>>326247I hope there's a special place in hell for "people" like that driver.
>>326247Jews and nigs feel really happy about the fact that they did this
These pones, along side many others, are willing to go with you on your journey whenever or wherever or however it might be.
Dumping what I got so far
mp3 file - Police Scanner - they start talking about the Red SUV at about 18:23
>>326257Who else do you think could kill someone in broad daylight, be filmed doing it, and still get away with it?
>>326254guy is white in that picture, does not line up with first video from this post
>>326259 >>326266sorry - context - these are two different residences that might be the residence of the driver
>>326267are there no license plates in all the videos taken?
>>326267>>326268though a license plate does not necessarily mean anything... could be stolen.
Running theory is that this is a revenge attack for Rittenhouse being found innocent.
>>326268>>326269> license platesI haven't seen anything other than the first three letters of the license plate that somebody got and gave it to the cops there.
It was just the first three letters though.
I mean, how many red suv's are going to have those same first three letters though. They can find out who the plates are registered to. They already have one of the niggers in custody, last I heard, but the other two are lurking somewhere.
that's what everyone is thinking
they won't be saying it out loud in the coming days because they're afraid of being called racist by stupid gorilla niggers and kikes.
My wishes are that /pol/ would weaponize this and amplify it a hundred times so that everyone knows.
>>326273>My wishes are that /pol/ would weaponize this and amplify it a hundred times so that everyone knows.upon further consideration:
My wishes are that /pol/ would weaponize this and amplify it a hundred times so that everyone knows that everyone knows.
Apparently image of driver from heavy.com
Cuckservatives are already starting their "not all" game.
>>326278Looks like it is more or less confirmed it is him at this time. Multiple sources says it is him. He was apparently out on a $1000 bond.
https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1462632145097310208 [Embed]https://twitter.com/TheQuartering/status/1462628463517609984 [Embed] >>326279>Cuckservatives(((cuckservatives))). We all know the subversives in the fold.
Short version of events might be the following:
>So do I have this right? The convicted sex offender out on bail for just two days for multiple felonies and misdemeanors was fleeing a stabbing he had just committed when he drove into and injured/killed the elderly and children in a Christmas parade.https://twitter.com/QuarantinedCoof/status/1462636978382548998 [Embed]>>326286How does this even happen.
Must be cover for Maxwell.
>>326286It does seem a bit unlikely to just so happen like that, but perhaps he wanted to be the next Floyd for the year. I can’t see if he lived, but if he did get shot, people will probably make him another black saint. If he lives and he says it was self defense, then he will only cause another riot when it is denied. We are in for more shit regardless.
>>326288He will have a hard time claiming self defense. But the he will get demonstrations in his name demanding justice for being "cased into the crowd".
>>326289I mean he will claim it as a political move, hoping the jury will be black and signal to him to get him out. Even if they deny him the ability to do it, signaling would at the very least get him the stardom he is looking for.
>>326290Ah. Yes I would not rule out an activist jury member would say "self defense" and cause a hung jury.
>>326284https://archive.md/gHzyphttps://archive.md/5wFXh>>326286him fleeing from a stabbing he had just committed should be confirmed
It's not in the audio here ↴
>>326261as far as I know
>>326293>him fleeing from a stabbing he had just committed should be confirmed>It's not in the audio here ↴It might be that the stabbing is incorrect and that it was a deliberate attack on the parade.
If he was trying to get away after stabbing a lawyer can perhaps argue he didn't intend to harm anyone in the parade i.e. the parade was not his purpose for driving there. But he did so while fleeing a crime so I guess it won't change anything in the eyes of the law.
>>326251"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" still remains factual to this very day.
Now there's supposedly shots fired at Carroll University, shit is going down? Maybe...
(((MSM))) whitewashing it already...
>>326310>A law enforcement official>lies and gaslightingAlways the same tall tales, the script is unchanged:
- Unnamed employees
- Unnamed precinct
- Unnamed related incident
>>326296https://godlike.com/forum1/message4960931/pg1>>326308I've spoken to some nation of islam guys
they hate jews just as much, btw.
I think the whole muslim-bad thing is just part of the 9/11 psyop anyway because muslims hate israel so it seems fair to say that false israeli intel fueled the Iraq invasion in '03
but niggers
those fucking niggers
send them back to africa
every last one of them.
put the lighter ones in the north of africa, evacuate South Africa, and then the niggers can have a whole continent to themselves. They will take care of population control through starvation and death. they can eat each other anyway because they are cannibals. needless to say, if we were to put all niggers and mulattos in africa, then things would calm down.
Niggers don't belong in Western Civilization.
that's it.
They just don't belong.
They can't assimilate because they are too low IQ and too inherently violent to do so.
>>326310isn't there a booking record?
a booking log?
like when they arrest someone, you can look on the internet and see what they are charged with
if there is nothing indicating that he was at a stabbing or some sort of assault, then he wasn't fleeing from anything.
I'm actually too much of a lazy fuck to look myself
Other than that
fuck niggers
I hope they publicly hang that nigger and any other nigger or kike that tries to stop them.
>>326315NOI guys are alright, most of the time. But even the best of 'em gotta fuckin' go in my opinion, then again I don't really think the NOI guys would bitch about a black ethnostate.
>>326316Africa is a black ethnostate.
They don't want to go back to Africa, they want to be given someplace nice where they can just move in and ruin just like every other nigger.
>>326317continent dominated by black ethnostates, not a singular black ethnostate.
>>326318Each of those "African countries" are so similar and easy to travel through or migrate into that they're as much as "countries" as states in the USA.
It's a black ethnostate consisting of many black run counties, otherwise you'd see a constant genocide consisting of a few African countries wiping out the rest.
And that did happen during the Bantu expansion. Before then, I would agree with you that Africa is a continent dominated by black ethnostates, but now that simply isn't the case.
Sad and sickened, I feel hurting for the families and victims
> I'm actually too much of a lazy fuck to look myselfhttps://www.waukeshacounty.gov/jail-division/current-inmate-list/The name won't be posted until tomorrow, I guess, but it doesn't seem like they are posting what he is going to be charged with on this site, unless I'm looking in the wrong place
>>326316they are against miscegenation and are for segregation
Compilation of kikes laughing about the car ramming attack.
>>326326A kike says innocent white children being run down by a nigger is "karma" for the 3 kikes who Kyle Rittenhouse shot in self defense.
ah shit another one
https://archive.md/hfuKVthis nigger has been around
>>326329>>326326A key tenant of Jewery is to whip out Amalek.
A people who defend a man who kills three kikes by definition Amalek.
https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=cSRUn0dHASs >>326343The actions of the "morally superior" never cease to amaze me.
>>326320except theyre nothing like the american states, because theyre not in any union and do not behave as one. a continent in a perpetual state of turd world because niggers are stupid is not therefore an ethnostate, at least apply your labels where they belong.
Well, shit. I was trying to back up his YouTube channel but I ran out of time and it got terminated while I was downloading. Not even sure if I grabbed the one that shows the SUV in the background. Fuck.
Off to bed.
>>326352>youtube-dlIn the future you may want to try the GUI package.
>>326317The most relevant part tho, is that these nigs atleast recognize failure from his own, i mean, nigs are only the biggest example, but in fact, any minority group besides Asians will swarm anyone of their own who dares to put atleast some of the blame on their own race, in their mind eveything wrong about them is some other race's fault, most often than not, it's whypipo.
Other than that, most nigs believe hu-white people are keeping them down through discrimination and shit, so it is implied they would be better off in their own ethnostate EVEN if all their free gibs are taken away.
And that's where inherited wealth and "everything down to the washington monument and the Apollo missions were all made out of cotton" comes in.
>>326352Well, thanks for the ones DL'd. Where will you archive them?
>>326352They terminated his YouTube just because he committed a crime? He didn't advocate for violence on his channel, did he?
>>326358This is standard practice for YT dude, they did this with Pekka, Loughner, Lanza, Sesler, Rodger, Aghdam. Etc.
>>326359I guess they just want to avoid any potential flak for what might become of it. Not necessarily the worst policy YouTube has, but still kind of shitty.
>>326360Probably yeah, I've just seen it enough over the years to know its probably a rule at JewTube HQ
>>326275that is an event in Texas. Has this guy been in Texas? Do these two know eachother?
>>326330cant do much, busy at work.
>>326352I got that one, was the only one I downloaded.
I hate the change Google did to YouTube that makes youtube-dl download in under 100kbps instead of full speed.
https://anonfiles.com/P567FfWau7/MathBoi_Fly_-_HALF_A_TIKKET_prod._by_DeeMarc_-7Sc8VqvGdSk_mkv >>326379Why the fuck does the MSM think that everyone will believe the bullshit lie that this tarskinned pavement ape just "accidentally" rammed through 50 people at a Christmas parade.
>>326380Apparently police have conclusively said there was no pursuit prior to him driving into the parade.
>Darrell Brooks was not being pursued when he entered the Waukesha Christmas parade.https://twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1462861485152030734 [Embed] >>326343Imagine feigning sympathy for a terrorist who killed 5 people and injured 48 others, just because you're salty that a teenager got away with defending himself.
>>326387>feigning sympathyWhy would you assume that her sympathy for this anti-white terrorist is not genuine?
>>326389People like her aren't sympathetic to anyone but themselves and their agendas. Democrats don't actually care about nuggets or their causes; they just use them to further their own interests.
>>326377Switch to yt-dlp. youtube-dl is the old project, development is pretty much dead. Everybody moved to the more active fork yt-dlp, which among other things fixed the slow download bug and supports downloading from Bitchute:
https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp "You reap what you sow"
Mary Lemanski the director of the Illinois democrat party has deleted her twitter and been fired from the local DNC. Do NOT let this cunt slide away from the limelighT, these are the kind of "people" running the democrat party at the very top. Let her name reign in infamy for being a disgusting dirty whore kike cunt.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/marylemanski/https://www.linkedin.com/company/evolution-music-inc-/about/https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-academy-of-music-and-art-inc./about/https://soundcloud.com/marylemanski [Embed]https://myspace.com/lemanski/photoshttps://www.youtube.com/user/MaryLemanski (the worst music I've ever heard.)
https://www.instagram.com/marylemanski/Mary N Lemanski
Age: 46
Born January 1975
Address: 21028 N 82nd Ln - Peoria, AZ 85382 (Dates seen Feb 2021)
Property owned in her name: 4944 LINSCOTT AVE - Downers Grove, IL 60515 (valued at $605,340) Zillow Redfin
Phone Number: (630) 810-1466 (does not accept calls from numbers that block their caller ID)
>>326306I wouldn't trust anything out of a university. The children there are extremely sheltered and have no connection to reality. I have seen it myself. Some girl and her boyfriend getting frisky in the staircase and the next thing you know there were kids walking the hallways freaking out like someone just got stabbed or kidnapped. There was an incident at the US Air Force Academy a few years back where someone was slamming doors and they shut the whole place down for shots fired. There were Nerf guns involved somehow too.
hi today
>>326381> and it was not a terrorist eventit is a criminal event
what can you say.
fucking jews.
every single time.
trying to get 'the left' motivated to do violence.
that's all jews do.
divide and conquer.
>>326389> Terrorist> but the black chief of police said it wasn't a terrorist actionyeah - because a White Person was not driving the vehicle.
niggers aren't terrorists, right?
>>326393same here...
>>326381So there was no pursuit, which means this alleged stabbing earlier in the day had absolutely nothing to do with the attack, which means that the news of that stabbing was %100 damage control by the media, the kikes, and their cattle to steer the narrative away from the truth. Well, they got it out there, so that's the way it happened now.
>>326380Hah! Why wouldn't they? He was just running away from a stabbing and accidentally drove into the parade. No one is even going to remember this happened a month from now.
>>326399> trying to get 'the left' motivated to do violence.*trying to get niggers motivated to do violence.
>>326401One would think at this point there is a segment in journalist school where they learn about Sam Hyde. But I assume they are too busy "learning" about equity and "importance of sosial justice" in reporting. Why the press still falls for this is amazing.
>>326404You underestimate the absolute state of investigative journalism. Apparently some consider Twitter memes to be a reputable source now.
>>326393Thanks switching to that one.
>>326408This nigger needs to fucking hang.
This all happened because he played those violent video games. We need to ban violent video games before more people get involved in those violent video games.
>t. an intellectchual
>>326379>Authorities say the incident was not terror-related.Police lies.
It is absurd to believe those anti-White gangsters as long as their members and activities lack citizen overview.
>>326385Too late, the normies are waking up.
And the same apply to the GOP and its voters. Both are interest groups masquerading as political parties and with the mission to keep the People down while empowering the oligarchs.
>>326354>GUIOoga booga, go back to Africa.
>>326357Split archives here.
After downloading the files, make sure they're in the same directory, rename the files to have the same name but don't change the extensions. Open .001 to extract. They're 7zip archives.
https://files.catbox.moe/f7qrkq.001https://files.catbox.moe/q2sa5c.002https://files.catbox.moe/27t5sq.003>>326358This is standard procedure for fucking with the goyim.
>>326359 <This.
It's a real shame that Queen Nasim didn't do more damage at YouTube HQ. The worst injury was someone who tripped and/or got trampled.
>>326402The Regime media and their enablers can only get away with this shit for as long as they're permitted to. Would you believe that most of these people have likely never been punched in the face for mouthing off?
>>326408>"tragedy struck">a tragedy, not an atrocityDie. Just fucking die.
>>326401They keep falling for it over and over again. Amazing.
>>326395>Everything deleted.At least her personal linkedin is archived.
https://archive.fo/9Bku3 >>326437The irony of making a BLM "fruit sculpture" out of a watermelon is hilarious.
Just wanted to pop in and say this will all continue, and get worse, and never stop until WE THE PEOPLE make it stop..it benefits the establishment, worldwide, and no matter who the fuck we vote for this divide and conquer tyranny will continue and whites will continue to be hunted. The globalists want one world government, no borders, one culture, one race, one currency...it will fail miserably but only until we say enough is enough. Fucking Trump or Desantis won't stop any of this shit nobody in the GOP will.
>>326458This, and as many whites who have the means need to get their ass to Texas, or thereabouts, in the south
>>326458>this will all continue, and get worseTrue. Unfortunately it must get a lot worst for fence sitters to pay attention and move their asses. This is not about a bunch of "patriots" here and there to confront the adversary, as the mercenaries have already in place setups for that contingency. But huge number of normies getting fed up and taking action.
Time will tell how it develops.
>>326459already did, before trump got elected the first time. saw this shit coming a lot of years ago.
build back betterTM has many provisions for situations exactly like this.
ask yourselves what is the likelihood of event(s) like this happening in an uncoordinated fashion, when there is such a vested interest in them happening in order to justify measures of tyranny?
if the media utters a word, all should assume it is based on a foundational lie. they don't talk about occurrences of organic circumstance. their narratives exist solely in a fictitious thread of reality spun for the sole purpose of influencing public thought and [subsequently,] policy.
>>326459Do you really think Texas is going to be spared from this in the coming decades? Do you think conceding ground to the brown masses is going to work out well in the end? If white people keep moving away without somehow regaining territory, eventually there will be nowwhere left to move to.
>>326472Fairly high. While not really seen in the US Europe's had to deal with many attacks like this and as they force more non-whites into white countries it's entirely predictable there would be more. They do have to do some things to cut down on incidents a bit or people actually would rebel if it got to the point that just about every white person had had a friend or family member murdered due to the "diversity".
>>326475nice indirection. "events" like this have been happening in the US for a long time now. have you forgotten about charlottesville?
>>326476Charlottesville wasn't a car attack targeting crowds. Fields came under attack, there were people hitting his vehicle with bats, and then he floored it to try to get away.
>>326472>situations exactly like this.The nigger plunged his car into the middle of a parade: a street. Installing metal posts around sidewalks isn't going to do shit when the people are celebrating on the street itself.
>>326476That wasn't directed at sidewalks either. Metal bollards wouldn't have done anything.
>>326474>sparedNo, but how much of the national supply of meat comes from texas?
Now, whats the gun ownership per capita?
Its not a 'spared/unspared' prospectus by any measure, but CA, OR, WA, et al are definitely NOT the place to be as things get worse. Weird thought, but down here theres generations that see being white as a good thing
>giving up ground without regaining anyThis isnt RISK, and what fault is there in abandoning places that are or are becoming hostile along lines of race, not exclusively?
>>326476Charlottesville, oh no! I'm so sad for those shiteating leftoid commies getting plowed over!
>>326481>what fault is there in abandoning places that are or are becoming hostile along lines of race, not exclusively?Because it means that once-white areas are going to be lost to niggers forever, and once leftists and niggers use-up those places they'll come for the dwindling white ones.
How do you intend to stop millions of leftoids moving to Texas after fucking themselves with housing inflation in states like California? How do you intend to stop them from voting for the same shitty policies that ruined their homestates? There's already been a steady trend of migration from blue states to red states in the past two decades, and it's definitely not all from white Republicans. Unless Texas secedes from the union, it can't do anything to stop the brown and blue masses from coming in.
Moving away only gives temporary personal stability, but does nothing to fix the generational racial struggle. So long as nothing is done to stop the browning, it will only get worse.
>>326483You seem to be operating under the notion that civil unrest wont translate to martial law, wherein how the particular state does things is a crucial.
>>326483Seriously, think of all of the cities in the United States that are currently ruled by niggers: all of those cities were built by white men. Then niggers and leftoids moved in and ruined everything not by taking it violently, but simply by scaring white people into selling their properties and moving away. That same thing can happen to any place in America that has even a smidge of wealthy or industry worth taking, and it's happening all across America. Rural land prices have been skyrocketng in the last 5 years due to urban flight, which is good for rural land owners, but not for new generations of white Americans looking to buy their first homes in the neighborhoods they grew up in. Commiefornians are unironically gentrifying white America.
Running away isn't enough. You have to fight back. You have to reclaim what your ancestors built. If you continue to retreat to safer pastures while the browns consume everything in their path, your children or grandchildren will some day find that they have nowhere left to retreat to as the niggers get ready to drive throw them into the sea.
>>326484Can you be certain that the civil unrest will come fast enough to cut off the flow of niggerization? It's unlikely to kick in until after the state in question has already become irreparably pozzed. Don't forget that under federal law Americans from any states can move across state lines as they wish, and unless that changes it's only going to get worse to the point where pic related will actually become reality for the whole state.
I'm not saying it's wrong to move. I'm just saying that it does nothing to actually solve the problem; it only temporarily helps avoid the ugliness.
>>326486While your position is understandable if you're operating as a collective white people are not currently. So most people are going to leave regardless and at some point not leaving is just going to mean your kid's the only white kid in a Detroit tier area and if you've got a son he'll just repeatedly get the shit beat out of him if not stabbed to death and if you've got a daughter she'll get raped. Sometimes conditions are so bad that you really do need to leave.
>>326487>So most people are going to leave regardless and at some point not leaving is just going to mean your kid's the only white kid in a Detroit tier area and if you've got a son he'll just repeatedly get the shit beat out of him if not stabbed to death and if you've got a daughter she'll get raped.This is why there is no substitute for organizing and knowing your neighbors. If you're all making the decision to leave or stay in isolation, you're fucked. If you can coordinate to stay and defend your community, you have a chance.
>>326487Yeah, but if nothing is done to stop those conditions, they will follow white people wherever they go. The pool of available white areas is contracting. How long until there's nowhere left to go? At the current rate, in a few generations everywhere will be Detroit tier.
>operating as a collective white people are not currently.That's exactly the problem. White people, especially white Americans, absolutely need to band together to stop the browning of America and fence off white communities from brown intrusion. White Americans need to set their personal interests aside for the benefits of their race and make a difference, or else all will inevitably be lost.
>>326488>If you can coordinate to stay and defend your community, you have a chance.This is the better option. Communities need to organize to resist nonwhite intrusion, and the mindset to do so needs to be commonplace.
have you guys ran a business on the west coast? under communist rule, all that happens is consume and destroy leaving farms and businesses with nothing but a husk of who they once were. the system is designed to be that way, such that you have nothing if you run a business by "the rules".
The only way to get around this is if you build literally everything yourself in a community living as separatists, live like the Amish, or move where there is less/no communism.
I've seen all these arguments before, and there is no easy answer.
the main thing that needs to happen to guarantee survival long term is to build manufacturing facilities to keep farms and similar functioning without using the USD for any trading. If we can guarantee farm survival, basically all patriots will support us.
sorry, can't really get into this topic while at work typing on cellphone.
>>326495With that pic you might not even be able to identify him if you saw him walking down the street. CNN's whitewashing is unironically making people less safe.
>>326495The Clot Shot is giving people prion disease and the MSDNC is MKULTRA. Put the two together and people go crazy with the use of a trigger word
>>326486>it does nothing to solve the problemThe solution is to get here, integrate, and network with the community. After you do that
you will know what to do next >>326509Jesus. Police that saw it described it as an deliberate act. He actually avoided hitting (I assume parked) cars so he would hit people instead.
Tucker Carlson Tonight 11/23/2021 Opening Monologue
https://www.bitchute.com/video/CfbaqAPg2siV/ [Embed]>>326511Tucker's usually pretty researched and knowledgeable about what he talks about, I agree with him about this case
>>326514>TuckerI agree, Tucker knows the right words and how to speak to the common Joe. However it is worth to mention he is also a poisonous snake gatekeeping the cucksevatives. Just look at who he fetched to talk: Tulsi Gabbard, a globalist poster girl and outspoken anti-White parasite.
He started talking about Talib whatsherface
I think that (((they))) want to release all the criminals from the jails is so that niggers can kill white people en masse. These guys won't give a shit
remember that artist mural below the eiffel tower?
cleon peterson is the artist
those nightmare pictures
its like if the criminals are released, this is what its going to look like
>>326511>Tulsi Gabbard on FoxTbh, I'm kind of sympathetic to Tulsi Gabbard, even if she is a liberal. She seems to be one of the few remaining democrats with even a shred of common sense.
>>326517You raise a good point, but I think Tucker just brought her on a detractor within the Democratic party.
>>326522Look at the posted screenshot closer. Gabbard has been groomed for years to be a "fresh" figure to lead the goyim. She is literally a Rothschild agent.
>>326523>I think Tucker just brought her on a detractor within the Democratic party.Yes, but nothing is random, to bring her in is to promote her.
>>326525Tulsi's political career is basically over, tbh. He got primaried out of her seat in the house, and the DNC basically said it to her face that she'd never work in the party again after she refused to endorse Hillary Clinton in 2016.
For that reason, I see no actual harm in promoting her. All she does at this point is act as a minor annoyance to leaders of the Democratic party, and at best a bit of an insightful voice on a perspective of someone who might have wanted the party to move in another direction. She's going nowhere.
>>326527>I see no actual harm in promoting her. >She's going nowhere.Will see. A fresh face with common sense talking may slip in the Republican ticket at any moment. I don't think the (((oligarchs))) will let their investment in her go to waste.
>>326525eyepatch is prior military and surfer chic is a reservist lieutenant colonel.
I wonder how much support schwab's WEF is going to give their voices
>>326528fucking hell, right?
but then again, I don't see what the issue is here.
She's a politician.
They all work for the same masters, and it isn't the voters that they work for.
this is where siege fags are right - all these politicians, especially those at the federal level, are all part of 'the system.'
of course they are going to be permitted to be congressmen. they have to do 'the system's' work by creating and altering legislation and laws to make what 'the system' does to us, legal.
>>326528She won't have any luck with republicans. She's a gun grabber.
>>326534So's Zioclops Crenshaw (look up what he's said about red flag laws), didn't bother the party. The Republican Party exists to control white opposition to the system and channel it away from things that are actually dangerous to it. White non-shitlib voters get upset about these things if they're told about them, which is why they generally aren't told about them unless they're already paying attention to non-approved media.
>>326539You serious think she'll be elected again? I can't really imagine her winning anywhere.
>>326540If she runs as a Republican in the right race, she could. Not going to be winning anything as a Democrat because the party won't support her, but Republican voters are suckers for shitskins and women who say anything remotely non-communist (again, if you actually tell them what these people stand for, they'll turn on them, but they don't do the work to find out themselves and it's not easy to get them to listen at first).
>>326540>You serious think she'll be elected again?I do, if not in 2024, in the next round she will. Be she with the democrats or the republicans doesn't really matter as she will carry out the jews' marching orders at any cost.
>>326544I seriously doubt she'll get to the top of either platform. She can't even take back her congress seat.
>>326549>She can't even take back her congress seat.That's not a problem. With loaded voting machines plus judenpresse hype to validate the result normies can swallow anything.
>>326551Okay, but why would she win instead of any other ZOGbot?
>>326552Being democracy a charade, political figures are selected, not elected. A she MIGHT win because the rest of the golems are worn-out. A "different" person and approach will be needed to hype the eternal hopium again.
>>326605Wikipedia updated article to
>2021 Waukesha Christmas parade attackhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Waukesha_Christmas_parade_attackI guess too much backlash forced them to cave to depict reality.
>>326256I don't think freaks like me are allowed to ride with them but they will go with me in my heart
doesn't that sound like a negresses name?
This was memory holed long enough for them to blast that white kids parents all over the media