Hey Nigel. Nice try, but we're not going to do your work for you. If you want to have shitpost shirts, fucking make them yourself.
This isn't a communal "Everyone submits one image to be added to the shirt and shrunken as needed" thing, everyone gets to do as many separate meme shirts as they want
If it's good, I might mod it into Metal Gear Solid V and make a video showing it off, since it's the only texture mod I know how to do.
And if I don't do that, you can still have fun being creative and posting these shirt memes.
I'm trying to hide my power level a little, so nothing too extreme please.
Suggestive things and redpills and "Fuck Feminists!" and fashwave imagery a normie couldn't identify as nazi and hit the report button on are fine, but I can't use explicit horsepussy or outright state hololol/blue-related things.