>>33612Here's my interpretation.
>>33612Discord economically Right? I would expect him to be center. Also I would expect Twilight to be more authoritarian since she seems to be a bigger control freak then Celestia.
>>33615Eh, I don't think he's one for regulations of the sort. I just equated him to ancap which is honestly I see him being.
>>33618I guess it makes scene. I just can't see him agreeing to the NAP. Way too whimsical to want that.
I only have two compass memes...
>>33622I would hate fuck a nazi anyday
Also, I'm trying to make a pone OC political compass. Feel free to add to it.
>>33625>>33635It's really hard to hate fuck a Nazi if I practically am one. I would hatefuck an ancap any day though.
>>33677I'm an identifying ancap and I would hatefuck a nazi! not you though, I'm guessing you're also a slightly overweight male with subpar hygiene and little to no social skills living in his parents' house too.
>>33678You got two of those wrong. You too, pal.
Care to explain how you came to that one (besides color coding)?
>>33796Mostly to match colors especially Lyra, Tree Hugger probably would be better choice.
Big Mac, spends almost all of his time farming, and while AJ saves world and AppleBloom is doing more damage than work, he needs to work for whole family. While I don't think that he's communist he could be probably easily swayed towards them.
Twilight at least at the beggining was clearly uncomfortable with her position as princess, she's interested in progress, but she is also very altruistic so she probably isn't radical right.
RD fits the best I think. She always strike me as right winged pony. She's interested in military, she's shown wearing armour. She's also part of military forces and obsessed wih being better than others. Also loyal to the end. She earns a lot of money but she spent years working for it so she's probably capitalist.
>>33806Interesting interpretation.
I doubt Big Mac would fall for the commie bullshit though. He works for his family, and the Apple Family ranch clearly has traditional value to all of them, so it wouldn't make sense for them to give up their property.
>>33813I dunno, he spent his whole life working to feed his family, he's probably one of the strongest and biggest ponies that we seen in the show. And it means nothing. When some problem arise he can't even help his younger sister while she saves the world. He's surronded by ponies more powerfull than him who worked less for their powers. So even if he doesn't spend all of his free time thinking about that, he probably is pretty jealous sometimes.
Also thanks to cutie-marks Equestria doesn't have that much poor ponies. Their communism would be probably more about equal distribution of power, not money. Like unicorns must offer their magic to whole society or something.
>>33829Big Mac has a unicorn fetish. Racemixing is some commie tier shit, mate.