>syriagenerals.wordpress.comSOUTHFRONT Channel deleted
>Latest interviews with Assad [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]>Live MAPShttps://globaleventmap.org>Fan maps MAPS
>SYRIA Aug 12>Libya July 17>Yemen Aug 23>Afghanistan Oct 22>Artsakh/Nagorno-Karbakh Oct 23 Oct 22
>#Azerbaijan takes complete control of border line with #Iran>reportedly Azeri forces just 10 Km away from Lachin Corridor threatening to cut off last main road that connects Armenia to Karabakh>American drone strike targeting a HTS commander meeting Jakara, northwest of Idlib. Death toll in the bombing is reportedly 15.>Russian airsrikes targeting & blowing up oil-related facilities & tankers in N. #Aleppo countryside. From Al-Bab to #Jarabulus.>Russian Navy Seen Escorting Iranian Tankers Bound for Syria>Houthi forces take control of Barqa Shara’a, Qaysayn, Baliq, Jaww al-Qaf and Huzmat Qurayshima, with battles raging at the western gate of Camp Al-Khanjar>>Houthi forces control Jabal Al-Shabaka and Al-Raqeeb, west of the camp>Over 100 Afghan security personnel killed and wounded in Taliban ambush attack in Takhar>Intra Afghan talks being held in Doha>China has taken over 1,000 sq. km of area in Ladakh from India. Corp Commander level meetings taking between two countries to resolve the situationPrevious:
>>272058 →
>>286157Thanks for the new bread and updates Pingu, and welcome back. We were beginning to think you’d coofed to death.
>The TFSA has tried to seize Khaldiyah a short time ago. This attack was repulsed by the SDF, killing several fighters and destroying a vehicle.>The Turkish army is now shelling Khaldiyah and Hoshan near Ayn Issa with artillery. [Embed];388098907;363570248;2070236;0;0;627381
>Approximately 2,000 fighters recently joined the ranks of various Tiger Force (25 div) units after completing their military training. [Embed] [Embed]What’s Iran planning? This comes right after Azerbaijan took control of the entire border with Iran.
Doc, your thoughts?
>>286195>IRGCBig (x) on that.
Probably just Artesh beefing up the border and securing Khodaafarin Dam so the azeris don't get any ideas.
>A ballistic missile targets a gathering of Hadi forces at Camp Ruwayk, and ambulances are rushing to the scene>drones and missile forces pounding the enemy camps in Marib, in conjunction with a ground operation during which dozens of sites in the Medghal axis were controlled [Embed]No sites have been announced but it seems the houthis are going all in, Mas soon inshali.
>>286195methinks they're just upping the border security to prevent the eventual spillover as to avoid what happened in tunisia during the libyan civil war
>>286195>>286228>Iran deploying heavy military equipment on its borders near Khoda Afarin & Jolfa [Embed]Yeppers, Iran really wants to keep that dam.
Azerbaijan may be a rival but Iran won't start a war in favour of Armenia against fellow shiites over some mountains.
>>286198>>286228>>286231That’s what I thought. Thanks for your answers lads.
>Houthi forces control a number of Hadi forces' sites in Melifuh, Al-Sadi and Abu Shada, east of Al-Nudd, on the Al-Alam front, north of MaribCan't find any of these (bad translations probably) besides Nudd/Nudhud and this front is too much of a ping pong game to be bothered, will wait for a mapper to show.>In the Al-Jadaan front in the northwest of Marib, the Houthi forces took control of a number of sites in Najd Al-Ataq and Khuyuza;448915314;156074342;0;0;95486;22939 [Embed]Red circle on pic.
>>286292Houthi reporter took a selfie in the area as proof.
Did some geolocating (disregard the obvious google earth warping on the mountain, it's 100% this spot) and pic is taken roughly 5km from the actual villages though so IMO the villages are still contested.;448963165;156034868;0;39680;505971;1653
>From the protest against France in Gharanij (SDF controlled DeZ) today [Embed]lmao
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Corrections: Corrected Washir District (Helmand) situation and Khanabad District (Kunduz) situation
Gains: ANA counterattack in Chah Anjir of Nad Ali District, and contest Bolan to the immediate west of Lashkargah. Taliban take Dehmazong on the Delaram-Nimruz highway. Taliban cut off the roads to Deh Rahwod DHQ in Uruzgan. In Qaysar of Faryab, Taliban sieze all the villages and lay a tight siege to the DHQ with the forces there threatening surrender if they do not get ANDSF reinforcements.
>>286339Yep, it was that base.
>>286339>Latest news says that between 200 militants have been killed and wounded #RuAF>A Faylaq official said they will respond to the attack. [Embed]>About 80 killed and 135 wounded.Numbers will rise [Embed]>He is saying that the Russian airstrikes resulted in 78 dead and 140 injured and the numbers might increase. [Embed]
France is officially canceled
>After Macron's statements , Muslims all over the world are boycotting French products. Kuwait already removed all French products from store and other countries are to follow.
>>286436what's on
So apparently IDF has been laying low and even vacated positions on the Lebanese border fearing a Hezzie retaliation for quite some time. [Embed]Interesting flag in an abandoned IDF border crossing base...
I figured IDF soldiers would be generally right (or even fascist) leaning or does it mean something else in hebrewland not related to anarcho-communism? It's probably just a gang of misinformed doofuses but something about jewish soldiers in Israel being allowed by their superiors to raise communist flags in the barracks make me wonder if there's some esoteric jew symbolism behind the flag...
>>286458>I figured IDF soldiers would be generally right (or even fascist) leaningconsidering conscription makes the bulk of it, you'd have people coming from all walks of life
it's not the same populations/mindsets between people voluntarily joining and people forcefully joining
>>286458also it could be the flag of said unit, i remember an isreali flag on pol commenting on how the ancom memeflag was the same as his (artillery) unit
>>286486>>286487Yeah makes sense, just late night low-IQ posting.
>NDF news: Former NDF Hama fighter Majd al-Shami is fighting in the ranks of ISIS and functions as the leader of the eastern Hama part of ISIS [Embed]>Rebels using a Turkish-provided M114 artillery piece to target SAA positions today [Embed]
>new quarantine in france and germany due to second wave that is announced as more deadly than the first one>Macron says that a vaccine is awaited for summer 2021 i'm right again
told you JJ that it would last far longer than what you expected and it would still be relevant in november and that the vaccine wont come in late 2020 and that there would be a second wave that would be more massive than the first one
and plenty more predictions that are still to happen
you thought my predictions came from a place of pessimism but it was coming from experience, theoretical knowledge and clinical experience
>tfw too tired of being right again
from the latest info I can find
>But Pfizer, which has been one of the most aggressive players in the vaccine race, had earlier predicted it would know by the end of September if its vaccine worked — an estimate that was later pushed back to late October. The company now projects that it could apply to the FDA for an emergency use authorization for the vaccine, which it is developing with BioNTech, in mid-November.>Asked Wednesday about when he expects the FDA will greenlight use of the first vaccines, Anthony Fauci moved the administration’s stated goalpost.“Could be January, could be later. We don’t know,”
Sure, freely admit October prediction was wrong
there were some significant pauses due to illnesses/side effects and seems that delayed that quite a bit.
kinda hopeful about Jan-Feb 2020 if all goes well without further pauses but maybe just wishful thinking? back in may or whenever it was they all sounded so sure about it y'know.
>French President Emmanuel Macron said Thursday the earliest a vaccine against the coronavirus can be expected is at the end of 2021.>"No one is telling me we'll be able to get a vaccine before winter '21,"Do you really think it will only be done at the end of 2021? that's disappointing af.
how longer can the global economy endure with such lockdowns?
here 2nd lockdown since few weeks too. although I think more relaxed than Germany/France which are total lockdowns.
but another year like that people are gonna lose their minds.
on the plus side mortality rate keeps going down, good job predicting the delays
have some sweets provided by the big guy himself.
>>286559>which has been one of the most aggressive players in the vaccine racepredicted again that the rushed vaccine would be unsafe and irrelevant since it'd be pulled out sanofi are the ones preparing the vaccine in france (french company)
>still kinda hopeful about Jan-Feb 2020 if all goes well it wont and i'm not being pessimistic, just realistic
btw russian "vaccine" sure works wonders>Do you really think it will only be done at the end of 2021? that's disappointing af.i already told you, "by the time the vaccine comes out, the disease will be irrelevant" my words, literally
>how longer can the global economy endure with such lockdowns?new lockdown allows (some) people to work, restaurants, disco, and bars are closed, non essential shops too
week end is total lockdown iirc and curfew all week from 21pm to 6 am
can't travel to another region of france and borders closed
>>286563>i already told you, "by the time the vaccine comes out, the disease will be irrelevant"In what way? the governments don't care about how non deadly it is they're still mandating lockdowns until the vacc is ready.
so in that sense it will still be relevant.
>new lockdown allows (some) people to work, restaurants, disco, and bars are closed, non essential shops toosounds similar to here minus the curfew part
>>286565>In what way?either because the majority of vulnerable people (ie people that necessitate hospitalization due to severe life threatening symptoms, not your average joe) are either dead or immune (which i doubt it'll ever happen because this virus (as every highly contagious disease) is showing influenza like mutation pattern, ie the more it's spread, the more likely for a new strain to appear which can still infect people immune to the old strain)(plus there has been proven second infection by people who already contracted the disease (unconfirmed if same strain or not because we don't test for strains))
or because the virus will have so many mutations that it'll be considered ineradicable and considered as an endemic disease like the flu, to which point any attempt to the >the cure will be worthless because there'd be so many mutations
> the governments don't care about how non deadly it is they're still mandating lockdowns until the vacc is's not about how undeadly it is, it's about hospitals reaching max capacity when they're already dedicated to fighting new covid cases
no president want to be known as the huy who ordered the elderly to be left to die on the sidewalk so they push for more lockdown
but also no president wants to be known as the guy who destroyed the economy so they wont go for hard lockdown which will be ineffective, still destroy the economy (non essential businesses being out of a job) and still make hospitals reach max capacity and still piss off people
so it'll be a blunder and they'll either be forced to pretend that the covid is over and thus make the whole quarantine obsolete or pursue harsh quarantines until they get Kaddafi style riots and end up replaced with someone who'll make the whole quarantine obsolete
and by that time no vaccine that can eradicate all strains of covid will exist so it'll always be "b-but wait for the next vaccine, after that it'll all go to normal"
don't know if i made myself clear
either way i'm already planning to leave this shitty country in a couple of years
preferably for a country that isn't run by such retards
>so in that sense it will still be relevant.not as in quarantine and freedom restriction and small businesses restriction relevant, it'll be like having a "rocket attack in israel and getting bibi's message on your phone to reach for shelter" tier relevant
>>286566That was actually a really good concise explanation.
heard about the diff. strains stuff. sounds like a real headache trying to chase each mutation with a targeted vaccine.
fucking chinks man.
>either way i'm already planning to leave this shitty country in a couple of yearswhere to? go a shortlist yet?
also is France going to civil war anytime soon with all the beheadings and macron-erdogan shenanigans?
> it'll be like having a "rocket attack in israel and getting bibi's message on your phone to reach for shelter" tier relevantkek
yeah I guess in the end it will just be the new reality that people has to get used to
>>286567>where to?don't know for sure yet maybe malta (just kidding... unless)
>go a shortlist yet? eh yes and no
preferably a muslim country but i don't mind going to latin america (argentina, uruguay seem chill)
>also is France going to civil war anytime soon with all the beheadings and macron-erdogan shenanigans? nah, political sabre rattling to act like a strong leader to hide macron's inefficiencies and shortcoming, more people are getting killed and raped every year in non terrorist related incidents and it doesn't make the news, just because the media is overblowing it doesn't mean it's a real issue (it's just a tiny fraction and more terrorist attack happened in the 70's and 80s (far right and far left movement) and 90's (islamist group from the algerian "civil war" that seeped through to france)
if anything you're more likely to see a revolution against the government due to covid restrictions than a civil war
>>286568>(just kidding... unless)Kek. actually since then I've done further due diligence on Malta and I'm less excited about it then before. seems like it has ton of issues with noise, roads/transportation (since it's so tiny) and real estate prices skyrocketing. So I'm on the lookout for another exotic place to escape to when the time comes.
>if anything you're more likely to see a revolution against the government due to covid restrictions than a civil warYeah I thought about too. if no vaccine till end of 2021 and quarantine still in place things will get wild.
>tfw macron get's Gaddafi'd
>>286571>has ton of issues with noise, roads/transportation (since it's so tiny) and real estate pricesthese are city problems, no maltese problems
look for countryside where some old boomers are willing to sell their old cottage since their childrne have moved to the city
>>286574Yeah, but specifically over there there's only one main road that is congested 24/7. and since the island is so small there's nowhere to park or even cycle around safely.
And about the noise, apparently in malta they have a weird tradition where they blow up petards (very loud firecrackers/fireworks) for hours and hours during the day. and because the houses are made of archaic stone there's no insulation whatsoever.
[YouTube] Petards Beraq Birzebbugia Malta 2014
[Embed]>Consider this: a jet fighter generates a sonic boom rated at a minimum of 140dB across a ground level coverage of 1.6 kilometres. A Maltese petard has a rating of 136.7dB with a footprint of 350 metres beneath it. A sonic boom may happen once; a continual barrage of petard blasts in Malta delivers these sonic booms at this decibel level for hour after hour, festa after festa, at night and on Sundays.Every expat blog and anecdote I've read mention it as the most annoying thing ever.
hate to link plebbit but:
>Noise: This is probably the single biggest complaint I have about the island. Everything here is stone, there is no acoustic absorption so you hear everything. Construction everywhere, tires squealing, loud exhausts, church bells and petards. Whatever you think loud is, you don't know until you've lived here. People don't generally care about how much noise they make either. Also bread trucks and the gas trucks blowing their loud ass horns at 7am can be fun. combined with all the other issues it has.. my enthusiasm pretty much died down for it as a prospect.
>>286579>there's only one main road that is congested 24/7>they blow up petards (very loud firecrackers/fireworks) for hours and hours during the daysounds like israel :^)
at least you'll feel just like home
>>286581>sounds like israel :^)>at least you'll feel just like homekek yes pretty much.
judging by the videos it's as loud as iron dome.
imagine hearing this from sunrise to late night. how do they live like that is beyond me.
Anyway thinking about other locations in Southern Europe but turned off from having to learn Spanish/Italian/Greek or something. Latin America doesn't really too good either 2bh. had neighbors that came from from Argentina last year telling me the economic situation is beyond disastrous (and that was pre covid).
>>286582so what's left?
western europe?
>>286584guess it depends on how the next few decades turn out and how much Eurabia is going to change
either way probably gonna have to learn another language
spanish should be real easy from what I can gather
et vous? parlez-vous d'autres langues que le français?
>>286587yeah 5 (fr ar en es de) and started a 6th (russian) but i'm on pause now as i don't have much time to dedicate
>>286589>yeah 5 (fr ar en es de) and started a 6th (russian)daang, very impressive
well you've got plenty of options to consider.. can settle in most of europe and beyond. pretty dope.
>>286592>can settle in most of europe and beyondyou can do that with just arabic :^)
>>286599but foir real tho
i had a friend from here, who didn't speak dutch, be able to order in McDonald in arabic in netherland when he saw the waiter being maghrebi
>>286600pretty convenient ngl
and with more emigration it will get even more common
Man, SDF-controlled Euphrates region is a mess. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]Haven't seen anything like this in SAA-controlled territory during the anti-Macron protests, not even in the Euphrates region.
Idlib is classy too, not that anyone could claim to be surprised. [Embed]
>A number of individuals released from SDF prisons have arrived in Mayadin according to local NDF>Seems like most NDF near the Euphrates are unaware of people getting released from prison. Many are very surprised [Embed]
>>286559Medfag here. For the record, it is normal for vaccines to take a long time to develop. There's a lot of shit at play and the FDA does not fuck around. A company like Pfizer could go bankrupt if they released an unsafe vaccine, and would seriously hurt if they released an ineffective one. I predicted about a 12 month timeline back when things were just kicking off, and I think that that will be more or less accurate (so a vaccine by around February/March)
Morek roach nest is completely gone.
>According to some Syrian sources, a French government delegation will visit Damascus in the coming days. [Embed]Macaroniman further antagonizing the eternal roach? Neat.
>>286835>A company like Pfizer could go bankrupt if they released an unsafe vaccine,you clearly don't know the industry
>>286870Is it true that they have some kind of "medical immunity" law that says companies and doctors can't be sued for the damage their vaccines cause?
>>286883no or at least not where i'm from, they just have a big rainy day fund ( that they fund from their massive margins on the meds they sell) to tap into in case shit hits the fan
you can't take them down with a lawsuit, not even big ones where they legit fucked up to cut corners and save some money(see Mediator lawsuit in france)
>>286883There is such a law in the states however
>Ansar Allah heavy attack to Maas base from three axes continues. Ansar Allah has liberated Manama, Sabari and Saghiran, outskirts of Maas base^only source reporting this and even though Sabari and Saghiran are present on databases there's nothing reminiscent of villages in that region besides a house here and there for kilomemes.
Feels iffy.
>The Turks begin to dismantle the besieged observation point No. 10 (Sher Magher). [Embed]
Send your energy to Bidenbro, he's gonna need it
Seems like zognald sure shit the bed with his meme presidency
Should have ACTUALLY built the wall instead of playing golf
we'll see how it affects syria and israel
at least you will be able to afford tomatoes now and that makes me happy
>>287326>and that makes me happy
>>287326but you wont anymore tho
obama 2.0 inbound
dis gon be good
Kabbalah Haaretz as President will be so damn fun. I was planning on celebrating regardless of what happened but this election Jewing would have only been toped by a tie. There are so many civic nationalists to laugh at and so little time to do so.
>>287331he seems more moderate than obama
more like a republican-lite to try to avoid another 2016 blunder
>>287337He is but he's also deteriorating before our eyes
might not even make it to Jan
Kamala's gonna be in charge
don't know much about her desu, I know little about the current situation in Ethiopia but stuff is happening apparently. This is actually really going to hit the fan if it gets bad, Egypt has been looking for a reason to jump in for ages and it's possible this was the gambit the Tigrayan are making.
>>286948>News of the Houthi forces taking control of the Mas camp [Embed]Please be real this time...
>american politics [Embed]trump has really made america the laughing stock of the world
and that's the first time i genuinely say it since his election
>>287541On one hand, there's the raised hand at the end.
Specifically holding a service for African angels, and not from other places that's... unless it's about sending the 'brethren' back it's better to ask the local American, State, Town, ect or European angels.
On the other there wasn't a banishment, no clearing the area the optics were poor.
Pros for not messing up the chant too badly and the glasses didn't fall off, Cons for probably and covertly summoning israel's 'angels'. Poor optics, not directly calling each by name, a truly ambiguous goal. Better clothing choice would have better. Could have done something useful. Also wtf is with that fucking chant a custom by the hip bullshit isn't ideal for getting aid.
Good news is I now know I can have a new job opportunity to be a presidential spiritual forces specialist.
Cause if that person can be a spiritual advisor, I could actually hold a job as the token resident crazy magic man.
>>287541[YouTube] Data & Picard
[Embed]>tfw music by POGO is more coherentSo the chick is apparently a televangelist that also lives in Trump tower.
In anycase it's a means to gather the african support so they don't chimpout or something. Poorly thought out, but at least it's somewhat amusing.
>>286726>A bunch of people have arrived north of al-Bukamal released from SDF camps/prisons. Very chaotic situation because no one was prepared for this situation on the government side [Embed]
Current information seems to suggest that war is totally fucking happening in Ethiopia, in other words prepare for infinity refugees. Reports of all kinds of stuff happening, I still would place some of my internet clout points on Egypt dick swinging themselves in to fuck the dam.
>>287568I'm still impressed by how good that music video looks, but its distracting when in every second shot it looks like Data has entered the damn shadow realm or something.
>>287593>Armed groups from the Raghwan tribes set up checkpoints at dawn today to confiscate the looted weapon by the seventh military region soldiers withdrawing from the fronts of Medghal and Camp Mas [Embed] whether these tribals are pro or anti-Houthi, probably anti-Houthi wanting the weaponry to fight against the houthis.
It's clear though that Mas camp is close to being captured.
Ay familia anyone can find any info of cunny-lover uncle Joe and his stance on Ayyy-ran 'n other MENA countries?
>tfw orange man is still coping
Soleimani must enjoy this shitshow from above.
>>287834>from abovekhommo khomenoid begone>Denmark has found 214 people infected with mink-related coronavirus: State Serum Institute>Outbreaks have been reported in fur farms in the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Sweden and the US, and millions of animals have had to be culled.called it again JJ, no vaccine will end this cycle
>>287836Wallah Doctor, do not shame (formerly) Living Martyr of the Revolution.
We all go to jahannam anyways.
>>287840>The latest news from AstraZeneca, the UK-based company whose coronavirus vaccine is currently in an advanced stage of testing, is that the product could be widely distributed by the end of March 2021.
>>287846>bro we got the cure bro, j-just trust meas i said in march "i'll believe it when i see it"
it's official now
biden won
>>287973But Trump is still doing presidential things, check mate libtard.
>And just as Biden declared victory #IEA posted video of column of new trainees from Zubair Ibn al-Awwam camp. You can guess what's the message. So the things will be back like they use to in #Afghanistan [Embed]
>>287973And it was official at this point in November of 2000 that Al Gore won, before a recount and a Republican Supreme Court made George Bush president. If you think the internal political situation of the U.S. is more concrete and stable than that of Israel, Sweden or Belgium after their respective recent elections, you’re fooling yourself.
>>288010i'd like to see it but i highly doubt the SC can bridge that much of a gap in EC
>>288017>it's all part of the plan>trump is playing them all>calm down>sit back and enjoy the show>two more weeks>Fight! Fight! Fight!>WWG1WGA
>>288015It can if there’s proof of voter fraud in favor of Biden.
>Inb4 Trump putsch and accelerated civil warNot gonna happen though.
Oh and no refunds mr.Zion-Don. ;^)
Reports coming from the Mas camp battle indicate the Houthis control the junction on the N5 Road leading to the camp (by the looks of it, the pro-Hadi forces has retreated from everything south/west of the road).
Furthermore, the houthis are trying to advance into populated area of Raghwan district to completely encircle the base, some sources are speculating that Raghwan district will fall before the camp. [Embed]
>>288206Just as i post, i see Ali has uploaded a map confirming the N5 Road/Mas junction is at least contested but nonsensically claiming the Hadists still control areas south of the junction despite the area effectively being besieged... eh, it will be red soon enough.
migatards are the new 41%
>Lots of drama tonight in Shamarin, north of al Bab, as apparently a man from Ahrar al Sham gave a shoutout to Bashar al Assad during a wedding party. Jaysh al Islam stormed the wedding upon hearing this and stopped the whole event>Jaysh al Islam is PISSED. They have destroyed all the microphones at the party, all the instruments at the party, and have arrested the man who saluted Assad. [Embed]
>Dolan unfollowed Bibi & AIPAC
Damn how will Israel ever recover?
LMAOing @ france rn
rival gangs fighting in the streets with firework
[YouTube] Paris : à Belleville, des affrontements à coups de tirs de mortier terrorisent les habitants
[Embed]glad guns aren't as readily available as in shartistan
>>288363The Russian garrison in Armenia are for some reason bringing GRAD launchers to the border area where the heli was shot down. [Embed]It's a nothingburger though since this is the border with the Azeri enclave west of Armenia, not Nagorno-Karabagh.
>>288407apparently armenia surrenders [Embed]they really got annihilated blitzkrieg style by the modernized azeri army
and israel is a lot to be thanked for that victory>based JJ paying taxes to further REIS™ Erdogan agenda in the caucasus
>>288356per rotter he never followed them in the first place
fake n(j)ews
>>288411as long as they keep buying weapons from us it's all good my nibba
>>288416the only reason i can see why israel took this side is to
1 help bolster turkey's presence in the area to counter iranian influence
2 help azerbaijan expansion and regional strength to apply more pressure on iran (and hopefully use them to destabilize iran by using azeri diaspora as proxy in iran)
did i miss another reason?
also what do the average israeli thinks of biden's potential presidency?
considering his advisor will be old school neocons it seems to me he'll put more pressure on iran and syria than trump ever could
>>288418>1 help bolster turkey's presence in the area to counter iranian influencenope, turkey sided with Iran and no one here trusts them.
>help azerbaijan expansion and regional strength to apply more pressure on iranmaybe in hopes they'd give us a drone/missile base which will allow a strike on iran (without flying over saudi and being detected)
>did i miss another reason?the biggest one
>A significant portion of the oil consumed by Israel (an estimated 65 percent) is imported from Azerbaijan or by way of Azerbaijan through the Baku-Tbilsi-Ceyhan (BTC) major oil export pipeline>also what do the average israeli thinks of biden's potential presidency?Very pessimistic. basically obama 2.0.
>considering his advisor will be old school neocons it seems to me he'll put more pressure on iran and syria than trump ever couldlmao that's bs and you know it. he already said he wants to resign the og deal which iran will be happy to take in exchange of dropping sanctions.
I expect another $150B helicopter rides straight to iran soon.
>>288423>the biggest one>oilah yes i forgot, thanks
>lmao that's bs and you know itdon't know man, dick cheney took down iraq when it was the number 1 threat for you back then, sure he'll gladly oblige some warring with iran to justify pouring trillions to the MIC
>Quick map: Azerbaijani control in southern Karabakh as is. Kelbajar district should be delivered before 15th November, Agdam dst before 20th November, Lachin dst before 1st December, road from Khankedi/Stepanakert to Armenia - under Russians,+Russians at LoC between Az and Am
Unbelievable, Pashinyan dun goof'd big time.
>>288426>ayoo let me antagonize my only potential ally (russia) by allowing color revolution to put a pro NATO puppet and cut all bridges with russia>pls putin helpnow their streets look like Argentina's streets after getting BTFO in the Falkland's
>>288424>sure he'll gladly oblige some warring with iran to justify pouring trillions to the MICcome on now
one old guy isn't gonna have much influence. for every cheney there's 10 progressive AOC's.
biden will another obama if not worse, just look at how happy Iranian leaders were after the election results.
>Biden has signalled he is ready to rejoin the landmark nuclear agreement struck in 2015 during his time as vice president under Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama.>Biden calls for easing of sanctions on Iran due to coronavirus pandemic to mention payback for all of Bibi's blatant trump support
Likud officials worry Biden victory could damage Netanyahu, Israel’s UN standing Democratic Adviser responds to Foreign Minister Ashkenazi's tweet: "You gambled on the wrong group" [Embed]Palestinians Hope Biden Would Roll Back Trump's Embrace of Israel Authority adviser Nabil Shaath on Biden's victory: There was nothing worse than the Trump era and getting rid of it is an achievement [Embed]Rouhani: Biden has a chance to make up for the Trump administration's mistakes regarding Iran Foreign Minister in a message to the Gulf states: Trump is leaving, ready for dialogue,7340,L-5842825,00.htmlKamala Harris, Joe Biden's deputy in an interview with Al Arabia Channel: The Biden administration will cancel steps taken by the Trump administration regarding the Palestinians, we are committed to a two-state solution and against the annexation and expansion of the settlements. We will return economic aid to the PA, reopen the PLO offices in Washington and open the US Consulate in East Jerusalem. [Embed]and so on and on..
the whole
>biden will go to war with iran guiseis a retarded 4ch /pol/ meme bruh.
>>288206>>288207The houthis are making gains in Raghwan district, multiple villages and hamlets being reported as captured.
They're advancing from south and north so i can't see the district lasting much longer.
>>288428>biden will go to war with iran guise>is a retarded 4ch /pol/ meme bruh.Don't be so quick to rule this out, if war with Iran was planned it doesn't really matter which retarded sock puppet is in office.
>Trump administration just gave Congress formal notification for a massive arms transfer to the United Arab Emirates: 50 F-35s, 18 MQ-9 Reapers with munitions; a $10 billion munitions package including thousands of Mk 82 dumb bombs, guided bombs, missiles & more, per source [Embed]
>Update on Turkish observation posts and military bases >Withdrawal of Maar Hattat is underway and close to completion >Withdrawal of Shir Maghar is reportedly complete and the SAA is expected to enter shortly >Withdrawal of Qabtan al-Jabal, (west Aleppo) has just begun>"Qabtan al-Jabal" and "Sheikh Aqil" refer to the same base, as the post is located between the two villages [Embed]Surman (east Idlib), Tal Touqan (east Idlib), al-Eis (south Aleppo) and Rashidin Sector (Aleppo city) bases left.
Maar Hattat base not visible on the maps besides earth barriers, likely due to being built so late.
>12. The morale of the troops was not very good, in some places it can be said that it was extremely bad. Exhausted by hemorrhoids, dysentery, and Covid. The army was on the front line for 43 days, and we did not have the opportunity to change, rest or heal - Arayik Harutyunyan [Embed]>exhausted by hemorrhoids
>>288428Fair enough but i think you're still overblowing the whole progressive angle after all these are just empty talks
The progressive branch of the dems is absolutely seething at biden's election because they know he's just an old school corporatist that is doing the bidding of lobbyists and will sideline hard all the blm/socialists
[YouTube] A Fight Breaks Out as Biden Supporters and BLM Clash in Madison, WI
[Embed] [Embed]Guess only time will tell
>>288474They sure will be asshurt some more now.
I have a big gut feeling now telling me that (and judging by reports of trump campaign being heavily indebted and seeing trump sell some assets) that his pretense that the election was rigged while not only failing to provide any proofs but also failing to bring any substantial evidence to the courts he's trying to seize, is only an attempt at delaying while he figure out his campaign debt problem but even he knows that he lost and there isn't much to do about it
just my gut feeling
>>288505I swear if the old gang gets back into power and they become friendly with Russia again after getting screwed like this Armenia may as well explode into civil war for all the good it would do. Iran intervention when?
>Breaking - Storming of Karak, #Daraa has just begun and violent clashes are underway between SAA 4th Division and revolutionary youth of the town - local sources [Embed]Video of the "revolutionary youth": [Embed]
>>288574>Residents of Karak repel the first attempt to storm the town. >The SAA had attempted to enter from the south, from the direction of Musayfrah.>Fighting continues at the southern entrance of Karak, and there are casualties. >The 4th Division is now also advancing at the northern and western entrance to the town. An estimated 400 soldiers and a dozen tanks are involved. [Embed];363077545;326304121;303840;0;0;585306;401687;892980;690078;528960;343322;11565
>>288584>Fighting between the SAA and the residents of Karak has ended after about an hour >A delegation from the 8th Brigade, V Corps entered the town to calm down tensions [Embed]
>Theory: 5th Corps 8th Brigade waited until clashes broke out in Karak to intervene in a bid to look like peacekeepers in the eyes of Russians and win locals over>They could have easily intervened much earlier, but they would then either force rebels to hand over wanted people and weapons or defend the rebels inside of Karak [Embed]
>>288462>if war with Iran was planned it doesn't really matter which retarded sock puppet is in office.If ZionDon didn't do it, I doubt the dems will. I know there's a lot of flak about them because of obama and libya, but they seemed to have learned from that and taken the appeasement route.
>>288478I can't see him finishing a full term. he's 78 and not looking great. by midterms (2022) I think he'll quit.
guess we'll see how he holds up soon.
>>288488he's obviously coping.
4ch is still in denial it's quite sad.
>>288725>because of obama and libyaand syria too
the dems started timber sycamore
wouldn't surprise me if color revolutions are back on the menu
>>288727>the dems started timber sycamoremeh
he called off the airstrikes and regime change after the first gassing when the planes were already in the air
I think he had a change of heart
now syria is off the table anyway with russia dug in so deep.
iran too with arms embargo off and massive weapon deals coming.
wouldn't worry too much about the shia axis 2bh.
>>288729guess we'll see then
>#American journalist #AustinTice was released today after #Trump admin negotiated his release with the #Syria #Assad govt. Not sure what #Syria got in exchange. He was picked from Bakka valley base. [Embed]Al-Tanf SOON fellow Assadists
Raghwan district soon, i reckon there'll be a tribal agreement.
Biden cant wait to fund more "moderate rebels" in Syria. Biden cant wait to pick up where Obama and Bush left off.
>>289489The moderate rebellion is finished in Syria, the factions left are strong enough to stop it from resurrecting and the only four factions left in charge are Iran/Assad, Russia/Assad, T*rkey/HTS and Burgerstan/SDF.
Continued support for the k*rds/SDF is to be expected but it has zero prospect of defeating Damascus and T*rkey's jihadi proxies has no chance to defeat Damascus, even if you poured billions of dollars to arm them.
They're far too much of a hot potato to publicly support and Biden is supposed to act tough against T*rkey anyways.
President Tr*mps policy in Syria displayed perfectly that Bibi considers the Baath regime too weak to wage an offensive war against Israel and it will probably remain that way even when Hafez al-Assad junior reigns supreme.
>al-Bayda: Medium-caliber clashes between Hadi and Al-Houthi forces in the Al-Masan and Al-Qara areas in the Nati district [Embed], i haven't been caring enough about the frontlines long enough to remember any battles in this district and i can't find the areas mentioned on any databases (not in my current state anyways).
Will be interesting to see where this is and who is the attacker, i can see how the houthis could benefit from controlling the main road going through this and Na'man district (strangling Abdiyah district).
Pro-Hadi troops could also launch an offensive to cut off the main-supply route to the Jubah front, but as things are looking the chance for a successful offensive (or in fact any kind of offensive) by the pro-Hadists to happen is extremely slim.
>The most prominent Sheikhs of Marib arrive in the capital Sana'a as he Houthi forces are getting closer to the city of Marib. [Embed]
>>289143Houthis are based
>The coalition warplanes target two groups of Hadi's forces that were on their way to reinforce the front east of the Maas camp, which led to the destruction of the two crews and the fall of martyrs and wounded [Embed]Based
The report, which has neither been confirmed by the US or Israel, but has been denied by Iran, was recently published. Allegedly, two assassin's gunned down Al-Qaeda's No2, Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah, known better as Abu Mohammed al-Masri, along with his daughter, in a drive-by shooting in Tehran on the 7th of August. This date was also the 22nd anniversary of the American Embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya, allegedly orchestrated by al-Masri. Al-Qaeda have not released any reports as of yet.
>>290098>AL-QAEDA'S 2ND-IN-COMMAND> IN IRANnot even reading that shit
>>290102>Sometime later, he was detained in Iran and placed under arrest. He was released by Iran in March 2015 alongside al-Qaeda leaders Saif al-Adel and Abu Khayr al-Masri, in exchange for an Iranian diplomat who was held in YemenStranger things have happened familia
Across the Kalbajar District, Armenian villagers have begun torching their homes ahead of Azerbaijani forces moving into the region, set to occur today on the 15th of November. A fear of genocide has prompted an Armenian exodus of the region, as villagers burn their homes to leave nothing for the region's new occupants. The Kalbajar District is the first area of Artsakh to be returned peacefully to Azerbaijani control, per a controversial agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
In response to the Polisario Front-led Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic setting up roadblocks within their zone of control between Morocco's 'Southern Provinces' and Mauritania, stopping ~200 Moroccan trucks from crossing the border, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces launched an operation to seize Guerguerat and its surrounding regions. Despite being a small village, Guerguerat is among the SADR's most vital parts, as it is the only way the fledgling state can exert pressure on Morocco due to the control it gives of the Mauritanian border, allowing the SADR to block Moroccan exports. Additionally, it is also the only area the SADR control with access to the sea, with an extrememly minor port to the south.
The Polisario Front, based in the Algerian city of Tindouf announced an end to the nearly three decade ceasefire, and the immediate commencement of attacks across Moroccan positions throughout the entire Western Sahara. Morocco has yet to confirm or deny any Polisario retaliations.
Morocco seized the region within a day, with no casualties or injuries.
>>>290119> the link, I'm a little rusty.
God, imagine if Trump actually does the bit and runs again in the next cycle. I thought /pol/ would be usable again by 2024 at the latest but the way things are going i'll be dead before I can make my rightful aliyah.
#Syria’s Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, #WalidAlMuallem, has died, state TV reported early on Monday. [Embed]
FNR: The Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) has escalated the recent crisis in Ethiopia, by firing several rockets at Eritrea's capital Asmara. The attack was launched after the TPLF's leader, Debretsion Gebremichael, announced Federal Ethiopian forces had invaded the Tigray Region in conjunction with Eritrea. Gebremichael alleged 16 Eritrean divisions are actively assisting in the Federal Ethiopian operation.
The conflict, which since its start in early November, has been escalating over the weeks, spilling over Tigray's Regional borders, and now international borders, with many believing a wider regional war is not eminent.
The TPLF, once the leading party of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, the coalition which ruled Ethiopia from 1989 until 2018, has now become the greatest obstacle to Ethiopian PM's Ahmed Abiy's policies. The PM has accused Tigray officials of repeatedly undermining federal orders, and has declared Tigray's September election to be illegal. Ethiopia's rapproachment with Eritrea under PM Abiy was poorly received in the Tigray Region, as conflict with Eritrea remained in the recent memory of many. Ethnic violence has also been reignited across Ethiopia, with Tigrayans in neighbouring regions being attacked after a recent massacre of Amhara in Tigray.
> General/ when?
>>290459If this gets bad how many Africans can we expect to flood Europe?
>>290520> Population: 109,224,414Basically this would only be topped by a potential second Biafra shitstorm.
>>290520>>290542>>290589Plus with Ethiopia destabilising, and the conflict already spilling over into Eritrea, and massacres along the Sudanese border where many refugees are heading, its likely the entire region can fall even deeper in the shit.
Sudan is only slowly stabilising, with the recent peace deal between most members of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front, significantly de-escalating the Darfur, Blue Nile, and South Kordofan conflicts; and South Sudan's national unity government could potentially buckle; not to mention Somalis in Ogaden, with the Ogaden Liberation Front announcing a condemnation of their region's president supporting the federal government.
The UAE has allegedly gotten involved, with their assets based in Assab, Eritrea being utilised. Russia is planning on building a new base in Sudan too, and Turkey already has a 99yr lease on a Sudanese port. Suakhin, with many alleging they plan to establish a base, although Turkey denies this.
Here's a good article about foreign bases in the Red Sea.
>Kataib Hezbollah intelligence infiltrate the US embassy, Iraq
The Saudis have opened their border crossing with Iraq and Syrian commercial trucks are allowed entry into the KSA.
>Turkistan Islamic Party using 125mm gun from T72 as howitzer Idlib
TIP are the real jankmasters of Idlib.
>Testing of combined 5th Corps and 25th Division/Tiger Forces artillery hitting al-Barah [Embed]>Militants claim that about 60 rockets hit Bara in Southern Idlib [Embed]>Suheil al-Hassan spending more and more time in Hama supervising the rebuild of the 25th Division [Embed]
>>291106> rebuild of the 25th DivisionDid we ever learn how much they lost during the last offensive?
>>291298Not that i know of.
More Saudi coalition equipment leaving Tadawin camp in Marib following the loss of Mas. [Embed]
>>291473>The Houthi forces are advancing in the axis of Al-Jadafir and Adwan, amid violent clashes from the early hours of this morning until the writing of the news and the intense flight of coalition aircraft. [Embed]
>>291473Get a load of this baller in Marib blasting pro-houthi music whilst filming the convoy from his fur clad dashboard [Embed]
Fucking heebs>3 killed after Syria air defenses repel ‘Israeli aggression’ over Damascus, Tel Aviv says it retaliated
Stuff arriving to the Idlib front
Zulfiqar Regiment in what looks to be around Jabal Shahshbo/Kafr Nabl.
>>291106Suheil in his gazelle visited some sort of TF gathering with tons of technicals near the front [Embed]
Shiny construction vehicle aid donation
>Arrival of Suhail Al-Hassan yesterday to the headquarters of the eastern Aleppo region in the village of Al-Ja`abat in the town of Maskanah (Al-Thawra Sugar Factory) to prepare for a large-scale operation to comb the Badia [Embed] it will have a better result than last time...
Why is any of this Americas problem? Let Israel fight their own wars.
>>290263How are leftist soros backed communists Trumps people? They hate trump you are trolling right? [Embed]U.S. B-52 bombers from Minot AFB, N.D. deploy on ‘short-notice’ to Middle East Saturday for first time in months and days after U.S. announced it was pulling forces from Afghanistan and Iraq
It looks increasingly that Zion Don is going to get his last wish.
>>291871Quite comfortable looking. I want one of each to keep my back yard clean.
>>291988There has never been a "two party system" in the JewS. Both republicucks and democraps follow the same kike masters. The only 'difference' (if it can even be called that) between their ideo-illogical methods is how they go about continuing their efforts at suppression, indoctrination, and slavery. A good example of this is what happened to the Dixiecrats: at the time nearly all repukes and demorats switched parties leaving only a handful of regions held by the previous democrats and republicans. Those that changed found it (((convenient))) to modify their image. What happened to the Dixiecrats? They were betrayed by (((both sides))), those regions lost all economic impetus and/or influence, eventually declining into... well, fucking nothing.
>>292028B-52's aren't a threat to nations with long range AA. I guess they're upping the air support for their puppets in Afghanistan (or well, threatening to at least) once the Taliban takes advantage of the pullout.
Dope ass Hezbollah ATGM shot during the battle to remove HTS/ISIS in the Qalamoun mountain on the border between Syria and Lebanon. [Embed]
>Houthi forces knock on the doors of the center of the Ragwan District (Asdas), and the pioneers of their brigades arrived at the house of Ibn Ateeq [Embed] reports from Marib city, houthi ballistic missile strike on military base and people in the city shouting the houthi slogan.
>>292265It was just one storage tank.
>>288473>The Turks have started to dismantle their observation point at al-Rashideen #Aleppo>- Al Mayadeen corespondent [Embed]
>Idlib, Syria, March 6, 2020. three destroyed m60's and an ACV near Kansafra in Jabal Zawiya
ayo hol up, i can't remember anything this severe being reported in Jabal Zawiya back then
All i remember was RuAF bombing the town. how could they keep this from being published for so long lel
>Saudi Arabia at these moments withdraws part of its forces present in Camp Tadawan in Ma'rib [Embed]Noice
[YouTube] Israel strikes Syria, a sign of post-Trump stance
[Embed]>Israel strikes Syria, a sign of post-Trump stance>b-b-but israel is finished now that trump lostJJ really thought that
>alleged pictures of the bridge near Muhambal that was blown up last night resulting in the road (M4) being cut offAlso saw it described as the "al-Nahl" bridge, so im guessing it's this:;364645484;357880389;2105;3644;4680;1316;2494;0;0;2284;0;2306;1944;3535Supposedly there was supposed to be a Tr-Rus patrol on it today, so observers are theorizing that it was blown up prematurely.
Also, Norway anon if you're reading this (and you're still here) can you get those panorama pics you used to do like 2 years back?
>>292556Sure. What video do you want me to process?
>>292558I ment, could you post those you've made before?
I don't remember what year it was, trying to go through archive.
>>292559Will do. I just have to find them again.
>>292559Hopefully this was all of them (posting in bulks of related - or folders I had them in)
>>292559>>292565Had a few other versions of same images (and parts pre stitch), but thing this was all the complete images. Let me know if you remember some I didn't post.
>>292565Those one!
Thanks a lot man!
Also, when we were doing this? Late 2017?
Fucking hell. time flies.
>>292568Those last images I got an creation date of 09. August 2017. Time flies indeed.
>>292570How are your lungs after the coof, Doc?
>>292577good as they previously were as far as i'm concerned
What's the status on rejoining the country as one again a new constitution? I can't find anything on Google.
Oh and scratch my first find (altough it also might be something)
Those Jaish Al-Izza fuckers actually hid just right by turkish border.
So, Norway our 3 year long search will SOON conclude, God willing.
>>292607>guys looks at these pictures of this camp that we've been searching for the past 3 years>guys we found it>oh no just wait 2 more weeks it's going to happen soonyou're literally the Q of finding training camp
>>292608Confirmed this time Doc.
Had a little autism session with a friend. 99% the place is right.
>>292610>t-trust the plan
>>292611>>292610i'm just kidding of course (but it's still hilarious tho)
>>292612Well we'll see if anything come out of it.
And hey, gotta do somethin while neeting my ass to the end of the year. Job perspectives are really shitty rn. Even with my trait.
>>292613> Job perspectives are really shitty rnfor having been worked out non stop after the end of spring quarantine i can guarantee you that you neets have it very good
this job is really starting to wear me down
>>292607>So, Norway our 3 year long search will SOON conclude, God willing.Sounds good. Would be nice to have Ivan drop a Syriana themed bomb.
>>292447>>b-b-but israel is finished now that trump lostWhat? memestrikes will continue in biden era
it's not like they make any difference anyway
>>292680>What? memestrikes will continue in biden erathen what wont? the green light to annex some meme village in WB?
ultimately it doesn't seem like trump did or could have done much for israel to begin with and biden seems to be the status quo candidate
>>292681recognition for golan heights annexation for one
Jerusalem embassy as well
won't be surprised if biden backtracks on both
not the end of the world but back to obama tier policies.
btw for the memestrikes it's more about russia than usa
>The Russian vaccine will not be distributed in Israel, but will be purchased with the aim of strengthening relations with Moscow Israel will pay tens of millions of shekels for it>Netanyahu wants to purchase the vaccine, among other things, in light of activity in the Syrian sector. Israel's ability to operate in the region is conditional on obtaining a permit from President Putin, and Jerusalem does not want to harm an alliance with Russia - even at the cost of purchasing a vaccine worth tens of millions of dollars that will not be used.absolute state
>>292682>recognition for golan heights annexation for oneyou had it for decades and zoggy couldn't be arsed to recognize it no matter how hard bibi tried to pander to him
it wasn't meant to be
>Jerusalem embassy as wellso what? what does it really changes for israel in itself, some recognition that the average citizen of both countries wont notice?
>will be purchased with the aim of strengthening relations with Moscowdoesn't seem like buying is the right term, more like protection money
thought you jews were good at jewing other people
turns out jewtin outjewed you all
>>292684>you had it for decades and zoggy couldn't be arsed to recognize it no matter how hard bibi tried to pander to himwhat???
he literally did>so what? what does it really changes for israel in itselfnothing really, it's symbolic
>more like protection moneyyep exactly. the Bedouins here do it to all business's btw.
>turns out jewtin outjewed you allYeah were outjewed by everyone currently
hamas gets $40 million every month to keep things quiet too
putin gets what whatever he wants
jews who pray at temple mount gets arrested
we're cucked beyond belief.
>>292685>he literally didoh yeah my bad i confused it with the plan to annex some WB sector that got scrapped for the UAE deal
honestly i doubt biden will go out of his way to reverse anything
>the Bedouins here do it to all business's btw.i thought they just hanged in the countryside mainly
you're telling me they're running mafias in the cities and mossad can't do shit about it?
>jews who pray at temple mount gets arrested quick run down
>inb4 it's fines for people breaking covid restrictions>we're cucked beyond belief.tbf this happened during trump term so i don't think it's fair to paint him as the savior of israel and that israel will be finished if this magical savior goes away
israel's problem are deeper than just the presence or absence of Zion Don
>>292686>honestly i doubt biden will go out of his way to reverse anythingguess it depends on things he'll demand from us in exchange of not reversing it. like more settlements in WB he will surely undo it to send a message.
>you're telling me they're running mafias in the cities and mossad can't do shit about it?Yep, especially in the North and South. they take ransom from various buisiness'.. building companies and such. if you don't pay shit gets burned.
the police doesn't dare to mess with them or do anything.
it's very well known phenomenon on industrial scale here and they basically get away it. pics related.
>quick run down>inb4 it's fines for people breaking covid restrictionsno that shit started long before.
temple mount is under wakf jurisdiction it's illegal for jews to pray there
>tbf this happened during trump term so i don't think it's fair to paint him as the savior of israelOh I know. Bibi and likud are just cucks. they don't really have the balls to do anything even with pro-Israeli president ever. Status quo is more important to them than anything else in order to avoid wide scale intifadas and riots.
>>292686>>292687here's a few from before covid
religious jews go there to pray knowing they'll get arrested cause they wanna cancel the Wakf jurisdiction.
>>292687>if you don't pay shit gets burned.>the police doesn't dare to mess with them or do anything.this is new information for me
and here i thought jews were in control of at least their own country
you're telling me the people who cucked the majority of the palestinian population into a cuckshed tier territory (where they can't even own their own borders), who cucked the lebanese out of their airspace, who cucked syrians out of their territory, who cucked iraqi out of their nuclear reactor, who kill nuclear scientist in Iran are being the bitches of low caste arabs larping as some hollywood tier italian mob and nobody in the government can do shit about it
these bedouins are doing more to disrupt israel than the combined effort of hezbollah, IRGC and Hamas
if this was a book, the editor wouldn't allow me to publish it for the horrendous plot hole
well, when you put it like that..
The Bedouins here are on another level. they feel like the own the land and they act like it. I don't know if you've ever met a real desert Bedouin but I can tell you they're nothing alike the "docile" city-arab-israelis/palestinians. they make them all look like wusses in comparison. they don't give a fuck about anything.
in the negev they build wherever they want without permissions and the police just runs away (pic related from few days ago).
here's a vid of them attacking an IDF vehicle
[YouTube] תיעוד: כוח צה"ל מותקף בידי בדואים בדרום הארץ
[Embed]>a documentation was published in which an IDF jeep was seen surrounded by jeeps of Bedouins, who prevented it from traveling safely and tried to get it off the road. Who stole weapons from a base in the south.They basically do as they will and no one dares to stop them.
The Arabs from WB are far more reasonable in comparison.
pretty sad state of affairs yeah I agree.
>>292692>in the negev they build wherever they want without permissionstbf it's an empty desert, not like anyone would notice
>They basically do as they will and no one dares to stop you can violate another country's airspace to illegally kill people outside of the border of your country in an undeclared war
but you can't use police to take down a mafia?
i still find it hard to believe that israel can lobby a foreign world class superpower support to disable UN decisions, can do cross border raids in syria on a daily basis, can send spies in Iran to stall iranian nuclear program by murdering scientist right under iranian counter espionage's nose, can send a fucking swat team to uganda to free hostages, can carry an in-air resupply mission to strike a PLO office in tunisa, can treat millions of palestinians as second class citizen and allow for settlers to steal their land and get away with it but having police take care (even by using violent/illegal methods because israel is clearly well past that) of some gangs of bedouin is too much to ask
>>292692which reminded me
>be israeli>fight multiple wars against outnumbering amount of enemies and countries>win>still end up paying jizya to some camel herders
>>292757speaking of the devil
>>292729>tbf it's an empty desert, not like anyone would noticelol no, they build near the cities so they extract water/electricity for free and terrorize the locals
>but you can't use police to take down a mafia?>but having police take care (even by using violent/illegal methods because israel is clearly well past that) of some gangs of bedouin is too much to askBy that logic Hamas would have been dealt with too a long time ago. truth is besides pinpoint specialist missions we can't just waltz into gaza or deal with thousands of bedouin raiders. for the same reason and with SLA help the lebanon adventure didn't pan out even when hizb was relatively weak in the 80's.
>>292758case in point
locating and killing some scientist iran? no problemo. actually stopping iran from basing itself in Syria an the Middle Eest? no bueno.
I just hope zogland isn't stupid enough to lauch an attack now like the rumors suggest.
>>292767>By that logic Hamas would have been dealt with too a long time agowhat if they keep them as a controlled op/pressure valve to monitor and gather all anti israeli activists?
kinda like why /pol/ is still up and running
>I just hope zogland isn't stupid enough to lauch an attack now like the rumors suggest.methinks they're leveraging their last minutes of zognald greenlights while they still can
>>292767>we can't just waltz into gaza or deal with thousands of bedouin raiders. for the same reason and with SLA help the lebanon adventure didn't pan out even when hizb was relatively weak in the 80's.and yet you managed to win a couple of wars with your neighbors attacking on multiple fronts with massive numbers
it's just weird the amount of dissonance
>>292772>what if they keep them as a controlled op/pressure valve to monitor and gather all anti israeli activists?nah. it's true that in the beggining israel supported them as a counter balance to the PLO but that ship sailed a long time ago. now they're slowly becoming Hizballah 2.
>>292773easier to defend than attack. realistically speaking of course the bedouin issue could have been taken care of by force alone, but it's like trying to build a new settlement, the whole world watches and goes berserk if you do anything. so we're captive to that dogma.
it's similar to gypsies in europe. europeans hates them but they can't really do anything about it.
>>292775>now they're slowly becoming Hizballah 2.i guess, they both are more of a boogeyman making empty threats and really don't do much except some meme attacks :^)
when was the last time hamas did anything serious?
>easier to defend than attackwhat about sinai and golan tho?
>and goes berserk if you do anythingbut do they really hinder israel? all i can see is "deeply concerned" and meme sanctions that are vetoed by USA
you're not getting the real south africa treatment where you have hard sanctions forcing you on your knees
>it's similar to gypsies in europe. europeans hates them but they can't really do anything about it.tell me about it
ultimately they both cornered themselves with that high and mighty talk of civilizational and moral superiority and muh democracy
>>292776>and really don't do much except some meme attacks :^)kek. I told you they grew too powerful, like hizb.
>when was the last time hamas did anything serious?2014. their arsenal improved dramatically since.
>what about sinai and golan tho?blame arab armies, dunno.
>but do they really hinder israel? all i can see is "deeply concerned" and meme sanctions that are vetoed by USAwell the thing is they are citizens, you can't do too much by design. it's easy to deal with arabs in neighboring countries but the ones who are already here are a different thing altogether, you can't just treat them like hizb and start carpet bombing their cities inside israel.
>ultimately they both cornered themselves with that high and mighty talk of civilizational and moral superiority and muh democracyyeah precisely. taking the moral high ground didn't pay off but we're bound by it.
>>292777>you can't just treat them like hizb and start carpet bombing their cities inside israel.but mossad can kidnap and torture in their own blacksite their ring leaders for intel to dismantle them
i mean mafia fall under the definition of terrorist organizations right
>inb4 they have mossad/bibi by the balls
>>292778>but mossad can kidnap and torture in their own blacksite their ring leaders for intel to dismantle them lmao
there's not ring leaders, only tribal chiefs and clans. in the end the leadership here is just too pussified to do anything about it. it's been like that since '48 so I don't expect anything to change anytime soon.
>>292779>only tribal chiefsring leaders
since it's a family business close relatives will take their place if the patriarch falls
you target their family too
nature hate voids and will always try to fill it
so you fill the empty space with loyal puppets kinda like putin did with kadyrov
only way it can fuck up is if your puppet has too long of a leash and start becoming independent, you just have to keep a close eyes on them and replace them if they become too unstable
this strategy is proven and was tried many times in history, it's just that israeli government doesn't want to deal with it, maybe out of corruption or bureaucratic quagmire
>tfw literal camel herders are the final boss of the zionist plan in the ME
>>292780>it's just that israeli government doesn't want to deal with it, maybe out of corruption or bureaucratic quagmire pretty much
the chimpouts won't be worth it. they can easily scale to an intifada if they band together and everyone wants to avoid that.
>>tfw literal camel herders are the final boss of the zionist plan in the MEtopkek
>>292780>>292781If it's any consolation, this is even more proof that Jews are not fit to rule the world.
Or anything, really.
Good governors don't avoid fixing problems just because fixing the problem might be a pain/make them look bad, especially not when that problem's hurting citizens whose interests the governors are supposed to represent.
Only whites can rule whites. We're evolved to be smart and empathetic. Our enemies use our empathy to destroy our rationality by lying to us. But some day all will know the truth.
>>292790>Good governors don't avoid fixing problems just because fixing the problem might be a pain/make them look bad, especially not when that problem's hurting citizens whose interests the governors are supposed to represent.>Only whites can rule whites
>>292791This shit wouldn't happen if whites weren't being ruled by jews.
>Significant activity of Al-Qaeda organization in # Marib coinciding with the return of a number of al-Qaeda leaders from Syria to Marib and on their head>Leader / Abdullah Ali Hammadiqan>And the leader / Rayed Saud bin Maaili>And Salman Ali Hamad Megan>This coincided with the movement of the organization’s elements in the Balaq region towards the Nakhla front [Embed];451850509;153537212;1146697;0;0;1876316
>Yemen: Our loyalists in the mercenary camps are waiting for a signal from us in time to carry out their tasks entrusted to them>t. Deputy Foreign Minister of the Houthi government, Hussein Al-Izz [Embed]
>>292879>>292879>time to carry out their tasks entrusted to themwdhmbt
>>292879Telling your enemy openly that you have traitors within their camp is probably the most consistently funny thing you can do in a war.
>>292884>>292885Classic ninja move
>>292884Kick ass and chew khat, and they're all out of khat.
>>292885It certainly doesn't calm the occupiers who has increased security in the city because of people shouting the houthi slogan.
>Unidentified gunmen attack the headquarters of the Sham Legion near the city o Ariha, south of Idlib, and seize a number of weapons and ammunition. [Embed]Long time since HTS last yoinked another factions stuff.
>The third military region in Marib is pushing military reinforcements towards Abyan [Embed]Ah yes, sending soldiers from a losing battle to hookah n' chill is definitely not retreating.
>The Turkish army has established military post in Tal Badran in the city of Kansafra, Jabal al-Zawiya in the southern part of Idlib [Embed]ānThe original observation post bases were never built this close to residential parts in cities. Which means repeating the original tactics to simply surround the bases will be significantly harder if an opportunity to do so appears now...
Video from inside Tadawin camp showing result of a Badr-P ballistic missile strike on the saudi quarter of the camp a couple days ago [Embed]Guessing it's here>The Saudi committee that arrived in Marib to investigate the targeting of the Tadawan camp, arrested a number of officers and soldiers to investigate the incident. [Embed]
>>293142Qalaat al-Mudiq, what of it?
>>293106Western Marib front
>Yesterday, Saleh Abdul Rahman Kaalan Al-Ajdai, one of the sons of # Medghal in the Governorate of Marib, was killed in the battles of Abyan !!! [Embed]
>>292613so huh, how's your treatment working out so far?
>>293310Paroxetine ' n shit?
Bretty gud, any an-hero thoughts left me completely, I was a bit sleepy recently while taking it but it has passed. Therapy helps a lot too. Just need some work to fulfill this lot of free time I have.
>>293419>any an-hero thoughts left me completely,shieet, might have to get back on my treatment, i stopped it since the march quarantine and now i'm really feeling down
it even affected my relationships in my workplace to the point co workers told me about it
>I was a bit sleepy recently while taking it but it has passedlike how long did this sleepy period started since you started the meds?
how would you describe your memory and ability to focus, did it improve or did it worsen?
>>293420It's somewhat better I can now focus better on the given tasks, and about being sleepy, it was like I was really tired and needed to go to bed, mostly in the afternoon around 4-6pm. If I shook that off I could stay for those few more hours up and then go to bed around 10-11pm.
>>293481ok thanks
did this sleepiness appeared with the beginning of the treatment or is it something new
>>293482It was coming back and forth, was rarely having such symptoms before taking meds (well mostly when I was staying 16+ hours playing vidya/shitposting on 4fuck), never when I had normal sleep schedule (F to that), sometimes after 2 course meals but my last glucose level in blood test was 92 that still keeps me 8 points under unsafe levels and I kept on improving my diet - it's just 2nd half of this year when I started to consume sweets due to nerves surrounding coofdemia. Stopped for now, also drinking solid cup of thinned apple vinegar, just in case.
>>293516thanks for the insights,
btw can you remind me on what dosages per medecine you're on?
>my last glucose level in blood test was 92you have diabetes?
>>293189According to this map, Hadi forces have regained territory in Raghwan and southern Hazm districts.
Haven't seen any pro-Houthi sources confirm this.
>>293572Nah man, I am good, levels were ok, don't remember what was the gap, but I had like a solid dose of points before being worried about glucose level.
And it's Paroxetine, 20mg pills plus Hydroxyzinum 10mg.
>>293591ok thanks for the insights
>>293581and today:
>Hadi's forces are achieving victories in the front of Medghal and liberating the Khuraiba region, to get closer to Al-Kanab, the center of the district of Medghal [Embed] Ayez situation unclear but probably Hadi controlled.
>Houthi forces control new areas east of Al-Khasaf, on the borders between Raghwan and Al-Jawf Governorate [Embed]No idea what was captured, maybe Jabal al Aqsha, but they have controlled that before...
Pro-Houthi sources claim advance in both Raghwan and Jawf but no locations given. Well, except this report claiming they´ve bypassed "the oil rig" (hifar alnaft) and heading south in al-Jawf.
Don´t know of any oil wells in all Jawf, so my best bet is that they mean the oil rigging route south of Camp Labinat and the Al-Alam front that runs between Hazm and the Marib-Saudi Border Crossing highway. [Embed];452846145;158546827;20599;941026;216293;1416324;4741287;521746;4679489;0;0;891509
>>293737>I deny the false news that they are circulating about Hadi advances in Medghal, and I assure you with confidence that the village of Al-Khuraiba, Al-Masamara, Al-Rasaa ', Al-Zabra, Majur and its surroundings are in the hands of the Mujahideen [Embed];450204277;156241114;0;0;78105;43808;283241;28930
>>293737>>293749>Al-Houthi forces control the Al-Samra area in Raghwan [Embed] of unclear what the Al-Samra area is, mapcarta says it¨s a hill and geonames say it¨s a village, doesn¨t seem to be either in that area.
>Map: advances of Hadi (green) and Al-Houthi (purple) forces in the two districts during the past few hours [Embed]Weird shit.
>>293751>Map: advances of Hadi (green) and Al-Houthi (purple) forces in the two districts during the past few hours> [Embed] [Embed]>Weird shit.abdul is reporting the same
>>293838I don't buy the claims (from Ali and Abdul) of either side advancing like this to be honest, it's nonsensical.
We'll see.
Just one more day for a game that i have been waiting for so long that i managed to graduate before even being able to play it
>>293950Lmao, expect it to be a bug-ridden and janky game. I hope it isn’t btw.
>>293954they'll smooth it out like they did witcher series
>>294018>the jewish kingdom recognize israelimagine my socks
>>294019Well, they got themselves a pretty sweet deal. all of Western Sahara for the small price of a meaningless deal with jews. just to put things in perspective, ZionTrumpy wouldn't even dare to recognize Area C in the WB as Israeli.
Not bad.
>>294020>all of Western Saharait's not up to them to guarantee it, meaning these are empty words that wont hold starting from january
no US president really has time or political resources to divert to support morocco's claims
no one cares really outside of the region
>>294021>meaning these are empty words that wont hold starting from januaryEnough time for the Moroccans to subjugate some desert sanddwellers with zero access to resources.
>no US president really has time or political resources to divert to support morocco's claimsfull recog=carte blanche=do whatever you want.
>no one cares really outside of the regionOf course not, It's not like _we're_ doing the occupying.
Western Sahara has either been a no-mans-land or in huge war and dispute since practically forever. It is one of the largest disputed territories in the world.
And yet you don't see anyone giving a fuck.
Muslim politicians can't call out someone big and influential like Morocco for illegally occupying someone else, especially when it just some other less important Muslims. same reason they will never call out Turkey for occupying Northern Cyprus.
but when a 30 people settlement pops up in the WB the whole world flips out L M A O.
>>294022>Enough time for the Moroccans to subjugate some desert sanddwellers with zero access to, they can't do it because of the stalemate with Algeria
this is why they've been resorting to lobbying america (and EU) for literally decades in order to have america directly intervene either through mediation or coercion (sanctions) on Algeria
from 1996 1998 2007 2016 2018>full recog=carte blanche=do whatever you, that's not how it works here, morocco doesn't need approval to do it, they've been attempting it for decades and still couldn't get out of the stalemate, what they're trying to do is bring they irrelevant local conflict into the big boys scene and have stronger actors intervening to tip the scale
>Western Sahara has either been a no-mans-land or in huge war and dispute since practically foreverwtf are you on about? WS has never been in a "major war" nor it is a no man's land, the whole issue stems from the partitioning of morocco during colonization, the southern half has been colonized by spain while (most of) the rest has been colonized by france, during the decolonization period there has been an agreement between african countries to keep colonial borders in order to not have the entire continent engulfed in territorial wars because the partitioning has been done wrong, the fact that morocco was decolonized ('56) at a different time than WS ('75-76) there has been a legal basis from sahrawi population to push for recognition as an independent country in the political theater
that's where the dispute started
morocco tried to pull that bullshit on Algeria at the independence by trying to annex some Algerian territory on the border (because muh ancestral land that was part of morocco a couple of centuries earlier, despite the fact that they have signed and ratified the agreement which states that they relinquish all territorial claims outside of their colonial borders) has created the Sand War (literally a war for a patch or sparsely inhabited sandy area) lost it and abandoned all claims for said territory, because they couldn't bully Algeria into submission
they didn't stop with WS because the balance of power is drastically different
but since Algeria has stepped in to support both militarily and diplomatically WS independence movement, morocco can't completely eradicate the polisario front
>someone big and influential like Moroccoagain
wtf are you on about, morocco is anything but big and influential, the only two influential countries in north africa are Algeria and Egypt
>same reason they will never call out Turkey for occupying Northern Cyprus.why would muslim politicians ever call out turkey for creating north Cyprus?
also unlike the moroccan claims on WS turkey acted inside the law and their intervention was part of a deal between greece, turkey and great britain
completely different situation where one is acting in violation of international law and the other is acting as part of it>Article I bans Cyprus from participating in any political union or economic union with any other state>The 1974 coup d'état in Cyprus was a military coup d'état by the Greek Army in Cyprus, the Cypriot National Guard and the Greek military junta of 1967–1974. On 15 July 1974 the coup plotters ousted President Makarios III and replaced him with pro-Enosis (Greek irridentist) nationalist Nikos Sampson as replaced president, only for 2 days.[1][2][3] The Sampson regime was described as a puppet state, whose ultimate aim was the annexation of the island by Greece>Article IV In the event of a breach of the provisions of the present Treaty, Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom undertake to consult together with respect to the representations or measures necessary to ensure observance of those provisions. In so far as common or concerted action may not prove possible, each of the three guaranteeing Powers reserves the right to take action with the sole aim of re-establishing the state of affairs created by the present Treatyi don't think you're well acquainted with the whole situation of WS and morocco
>>294024> they've been attempting it for decades and still couldn't get out of the stalemateWhy are they so incompetent?
>WS has never been in a "major war" nor it is a no man's land??? has similar casualties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
>they lost it and abandoned all claims for said territory, because they couldn't bully Algeria into submission>wtf are you on about, morocco is anything but big and influentialCompared to WS I mean.
>why would muslim politicians ever call out turkey for creating north Cyprus?Well they seem to be against imperialism but only when it suites them. It's especially funny to hear Erdo and Turkish politicians whining about muh palestine when they are so unapologetically neo-ottoman-imperialists.
>also unlike the moroccan claims on WS turkey acted inside the law and their intervention was part of a deal between greece, turkey and great britainMaybe in the inital stage, but that didn't give them the right to then ethnically cleanse northern cyprus and then occupy it.
To their credit, I will say that at least they were smart enough to cleanse the area fully before settling it, instead of trying to barter with the locals like we did. had we done the same in 67' in the WB there would be no Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
>i don't think you're well acquainted with the whole situation of WS and moroccoNope, not really. what ticks me off is the hypocrisy (from the west) about muh occupation.
After all, who's to say the Sahrawi people fight for self determination is less legitimate than the Palestinians?
Yet they don't get 0.1% the worldwide attention and they have zero international support. go to any city in europe and ask the locals what do they think about the israeli palestinian conflict and they'll tell you how evil the blood thirsty israelis are against the helpless palestinians (as they bankroll palestine).
ask them about the Western Sahara conflict and they'll tell you "who???"
Of course I don't know shit about it, the intl media has done its best to not talk about it. no one cares about muslim on muslim violence. it doesn't sell.
But, as you can probably imagine, it's not as if I'm personally too invested in the fate of 500,000 Muslim desert dwellers in bumfuck nowhere who I'm sure would want to cut my head off all the same.
It just amuses me how blatantly hypocritical western politicians are when it comes to their own morals.
but w/e. morocco could now happily send more people to colonize and enrich eurabia.
And maybe (hopefully) a few of the 800,000 moroccans brutes who live here will exercise their right of return :^)
>>294031>Why are they so incompetent?because polisartio can retreat inside algeria to hide and establish their camp with the help of algerian army
>but why can't moroccan army secure the border preventing any encroaching of polisario inside moroccan territorybecause of massive tunnel system and lack of resources to secure hundred of kilometers of sahara desert with no marking nor any meaningful infrastructure to set up patrols and border camps
>???>> of these are major miltary conflict, they're barely skirmishes at best
it's like calling palestinian glorified homemade fireworks "a massive carpet bombing of israel"
It has similar casualties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
yes, but the border cannot be secured, the good move from israel was to cram palestinians in a tiny territory where they can more easily control the border
that and the geography helps a bit more, also massive set up of infrastructures to facilitate the control of said border
>Compared to WS I mean.ah okay, my bad
>Well they seem to be against imperialism but only when it suites themso is literally everyone
do you hear america talking about bringing democracy to KSA?
> It's especially funny to hear Erdo and Turkish politicians whining about muh palestine when they are so unapologetically neo-ottoman-imperialists. just lip service to garner support from arab countries, turks really don't care about palestine
>but that didn't give them the right to then ethnically cleanse northern cyprusthey weren't the one who started the ethnic cleansing, they only secured a zone where turkish cypriot wont have to face the lynching and ethnic cleansing from the greece supported supported greek cypriots
they were only reciprocating what was already started
funny coming from the people who started by destroying arab homes in '48 to prevent them from going back to their land and then proceed to complain about arab countries expelling jewish population during the 60's and 70's
>and then occupy's not occupied, it's a turkish cypriot controlled country (right of people to self determination and all that)
>what ticks me off is the hypocrisy (from the west) about muh occupation.just because they aren't talking about it as much doesn't mean they have opposite opinion of it
all the anti WB settlements countries are also anti moroccan annexation of WS
>ask them about the Western Sahara conflict and they'll tell you "who???"it's all about media representation
i can guarantee you that they'd hold the same opinion if they are acquainted by it, just that israel gets more attention because of the (positive) involvement of bigger players (USA and NATO) which also bring negative attention due to bigger presence in the medias
you can't have your cake and eat it, the bigger the publicity, the bigger the outcry
>no one cares about muslim on muslim violence. it doesn't sell.literally shia sunni conflict in iraq since 2003 has been on the news almost every months
>but w/e. morocco could now happily send more people to colonize and enrich eurabia. >And maybe (hopefully) a few of the 800,000 moroccans brutes who live here will exercise their right of return :^)nothing will come out of it, USA has no strategic interest and neither EU, so the media wont talk about it and the players wont intervene except through lip service
>Houthi forces managed at dawn today to control several sites on the Aqabah-Ablah line, the link between the districts of # Al-Abdiya and # Harib, in the southwest of Marib Governorate [Embed];453688144;147890737;262641;446425;0;298733;0;298733;253200;0;253200;0I'm not sure why every source keep saying it's the only route into Abdiyah when there are clearly more that Hadi control...
>>294044>because polisartio can retreat inside algeria to hide and establish their camp with the help of algerian armyInteresting
>because of massive tunnel systemheh, sounds familiar. only worse because much longer border compared to gaza.
>none of these are major miltary conflict, they're barely skirmishes at bestwell, it's all relative. still, I think a 'major conflict' is terminology deserved.
>just lip service to garner support from arab countries, turks really don't care about palestineI figure. it's funny.
>they were only reciprocating what was already startedStopping ethnic cleansing with ethnic cleansing doesn't sound too righteous. whatever seemingly justified reason they had to intervene and defend turks didn't give them the right to the cleanse and occupy half the Island.
And btw you should know I'm not a big fan of greeks in general and their nearly endless history of betraying each other and fighting amongst themselves. they were retarded and at some level deserved it. but that doesn't justifies Turkey's actions.
>funny coming from the people who started by destroying arab homes in '48Well, the Arabs did declare a war on us the second independence was given to us after jewish homes and lives were destroyed in europe.
Well, I can admit that both things were wrong, but lets not pretend things would wind up the other way had the arabs won.
not to mention
>be jewish farmer in """"""palestine"""""" and iraq>mind your own business>die all the same that
>bro we have no problem with jews it's just zionism dude just return to live under muslim rule everything will be alrightis a bunch of bs.
>then proceed to complain about arab countries expelling jewish population during the 60's and 70'sUnironically saved the country, so, thanks.
>it's not occupied, it's a turkish cypriot controlled countryThat intl. considers illegal. again, I don't particularly care about the conflict itself, as I said greeks bought it on themselves, it's the double standard from the intl. community that annoys me.
>just because they aren't talking about it as much doesn't mean they have opposite opinion of itMaybe, but clearly they don't care _that much_
>all the anti WB settlements countries are also anti moroccan annexation of WSWell, I can't remember the last time I saw anyone on CNN etc. even mention this conflict.
Meanwhile the Israeli-Palestian conflict gets all the headlines at all times.
>i can guarantee you that they'd hold the same opinion if they are acquainted by it, just that israel gets more attention because of the (positive) involvement of bigger players (USA and NATO) which also bring negative attention due to bigger presence in the mediasSure, but the fact that his conflict is barely covered by the MSM is eye opening. all I'm asking is for some consistency and equal coverage.
>literally shia sunni conflict in iraq since 2003 has been on the news almost every monthsYeah, but mostly because of direct American involvement.
>nothing will come out of it, USA has no strategic interest and neither EUWhat about all the phosphate reserves?
>Morocco holds more than 72 percent of all phosphate-rock reserves in the world, it is one of the two most necessary components of synthetic fertilizer.Phosphate in Western Sahara: The Desert Rock That Feeds the World
A dispute over Western Sahara’s phosphate reserves could disrupt food production around the globe.
>>294051>Well, the Arabs did declare a war on us the second independencealso you
>but that didn't give them the right to then ethnically cleanse northern cyprus and then occupy it.which one is it?
>after jewish homes and lives were destroyed in europe. at least if it was jewish homes destroyed in arab countries you'd have some straws to grasp at (and that would require not having double standard on the turkish response to greek attacks) but the fact that the justification of the destruction of arab homes is what other ethnicities did is the most blatant bullshit i can ever imagine
>but lets not pretend things would wind up the other way had the arabs won.palestinians arab don't owe anything to the european jews for what europeans did to them, they don't even owe them shelter and even less have to accept getting their land partitioned by what essentially are european migrants
the zionist movement that led to israel is a purely european jewish movement, not an middle eastern jewish one
>bro we have no problem with jews it's just zionism dude just return to live under muslim rule everything will be alrightwhich has never been my claim btw, but some do legit think that
point is different ethnicities living together will lead to clashes, riots and massacres
had it been a need from middle eastern jews to separate to avoid such conflicts (and by middle eastern jews i don't includes the one that migrated here from europe during the late 19th and early 20th century due to the new zionist political philosophy of that era, i mean the ones that have been here since centuries) i would understand and give some credit to
but that's not the case, the spearhead of the zionist movement has been led by the european refugees
>That intl. considers illegalhow is it double standard if they DO consider it illegal, hell, turkey is getting a ton of flak for their transgression of international community to the point of having joint naval patrol on their sea borders
does anyone do that to israel?
does any western state put sanction or import bans on israel like they do Iran?
>Well, I can't remember the last time I saw anyone on CNN etc. even mention this conflict.yeah and i can't count how many times fox news is giving distorted narratives that benefit israel
i think you have selection bias over medias representation of israel
>all I'm asking is for some consistency and equal coverage.has the media been covering the mistreatment of muslim in myanmar and india as much?
you say that the media coverage is pro muslim/arab but i don't think so
>What about all the phosphate reserves?oh you means this barely relevant ressource that america and china has a production exceeding what they can ever possibly need? because morocco has the biggest reserves doesn't mean much if the product isn't in high demand
otherwise KSA would be rich selling sand
>A dispute over Western Sahara’s phosphate reserves could disrupt food production around the globe.water and arable land is the bigger bottleneck than phosphate
>>294056>also youThey started the war. what can I say, they should have won instead of losing to malnourished jewish farmers armed with light guns mate. you don't get to start a war and whine if you lose it and lose land. ask germany about Königsberg.
>which one is it?>Well, I can admit that both things were wrong..
>but the fact that the justification of the destruction of arab homes is what other ethnicities did is the most blatant bullshit i can ever imagineWhat? it's not a justification . justification? it was war (that _they_ declared) mate, that what happens.
>palestinians arab don't owe anything to the european jews for what europeans did to themwhere did I say that? there were Jews in ""palestine"" long before Israel was founded . BUT the reality is that Jews _were_ haunted in Europe and the Jewish homeland was the only place to go. yeah it's sad that it came on the expense of the local arabs who lived there but then again this isn't a factor from anyone running away from war and genocide.
Also, what Palestinians? the area was under British control. the Arabs had no say in the matter whatsoever. (and in fact the brits tried to stop and block jewish immigration from europe).
>point is different ethnicities living together will lead to clashes, riots and massacresI agree.
>had it been a need from middle eastern jews to separate to avoid such conflicts i would understand and give some credit toWell, that's the thing, they would never have any chance without outside help but that doesn't make their cause less right. both stem from the same logic (the need for safe jewish homeland). so it doesn't matter that zionist movement was heralded by european jews.
Also I cbb to look now, but I do remember from school about such movements and sentiment even in early ottoman times.
>how is it double standard if they DO consider it illegalI meant in the media. I haven't heard anyone talks about the "cypriot right of return" or calls for Turkey to withdraw.
I mean, the very idea is downright preposterous and unthinkable for them. yet we gave up Sinai peninsula (3x times the size of Israel) for a meaningless peace treaty with Egypt because of Russo-American pressure.
And gaza.. and South Lebanon etc.. the thought of any Muslim nation giving up land is unthinkable for them, simple as that.
No one puts any real pressure on Turkey.
So yes, there is a double standard.
The patrols around the borders is because they're trying to redraw maritime borders to steal gas deposits in the med. from greece and cyprus.
Not that I think any of that will help. Turkey will get what it wants becasue greeks are cucks and no one will help them when shtf.
>does any western state put sanction or import bans on israel like they do Iran?not yet but def. possible in the next 10-20 years as europe and america turns into prog-left.
And there are sanctions and boycotts on any settlement products, so..
>yeah and i can't count how many times fox news is giving distorted narratives that benefit israelAmerican media ≠ worldwide media.
>i think you have selection bias over medias representation of israelSame to you, I remember in 2014 during the war the coverage in MSM (sans fox and conservative media) showing livestream of gaza getting pounded and crying about the ""genocide in gaza"".
Also in 2006 during the Lebanon war CNN/NBC airing lebanese propaganda nonstop.
Not even talking about european local channels or F24 which are basically Palestinian networks.
>has the media been covering the mistreatment of muslim in myanmar Quite a bit I think? not in the same capacity perhaps, but myanmar was sanctioned.
Also I have been hearing about the 'muslim concentration camps" in china nonstop in the past few months, and I don't see too many muslim nations caring too much.
if we'd even try to pull the shit china is doing we'd be under invasion by now.
interests and $>morals.
>you say that the media coverage is pro muslim/arab but i don't think soNo, I meant that it mostly anti Israel, not necessarily pro muslim/arab. they'll take whatever side is against israel, doesn't matter if it's palestine or a non arab coutry. not because of muh antisemitism, I think it has more to do with their pro immigration/globalist propaganda rather than something specific to us, since israeli policies so contrasted to current european state of mind.
>water and arable land is the bigger bottleneck than phosphateit's still worth a ton of $.
also it might be a desert, but it's still 266,000 km² of desert. 12 times the size of israel. if other countries join the U.S. in recognition it means that it will officially turn morocco into nearly twice its size.
That's the equivalent of Israel annexing Syria and Jordan combined.
So yeah it's still pretty crazy if they actually get away with it.
>>294056A new addition to your Der Ewige Polak compilation?
Afghan Shitmupdate and Districtmupdate - It lives again.
A plethora of gains, most of the action is in Dawlat Shah area of Laghman, south central Kandahar, and western Uruzgan. Taliban also cut the Ring Highway (again), this time near Qarabagh District of Ghazni. Nuristan's two eastern Districts are also mostly under Taliban control since 2019, and Faryab witnessed Almar come back under Taliban control plus Kohistan DHQ in the south coming under siege.
Hey Doc, I’ve got a medical mystery for you:
Back in May 2016, I spent basically every day puking in the mornings. As in waking up in the very early morning to vomit, going back to sleep feeling like shit, and waking up again to repeat the ordeal. And nothing I put in my stomach would stay down, I would even put just water into my stomach, only to puke that too about 5-15 mins later. And even when I had absolutely nothing in my stomach I still dry heaved every hour. Here’s the weird part: symptoms would usually start to subside by 10-11AM each morning, and by 12PM I was able to eat and drink normally without even feeling queasy. Only to repeat the puking ordeal the next morning.
I didn’t eat or drink anything special during that time period. I was also a NEET during that period so I wasn’t going anywhere. I initially thought it was garlic but I’ve eaten garlic since then and it didn’t fuck me up like that.
I will say that in the months immediately afterwards I still felt very sick in the mornings (5am-11am range), initially as in wanting to puke again but later becoming localized in the intestines, especially after eating breakfast.
4 years later I still occasionally get sick in the mornings, especially the early mornings and after I’ve eaten breakfast, but taking a dump always alleviates these symptoms. However **none** of this started before May 2016. So whatever happened to me then definitely affected my digestion for the worse.
I sometimes wonder if bad sleeping patterns played a role in it but I never stayed up later than 1am before than. Plus I stay up later now than I did back then, and I don’t get anywhere near as fucked up, so it’s somewhat safe to rule out poor sleeping as the primary cause of that incident. Frankly, at this point I’ve got nothing.
Bringing back the Yemen Shitmap
Houthis take over Maas Camp and Asdas District(? town?) in Marib. Negligible changes outside of those two areas apart from a minimap for Ta'izz.
>>294031For whats worth, i do have a problem with filthy jews being alive
>>294389Wait, we're posting medical mysteries now?
What do you do when a skin infection on a foots sole and ankle results in swelling and redenning and agonizing pain?
How do you cure that kind of infection and help it heal?
Yemeni (houthi) "MRAP"s
>>294389>Frankly, at this point I’ve got nothing.Have you considered going to see an actual doctor...? Like a gastroenterologist? Sheesh. [Embed]#Ain_issa: Mobilization of Russian soldiers in the town of Ain Issa.
By the looks of it, it seems like Turkish offensive is imminent. [Embed]Neat, they stop burning all the stuff they capture and are now trying to copy it. M1A2 Houthi edition when?
>>294797>they stop burning all the stuff they captureMost vehicles burnt on videos were done so because they couldn't be repaired or terrain impeding extraction during a raid.
Can remember a video from the west coast of a captured toyota technical with flat tires being driven on the highway to friendly territory to replace the tires, doubt there's any sizeable foreign MRAP replacement parts stockpile or many MRAP™ certified repair shops in Sanaa though.
>>294797>The Turks are strengthening their points with heavy machinery on the Tal Tamer axis, Al-Hasakah. >- Syrian state media employee in Al-Hasskah [Embed]
>>294725They were burning plenty of stuff that would have taken one guy to drive off and was totally fine otherwise especially back then. A MRAP with a broken windscreen isn't a nuclear reactor, even assuming you can't get the *correct* part if it isn't totally wrecked you can still use it or scrap it to fix others, if you aren't grabbing mostly working MRAPS naturally you wont have the parts to fix others you find. I assume that's why they told their guys to chill with the lighters back during Hodeida. Anyway these new ones are clearly inspired by whatever they were able to deconstruct over the years.
>>294812Propaganda of destroying an expensive western vehicle with a cheap lighter > spending efforts on salvaging enough damaged MRAPs of all models to be able to keep a foreign MRAP fleet running.
>>294828I don't think the propaganda is worth <$500,000 after the first few tens of times. The effort especially isn't a problem given the economic difficulty they are having over there, would give a few people something to do for a military benefit which I don't think should be underestimated.
>The Houthi forces have fire control over Al-Awshal in Jabal Murad. [Embed] they control the Jabal az Za‘ţ peaks.
>fierce battles in the Jabal Murad, between the Houthi and legitimate forces [Embed]Let's see if further gains can be made, the southern Marib fronts have been very ping-pongy for a couple months now...
>>294839The houthis seem to disagree, who knows, maybe the vehicles can be tracked by the Saudis or something. Pretty good bait to find houthi workshops and headquarters when you're swimming in petrodollars.
>>294841Ahh, always wondered why Saudis leave so much equipment behind. Now it's all clear, they are just trying to bait Houthis.
>>294843Of course.
Seriously though, it's typical conscript arab army behavior to abandon shit, so how hard would it be for western advisors to hide trackers on MRAPs?
>>294844Guess that's plausible. [Embed]#Ain_Issa: Violent Clashes between SDF and Turkish-backed terrorists on Jahbal village axis, with SDF forces responding with full force. Four terrorists reportedly killed.
So is it on now?? [Embed]#Breaking
Saraya al-Salam militants deploying on the gates of #Baghdad’s GreenZone to secure the #US embassy in #Iraq.
Also seems like there is some kind of rocket boogaloo again in Baghdad too.
>>294845Haven't seen any reports of sufficient artillery and drone activity for it to be much more than TFSA chest beating.
>>294847Though what's the point? Are they so high on captagon that they really think they can do anything without Turkey?
>>294848Don't underestimate them, they are perfectly capable of infighting and crimes without Turkish involvement.
>The SAA are in a process of stabilizing the front around Ithriya. Plenty of mines left behind by ISIS which will unfortunately kill and maim soldiers in the weeks to come. I really don't want to see reports of fighting WEST of Ithriya in 2021 [Embed];373686218;352548713;0;44855;638580;1506904;4216003;1126242;75531;16821I'm guessing the recent Rahjan-Saan-Ithriyah triangle clashes wasn't entirely pointless.
>>294845>>294847>Artillery and rocket shelling on Wasta east of Ayn Issa by the TFSA and Turkish army now. [Embed]Speak of the devil...
>Syrian President Bashar al-Assad lambasted “neoliberals” for their stances on religion, transgenderism, marijuana legalization and homosexual marriage in a recent speech delivered to the Syrian religious figures.>“Neoliberalism is based on promoting a total moral degeneracy and separating individuals from any principles or values and affiliations and beliefs to reach this moral degeneracy,” President Assad declared to a crowd that appeared to largely consist of various clerics. [Embed]
>>294882 [Embed]Exclusive Video!
Movement of #Turkish army in #Rojava!
Turkish army intensified its attacks on #Ain_Issa and in vicinity of Serêkaniyê. Images emerged of deployment of military convoys and movement of Turkish troops and its proxies in Serêkaniyê on December 20. #Syria
Quite lot equipment on the move too.
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate - ANA reenters Dasht-i-Archi DHQ in Kunduz province.
>>294790I will. When I'm comfortable with the amount of money I have to go to one. And have the time.
Also may have gotten exposed to the virus. Just coof my shit up.
>>294991>I will. When I'm comfortable with the amount of money I have to go to one.Ahhh, the wonders of the American healthcare ""system"".
>>294942Except for the Cannabis, which can be used for medication, I pretty much agree with his statements.
>>295020Even if you have insurance this happpens
>>295036Maybe it should only be used for medical purposes considering how weed obsessed some become after smoking one marijuana.
>>295048Okay britcuck:
[CITATIONS NEEDED]. Patently obvious you're nothing more than a jewriashill at this point.
>>295060>jewriashillCitation needed, not an argument
>>295062Demanding a citation from a britcuck
is an argument, especially against a slave niggermutt such as (((You))). Keep failing those simp tu quoques, they glow bright enough to light up the entire intarwebz.
>>295060Are you actually telling me you have never met a single weed-obsessed idiot in your life?
no snoopy dog and rick and morty shirts? No stupid "Rastafarian" colours on his clothes? No shelf full of assorted bongs and lighters with some of them featuring odd shapes or weird branding?
I don't know the rate at which people who try weed once decide to become Dude Weed Lmaos and fill their gaybook timelines with 420 leafs and black people but are you telling me you never met ONE and can't believe they exist?
What's next. Will you tell me you never met a single vaper before?
>>295069>my rhetoric is an argumentAnon, you're better than that [Embed]General #Haftar of #LNA slams international community’s failing peace initiatives, and says “military confrontation with Turkey has become inevitable to liberate #Libya from occupation and mercenaries.” [Embed]Clashes between the SDF and TFSA at Jahbal as the TFSA try to advance.
Looks like something is cooking up in Libya too. Quite interesting to see whether Egypt is behind this or not.
Merry Christmas, fellow khommie khommoloids.
>>295131I'm not interested in your nonsense take your meds.
Merry Christmas lads, my results came back negative and I can still smell/taste stuff.
>>295155glad you're okay anon =3!!
>>295163what a nice pepe. merry christmas!
>The passage of a military force consisting of armored vehicles and caravans loaded with boxes, weapons and crews belonging to the Saudi forces in the city of Azzan heading towards the city of Ataq>There are no details of its final destination. [Embed]>The force that arrived at Ataq this afternoon is affiliated with the Saudi committee that will supervise the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement in Shabwa, the deployment of the elite forces in the governorate, and the supervision of anti-terrorism operations [Embed];468402099;143216067;6097412;0;0;2127965Reinforcements for the southern Marib front (i.e Abdiyah, Jabal Murad)?
>Turks close M4 near Amusement Park east of Nayrab, putting concrete blocks on the road [Embed]
>SDF allegedly agrees to ‘handover’ strategic town to Russian and Syrian forces in coming days: expert>#SAA reinforcements will start moving from Taqba towards Ayn Issa in the next hours after an agreement between Russia & Turkey was reached. #RMP & #SAA presence in Raqqa CS will increase in the next days while Turkish options to launch an offensive will stop for a while. [Embed] [Embed]The #Aleppo branch of Syrian Public Foundation for Bakeries continues to rehabilitate the al-Amiri automated bakery in the Sakhour district from the damage it suffered as a result of the terrorist attacks, with a completion rate of 70 percent. [Embed]Breaking. #Russia announces 3 of its soldiers were wounded this afternoon by the #ATGM fired by #HTS in Saraqeb. An armor was destroyed (a BTR-82 as per the statement).
Will we see some air strikes soon?
>Large demonstration in front of Russian base in Ain Issa town [Embed]Ah yes, the famously kurdish town of Kobanissa.
>>295574>Will we see some air strikes soonWe sure will, but not pre-offensive-tier...
>>295585 [Embed]Despite Russias denouncement of their latest attack of this week, kikes strike again. This time on Damascus.
>>295615 [Embed]also, if the coping is something to come by. Kikes actually hit something this time around.
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Corrections: Corrected Fayzabad in Badakhshan, corrected Dahan-e Ghuri in Baghlan, plus other corrections that are minor at best.
Gains: Taliban takes over Day Mirdad DHQ (Miran) of Parwan but gov't still has presence in district, contest Nasir to the south of Puli Khumri in Baghlan, contest a small village to the south of Kushki Kuhna in Herat, gains positions near Haska Meyna DHQ in Nangarhar, besieged Iskhamish in Takhar, establish a near-total siege of Qalat in Zabul. Local militia in Baghdis goes rogue and takes over a CP on the road between Herat and Qala-e Naw. [Embed]>The moment when Aden International Airport in Yemen came under fire, amid the arrival of the new unity government.
>Today at 4:30 p.m. SAA convoy of 3 busses was ambushed near Kabbajb. One bus was completely destroyed with IED, martyrs 28 soldiers [Embed]Video of SAA loading wounded on trucks: [Embed]
>>295783>Concentration of troops near al-Shoula. Also reports of airstrikes west of the the village. Airstrikes have proven to be ineffective against ISIS here, since ISIS are moving in small convoys from camp to camp. Not easy to pin down [Embed]
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Corrections: Khoshamand District in Paktikia is contested, the gov't has controlled the DHQ for an unknown amount of time but the Taliban control everything else. Corrected frontlines to the immediate north of Puli Khumri.
>>295806>Hezbollah decided to hunt down ISIS in the Syrian Badia & establish a task force. Not possible to cover all areas but enough to pursue the hit-&-run groups spread in the area.>following 28 Syrians killed from hit by 2x ISIS RPGs while travelling on a bus [Embed]
Hurras al-Din attacked the Russian held Tal Siman base (built and previosly occupied by the yankees) with at least one SVBIED last night.
Unsurprisingly the vehicle didn't reach it's intended destination. just look at the layout of the base lmao
Security in the bases' surroundings must have been lax due to the low likelihood that this base would've been targeted, they wouldn't have gotten this close to the Russian base in Ain Issa for instance.
The fact that HaD can assemble a car bomb in Raqqa though... must be ex-ISIS locals. [Embed]TR / TFSA militants leader Mustafa Sejari is confident that the SAA with Russian support will soon begin the battle for Al-Bab.
Going to bet that nothing is going to happen though,
>>296080>Going to bet that nothing is going to happen though,Yeah they said the same shit months ago, not happening.
Opening the Aleppo-Manbij portion of the M-4 isn't worth the risk as long as sultan erdomeme keeps up his Ottoman larp and SDF doesn't submit to Damascus.
>Distribution of shawarma at the site of the killing of Qassem Soleimani on Baghdad International Airport Street
>>295516Snusmap interpretation of the latest ISW gains report. Zahim was either a typo, fake news or im miss-interpretting the tweet, predictable really considering the houthis don't control either flank on the road from Alfa to Zahim.
Unknown if the houthis control the peaks near Washal or not and there are three small villages on the dirt road that hasn't been reported captured so i assume they hiked up the valley at Alfa.
I wonder, are they advancing northeast instead of north to cut the main supply route to Washal or simply to control the heights overlooking the road to the Jubah district?
>>295993>The attack on New Years at the Russian base resulted in no casualties. Don’t know why people are talking about dead Russians. Car bomb didn’t even get inside the base. [Embed]>imagine being the first jihadi group other than ISIS using SVBIEDs in Raqqa governorate in years>flopping this hard
Runway at Hmeimim airport being extended...
>>296099>Violent clashes took place in Jabal Murad yesterday evening and at dawn today>Conflicting news about controlling the strategic areas of Al-Kharba and Al-Hadba overlooking Silah, in the center of the directorate [Embed]Well there's Jabal Hadba, two villages named Sayhila/Shayla and Jabal Salil but none of these locations are "in the center of the directorate", most of them are even outside the Jabal Murad district.
Eh, maybe it's google translate having a stroke, we'll wait for more reports before putting on the gains sombrero.
Locations are on the western front:;450961303;149860787;551033;0;478935;26531;0;320014;559616;477516;557899;14924
>Two explosions rock Wadi Marib (>The first is the targeting of a military group with an explosive device in Wadi Obeida, in Obeida Maghrib, and the wounded were transferred to Kara Hospital>The second explosion shook Wadi Obeida at 6:45 pm, and no details about it yet [Embed]Pro-Houthi insurgents?
>>296186and no explosions yet
>>296187It better stay that way.
For now...
IS raided the Itriyah-Salamiyah highway at Wadi Azib:
>Hama Governor Muhammad Tariq Krishati:ISIS attacked a convoy of fuel tanks and three buses>The initial outcome is 9 martyrs, 4 wounded civilians, and all other passengers are insured and ambulance of wounded in a hospital.>Attack was mostly carried out with machine guns
>>296183>third military region handing over the amount of 150 million Yemeni riyals as part of the entitlements of the martyrs and the wounded from the sons of Jabal Murad and Jubah, and it was handed over to Brigadier General / Ahmed Bhaibeh [Embed]Bribe to keep them from surrendering to Sanaa?
>>296198>Things are accelerating on the Al-Abdiya front, the clashes between Hadi and Al Houthi forces northwest of the district center, about 7 km away [Embed];453266716;146618170;0;601096;267791;0Let's see if cutting the main supply route did the trick or if they'll stay so long as they still hold the other dirt roads...
>An Iranian government spokesman says Tehran has begun enriching uranium up to 20% at an underground facility. The state-run IRNA news agency said that President Hassan Rouhani had given the order for the move at the Fordo facility. [Embed]
>The Turkish army begins deploying pre-made guardposts on the "Aleppo - Latakia" road, the M4 south and west Idlib. [Embed]>Turkish military delegation - the village of Qastun in the plain of Al-Ghab in the west of Hama, Turkey to establish a checkpoint there. [Embed]
>>296186time flies
what a day
>>293310yo doc, you ded?
>>296274Kebab boxes getting installed along the M4
Turk convoys have been fired upon with RPGs two nights in a row on the Kafriya-Idlib road.
Radicals or the ghosts of majoosi terrorists killed in the siege?? [Embed]
>>296298>Another operation by the jihadist group Ansar Abu Bakr al-Siddiq squadron targeting the 'protection patrol' for the Turkish army at the entrance of the village of Kafariya, north Idlib countryside. Second attack in two days. [Embed] [Embed]
Pic reads as :
>'Targeting of the protection patrol for the 'Turkish NATO' army at the entrance of the village of Kafariya in north Idlib countryside. Kafariya: Idlib (20 Jumada al-Awal 1442 AH)>The Ansar Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Squadron is a jihadist group that first emerged at the end of August 2020, claiming an operation against the Turkish army in Idlib.
Head of SDC Executive Committee Ilham Ahmad has stated that SDC and SDF’s goal for 2021 is to form a joint political project with the Syrian Opposition to spread Democracy in Syria [Embed]Ok, let's begin the countdown for cockroaches to continue their offensive. Monday,Ilham Ahmed, the chair of the Executive Board of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) held Moscow responsible for Damascus’ faults and said that Russia must to support the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) to correct this.
>>296465>Turkey is the leader of NATO for 2021>Turkey takes command of the NATO High Readiness Joint Task Force for one year [Embed]>Admiral (Pierre Olson) Commander of the NATO mission. Reaches coalition bases east of the Euphrates. He is expected to meet with the commander of SDF forces, General Mazloum Abdi. This is the first visit of its kind [Embed]>Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman receives Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani upon his arrival in the Kingdom, and this is considered as a declaration of the end of the ongoing dispute between Saudi Arabia and Qatar since 2017 [Embed]
>>296467However can't see the scenario of Turkey continuing offensive against kurds be that great for Damascus nor Russia either.
>>296469One could peer into Iraq to see what NATO could achieve with k*rds (i.e slather up their cheeks with lube and force them to submit to T*rkey).
SDF already do business with salafis, hell, their arab elements in Raqqa & DeZ are mostly ex-ISIS affiliated tribes who would be happy to be ruled by T*rkey as long as they keep their "autonomous region" and their shia free lebensraum.
The only thing stopping it is PYD being Apo worshippers but i reckon that could be toned down if it means they'll have more autonomy than they would have under Damascus.
Washington won't repeat the mistake they did in Iraq and let the (non-sunni, shia, alawite etc) government rule the arab sunnis of the SDF region.
>>296482Kek, its incomprehensible how badly U.S managed to fuck up their own shit in Iraq. Khamenei sends his best regards for the aid.
>>296483>ISISNiggas in west Africa out there cosplaying a guntruck straight out of CrossOutwew
>Even though the fronts are frozen currently in Idlib, there are massive amounts of Syrian government forces present in southern Idlib. A clear message of priority from the Syrian government [Embed]
>>296667Some nice footage though
>>296667banana republic tier
welcome to the club
>>296738Do we get to stop hearing about colonialism now?
>>296198>With the arrival of reinforcements of the Houthi forces, violent battles in Jabal Murad (Hayd Al Ahmad) [Embed]
>Due to travel restrictions this year the United States had to organize the coup at home. [Embed]>Iraq issues arrest warrant for Trump over drone strike killingAlso based Iraqis upping up the game.
>>295653>>296278truth is: iv'e got nothing to lose because i lost everything
ultimately i lost my fight against depression
this is my last message: farewell friends and may you have a better life than i had
>>297231Please don't do anything stupid, (((they))) want you to do it. You should reconsider every option available to you right now.
-t. (1)
>>297231Please don't go on a rampage taking out as many muslim invaders as you can before the cops kill you. An army of men like you could transform your country for the better and save it. You can't throw it all away yet.
>>297231It is your choice to make anon. I hope we meet again someday. ;_; /)
>>297231Of all the people I know, I least expected this from you, Doc.
>>297231Another strike on the list of /sg/ fallen in line of duty I suppose.
>>297231Dude, what's up? don't do it bro, talk to me man. I don't know what happened and what situation you're in but I'm praying for you and wishing for the best, don't give up just yet mon ami.
>>297231So long space cowboy.
>>297231Shit doc, what happened?
>>297231Gonna miss having you around Doc.
Gains on the outskirts of Marib city, current frontline is Wadi Nakhla.
With the majority of Medghal district secured and the pro-Hadi forces autistically holding on to the villages of Raghwan, now seems like a good time to push into this axis.
Also reports of pretty sizeable defections to Sanaa recently, expect gains in Abdiyah district.> Jews designate Houthi movement after whinging about it for a while.> Also related designated individuals, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, Abd al-Khaliq Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and Abdullah Yahya al Hakim.
SAA and Russian special forces raided jihadi positions in Ankawi (Ghab plains) and liquidated 12 militants of Jaysh al-Nasr.
Video of the dead: [Embed] couple of days ago NLF fired an ATGM on a machine gun entrenchment on Tell Amqiye directly south of Ankawi. Since Jaysh al-Nasr are one of the groups that were given ATGMs (TOW included) I'm gonna go ahead and assume that this was the ATGM crew and friends.
>>297988The fact that this didn't happened earlier (literally Zion Dons dying breath) shows that the burgers don't actually see the houthis as a terrorist organization.
If team democrat actually deescalate tensions with Iran, the future for the Iranian proxies in the ME looks good.
Capturing Marib will force the Saudis to abandon any ambitions of controlling the pre-unification territory of North Yemen.
Ansar al-Tawhid (formerly Jund al-Aqsa) shelling Maarrat al-Numan with the gun of a T-62 slapped on a ural truck.
>>297907>The army forces and the popular committees are making new progress in the far east of Mudghal and bypassing the Nakhla area [Embed]>Houthi forces have taken control of Barqa Shara'a, south of Khabb wa ash-Sha'af District, in Al Jawf Governorate [Embed]Should be this:;454408264;163142085;439453;2041824;0;144974;1338958;0;1558685;1870657;514984;2048407Eh, this place has ping-pong'd too many times, won't post more from this region until something major happens.
>>298021>>297907Second hand-report from 8 hours ago says the Houthis were advancing east of Ajuz.
Could be the way they "bypassed" the Nakhla area i guess.
So called Nakhla Point area:;451766395;155278528;27680;58507;0;23362;39482;0;65445;35973;30684;57680
>Sheikh Atelioush Al-Lafi, one of the most prominent figures of the Al-Akidat tribe in DeZ, and his son were executed in their home by unidentified persons in Hawi Dhiban, SE DeZ.>A former militia commander, Ahmed Al-Alwan aka Abu Saleh, his son and nephew were shot dead by unknown persons in Al Busayrah, SE DeZ. [Embed]
>>298021>The Khanjar fronts witness violent battles after the fall of the Barqa camp at the hands of the Houthi forces>Houthi forces advanced rapidly towards Ruqayb al Aswad, Al-Ma`w and Al-Khanjar camp [Embed]Wut, a pro-houthi source said Barqa Shiraa was in the south of the district and i was under the impression that Khanjar was under houthi control.
>>298023If you will allow me to steal a take, this is just them doing the Zionism that Jews want done now so Biden doesn't have to do the bad optics of doing it when he is in charge. Notice that there is no talk of Biden undoing any of these great achievements for Zionism despite leftjew calling them 'destabilising'.
Anyway that's just taking the fucking piss, this Cuba thing is so exceptional it may get undone anyway.
>>298156Not to imply being placed on the terrorism list actually does anything, the optics are just really bad for no real gain to Jews, so it could get reversed to run cover for the stuff that wont get removed because it's important, eg Morocco-Israel deal. [Embed]US Secretary of State Pompeo says that Iran has become the new headquarters for Al Qaeda.
>>298156>>298161In the case of Yemen, it's only going to make the bad humanitarian situation worse. Though as if that ever has mattered, though it's obvious that it's Trump / Pompeo crawling in front of Bibi.
>>298183Eh, houthi territory is already blockaded and the zogbots support the saudi coalition, the situation can't really get worse unless .
HTS are designated as a terrorist group even by T*rkey and they get by just fine.
>>298200unless the Saudis somehow get Biden to support them with boots on the ground*
No way the juden are dumb enough to get their golems stuck in another Afghanistan.
>>298200>>298202Yes the situation is bad, however it could affect even the remaining humanitarian aid making the situation even worse. By how much, no idea.
>>298202Either ways, can't actually see that Saudis or U.S for that matter are actually planning to increase their military operations in Yemen. [Embed]Well, now we learn that EU officials including Luxembourg's FM Jean Asselborn have DECLINED meetings with Mike Pompeo on his final foreign trip that's now been canceled...
Oh wow.
>>298203Let's hope not.
Die-hard houthis won't surrender, but the sunnis, moderate zaydis and secular people might abandon the cause if there's no humanitarian aid.
Man, it would suck big time if the same revolutionaries who managed to survive the Saudi coalition, Salehs betrayal and the overall dire situation so far, got beaten by literal starvation.
>>298204Yep, and hopefully losing Marib will break their resolve completely.
>Hadi forces launched an attack this morning on the positions of the Houthi forces located near Jabal Murad and Rahahba, through which they were able to regain control of Jabal Quraydah>In the battles, 12 soldiers and officers from Hadi forces fell between one wounded and one martyr, and the Houthi forces lost 11 people, including one dead or wounded, and 4 prisoners. [Embed]>after controlling Jabal Quraida they will continue the momentum and prepare to attack Najd Al Majmaah [Embed]Second hand source earlier today claimed the gains that the houthis had made the last two weeks.
I have never seen Jabal Quraydah mentioned before and i can't find it on any maps, big (x) on Najd al Mujamma‘ah falling.‘ah
>>298233gains that the houthis had made the last two weeks has been reversed*
>>298001Pro-jihadi source say Hurras al-Din stepped into a minefield whilst attempting to raid gov positions in the Ghab plains today, 3 KIA. [Embed]
>Our forces impose a suffocating blockade at the entrances of Marib, as they made great progress during the past hours on the northeastern side of the city [Embed]Uhh, Almorady wrote a post about good news in Marib 4 hours ago, no specific locations mentioned from him either.
The lack of reports indicate the houthis aren't close to either paved exits from the city (big deal) so my bet is Jabal Kanayis (meaning they basically cut the desert route from Marib city to Raghwan district).
Big IDF strike on Bukamal tonight.
>>298233Pro-Houthi commie chink says otherwise:
>Intense battle engaging at Jabal Murad district as Houthi Ansarullah forces set to take control the strategic mountains. #Marib [Embed]Sure it's possible they jebaited and neutralized the Hadi forces that advanced yesterday but capturing Jabal Murad...i don't think so...
>>298039>According to the son of the assassinated Akidat Sheikh, his father rejected the Syrian Democratic Forces’ presence in the area because “it is for its Syrian people and people from the Arab tribes only.”>He pointed out that “my father always stressed during his sessions and social meetings that Syria is a united country and that its oil and agricultural wealth, which considers the Jazira and Euphrates regions as important reservoirs for them, belongs to all Syrians without exception, and it must return to them whatever the price, stressing the need for the return of state institutions.”>He added that “the American occupier and the” Qasd organization are the ones who bear moral and criminal responsibility for the killing of my father, brother and their guest, and they will announce as usual that they will arrest the perpetrators, which will not happen as they promised to our cousins, the Al-Hafl family, so there is no solution except with the expel these strangers are from our region today before tomorrow. ”
>>298341Mobile ballistic missile launchers put out of service, real smart to disguise them as a bunch of sheds at the new border crossing.
>US announces sanctions on senior #Iraqi leader of Popular Mobilization forces, which fought ISIS, saying he is linked to ISIS
>Ansar al-Tawhid target SAA 5th Corp positions near the Zaytoun camp, north of Hazarin, southern Idlib, [Embed];365163445;356116913;107717;34888;22959;0;0;30702;80680;64019;106000;36284GRAD or homemade rockets were used.
Two days since they published their tank attack on Ma'arrat Mukhus on the same front:
>>298233>>298326>24 officers and soldiers of Hadi's forces have been killed so far in the Murad front, during the past 24 hours, and the number is expected to rise>This is due to the poor implementation of the attack plan drawn up by Dhiab Al-Qibli. We will not allow the Houthi forces to besiege a group of Hadi fighters west of Jabal Al-Qaridah and cut off contact with them since the dawn of today.>This and two attempts to break the siege on them failed [Embed]>Hadi's forces fail to control Mount Sanasil after an attack that lasted for several hours. This, a group of Hadi's forces are still surrounded after the failure of the attack. [Embed]>In Jabal Murad, a harassment was carried out on the way of Al-Ansar, after the failure of the legitimate forces' attack, causing heavy losses and military equipment. [Embed]As expected "jebaited and neutralized".
>SAA field commander comment on any offensive Idlib: Not until Turkey takes more territory from PYD east of the Euphrates>this is the same guy who said Qalaat (al-Mudiq) will be taken without firing a shot>and he said this months before the SAA finally took control of it [Embed]
>>298333>Another Sheikh was just shot dead in SE DeZ. Sheikh Hussein Al-Jamil aka Abu Saddam from the al-Bukair tribe. [Embed]>Lots of drama today in Deir ez Zor as Daesh attacked and killed two from the Al Bakir clan near the Conico area. Elsewhere, a notable of the From Abu Nitel survived an assassination attempt from Daesh and the townspeople almost managed to kill the attackers who were able to flee. [Embed]
3 part video shows drone guiding krasnopol artillery shells in Idlib, probably old footage from earlier offensives. [Embed]
>looks like six MiG-29 fighter jets were deployed to the Russian air base in Hmeymim besides the usual Su-24 and Su-30/35 (sat image dated 12 Jan 2021)
+ runway being expanded
>>298357>Ansar al Tawhid use improvised cannon 125mm from T72 to shell SAA at Hazarin. Which means they're 3-5 km awayAnsar al-Tawhid has a lot of toys for being such a small faction...
>>298381>The surrender of 33 members of the National Army to the Houthi forces on the outskirts of Jabal al-Qarida, including officers and commanders, after a 40-hour siege without their support or reinforcement. [Embed]>The siege was lifted by handing themselves over to the Houthis, after a three-day siege in which coalition air forces intervened and bombed hysterically without any benefit. [Embed]ayylmao
>>298539I haven't been able to confirm the locations of the mountains but i reckon this is how the siege happened:
1. Pro-Hadi forces capture the Rahum area, Jabal Quraida and Jabal Naqum
2. They foolishly attempt to capture Jabal Sanasil and get ambushed, houthis launch counterattacks recapturing Jabal Naqum and re-establishing fire control over the lower area between Rahum and Quraida.
3. Hadi forces take cover in the villages between Jabal Quraida and Jabal Naqum before eventually surrendering.
It isn't a Nihm-tier victory but hopefully this costly fiasco broke the Muradi tribes' fighting spirit, nearly triple digit casualties has to sting.
>>298557Business as usual.
>>298543All Hadi gains on the Jabal Murad frontline these last 3 days have
been reverted. [Embed]
>The spokesperson of the Southern Transitional Council says that the unilateral decisions made by president Hadi last night are a serious and unacceptable escalation and consider a blowup to the agreement of Al Riyadh. [Embed]
>There is a strong current in #Iran who doesn't want the nuclear deal anymore. #Europe & the #US have be4 mid-February to lift the sanctions, all sanctions. Otherwise, Iran is no longer interested and prefer to go full nuclear, including military grade and capability. [Embed]
>Interesting development as the group Ansar Abu Bakr al Saddiq claims to have killed 3 Turkish soldiers in a sniper attack in Batbu, Idlib. I haven’t seen any martyrdom announcements but the Turkish MOD though.>Local journalists do report that Turkish soldiers have been wounded by gunfire however [Embed]>Targeted one of the main bases of the Turkish Nato army stationed in the village of Batbo
>The UAE forces evacuate their base in the city of Al-Mokha and withdraw all weapons, including air defense systems and vehicles>Did the withdrawal of Emirati forces from Mokha, which began a few days ago, with the escalation taking place on the western coast?!>Is the withdrawal as a prelude to transforming the region in the hands of others other than the UAE’s allies at home or is it a prelude to the entry of other foreign forces there?>Does China's decision to send its fleet to the region several days ago have anything to do with withdrawal ?! [Embed]Hue
>Reports of #IRGC militia trucks crossed the #Iraq|i border crossing into #Syria last night.>PMU sent military reinforcements of no less than 30 vehicles with anti-aircraft guns.>IRGC intend to renew the caravans destroyed in a previous attack on #AlQaim border crossing [Embed]Anti-aircraft guns on PMU vehicles are probably not for anti-aircraft use.
>>298841These are basically my second Christmas.
I stopped paying attention to the Ethiopian war for a few weeks assuming it was basically over after the TPLF got crumped out of their capital and half their land, apparently they are still doing stuff.
There is also reasonably minor fighting over some disputed scrap between Sudan and Ethiopia, I don't think it will amount to anything, the time for Egypt and Sudan to attack is probably gone unless Ethiopia can blunder into a really public Tigray famine (not unlikely). [Embed]> A new picture showing the TPLF has captured ENDF soldiers. Location is said to be in Idagarbi> There was a report a few days ago that the ENDF tried taking the town (around a day or two after their unsuccessful offensive in a gorge near Ruba Gered) with some soldiers captured [Embed]> The TPLF via the Tigray Intercept claim ambushing a convoy around Sero. They claim destroying 10 Ural trucks, 4 cars, 1 Zu-23 heavy machine gun (would be on a Ural as well) and capturing ammunition and soldiers. There has not been any visual confirmation as of posting.> Current map
Is there a resource for a rundown on what's been going on the past 7 years with Syria, I need something new to pay attention too and that'd be super useful.
>>298918>rundown on what's been going on the past 7 years with SyriaI guess that depends on how much detail you want it in, I don't know of any good and complete article which would be able to give you any detailed information over such a wide timeframe. If you know basically nothing what I would try is to go through the Wikipedia timeline of events (keeping in mind that it isn't exactly accurate in places) and try to deep dive into any specific event or subject that sticks out at you as particularly interesting, with this you can slowly build up a base of knowledge and fill out the misinformation that the basic Wikipedia may have given you.
Anyway Yemen is currently the peak kino war currently with Syria not doing much.
>>298384>Russia is not joking, it is massively strengthening its presence east of the Euphrates, including Al-Qamishli.Video of Russian convoy at Ain Issa: [Embed]>At least 200 Russian military police reinforced their posts around Ayn Issa. Possibly more. More posts are also expected to be established, one source told me. [Embed]Curious... is anyone of you lurking here keeping track on Biden's moves in Syria?
I'm trying to focus on Idlib/ISIS activity and Yemen, has anything besides Antony Blinken's comments on the situation happened?
>Commander of the Central Axis, Major General Amin Al-Akimi withdraws the commander (Mohsen Muhammad Saif) of the formations of the 155th Brigade from the Yatama front>He threatens to withdraw the rest of the soldiers of the central axis stationed on the Yatama front, in response to the suspension of the salaries of the central axis by order of Riyadh>The news was confirmed by the Assistant Commander Heikal Hantaf [Embed], i wonder why the Saudis aren't paying them... it's not like they're on a tight budget.
Only kind of logical theory i can come up with is that they don't mind this front collapsing because they've given up hope on getting anywhere near Saada or Hazm.
This manpower can be put to better use on fronts that actually matters like Marib whilst the regular Saudi border guards handles the pre-war border.
Then again, it would free up a ton of houthis aswell...
>Jawf: The Houthi forces control Eala (?) Qanaw and the south of Barka Shiraa and fully control them after bloody battles that ended with the defeat of the legitimate forces from them, and many soldiers were killed, wounded, and strayed. [Embed]>Houthi forces reach Qarn Qanaw, southeast of Barqa [Embed]Still no clarification on who controls Khanjar Camp, in fact, everything in white is iffy for all i know including the Duhaydah mountains between Alam and Hadba.
I usually don't spend much attention on this front because i don't believe the Houthis can make any breakthrough on the Alam/Ruwayk front but since there hasn't been much reported action elsewhere, maybe this is a prelude to something big.
>>299316Map from Ali says Nasratayn and Duhaydah is under Houthi control.
>>299316>The site that the National Army lost in Al-Jawf is negligible, and it is a site that witnesses mutual control every period between the two parties. [Embed]Others aren't impressed.
>President Biden is considering reversing Trump's drawdown in Iraq by adding thousands of troops to combat growing terror threats in the region as evidenced by Thursday's attack near the US embassy. [Embed]
>>298756>Saudi Arabia will replace the Emirati force that withdrew from Mokha a few days ago>Today, Saudi forces arrived at the port of Mokha, accompanied by Yemeni military units from the Saudi southern border. [Embed]Hue
>>299316>>299318>Painful truth: Al-Houthi is expanding in the deserts of Al-Alam and its north to surround and besiege Marib>People are fighting among themselves in the same deserts to seize the travelers' collection points under the name "Fees for improving the area">(they?) Do not stop the expansion of Al-Houthi>Or even improve the area>They did not provide even protection for travelers [Embed]tl;dr butthurt because corrupt Hadists are exploiting civilians travelling on routes going through the desert from Houthi to Hadi territory and vice versa.
Unclear if the houthis are actually advancing or if this is just a comment on the whole racketeering situation...
>>299405This sounds like a more general whinge that they haven't been able to stop the Houthi advances over the recent war because the people hate them.
>>299412Ali is not enough of a bootlicker to be whining about who militarily controls the desert IMO
>In a significant update, the Iraqi resistance group ”Ahl Al-Kahf” announces that they will start attacking US ”military convoys” with ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles). They asked the Iraqi forces in the convoys to keep some distance from the occupation forces. [Embed]>Jan. 2: Iraqi Resistance Ashab Al-Kahf: Any US convoy carrying US troops (not logistics convoy) that moves between Nenavah, Salah Al-Deen and Karkuk will be turned into ashes. [Embed]
>>299432>Almost immediately after Biden announces an intent to send more troops to the middle east, some middle eastern group says they will shoot at American troopsIf I were more prone to conspiracy theories, I'd almost believe this message actually came from the CIA, trying to justify the need for more U.S. forces in the area
>U.S. State Department says working to conclude Houthi terrorist designation review>“As noted by Secretary-Designate Blinken, the State Department has initiated a review of Ansarallah’s terrorist designations,” the spokesperson said, using another name used for the Houthis.
>1st Brigade 5th Corps. is ready
that's alotta bmp's
The Tiger visited what to me looks like Jabal Shahshbo today.
>>299434It seems the Saudis are trying to pull off a false flag by shooting down a missile over Riyadh today.
Many sources, both pro and anti-houthi, think it's awfully convenient that the missile was shot down and launched now that the terror designation of the houthis is up in the air.
Houthis deny launching anything.
>>299509>Iräqi new group, Al-Wa’ad Al-Sadek (the truthful promise) just claimed responsibility for drone over Riyädh. [Embed]
Afghan Shitmupdate
Corrections: ISKP cells in Khost and Badakhshan were yeeted, corrected situation in Panjwayi of Kandahar.
Gains: Taliban increases pressure on Baghlan City and Puli Khumri by capturing the area between the two cities, Taliban also attacked Senjetak near Qala-e Naw in Baghdis. [Embed]President-elect Joe Biden’s Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken has said that the incoming Biden admin will review the #DohaDeal that was signed between outgoing Trump admin and the Afghan Taliban. He also added that U.S. wants to end this war and bring troops home.
>>299550>wants to (((end the war)))>can't even talk coherently without daily doses of adrenocrome & methamphetamines>at the same time promises to send 50,000 more gullible goyim in for (((peacekeeping actions))) into Afghanistan/Iraq/Syria/T*rdistanWho is ACTUALLY pulling the fucking strings at this point? Oh, right, the kike bankers. How novel.
>Military source to me guy: Military source: At around 1340 pm today, a bus carrying soldiers on the Deir Ezzor-Palmyra road in the Al-Malhah-Shula region came under fire from the south of the road from a terrorist group coming from the Al-Tanf area, killing three soldiers and wounding ten others [Embed]lmao, as if there are no sleeper cells in SAA "controlled" desert territory and they just travelled 150km from the al-Tanf zone for this run of the mill highway ambush.
Even if/when al-Tanf returns to Damascus, the Badia situation will remain hopeless.
>The Houthi forces are approaching the center of Raghwan district, amid violent confrontations and the intense flight of warplanes>And the legitimate forces continue to dig trenches on the outskirts of the Ragwan district. [Embed]
>>299434well done progresism
I'm happy the jews are keveching right now. here is some horse pussy for luck.
>The Houthi forces are massing their fighters in large numbers on a number of the southern and northwestern Marib fronts.>The promise is close [Embed]>The arrival of unprecedented Houthi reinforcements towards Jabal Murad [Embed]>I have received information that the houthis have pushed qualitative military reinforcements from the special forces and the so-called (death brigades), towards the al-Abdiyyah, al-Juba and Harib fronts in order to invade it after coordination with the people of the aforementioned areas [Embed]>Houthi policy to bring down the Marib fronts has been based on negotiating with the sheikhs, followed by large-scale military operations targeting the road without entering the villages.>And now in Juba, Jebel Murad, Harib and al-Abdiya, the understandings were made during the previous period, and great reinforcements has arrived. [Embed]oo boyo
>>300265> death brigadesOh man, those guys again? I assume they finally manage to scrape their corpses off the mountains of Nihm.
Anyway I'm excited for next offensive.
Best of Houthi snipes 2020 compilation [Embed]> BREAKING: Reports say a coup is underway in Myanmar and leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been detained as communications appear to be cut.Sounds based.
>>300309>Aung San Suu KyiFemo*ds BTFO.
>>300265>Marib: The Houthi forces are still bringing in reinforcements on the southern fronts. [Embed]
Bukamal-Baghuz bridge is still out of service. [Embed]>Just returned from three days in Idlib, Syria with Abu Muhammad al Jolani, founder of al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al Nusra. He spoke candidly about 9/11, AQ, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, ISIS, America and more.Kek'd at the used cars salesman Jolani.
>>300415>used cars salesman Jolani
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Corrections: Almar DHQ is still contested though I am unsure of what the situation actually looks like in the area around it.
Gains: Taliban pressures Baghlan city from the north. Khayrabad near Surkh Rod in Nangarhar is contested, and Mughul village to the east of Sar-e Pol is pressured by Taliban. Gov't reenters Khayro Khel in Laghman to the south of Mihtarlam. Alipour's militia takes over Markazi Bihsud District in Wardak.
>>300504Just another legitimate businessman. [Embed]More footage of the Russian airstrikes in the northern Idlib countryside this evening.
Some more bombing happening in Jolanis car shop.
>>300506Finally, after weeks of circling Idlib without bombing anything, RuAF is on a killing spree.
>President Joe Biden on Thursday declared a halt to U.S. support for a Saudi Arabia-led military campaign in Yemen, demanding that the war, “has to end.”>Biden also named veteran U.S. diplomat Timothy Lenderking as the U.S. special envoy for Yemen in a bid to step up American diplomacy “to end the war in Yemen, a war which has created humanitarian and strategic catastrophe.”>“And to underscore our commitment, we’re ending all American support for offensive operations in the war in Yemen, including relevant arms sales.”>“At the same time,” he said on Thursday, “Saudi Arabia faces missile attacks, UAV (drone) strikes and other threats from Iranian-supplied forces in multiple countries. We’re going to continue to support and help Saudi Arabia defend its sovereignty and its territorial integrity and its people.”, well, well...
>>300506>kids still throwing rocks at americansAhhh some things never change.
[YouTube] Kamienie - reklama (Saddam & Osama )
>Almasirah reporter (Abdullah Al-Saqaf Jadid) points towards the city of Marib from the frontline
>The fall of fronts entirely in the hands of the Houthis in Marib, and dozens of martyrs and prisoners (Hadi losses). [Embed]>Houthi forces launch crawls on the National Army positions in Yatmeh, Al-Jawf. [Embed]>Although the Houthi advances today towards the fronts north of Ma'rib, large (houthi) reinforcements are still arriving at the fronts south of Ma'rib!>Caution, war is a trick. [Embed]>The Houthi forces control new sites in Al-Jawf and Ma'rib, and there were killed, wounded, and captured by dozens, the deaths of their leaders, and the destruction of several military vehicles and legitimate sites that were abandoned from the inside, a state of fear and an almost complete collapse. [Embed]>Houthi forces control large areas south of Khub W Al Shaff (southern Jawf). [Embed]>new sites has fallen at the hands of the Houthis in Marib, and the progress is still ongoing at the moment [Embed]>Violent attack by Houthi forces on sites east of Al-Khanjar, and Brigadier General Hantaf calls for reinforcements to break the advance>Houthi forces control the sites east of Al-Duhaida, between Al-Jawf, Mareb, and the fall of Asraa >Al-Houthi forces control positions in Al-Yatmah amidst new reinforcements of Houthi forces [Embed]>Houthi forces ambush Hadi forces leaders in Sirwah, and there are no more details>Houthi forces implement a detour in Al-Alam north of Marib and target military reinforcements on their way to the front >Houthi forces control the sites east of Al-Qarida and north of Wadi Bithqa in the Murad Front>The martyrdom of Ali Al-Jawdah, a pro-Hadi commander on Qaridah, with ten of his companions>The arrival of Yunus al-Houthi, commander of the so-called Death Brigades, to the Abdiyeh front at the head of a large forceConclusion: The fronts are red fire from the border in Tammah to the far south of Marib [Embed]>Marib Hospitals appeals for blood donation due to depletion of stocks to treat battle-wounded patients [Embed]I assume the hospital was robbed by a gang of vampires?
>The Houthi forces reinforce their presence on the Al-Duhaida and Al-Jadafar fronts, after controlling a number of locations [Embed]As the saying goes, busy day for reporters.
Seeing wild claims about Marib Dam... [Embed]> Yesterday, footage finally came out which confirms that a massacre did take place in Debre Abay. From this point on, the thread will be very graphic as we will examine the video. Below is the video in its entirety. Again. Extremely graphic.Thread about the incident.
Not fun times for anyone it seems. All this while Sudan reclaims border land and the Tigray continue being exceptionally and unreasonably useless.
>Violent battles along the Marib and Al-Jawf fronts for the third day in a row. [Embed]
>>300800>>300829>Houthi forces launch an attack from several sides on Jabal Kawfal [Embed]Brigade 312 a.k.a Camp Kawfal (controlled by pro-Hadi forces) is supposedly under siege by the houthis now: [Embed];450866889;154097472;0;0;173377;110875For being such a big operation, so far there has been a major lack of reports on actual specific positions gained from my pro-houthi sources...
Anyways, i think the biggest progress so far is on the Sirwah/Bani Dhabyan/Jubah front where the neutral tribe(s) of Bani Dhabyan finally agreed to let the houthis launch an attack through their territory against Hadi/Coalition territory.
Meaning the majority of Wadi Dhana (the main river source of Marib dam) is under Houthi control and so they have had an opportunity to bypass the frontlines.
Big focus is directed on Sirwah, but if the houthis are quick they could definitely threaten to cut the Marib-Jubah road, which would spell doom for Hadi held Jabal Murad district.
>>300844Disclaimer: Nothing i say is 100% confirmed.
I'll feel like Nostradamus if this is turns out to be true though since i started laying the dirt roads running through this area months ago on wikimapia.
Frontlines should be something like this, unclear if Camp Kawfil is still surrounded, conflicting report wether they surrendered yesterday or not.
>>300939anti-Houthi sources reports that Sirwah front has fallen completely to the houthis: [Embed]
If the houthis actually manages to capture Jabal Balaq al-Qibli, it's game over for Marib.
>>300939>The coalition air forces launched a number of strikes on Camp Kawfil [Embed]
>Hadi forces were able to break the Houthi forces' offensive south of Marib>Intermittent clashes in west Jubah, Jabal Murad and Al-Abdiyyah and reinforcements for both sides continues to mass>The coalition warplanes target Sirwah with 25 air strikes, one of which targeted the special forces of Hadi's forces on Talat Al-Hamra>Houthi forces control Dahsha camp (Western Kawfil) and Hammat Amir, in the far east of the Sirwah directorate>Houthi forces withdraw from the Shaeb Jamila south of Sirwah after reactivating the Houthi agreement with the Bani Dabyan tribes>Hadi's forces were able to break the Houthi forces' attack on Asdas (Raghwan District Center). [Embed]
>Houthi forces withdraw from the Shaeb Jamila south of Sirwah after reactivating the Houthi agreement with the Bani Dabyan tribes
Kawfil front collapsed thanks to the maneuver in Wadi Dhana and that's what matters.
This likely means an incursion into northwest Jubah won't happen anytime soon, but i reckon seizing the mountains takes higher priority for the houthis at the moment.
>Latest news of the fighting fronts in Marib (until 01:00)>Raging battles in Nakhla in the outskirts of Medghal>Violent attack by Houthi forces on QC sites. Hadi below the obstacle of Ablah - Harib (uhh?) >Clashes continue west of Al-Tala Al-Hamra, Sirwah [Embed]
>Marib, Sarwah>Sheikh Abdullah Muhammad Toaiman agreed with the Houthis to spare the Al-Zour region and its environs from fighting and destruction>He pledged to expel and prevent any gathering of Hadi forces around Al-Zour in exchange for the Houthis not entering them and using the asphalt road safely and bypassing them. [Embed]
>A Houthi ballistic missile targets the Kassara front, killing more than 63 martyrs, including leaders and dozens of wounded, as a preliminary result. [Embed][YouTube] Unreal Tournament Monster Kill Sound
The houthis didn't attempt to advance yesterday but today there are intense clashes in the Damanah area east of Kawfil and they have supposedly launched a "massive and violent" attack on the Alam front.
Will update if any map changes occur.
>A Turkish relief organization raises the flag of the Syrian regime on its banners while distributing relief in the camps of Azaz in the northern countryside of Aleppo.
>houthi gains during the month of February thus far
First source claiming Wadi Nakhla (NW front) is captured, even claiming the first row of mountains overlooking it is captured. Big development if true.
al-Alam front, no comments.
>>301159>Marib at 1:20 am: Two violent explosions rock the city of Marib (believed to be two coalition air strikes on the Dushsh area northwest of Marib) [Embed]That's extremely close to Tadawin Camp, maybe it was ballistic missiles and not airstrikes, otherwise holy shit that's huge.;452679634;155330834;0;196806;168228;0;642013;299337;642013;299337;480651;458083;17166;200114
>Houthi forces are still attacking and pro-Hadi are on the defensive [Embed]Seems the supposed Hadi counterattack last night was a flop.
>Hadi forces break an attack by Houthi forces on the fronts of Jabal Murad [Embed]>In support of the military operations of the forces of Sana'a, the arrival of two infantry battalions from the Brigades of Major General Saleh bin Saleh Al-Wahbi yesterday night to the contact lines on the fronts of Ma'rib, each battalion consists of 300 individuals, led by his son and his brother's son .. [Embed]>The coalition warplanes mistakenly targeted a number of Al-Ashraf tribes, who were on their way to support the National Army on the fronts of Marib. [Embed]This was the airstrikes on the Dushsh area last night:
>>301140>A delegation from the "SDF" includes military and political leaders in Damascus, to discuss many outstanding issues, and sources confirming the agreement of the Syrian government and the "SDF" on several points.>t. SAMA TV [Embed]
btw does anyone has a yemen military media channel/drive or something?
(((they))) canceled everything
>>301247>Houthi forces surrounded a battalion with all its equipment in Shaeb al-Hamar [Embed]No clue where Shaeb al-Hamar exactly is but my guess is near Jabal Hamar: be related to a claim made a couple hours ago that the houthis managed to capture some mercenaries who was on their way to Camp Kawfil.
>>301252>Badr Organization's MP Hamid al-Mousawi says Abu Fadak, the PMF's General Chief of Staff, directed his forces to defend Sinjar against Turkish forces.>Mousawi's sharing of this news is endorsement. Hadi al-Ameri is likely to step in with a statement/comment soon. [Embed]The plot thickens, has YPG been making deals for a Persian lifeline in case shit hits the fan (rumored T*rkish plans for an incursion into Sinjar to cut the SDF-Iraqi K*rdistan border crossings) and the burgers just up and leaves all of a sudden?
Rare Syria Shitmupdate
Gov't forces reentered and took control of Tafas following escalation of tensions in Dara'a governorate.
Also, a small update on frontlines - I erased frontlines in joint-control areas but still maintain frontlines between factions.
>>301264I have the yearly best of videos and a few small ones, other than that no.
>>301315Actually I think I have some of the operation videos, i’ll have to check which ones.
>>301316If you want any of them I can throw them up on a MEGA or something.
>>301294>Three Hashd al-Shaabi (PMF) brigades deployed to Sinjar to counter Turkish threats [Embed]
>>301247>Ansarullah source says that these elite soldiers (Brigades of Major General Saleh bin Saleh Al-Wahbi) will be heading to reinforce Jabal Murad front to break the stalemate. They will also be equipped with heavy weapons such as artillery, armored vehicles, and tanks.>It was reported that Maj-Gen Saleh bin Saleh Al Wahbi and his delegates were trying to negotiate with Murad tribes to surrender in southern #Marib, but since many of Murad tribes refused, he decided to bring reinforcements to go all in.>The Yemeni Army Chiefs of Staff met today to discuss the process related to the liberation efforts on the Ma'rib frontline.
>>301339>Marib governor appointed by Sana'a Gov't taking a picture in front Kofel base sign
>>301346>The Houthis cut the Arqoub line and take down a site near the village of Al-Zour. [Embed]No clue what or where the Arqoub line is...
I've been analyzing the mountain front of west Marib and have come to the conclusion that Talat al-Hamra actually is the mountain to the west of where it is on wikimapia.
The lack of geo-locatable image proof doesn't lend credence to either location, but my theory makes sense when comparing signs of actual fortification on the two mountains, supply lines and line of sight.
The frontline north/northeast of the Talat al-Hamra area i am even more unsure about.
Hopefully i am wrong or a breakthrough actually happens this time, the houthis have been stopped at Talat al-Hamra in previous offensives and sadly it's starting to look like a re-run...
What a world, when the centre-left party are stricter against illegals than the cheeto-tinted MIGA messiah.
>This tweet is a fact, not a joke>Representatives of the coalition in Marib offer their things for sale at cheap prices:>Various electric frames>Spare parts for various equipment and cars>Prefab homes (caravans)>Electronics (screens, air conditioners, etc.)>Oils and batteries of various types and sizes [Embed]
Yemen Shitmupdate - minor Houthi gains in central-west Marib.
>>301369>The areas surrounding the Al-Zour Front witnessed violent battles during the past hours, and there is no information about the controlling party on the ground yet due to the poor communication network. [Embed]
>>301435Looks like the houthis have made some gains, more info soon.
>>301445Jabal Balaq al-Qibli and al-Zur village in the background of the pic FYI.
Unconfirmed reports of the Houthis having captured Jabal Al-Balaq, (x) on that for now.
>>301467>Marib fronts reigned completely calm with the intense flight of coalition aircraft [Embed]Yeah, Jabal Al-Balaq hasn't been captured.
>The Houthi forces has launched a large-scale attack from several paths on Talat al-Hamra about an hour ago. [Embed]
>Hadi forces attack the positions of the Houthi forces, east of Malbouda - east of Medghal, without achieving any progress [Embed]'m 100% certain that this isn't the real location of Malbudah, but it's around there, probably one of the hills 1-2km north of where it is on wikimapia.
>IS Yemen branch issued a statement claiming that its supporters are participating in battles of Marib, specifically on the Kasarah front against Houthi troops. [Embed] already knew Yemeni ISIS were clowns, but this takes the cake.
>>301627Absolutely pitiful.
>>301627they dont hide it anymore
>Reports of the withdrawal of a large number of Saudi officers from Marib, leaving only a few officers for logistical support to be counted on the fingers of one hand [Embed]Pro-Hadi reporter on Marib dam today: [Embed]Next post will be spicy...
>>301652A "leaked" houthi document showing the terms for reconciliation for the tribes of Marib.
Here's a direct translation, it doesn't always make sense, but gives a clear picture.
>Third (im guessing military zone): Guarantees and Commitments: >Not to pursue anyone, to avoid the ranks and fronts of the Hadi Army, and not to prejudice>With any possessions he has, including weapons, cars, or houses>Not to arrest any person who was among the lists of fighters on the fronts>Avoid fighting from the date of 2020 >Not to employ any person from outside the governorate of Ma'rib in offices and institutions>The state in the governorate.>Giving the people of Ma'rib Governorate priority in the jobs of the Safer Oil Company>And gas, with no less than 80% of the total number of employees and employees In which.>The allocation of 70% of SAFER's revenues for the Ma'rib Governorate.>Establishing a mechanism for counting and replacing the new currency for the benefit of merchants and shop ownersIn the province
>Preservation by the people of Ma'rib on all state facilities and government institutions>And the province.>That the people of Ma'rib governorate have priority in assuming army and security positions>In the province.>Restoring state employees to their previous official jobs.>Restoring the numbers and salaries of all army and security personnel from the Ma'rib governorate>Not participating in the fighting from the date of 2021 >Giving the sheikhs and notables of Marib Governorate their prominent social position and role>In the order of the county and the status of its children.>Not to enter the farms and villages of the people of Ma'rib Governorate, and to be satisfied with being in certain places of military or security importance and in a manner that preserves their safety.>Maintaining the safety and security of all residents of the other governorates (districts) in Marib governorate and not participating in the fronts or withdrawing from and ensuring that they are not subjected to any harassment in exchange for a guarantee and a definition
>>301653As anti-houthi sources point out, there are no signatures from any sheiks of Marib, so it's kind of suspect, but houthi spokesmen have been very vocal about Marib city "falling" from the inside...
>>301653>Tonight Mohammad Ali Alhouthi has advised all Yemeni soldiers in a public appeal on Twitter to be gentle towards any street within Marib, and not to destroy civilian infrastructure. [Embed]
For now, very unconfirmed news: Reportedly Asdas (Raghwan district) has captured and the houthis have reached the farmlands between Marib and the dam.
I won't believe it until we see some visual evidence.
Something might be brewing near al-Bab...
I have seen report of SAA 5th corp and tiger forces arriving near al-Bab and now this:
>Video of SAA 16th Storming Brigade technicals and artillery posted on Feb 16, same day the unit arrived near al-Bab #Aleppo. Brigade was formed last year and is commanded by Brig Saleh Abdullah, formerly of the #Tiger_Forces [Embed]
>A number of leaders of Hadi's forces were killed, most notably the commander of the Falcons Brigade at the Malboudeh frontAl-Houthi forces control the Dushsh al Haqn southeast of Malboudeh in Madghal
>A breakdown of the advance of Hadi's forces on the positions of the Houthi forces in the Al-Alam region>Violent clashes south of Al-Tala'a Al-Hamra [Embed]
Dope as hell houthi 2020 compilation by Yemen Wrath [Embed]
>>301252>>301294>Nuri Mahmoud, a spokesman for the People's Protection Units (YPG), confirmed that the SDF, which ranges between 70-100k fighters, may be part of the new "Syrian army" after reaching a comprehensive political solution to the Syria crisis.>Nuri Mahmoud: The liberation of Afrin is a strategic goal for the SDF. The fall of the city in the hands of the Turkish occupation was not yet a military defeat as much as it was an international diplomatic deal. [Embed]Bogus numbers aside, interesting timing.
>>301841>The Yemeni army and the popular committees are advancing towards the Al-Wadiah border crossing with Saudi Arabia east of Marib [Embed]For now let's put an (x) on them advancing that far today, but the reports from the al-Alam/Ruwayq front are sounding damn good.
>>301843>The steadfastness of the Alam Front during the past few days collapsed in one blow in the face of the constant Houthi pressure and the absence of reinforcements, despite the demands for them 7 days ago. [Embed]4 hours ago:
>Houthi forces control important sites in Al-Alam>In addition, an entire battalion was besieged [Embed]3 hours:
>besides the new sites, the houthis also gained large spoils of integrated military equipment (wut) and capture dozens of weapons. [Embed]
>>301848>>301843thanks for all the updates
did they take marib dam? isw is claming it, but i cant belive it
big if true
>>301852>did they take marib dam? isw is claming it, but i cant belive itNah, they probably misunderstood the reports of the houthis reaching the dam reservoir.
Afghan Shitmupdate
Major correction to the situation in Panjwayi area to the immediate west of Kandahar city
Taliban offensive in Sholgara of Balkh, Taliban seize Minar in Khash rod of Nimruz, Basharan to the north of Lashkargah in Helmand is contested, Taliban take Surkh Ab in Mohammed Agha area of Loga (no shitmap frontline change though lol) and substantial Taliban offensive to the west of Qarabagh DHQ in Ghazni.
>>301722wtf is going on in TFSA territory, there was a SVBIED attack like two days ago and tonight a car bomb [Embed]
>>301848>Clashes erupted between the 2nd Protection Brigade and the Special Mission Battalion in Al Ruwaik camp due to a dispute over ammunition and sums of money. [Embed]
>Unconfirmed: Violent clashes between the Syrian army and armed groups on the axes of Al-Bab city, in Aleppo countryside, [Embed]
>>301928>Clashes in Al-Ruwaik camp between the National Army brigades left 7 dead and a number of wounded. [Embed]lmfao
Whoops, missed this:
>The surrounding area of Arak fell to the hands of the Houthis, which is the area to which some of the displaced (from al-Zur) were transferred two days ago. [Embed] is wonky and the Arak area is bigger than only the village in link so it's not even clear that they crossed the river.
It's extremely tiresome to guess and the ridiculously high amount of false reports from the fronts lately makes me skeptical, but if you ask me they are simply approaching the unnamed village to the west of Ark-al-Tuaiman:
>>301948There was also this report a short while after i went to sleep:
>Houthi forces take control of the Hisn Mutawil (Mutawil fortress) and Arak. [Embed]Can't find the Hisn/Fortress and (x) on any gains report right now.
>>301978>Houthi forces control Hisn Mutawal and Arak in Wadi Dhanah today, Sunday, southeast of Sirwah>This was after Major General Abdul Qawi Sharif (Governor of Sana'a in the Hadi government) brought soldiers to Bani Dabyan and attacked the Houthi forces>The houthis considered it to be a breach of the agreement signed between them and the sheikhs of Bani Dabyan, which stipulates ensuring that the soldiers of both sides do not enter their area>The battles lasted for hours this morning and the houthis forced Sharif's forces to retreat and leave the areas of Bani Dabyan. [Embed]
>>301979If it's true the houthis crossed the river, the hadi forces are definitely not in control of the mountains flanking the Arak village.
Which one of you russian degenerates hacked Ali's twitter? [Embed]
>>302117I can't find many clearly defined defensive positions in this mountainous region between the river (Wadi Dhana) and the Jubah-Marib road making me think it's part of the neutral Bani Dabyan tribal region.
Presumably the mountain range (brown line) could be used defensively by pro-Hadi forces but it cannot be crossed directly with vehicles (white lines=usable roads).
Methinks they won't put up much of a fight, if any and instead relegate themselves to the vicinity of the Jubah-Marib road.
If the houthis commit to advancing in this region, Jabal Murad could be in big doo-doo.
>>302121>If the houthis commit to advancing in this region, Jabal Murad could be in big doo-dooSpeaking of Jabal Murad, whatever happened to the supposedly massive houthi reinforcements down there?
All I've seen has been reports of skirmishes and failed infiltration attempts.
It's a gargantuan stretch for sure, but what if all the ruckus north and west of Marib city is a ruse?
Every time I check in on Ethiopia it's just more massacre videos, peak African warfare, I've seen basically nothing of the fighting in comparison.
>>302122My assumption at this point is that the bothering in that area was the distraction to draw some attention away from the northern meatgrinder, I know there were small reports at the beginning but my understanding is that the area can't possibly be defended heavily enough that if they wanted to take it and utilised their resources they couldn't.
I'm not really sure that all this advancing to the south of the dam is going to lead to anything on its own, Jabal al Balaq al Qibli seemed like a really big move but as I understand they lost it. I guess we will see which direction Ma'rib falls from but right now i'm not seeing it, everything seems possible.
Yemen Shitmupdate - corrections for Marib and Jawf provinces.
Also I actually really don't like updating this map lmao.
Afghan Shitmupdate
Corrections: Issued a mix of gains/corrections in the area to the west of Jalrez DHQ in Wardak
Gains: Taliban contest Bauhaddin near Moqor DHQ in Ghazni, capture a string of villages to the west of besieged Jalrez DHQ in Wardak, and contest Afghanyah in central Kapisa.
I really really really like this map however.
>>302171> I really really really like this map however.I agree, it's neat.
>>302140>Jabal Murad was the distractionAye, i figured so aswell but now I'm not sure.
>Jabal Murad can't possibly be defended heavily enough that if they wanted to take it and utilised their resources they couldn'tYou're absolutely correct, but there are other ways to win that doesn't involve such savagery.
>Jabal al Balaq al Qibli seemed like a really big move but as I understand they lost itIf you ask me they never captured it.
Reports of Houthi reinforcement to the Jabal Murad/Abdiyah front and Saudi drone being shot down on in Abdiyah.
Eyes on Harib district laddos.
A pro-Hadi patrol boat was hit with an ATGM on the Marib dam reservoir lake today killing all onboard.
Hadi forces still control the dam.
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Corrections: issued large correction for Pashtun Zarghun District in Herat, issued corrections for Angur Ada (which is basically a part of Pakistan by now) and for Gomal and Urgun Districts in Paktia,
Gains: Taliban cut the road between Herat and Pashtun Zarghun, take over Afghanyeh in Kapisa and definitively cut the road between Tagab and Mahmud-e Raqi, and take over Arghistan DHQ in Kandahar.
ANA recaptures Gandamak and Tolo villages in Sherzad District. [Embed]>A thread on security: >1/6: Barely a day goes by without several explosions and targeted killings here in #Kabul. The atmosphere on the streets has changed; you can now see sheer panic in people’s faces.>2/6: Stuck in traffic recently,ppl in an armoured car next to me suddenly jumped out frantically,inspecting the doors,checking if an IED had been attached.I hoped no such bomb would explode;it didn’t.Seconds later,they resumed their trip,but the moment of naked fear lingered on.>3/6: #Kabul is on edge - and has been for the past months. In January, 30 such magnetic bombs exploded in the #Afghan capital alone, injuring and killing many, sending waves of fear into the nation.>4/6: #US forces are due to leave by May,but haven’t made their intentions clear. EU countries continue to deport Afghans straight into a raging war. It’s irresponsible,with decisions made by people outside of #Afghanistan,people who live in safety,who have never experienced war.>5/6: Afghans,many who have been hoping for decades,are once again on the move:Friends have left for Turkey,Uzbekistan,Pakistan,etc.With the constantly deteriorating security situation,every corner of #Kabul has become a #frontline. Many say this is the worst time since 2001.>6/6: Having lived here for 2.5 yrs,I can def say its the worst time Ive seen.Not just the violence,but the tiredness,the lack of hope after 4decades of war,after invasions at the expense of the Afghan ppl. In the midst of all the chaos,it’s Afghan lives lost. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Clashes in the desert and a missile strike on Hadi HQ in Marib.
Supposedly a pic of Marib taken from Jabal Balaq al-Qibli by houthis tonight.
It's not showing up on image search and it does indeed look like Marib so it seems legit!
>>302483>MaRiB SoOnHas it been year already?
Though it seems like that the Houthis are on the roll.
>Reuters: Senior US officials meet with Houthi officials in the Sultanate of Oman.>US officials urge the Houthis to hold talks with Saudi Arabia and stop the attack on Marib. [Embed]I haven't been able to follow the news too well lately, but i reckon the slow-down on the Marib front is connected to this meeting.
Russia hit another DIY oil refinery in TFSA territory n/w of Manbij.
Lots of juicy videos of the explosions and aftermath: [Embed]Ironic that T*rkey allows their proxies trading with SDF.
>Houthi forces control Hamat Al-Dhiab, the first area of Al-Dishosh, which is located west of the city of Marib [Embed]Dishosh/Dushsh area:;451829910;155147241;0;0;307273;11578;1088333;330786;1375007;519310Also, unconfirmed reports claim the houthis are advancing on the eastern bank of the Marib dam lake.
>>302990>biden trying to recognize a saudi sovereignty in maribpathetic
>>303299>Opposition telegrams are calling for civilians to leave Al-Bab towards Turkish-Syrian border or other 'liberated' areas before it's too late.>They say now "What is happening in Al-Bab, happened in Saraqeb - Maarat al Numan and other areas" >Seems some are nervous [Embed]
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Corrections: Corrected the situation in Deh Rahwod District of Uruzgan and Nesh + Miyaneshin Districts of Kandahar, corrected situation in Manogay and Watapur Districts of Kunar.
Gains: Taliban take over the ANA garrison in Bala Murghab, take over Jawand (since no news from Jawand in a long time), and Muqur DHQs in Baghdis. In Zabul they took over Shamulzayi, and remainders of Atghar, Now Bahar, Mizan, Daychopan, and Arghandab Districts at the heels of ANA withdrawal towards the provincial capital. In Nangarhar, Taliban squeeze in on Sherzad DHQ.
ANA recaptures Bolan on the western outskirts of Lashkargah in Helmand.
>>303536What am i looking for?
Just a side note: Suriyak is a decent mapper, not a source. He trust his sources a tad bit too much and the conviction in his own guess-work he showcases when posting gets tiresome after the Ωth time he's proven wrong.
zogbots will be zogbots. how do we end the cycle.
>>303599Checked and saved.
>>303599>Bob WhitakerIs this the same based man?
>>303578Fair enough, I was posting it for you to see more sources in case Wikipedia was picking up stuff you somehow missed is all.
Also apparently the two sides in Libya made peace and agreed to a unity government pending general elections in December.
>>303599Oh man, night of the pillow when?
>>303603Ah, i see, it doesn't seem like a 100% unipolar crowd doing the edits aswell. Neato.
I'll try to keep up but if i'm slacking off or miss anything you'd like my opinion on, hit me up brudda
>>303648Hadi forces are scoring some gains against the mountainous salient south-west of Taiz city.
There's potential this could lead to a collapse of the salient and even an attempt to control the Mocha-Taiz highway, but for now it's a diversion that the houthis can afford to ignore if they score a victory in Marib. Taiz city is not going anywhere and the houthis definitely have a trap or two waiting to be executed a la Nihm.
There are daily reports of clashes, airstrikes and missile strikes in Marib but nothing worth batting an eye over lately.
>>303686>Taiz: Al-Houthi forces control the areas of Al-Tuwair, Al-Quwaiha and a number of locations in the far north of Al-Kadha days after their liberation [Embed]
Yemen Shitmupdate
Corrected Hajjah situation (in reality only like one hamlet got added and it's barely visible)
Hadi forces squeeze the Houthi salient SW of Ta'izz.
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Corrections: Corrected Almar situation in Faryab, corrected Qadis in Baghdis, corrected Lashkargah in Helmand
Gains: Taliban takes over Almar District, clashes in Ghoriyan DHQ in western Herat, Taliban takes over Howz e Madad in Zhari District of Kandahar and cut the road.
>Taiz: Houthi forces regain control of the Daraf, Al-Arf and Ghobari Mountains, to the west of the Maqbana front, a day after they were liberated by Hadi's forces [Embed]>>303766Failed spectacularly lmao
>>303788Yemen Shitmupdate - Houthis reverse some Hadi gains in the mountains SW of Ta'izz
Afghan Shitmupdate - ANA launches an offensive to break the siege of Hisarak DHQ in Nangarhar. District statuses remain unchanged.
>The Yemeni army and the popular committees are purifying (Al-Atif) and advancing towards (Aidat Al-Ra), near which violent battles are taking place. [Embed] [Embed]Footage from the failed attack in Taiz.
If they weren’t trying to waste their own time they would be going after Harad again, but all of this is just silly, they can snip at the extrusions of the Houthi rosebush all they want, anything they have there is only stuff they don’t have defending Ma’rib.
Up or down on two months for Ma’rib is the question right now.
Oo boyo, the true frontline west of Marib might be on the cusp of being revealed (reports of gains on the eastern slopes of Jabal Haylan).
Will go more in depth when i get home, these reports got me real excited again.
Highlights from protests in Idlib today
[YouTube] Skid Row - Monkey Business
>>303926>>303951>>304105If you ask me, this is the approximate situation on the west Marib frontline:
Red = Pre-offensive houthi frontlines
Black = Pre-offensive Hadi frontlines
White = Current Hadi frontline.
I can add the names of the relevant hills and mountaintops on the maps if anyone is interested.
Just like every mapper currently trying to pinpoint the locations i have no evidence (i bet you nobody doing maps on twitter knows this), but after weeks of trying to connect the dots i'm convinced that the houthis haven't successfully advanced below the eastern slopes of Jabal Haylan until these last few days.
Summa summarum, i am excited because this recent advance could enable flanking maneuvers to the north/east of Talat al-Hamra and to the south/west of Jabal Dushsh al Khashar.
(See arrows in third pic for reference).
>>304057>anything they have there is only stuff they don’t have defending Ma’ribThe Saudi puppets are definitely not lacking manpower and equipment in Marib.
Tactical prowess and brave men is what they need but that's something they lack on all fronts.
>Up or down on two months for Ma’rib is the question right now.The latest reports are promising, but yeah, i agree with this assessment.
HTS couldn't control the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, so Julani ordered his operatives to shrink it and smuggle it to Idlib.
Mashallah, the clever mujahid even installed it on a sophisticated mobile platform to showcase it before transporting it to the humble presidential complex in Ankara.
>>304171do you know if there is a newer documentary about the houthis like Fronline from PBS or Rise of the Houthis from BBC?
i imagine saudis are not leting filmakers to enter houthi controlled territory
>>304181>do you know if there is a newer documentary about the houthis like Fronline from PBS or Rise of the Houthis from BBC?A good question, i tried finding fresh stuff not too long ago but i'll check.
>i imagine saudis are not leting filmakers to enter houthi controlled territoryYeah, i doubt there has been many western MSM crews doing much in Houthi territory lately but using local filmmakers is not unheard of.
>>304181No luck finding anything that tickles this pickle.
>>304188> Yeah, i doubt there has been many western MSM crews doing much in Houthi territory latelyThe last thing I really remember was that really neat article by I think some Germans, who were smuggled in. Security is still tight I assume, but i'm sure they would love more visitors. Not sure where that article is now but I have a great quote from it.
> The Minister of Tourism has a joke to tell us about the UN. A very good joke, according to Mohammed. To be precise, it's about Martin Griffiths, the UN negotiator that's working tirelessly for a peace deal for Yemen. He says that all parties in Yemen want peace, particularly the Houthis. As if anyone in Sanaa would take a man like that from the UN seriously. No, it's crystal clear to the Minister of Tourism: Martin Griffiths is visiting Yemen with a different agenda. "He's the last tourist in Yemen."
>>304188>>304198tbh i always thought it was be easy to smuggle someone into sanaa
>>304200It is relatively speaking but journalists don't want to put in the effort. The Germans got there by being driven through some checkpoints dressed in garb not talking and pretending they were ladies if I remember correctly.
RuAF dug a hole with a big ol' bomb in the northern countryside of Jisr al-Shughur
Must've been a high-value target...
Breaking the encroachment of mercenaries and a counter-offensive operation on their positions in the Bani Hassan area in Hiran 03/18-2021 AD [Embed]
>Qomhana Forces of the Tiger_Forces
>>304171>Lieutenant General / Saghir bin Aziz remains one of the last honorable pro-Hadi military leaders >He acknowledges the progress of Sana'a forces in Al-Mashjah, east of (Jabal) Hailan, with the aim of cutting the supply lines forcing the Hadi troops to evacuate their frontline fortifications [Embed]>Close-quarters combat have taken place today [Embed]>This morning, Sana'a forces managed to capture a number of Hadi forces soldiers, including military leaders holding the ranks of brigadier-colonel, after they were besieged west of Aydat Al-Ra'a, west of the city of Marib. [Embed]>Marib: 16 prisoners, including leaders of the National Army, fell into the hands of the Houthis after 9 hours of siege without the arrival of reinforcements. [Embed]>The amount of weapons and equipment left behind by the National Army in Marib, Hailan and Tabab al-Barrah fronts, is sufficient for the Houthis for a full year of war [Embed]
>>304171Video filmed in the Suwayda IDP camp northwest of Marib city showing something has impacted directly in the northern section of the camp: [Embed]There has been alot of kvetching lately about anti-Houthi fighters using these civilian tent camps as human shields so i'm gonna go ahead and assume that the houthis were the ones firing into the camp.
This coupled with a video from a couple days ago (houthis having full control of the paved road between Kassara-Nakhla) leads me to believe that Jabal Dushsh al-Haqn is still contested (Houthis controlling western and northern slopes, Hadis controlling eastern and southern slopes).
Third pic included is my interpretation (bear in mind i do not think that's where Malbudah really is), exact situation in the mountainous terrain north, northeast and west of the camp is still a mystery.
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Corrections: corrected Dashti Qala and Rostaq in Takhar, corrected south, east, and central Baghlan as well as Warsaj in Takhar due to lack of Taliban activity there
Gains: Kabul forces attack Alipour's forces in Bihsud District. Taliban takes over Bagh-e Shamal to the immediate west of Puli Khumri in Baghlan, and launch a major offensive in southern Logar taking Charkh District and besieging Kharwar DHQ as well as sweeping up most of southern Logar.
>>304274>The Women Fighting to Protect Yemen
All part of the plan for the neo-ottoman empire!
T*rkey keeps proving that they are the world champions of pettiness.
Video proves Anti-Houthi mercenaries still control Suwayda IDP camp [Embed] [Embed]
Red = 100% Houthi controlled part of the Marib-Nihm road
White = 100% Hadi controlled part
Grey = Contested, without it Hadis would have no dirt roads to the defensive positions on Dushsh al-Haqn (dirt roads at arrows weren't there until between September-October last year).
Orange = 100% Houthi controlled dirt roads
Black = Earth barrier constructed at the same time as the grey dirt roads, contested
Regarding Dushsh al-Haqn, the peak is under Houthi fire control (red road is secure thanks to artillery positioned on Jabal Haylan having a direct line of fire).
The eastern slopes are loosely under Hadi control or at the very least under fire control from the IDP camp and Jabal Dushsh al Khashar.
>>304499Hilltops and mountains on the Nakhla/Dushsh/east Haylan frontlines which have been further fortified by pro-Hadi forces this year.
That's not to say they are all still under Hadi control, but it's important to keep this in mind when trying to understand the frontlines.
>>304517Most striking example proving all the mappers are full of shit is the changes made to this:;451448822;155110438;6008;60787;0;10751;57935;0;65231;56238;5578;64508Which according to most mappers have been under houthi control since even before the offensive started... Bah.
Watch the moment when the American MQ9 plane was shot down by an undisclosed Yemeni surface-to-air missile in the sky of the Sarwah district - Marib [Embed]
I don't know why I bother reading any news articles about Yemen, they never tell me anything new and I feel as though i'm about to get krumped whenever I read the same fucking AP paragraph summary of the war.
>>304528ATGM strike on the same stretch of road: [Embed]On the bright side, driving this far forward they have to control the peak of Jabal Dushsh al-Haqn (+ the final dirt road leading up it) and be real damn close to the IDP camps.
>The Houthi forces are in complete control of the Tabbah Malboudeh, considered a very important strategic location. [Embed]
>>304528>>304687Video showing pro-Hadi forces gaining fire control of this area from the east: [Embed]Not looking great on this front at the moment.
>>304768>Initial news reports that Houthi forces have taken control of Humat Al Hamra, overlooking the displaced persons camp, in the Aydat Alraa area, west of the city of Marib.>The local authority must allow the evacuation of the IDP camps in Aydat Al-Raa and Al-Sweida, west of the city of Marib, and keep them away from the confrontation line. [Embed]
Ey Snus, you hear about the shit going down in Mozambique with ISIS seizing a provincial capital a few months back?
I have a map for that now.
Mozambique Shitmupdate - ISIS seizes control of Palma, shrinking the gov't pocket there.
Yemen Shitmupdate - updated the situation on Lahij and Ta'izz borders.
>>304779Sub-Saharan Africa is a void not worth wasting brain cells on in my opinion.
>Sana'a forces are now advancing from Al-Atif to the south towards Al-Tala Al-Hamra [Embed]
>>304845>The National Army forces reinforce the Kasarat front with many fighters [Embed]
>>304845>>304848Here's a map of what i can say for sure is territory controlled by either side.
>SouthFront>Burning U.S. Convoys Fiesta In Iraq [Embed]BTW, would OP be so kind to make a new thread?
Looks like Ukraine is about to happen, Russia sending heavy shit to Donbass border (S-300V4 spotted in Rostov-on-Don) and this on the bridge to Crimea: [Embed]Since the hohols got their hands on TB2 drones, here's to seeing roaches screeching about ukrop incompetence when they start dropping.
Lots of reports today claiming the houthis have advanced west of Marib (no locations reported by reputable sources) and now even Ali Thibh tweeted the same thing
Big gains news very soon [Embed]
>>304968That Ukrainian Jew is going to fuck up everything, if something is going to happen it will probably be before the Nord Stream finishes, they haven't been building that military for fun, they want to play chicken with the Russians.
>>304990>Nord StreamTrying to guilt Germany into putting it on ice (by forcing Russia to show their hand in hoholstan) or what?
Perhaps, but in my opinion Ukraine is simply trying to emulate the Nagorno-Karabakh takeover in Donbass with roach drones.
Regaining industrial facilities, the border (theoretically forcing Russia to officially declare war if they feel like waltzing into Donbass after the border is secure) and of course scoring a political victory for the current globohomo puppet regime in Kiev.
>>304972The houthis are supposedly 7 kilomemes from Marib city proper according to unconfirmed reports.
No footage or reputable sources yet.
>>305046>After violent and continuous battles, a number of tababs fell on the Al-Mashjah front in the hands of the Houthis. [Embed]A tabab is basically a volcanic hill as far as i have understood.
>The coming hours are decisive, in which the enemy lines may recede to the Tabab Al-Masari [Embed]Since there's no footage yet or info online about the names of these hills, take my map with a grain of salt.
>>305045>Trying to guilt Germany into putting it on ice (by forcing Russia to show their hand in hoholstan) or what?Obviously I don't think the whole thing is orchestrated to achieve that end, but I suspect a happy coincidence of any soon to be conflict will be a large amount on international pressure put up to cancel that pipeline. One hand washes the other.
Ukraine is banking on Russia bluffing to get back those resources, not even they would dispute their position were Russia to take serious actions. The problem will be that I don't think the Russians are bluffing at all. I am very spooked, I think that the only way war doesn't happen at this point is the Ukrainians realising and chickening out, and I think if something is going to happen it will be before the pipeline finishes in a few months.
Afghan Shitmupdate and Districtmupdate
Corrections: Corrected situation in north, east, and south of Herat. Corrected situation in north and west of Ghor. Corrected situation near Qala e Naw in Baghdis. Corrected Faryab situation. Made Districtmap more consistent with the Shitmap.
Gains: ANA clears Bihsud District of Resistance Front (Alipour's militia) forces and reduces them to being a weak insurgency at best. Taliban attacks Day Mirdad DHQ.
>>305058>I am very spookedNukes aren't gonna fly and NATO won't get involved, let's enjoy slavs bonking each other over territory.
>pipeline finishes in a few monthsIs it really happening? I figured it would remain stillborn forever after Crimea.
>Russian Ministry of Defense announced a rapid combat exercise for the Southern Military District which will include more than 100,000 personnel and more than 50 tactical battalion groups, including electronic warfare systems and AD units that include countering unmanned aircraft. [Embed]Too good to be true lmao, (x) but kek.
>>305274upload the latest maps on imgur. I will also appreciate it if you can help out with the latest devs. I will bake as soon as you are done.
>Ukraine has announced that it is pulling out of Minsk peace talks [Embed]
>Marib: The return of violent clashes on more than one front. [Embed]>Houthis took control of the Al-Kashar Mountain>Sahn al-Jin camp is about to fall into the hands of the Sana'a forces [Embed]I think this guy is a bit too optimistic with the Sahn al-Jin claim but yeah...
>>305412 - let's see if this worked, I hardly ever do anything at all with imgur.
Also latest devs... hmm... I can make some for Afghanistan, Mozambique, and Myanmar. Maybe Azerbaijan as well although that situation died down months ago
>Russia brokers a peace deal between Azerbaijan and Armenia with Karabakh ceding almost half its land to Azerbaijan but keeping Lachin corridor.>Taliban escalates attacks on Afghan gov't positions in several provinces, fires rockets at a joint ANDSF-USA base in Khost>Myanmar: Military junta takes control of the country, sparking massive protests across the country that are met with lethal force in a rapidly escalating situation similar to Syria in 2011>Mozambique: ISIS takes over Palma in Cabo Delgado province, sparking a gov't counteroffensive that succeeds in retaking the city with foreign assistance>Ukraine withdraws from Minsk peace talks following a new round of escalation between Ukraine and RussiaBeyond that, I really can't help, I'm not the baker I used to be.
>With an order from the Coalition Operations Room in Riyadh, Oshkosh armored vehicles will be withdrawn from the fronts and Hadi forces' camps in Marib.>As the day began withdrawing armored vehicles from the commandos camp and transferring them to Al-Abr !!! [Embed];453268432;154325008;0;0;27465;0;18017578;4178883A pro-Hadi brigadier general was killed on the Nakhla front today and there seems to be some ruckus on Jabal Balaq al-Qibli.
>>305530>It seems that Riyadh is serious about withdrawing armored vehicles from Marib, so the task was assigned to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Major General / Saghir bin Aziz, who today personally supervised the withdrawal of armor in Marib>It was not lenient at all, as a number of officers and leaders of the Falconry Brigade were imprisoned for trying to evade the delivery of armored vehicles. >What drives the coalition to withdraw armored vehicles from Marib at this critical time ?!>Is Muscat negotiations related to the matter?>Or will the armor be delivered to others ?! [Embed]
>>305532>Leaders from the Third Brigade Asifah went to # Sana'a, announcing their defection from the National Army [Embed]
The documentary film (The Man of the Two Wars) the martyr Shaja Al-Kebsi - The War Media 1442 AH [Embed]
>>304171Well shit, turns out Hadi forces control even more heights than previously believed on the Talat al-Hamra front.
On the bright side, the houthis are real damn close to cutting the supply lines.;451298189;154736683;0;0;0;0;100207;91816
>>305730Pro-Hadi media reports Hadi has regained positions in the direction of Kawfil from Talat al-Hamra/Mashaja.;451153564;154303497;466918;297831;465202;297831;8583;14892;42915;84389;111579;0;3433;8273Could be a trap, the houthis could have given up on breaching the defensive lines from the west (most likely, judging by the lack of provable progress...) or just plain propaganda.
>>305730>>305856Unconfirmed reports say the houthis have reached the oil pipeline and cut the supply lines to Talat al Hamra...
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Corrections: Minor corrections here and there
Gains: Taliban besiege Sozma Qala DHQ in Sar-e Pol, Qarabagh DHQ in Ghazni, and Islam Qala in Herat after overrunning Ghoriyan and Kohsan Districts in Herat. Clashes between ANA and Taliban reported on Day Mirdad-Bihsud border in Wardak. ANA pushes Taliban away from the western Arghandab bank to the immediate NW of Kandahar City.
>>305856>>305927Talat al-Hamra is not quite cut off yet it seems. [Embed]> Marib> Yemeni forces control the Jabal Balaq al Qibli, northeast of the Ma'rib dam,> ***confirmed***Third time is the charm? I was reading some stuff late yesterday about advances to this kind, glad to have woken up to some actual images this time.
kino vid
Scenes of a specific operation on the locations of Sudanese army mercenaries, west of Haradh, Hajjah [Embed]
>>306038old pic, fake news, see
Hadi media uploaded a video recorded on Jabal Dushsh al-Haqn and claims it's from today [Embed];451608467;155158820;191402;43831;190544;44658;0;0;0;0Big (x) on this not being weeks old, but until the houthis upload any legit image proof of the gains they've been making lately i can't say for sure...
>>306079They keep dooing this to me.
Honestly the place isn't even that bad looking to storm compared to the other mountains in the area. to west and north of Al-Tala’a Al-Hamraa. From description I would guess pic related.
>>306200Sure you can climb it with small arms but you're not getting any heavy stuff or vehicles up there.
>>306373It would certainly be a pain in the ass to keep any supplies going, good leg exercise I suppose. Anyway I had it filed away in my head along with all the other especially hellish looking defensive positions but I don't think I ever really took a good look at it.
>>306725where are they at?
>>306729Looks like the pic was taken from Jabal Balaq al-Qibli.
>>306725This time for sure.
Shit's escalating in Myanmar, an entire township defected to the overthrown government.
After days of trying and failing to geolocate where the clashes in recent Hadi combat videos were taking place, i finally scored big with this one.
Get a look Hadi ZU-23 being fired at the mountain i believe is Mashjah. The houthis controlling it means the western defensive line should break real damn soon.;451478862;154463173;172948;0;0;72387;0;72387[YouTube] قوات الجيش الوطني تخوض معارك عنيفة ضد عناصر المليشيات الانقلابية غربي مارب
>>306859View from Mashjah, the hadis are toast if the houthis can get some ATGMs up there.
NDF in Qamishli just assassinated a pro-SDF arab sheikh right after he attended a tribal meeting trying to reach a ceasefire in Qamishli city (Asayis/HAT vs NDF/tribal militiamen, no SAA involved).
>Every Friday night we are used to dramatic shifts and a noticeable retreat of Hadi's forces on the fronts, especially the Marib fronts.>The news received tonight does not bode well [Embed]
>>306859More shooting at Mashjah:
[YouTube] شاهد مواقع وأوكار مليشيات الحوثي الإنقلابية تحت وقع ضربات نيران قوات الجيش الوطني
[Embed][YouTube] قوات الجيش الوطني تدك مواقع وتحصينات المليشيات الإنقلابية غرب مأرب
[Embed]Ali got a video recorded by a pro-Hadi officer explaining the western Marib frontline:
[YouTube] الوضع الميداني في جبهة الطلعه الحمراء مارب 24/ابريل/2021م
[Embed]The font Ali uses is shit for image translation so i can't understand the text, but his next map will be spot on atleast.
What i can say for sure based on the footage, is that the peak of Mashjah is under Houthi control but the two dirt roads leading up to it is still under Hadi fire control.
Really though, knowing that the anti-Houthi forces are so incompetent as to lose that peak, it shouldn't be long before they lose their remaining defensive lines.
Speaking of the devil...
>Marib now: Sana'a forces are in full control of Talaeat al Hamra [Embed]No visual confirmation, but not an impossibility.
>>307270Game over.
The Saudis have thrown in the towel on their aspirations to reach Sanaa for good, but i wonder how determined they and the arab coalition are to prevent a re-re-unification of Yemen...
We'll probably be looking at a north vs south Yemen like it was before the unification in 1990 if UAE and KSA cooperates... and if so, better hope they aren't mad enough to seize Hudaydah...
>The Houthi forces are pushing reinforcements from the Nati & Al-Bayda fronts and the southern Marib axis (Jabal Murad front), taking advantage of the Bayhan al-Murabit axis on the Nati front, and Hadi's forces in the Murad axis have sent reinforcements to the fighting axes west of the city of Marib [Embed]Not sure what or where Murabit is, but if there's validity in this report the madlads might be planning to waltz into Bayhan and cut the Marib-Ataq road there.
>>307307>>307314>north vs south Yemen like it was before the unification in 1990
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Taliban takes two towns near Shajoy in NE Zabul, seize Arzu and another hamlet to the south of Ghazni, close in on Gardez and take over FOB Zurmate in Paktia, close in on Puli Khumri from the north in Baghlan.
Corrected situation in Lal Wa Sarjangal
Updated Districtmap to be more consistent.
>>307315Stick a fork in her, I'm now waiting to see what they will do about Taiz.
>FRESH BREAD(it's been awhile, hope I didn't fuck up)
>>307390 →>FRESH BREAD>>307390 →>>307390 →>>307390 →
Afghan Shitmupdate & Districtmupdate
Gains: Taliban surround Gelan, Moqor, Ab Band, Dih Yak, and Jaghatu DHQs in Ghazni; Take control of Dahla Dam in Shah Wali Kot District in Kandahar and take over Western Maywand including besieging the DHQ, and close in on Zhari DHQ. In western Herat, Taliban enter Obe DHQ with ongoing clashes, and take over Khost Wa Fereng District in eastern Baghlan.
I updated the Districtmap to add pressure markers on DHQs and Capitals. For the best examples, check out Puli Khumri and Ghazni cities.