's regime has killed more innocents in the last few years than Assad did in his entire regime.
>>379551Nah, if push comes to shove, I can always fly to Moscow like a vitch.
>>379567quite the contrary, keep your eyes on ukraine, this chapter is about to get more interesting in the coming year
>>379572Ah yes, Wild Fields. I am sure my fellow slavniggers killing each other under jewish supervision is of great importance.
>>379573of great interest at least
especially for you
>>379574Ah yes, I love how monke made possible an influx of few milion hohols in here, where govt treats them better than domestic population because basically everyone from polit class was fucking underaged girls in one brothel and SBU recorded it and now holds pshekland by the balls. Please cover every inch of this shithole in oreshnik missiles.
>>379575't worry as soon as the ukrainian regime falls they'll all line up at the border to go back just like the syrians^)