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NaNoWriMo - Try, try, try, and try again!
So it's November (soonish) and you know what that means. Maybe. It means that this will be the third time we gather the writefags to write some /mlpol/ words.

So what is NaNoWriMo? It's a challenge!!! To write 50k words within the month of November.
Here's there website if you have further questions: https://nanowrimo.org/

So roll up those sleeves, crack your knuckles, and constantly second-guess everything you type on your doc. This is NaNoWriMo!!!1111
Nanowrimo forums' top admin bans anyone who criticizes antifa
Nanowrimo is a good idea but fuck their forums
The more you know. Yeah fuck 'em.
So I got nothing written today.
I've done a lot of nothing for a very long time.
Might as well give this a shot.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYzMYcUty6s [Embed]
I think I'll finish the writing for that pokemon shitpost this month.
The sea was light blue, warm, and filled with life. Liquid Light hopped of a rock into it. Two other ponies followed in tow, one a pegasus and the other a unicorn. Liquid paddled over to the other unicorn along with the pegasus.

The other unicorn was red and had a pink mane. Red light emenated from and around her horn and soon a formless bubble had stretched over their heads.

"So what contest did you have in mind, Strong Breeze? I'm ready for anything," said the red unicorn mare.

>I'll try to continue. But this is all I have time for right now.
>Appearently, I had time for more.

The pegasus, who was green, looked at the red unicorn with her head slightly to the side and with mischevious look on her features.

"Anything?" the pegasus asked.

The unicorn hesitated for a moment before pushing out her floof. "Anything. Racing, seaweed picking..."

"Deep diving?" the pegasus asked with knowing smirk.

The crimson unicorn's eyes widen for a brief moment, then she put on a cocky face.

"Of course, let's see who dares to swim furthest down into Anon's Abyss," she said.

Knowing the other unicorn since foalhood and therefore being able to read her like a book, Liquid could see it on Sweet Lullaby's face and hear it on the sound of her voice that she really did want to do this. In fact, Liquid predicted that the mention of Anon's Abyss was a way to keep face while raising the stakes so that even Strong Breeze would have to back down. But Liquid couldn't help but to think that Sweet should have known better. They all had known each other from foalhood so she should have acknowledged what she must have known in her heart for forever by now, that Strong, was the bravest of the three.

This wasn't Liquid's first rodeo. They had been at this before. She felt a knot in her stomach. She didn't like where this was heading.

Even Strong Breeze hesited for a moment after Sweet's dare. She studied Sweet's face, mulled it over for a bit, and then declared, "If you really wanna do this, I'm game."

Strong breached the shared bubble for their head and spat in her hoof before pushing it towards Sweet.

Sweet spat in her own hoof and smashed into Strong's hoof. "Ha, of course I do. Can't miss you chicken out and go home to Daddy."

They gave each other fierce and and convincing smirks. Liquid watched on in wide-eyed horror as she saw that the first part of her predictions came to be.

The trio began to swim out of the bay and out towards the open sea. Liquid and Strong had to stay relatively close to Sweet since she was the one upholding the bubble spell that allowed but communication and breathing under water.

The spell formed a bubble-helmet with a tail that conncted with the other bubble-helmets. The tail could stretch pretty far but Sweet had informed them that it was a bit taxing fo her to do so.

They swam near the surface. In the bay, the deepest parts were about nine ponies stacked on each other but most of the time it was shallower than that.

Liquid tried to use the colorful and beautiful nature of the seabottom; everything from corals, seaweeds, to fishes; as a distraction. At least she attempted but in hindsight it wasn't so fantstical to any of them since they had been swimming in the bay since they were foals.

It didn't mean Liquid didn't try something though. She tried to get the others to take a detour through a corridor of seaweed, which had small electrical currents that tingled nicely against large creature but warded off tiny ones. Ponies in the bay used them for massage. They recognized it as a detour and dismissed the idea.

She found a sleepy eel and began to pet it. Sleepy eels were harmless to ponies and had almost grown tame in the bay. They enjoyed pony hooves petting them and ponies enjoyed petting them because they were cute. Again though, all of them had petted a sleepy eel before so it was like dropping everything to pet a cat for them. They just dragged her away from the eel. It followed them for a while but turned away when it sense where they were going.

In a last ditch effort, Liquid told the others that she left valuables on the beach out in the open that she just know remembered. Both of them told her she remembered wrong and informed her that both of them remembered her towel being blank. Besides, the bay was small and everyone knew everyone in their neighberhood, no one was gonna steal anything.

In the end, they arrived at the shallow and sandy slopes that functioned as a prelude to Anon's Abyss.
I believe I'm going to try to get in on this action. I haven't started writing anything yet, but I'd like to try adapting my old Dale Gribble greentext into something more polished, maybe write out some more of what I had planned.
The prelude to Anon's Abyss was a like large sand dune but underwater. Grey rocks stuck up out of the sand on the bottom and some even breached the surface. At the very ridge of the sandy slope, however; where the bottom and the surface was only a pair of horsies from each other; there was a black gap. The gap was about five ponies wide and well, too deep to see. The water took a black color at the bottom.

An old ship rested between the gap's walls further down into it. It was the old pirate admiral, Black Floof's personal ship. She had died with it but after Anon's visit her remains had been excavated. What's more, there used to be giant pony-eating squids here until they were driven off.
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Skelanon from two years ago here. I'm doing bizarrely well this time so far. For reference, the story from two years ago took me like eight months past nano to finish and ended up being a 12k word novella. Today I just passed 7k words and I've only just finished introducing the characters and explaining how magic works in this setting. I'm pretty excited about my chances of making it this year, bros. If I had to guess, the reasons for the improvement would be that I actually bothered to write an outline this time, that I'm having some friends hold me accountable to daily wordcount updates, and that changing jobs to something less soul-crushing has put me in a better state of mind to write the kind of upbeat adventures I've been trying to write.

TL;DR we're all gonna make it
File (hide): F7D8C7604DC45EC869C512ED97F691AE-8097436.mp4 (7.7 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:01:32, F7D8C7604DC45EC869C512ED97F691AE-8097436.m4v) [play once] [loop]
I still have the first chapters of Skeletonman Save The World. I like it. Seems like the kinda of adventure I'd enjoy.
I don't know if I'll get anything written today. I'll try.
Do it. You can knock out a hundred words in one paragraph easy, and then take a short break. Just do that a few times and you'll have several hundred words written before you know it.
The squid had been warded off ever since the ponies of the Bay dumped a few barrels of pepper-onions (a sort of poisonous vegetable) into it's depths and along it. The poison stayed mostly concentrated in the deeper parts of the abyss. Regardless, the ponies did it so they didn't have to deal with pony-eating squid so close to their home, not to make the abyss an additional bathing area. Though, for some ponies it had become just that. A place to show your courage at. Who dared to swim the furthest down into that evil dark place? Not Liquid, at least.

Tried your method but never got around to write again during the day. Will try it again tomorrow.
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So how's your project comming along and what is it about?
This was pretty funny.
I have sometimes thought ofwriting somekinda pokemon rivalry story where one of the main characters joins Team Rocket and are therefore on different sides of a faction conflict.
Cool. Was it you that wrote that, "Wings of Pastrami," or whatever the name was in on of these?
So what word count are you on now?

So yeah, I suck and haven't done more than I have posted ITT. But I'll follow my own advice and continue trying.
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It's started. The plan is a rip off of transported to another world junk and the shield hero.
At 900 characterss is about fifty words.
Liquid look from the red unicorn to the green pegasus. Both seemed determined to go through with this as they looked ahead and passed the edge of the abyss. Liquid would just have to be upfront with her feelings. She shook her head and then walked up between the pair. As she did this, they took notice and turned towards her.

They both gave her suprized looks while Liquid answered them with a stern face.

"You cannot do this. You could die!" Liquid didn't shout due to the their closeness to the abyss but she spoke louder than normal just to get the point across.

Sweet's face lit up for the briefest of moments before she glanced a peek at Strong's face. Strong, kept a stoic expression through Liquid's words. Sweet then started laughing in what Liquid recogniced as fake laugher.

"Ha ha ha, figured you'd say that Liquid, you always been a scaredy-cat." Sweet said and tapped Liquid with a jab from her front hoof.

"You don't have to dive down there. This is a challenge between me and Sweet," Strong said with a blank expression.

Sweet's laughter was cut abruptly as she silently inhaled and watched this new development intently.

Liquid didn't need to see Sweet's intense face. She had a feeling that if she waited Sweet would try to support her in this endeavor to stop their challenge but wouldn't do so at the expense of her own pride.

Just for a moment did Liquid shut her eyes as a crease appeared between her eyebrows. Then, she looked with pleading eyes towards Strong.

"I know that. But I'm afraid that you two will die down there," Iiquid said with sencerity.

That daredevil ponies had been swaming about that place hadn't convinced Liquid that the squids had completely abandoned their former territory.

Strong put a hoof to her chin and diappeared into her own head. She sighed in exsaperation over something and then nodded towards Liquid.

"You're right. It would just be foalish of us to dive if we can't guarantee our own safety," she said and looked over at Sweet. "You think so too, right Sweet?"

Sweet studied Strong's expression. Strong's expression told her nothing of what the pegasus thought but at least there was no dersive sneer on her features.

Sweet tap herself on the head and shook it.

"Yeah, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking sugguesting this. Are you brave enough to die? Ha, what kinda idiotic challange is this?" Sweet said in a laugh and the other two joined her in smiles.

Liquid exhaled the breath she had been holding. She had managed to evert another foolhearted contest between her friends.
Nice. Keep it up.
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Bit over 15k right now. Just barely managing to keep pace somehow as the character intros and data dumps are pretty much over and I have to think up convincing problems for solutions.
Rad dude. You're doing way better than me.
The month is almost over...
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I remember when I used to fail NNN because I trained my body to require nutting.
Nofap turned my life around, I didn't notice the start of NNN until friends started complaining to me about it.
Stay strong, brother. Nofap grants an inner strength and inner pride stronger than any urge to subcum to the cum.
It's the writing challenge fucks sake Anon
Well the word count is completely stagnant. So instead have some last minute pony and pony demands.

Cadence woke with a scream.
She remembered.
Mi Amore Cadenza, mother, wife, friend, princess and more. The pony princess of love.
More than a millennia of memories into a now very limited body with graspy claw- hands!
A human the new supplied.
No body came to see the young voice. After all that is common in Weimar for the right price.
Her heart and her cutiemark pulsed together. One invisible the other staining under the foreign pressure.
Fourteen years old, miraculously unused, except for her dignity.
And hands, and voice, and mane. A relatively underpriced order by telephone medicine girl kept locked up for their amusement. But that was long ago, almost too old now, yet her charms kept them coming.
Multiple wheelbarrels of these swindlers currency for barely a slice of bread.
She knew this place. Mere horror fiction series. Except it's real.
Her hearts hurt.
A sexual serial killer on the loose and that's the least of her concern.
She had to find a painter. No...
The series was a cascade of horribly saddly hilarious soul crushing series of events. Spreading the news without dying.
Shiny had a mind for strategies in dire times. Even in the tabletop games.
Longingly her hearts pulse.
A faint point awakens. Somepony familiar nearly a world away.
"My love."
She could imagine him even as a man embracing her despite the circumstances.
Then more points. Her little Flurry the brightest and nearest.
Twilly, Aunty Celestia, Aunty Luna and-
A long nosed gremlin managing the calls and her body, glares.
Closing the door still hating her existence seeing her up teary eyed.
Many familiar ponies.
Maybe this world of worse than death and horror can be over turned by love and friendship.
One hoof in front of the other.
i rubbed one out at the beginning of the month out of spite. it was funny the first time and i did it the second time i dont care anymore
does it count if I've written a fuckload as part of various school assignments?
This is what I wrote this month: https://ponepaste.org/6127

password: TwilightsAsshole

What do you think?