>>289907Good shit anon, have a bump
>>289907Also forgot to mention it also has some Self-Improvement stuff as well.
>>289957neat, did you come from /nsg/ or did you make this as an independent project?
>>289958I'm the guy you think is a glownigger on /nsg/. Also, hatebus.
>>289959oh ok cool
I have no issue entertaining friendly relations with the glownigger community
>>289961Also quick question, should I remove the Turner Diaries? People say it gets too edgy, that's why I removed SIEGE and some Charles Manson stuff.
>>289964Its your library. Keep the things you like or if this is suppose to be a natsoc ideology only library, keep the things that goes in line with that. I say.
>>289970It's supposed to be a General Library for anyone to use, I have my own, I just need more opinions on this one as I use it in Natsoc General threads.
>>289964I haven't read
The Turner Diaries, but I would remove it on the basis of it being fiction. I get the impression that we're presenting works to be a foundation for the ideology and philosophy of National Socialism, and including fiction may create an impression that the fundamentals of the ideology may be unsound.
>>289964never read any
I am not the guy you should ask about that
from what people who read siege have said though it is good and valuable
anyways the format is very good now, with the pastebin and the links, its clean, radable, orderly etc
>>289990Thanks, I've been updating it constantly, mostly removing things that drive people away.
Thanks Anon! Not a NatSoc but I agree with
>>289983. Dr. Pierce was very much out there and Hitler himself–who was fairly moderate and reconciled different factions within and outside the party–wouldn't have endorsed his positions.
>>290147Yeah, that's why I removed things like SIEGE and Charles Manson stuff, not formal at all and just seems psychotic.