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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Series Finale
246647 246934
https://us.ponyclock.com/, 11:30 am EST SATURDAY

In the special 90-minute series finale of MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC, a villainous alliance unleashes their unified might on Equestria and it’s up to the Mane Six to save the kingdom. Then, years from now, Princess Twilight is visited by a student with a friendship problem. As she attempts to solve it, she looks back on the times she and the Mane Six spent together.

Live streams
F indeed, the end of an era never comes without some sadness. Even if we know it'll be better off, it always takes a toll. Rest in peace MLP G4, we as fans will be sure to treat you better in death than the writers did in life.

SO, this is how it ends...
I feel like I failed this show. Not the fanbase, 99% of that can go fuck itself.
But I feel like I failed this show. I failed to make the fan content I wanted to make for this show before it ended.
You still have some time left. Not every fanbase actively creates content, and more content being made encourages others to make their content.
If you don't make it now when will you?
246672 246694
Good point. It's not like that Dragon Ball fan-animation Xicor came from was animated during DBZ's original run.
By the way, anyone else find it odd how few fandom-wide OCs we actually have?
Sure, this board has a ton. My favourites are Leslie Fair, Aryanne, and the safety squad.
But fandom-wide... What is there? Each "Major Site" has its own mascot or set of mascots but nobody gives a fuck about them. Every artist has their own OCs but they only get art of them if the artist's popular and everyone wants to lick his ass to appear popular. Same shit that happens in the "Uwu daddy can I write in your fanfic's Verse? I want to rip off your setting and characters to make my life easier while hopefully appeasing your fans!" circlejerks on Fimfic.
Which leaves nothing but porn OCs like Milky Way, edgy trashy fanfiction characters like Nyx Littlepip and Blackjack, Snowdrop the blind sob-story pity-character, and you could argue the made-up personalities for canon-ish ponies like Derpy and Vinyl Scratch count as OCs.
Who would you see in an oversized "All OCs are here" picture? Either hundreds of random self-insert brown-haired blue/red non-OCs made out of obligation visually drowning out the quality OCs, or a handful of OCs with any sort of anything to them.
>how few fandom-wide OCs we actually have
I think it has to do with the fact that a detailed and varied ensemble of characters already exist in the show so there's little need to make new characters except for a fanfic or for some theme not already present (like Shino's OCs being about space travel).

I know you hate the fandom but canon characters seem to already be quite loved and no one is tired of them.
I mean, you guys can find the episodes on kimcartoon. They actually went and made a certain ship in the mane 6 canon, though I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum.

It's always weird to see a show you like end.

I've been aware of it since back when I hated bronies and the show, and now that its over and I am what I once hated...kinda strange to be perfectly honest.

Much sadder than the ending to any other show I love, but definetly a stranger feeling.

IDK is anyone else feeling this?

You can start now my guy. Probably better now in terms of writing so because you know the end.
welcome to die!.jpg
Aryanne welcome to die.jpg
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246710 246724
I don't know if I do hate the fandom or not.
But my track record with it...
Firstly, I'll specify that I consider this place separate from the brony fandom as a whole.
Because you are not all massive fucking lefty faggots.
You know this world's truths and you don't want them censored.
This is the only good Pony forum on the internet, and I have the experience needed to back that up.
I was banned from MLP Forums because I accumulated too many "You've done nothing wrong but fuck you anyway" points, primarily by upsetting some tranny by having opinions on video games that differed from his and being right ten times too many in the Debate Forum.
Some toy-focused brony site? Someone called me a racist because they didn't like that I didn't like the diversity six, then got me banned for it after giving me just one comment to justify it, not that they told me this was what was happening. So it was written with a "Noooo, THIS is what I meant" tone rather than the "Oh mighty gods of this forum I beg you to understand!" tone they wanted to hear.
Brony forum 3, it's dead but I'm still signed up for it. Don't know what to do with it.
Brony forum 4, I'm still on it but it's practically dead.
Once took a fake name and joined some "Waifu forum" where a bunch of lonely guys circlejerk over their imaginary girlfriends. A friend who moved on with his life long ago dared me to join it years ago, but after a week nothing funny happened and we got bored.
That roleplaying facebook-style site? It closed before I was banned from it. That's one out of what, five?
Derpibooru? Banned for triggering too many far-left antifa-supporting brainlets by not liking a cartoon horse and expressing surprise that one fucker openly admitted to supporting antifa. And this guy also had a... What did he call it, a "Whited" fetish? A fetish for white men ploughing black women. Weird little cuck. Not even the site's one gamergate thread was safe from the leftist anti-thought thought-police, once they shat it up by insulting me and other posters and the truth, then playing the victim when debunked. Proud to say I was "banned for rule zero violations". What is rule zero? Aside from "Behave how I want and the mods are always right", it means whatever the suspected pedophiles want it to mean. If I did anything wrong, they'd be able to form a more coherent reason to ban me. At one point, I got insulted childishly by some tard I vaguely remember from Fimfiction (I think he was Alphamon-Oryuken the pedophile with a "Little girls drowning" fetish who made some shit Unity game I was going to review but the game was too bad for me to even finish the review). My comment might as well have been edited to say [REDACTED BY THE CCP] because my comment asking him who he was got "Removed For rule 0 violation".
Fanfiction.net? Banned for being right too often, especially about the most inconsequential crap. I know I tend to talk in a pretty all-or-nothing way but I do actually change my mind when I am wrong. Liberals don't know that because they're never right, they can't change minds, so they just complain about you if they don't like you and can't think of anything to yell at you. They get personally offended at you for not letting them feel right. What a disgusting way to be.
Is the female owner of the Displaced group still abusing kids who write fics she doesn't like? Haven't been there in a while.
The other pony fanfic sites? Do they even exist? I'm signed up for one that focuses on archiving fanfics but nothing ever happens there and nobody posts there.
This fandom...
246724 246832

It's like the entire fandom has a fetish for keeping its activity exclusively on the most corrupt and incompetently-managed boards they can find, letting alternatives starve and die out.
We've known for years how trash Equestria Daily is, everyone knows MLP forums admins read your private messages and then send the abusive mods to start giving you imaginary points infractions for non-crimes if they don't like what they read there, nobody rioted hard enough when that literal Jew scammed a bunch of freelance animators into animating her "MexDiscord" fanfiction for Youtube "For exposure" and then refused to credit any of them even after being called out...
Nobody in this fandom gets angry enough at corruption.
Nobody remembers corruption for long enough.
I don't know if I hate this fandom or not. But I probably should, logically speaking. The bad outweighs the good and I've barely met any good people in it at all.
I fell in love with a show.
A show that was better than it had any right to be.
Not the fandom.
The fandom might have been the first place where I ever made friends and felt accepted and yada yada, but almost every friend I ever made in this fandom turned out to be a completely-fake cuck who only wants to LOOK accepting of this or that.
And it's not like I never made friends in the Naruto or One Piece or Pokemon or Death Note fandoms before this. Hell, those friends stuck around for a lot longer because they weren't just there to look soft and friendly and harmless like so many bronies I met on shit sites were, they were there to make friends who like product and talk honestly about product.
I've got about seven friends that still care about pony stuff and bother to use pony sites. I have about eighty former-brony friends who have all moved on with their lives, found new things to throw themselves at, and turned out to be much happier people than they were when they dealt with bronytard bullshit.
Recently I talked to a friend of mine who's made it big in an old game's hacking scene.
I won't say who. But he crossed that off his bucket list. And I wrote that onto my bucket list when I was a kid, though.
This guy's four years younger than I am. And by focusing all of his time and energy onto hacking an old game, he turned it into a new and far better game.
He didn't split his time between keeping his friendships going on this site and this site and this one and this one and defending himself from this set of accusations and arguing for his right to free speech on this site and writing six different stories at once while also designing three games, working on one game, and farting out crap youtube videos now and then.
We both got guitars and tried learning them, but he sounds good on his and I sound like shit on mine.
I divided my attention between too many things.
Not him.
No, he got his shit together and focused on something he enjoyed doing. I didn't.
He's got more finished fan products to show for his time over the last few years than I do, and they're bigger anything I ever made.
Sure, I know, tragic past, I was a disowned child becoming an adult, shit homes, was internetless and computerless for a period, yada yada. I have no excuse for keeping those bad habits even after I got the internet and a computer.
And sometimes being in this fandom even though it hurts me and pretending I will ever find fulfillment here feels like a bad habit I should have kicked years ago.
Have this (You). Hit me right in the feels. I'm glad to have you with us.

Thanks man. This is a genuine site, there are no plebbit-tier username slander-battles aka "Drama" fights here. It's like a breath of fresh air after dealing with that shit for years.

Want to know something really fucked up? For a while, I posted on the Life Advice forum on MLPforums. Because I was just a kid in a bad situation with no idea how to get through it. Bad people surrounded me, especially where it mattered. So I posted, and asked for advice. There was some good advice there, and bad advice, sprinkled in amongst the flood of "Feel gud uwu! I send u my thouts and praers!" noise.
After a while, because yelling "Keep your chin up because there are me out there who care for you! very loudly! look at me, fellow posters in this thread! You, original poster! I care for you, random citizen!" didn't magically make everything better, some bastards started yelling that I must have been faking the whole thing. They can't believe ThoughtsAndPrayersPosting doesn't actually help resolve bad situations that require actual intervention/pressure/whatever, so they chose to believe I was bullshitting them all along. How fucking egotistical.
I think that was the first thing that really shattered my illusions regarding the fandom. Up until then, I was genuinely wowed by how nice everyone seemed and how loudly everyone virtue-signalled. I bought the bullshit, because I was just a kid back then.
I don't know why I'm posting this. But if anyone wants this thread to get back on-topic, just say so.
Bro that sucks. My disdain for the fandom reaches into the expected cringe abominations that are the fat numale weak chin soyboys wearing crusty mlp
shirts in public doing things they honestly shouldnt be.

Hard to hear you were effected by its toxic side.

I was never really exposed to such, especially when I was more "active" in the sense Id try to make fanfiction on some sites I never fuckin completed.

Were all youre bros bro.
Funny, that's how some of us feel about Skinheads and other contemporary "nazis" who are likewise edgy bois that know nothing of National Socialism or decorum.
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crying nazi horse.png
Is this the thread where we blogpost about our histories with MLP? Because I'll blogpost about my history with MLP. Actually, MLP is how I got into imageboards.
Nigger Warning: Cancer ahead:

The year was 2011. I was 15 and was, for some unholy reason, an avid user of the Cheezburger network. 2011, some of you may know, was the year that Cheezburger introduced MyLittleBrony. Almost as soon as I heard about the fandom I decided to try 3 episodes at random. They were the S2 Discord two-parter and Party of One. Now this was all during the mini-hiatus between the Discord two-parter and Lesson Zero, and in that time I managed to binge-watch all 28 released episodes and begin shitposting about the weeks-long wait for the next episode. It's funny, I didn't really like Lesson Zero when it came out. But S1 had blown all my expectations out of the water, so I decided to stick with the show.

In the meanwhile I'd ingratiated myself with the e-clique that frequented the comments section on MyLittleBrony. The next year or so was a really autistic time in my life. Roleplaying, tinychats, terrible OCs. There were some horrific MS paint abominations on DeviantArt as well, and I won't attempt to defend that except by saying that I was literally 15 at the time, and I've deleted most of them since then. Come 2012, and two things happened. 1: Cheezburger radically changed its appearance and started aggressively advertising normalfags on facebook. 2: the season 3 finale happened. Between these two happenings, most of my e-friends lost interest in MLB, MLP, or both. I tried my best to stick around, but when I saw that a silly pedobear meme had been downboated to oblivion by normalfags who didn't get it, I knew that all of Cheezburger was lost. I needed something edgier in my life. But I had heard of 4chan.

I think it was by Providence that I'd learned the definition of "lurking" months before I came to 4chan. I settled on /mlp/ and lurked for about a month before I started posting. In retrospect, I probably should have lurked more. I was pure fucking cancer for about the next year or so. I helped force a short-lived meme called flamstache, derailed random threads for no reason, and even attempted to tripfag a few times. My first attempt at a pony greentext was some awful Derpy guro clopfic that I desperately hope nobody remembers. Thankfully, I did develop some fucking self-awareness at some point during all this and stopped being such a massive faggot.

The next board I found my way to was /pol/. I'd heard about it on /mlp/ and decided to check it out; for some reason I actually assumed it was about polls. Imagine my shock when I found it was full of nazis. But the neat thing about /pol/ back in 2012/2013 was, of course, its strict insistence on logical arguments with credible citations. I tried to defend the egalitarian worldview I'd been indoctrinated with, but I couldn't argue with the cold, hard stats that those old-fashioned /pol/acks were posting. Back then, the phrase "redpilled" didn't have all the dumb ironic connotations that it has today, and in a short while I was "redpilled". Almost everything I believe today is derived from a direction I was pointed in by /pol/acks back in 2012 or 2013. The Catholic Generals that were popular back then helped me rediscover my faith, Brother Nathanael introduced me to Dostoevsky, and of course the holocaust never happened but it should have. It's funny to think that I would never have found all this if it hadn't been for MLP.

Anyway from there I found my way to other imageboards such as 4chon and 8chan, and in 2014 I settled in 8chan as my permanent home when I got banned from /mlp/ over an innocuous hitlerpost. Nothing much to say there except for the continued intellectual and cultural development I received from book recommendations from fellow Anons in the years since then. And of course MLP was right there with me the whole time. 8chan /pone/ was a genuinely magical place in the early days of 8chan. Unfortunately, I didn't start really creating content for it til 2016, which was shortly after /pone/ started dying. But I learned a lot from the writefagging I did there, and it helped me develop ideas for actual books that I'd like to write some day. I don't think I'm necessarily good now, but I'm at least better than I was seven years ago, or even three years ago.

Cut to August of 2019, and /pone/ was taken away from us - probably forever - along with the rest of 8chan because kikes can't tolerate free speech. Mlpol is more or less my main imageboard right now, and I'm just really glad that there's at least one decent pony board left on the internet for me to spend the end of an era with.
>Mlpol is more or less my main imageboard right now, and I'm just really glad that there's at least one decent pony board left on the internet for me to spend the end of an era with.
;_; And that's why /mlpol/ is here anon. And it will remain as long there is hope against the jews.
fluttershy pony.jpg
It is funny how things can lead into on another. I heard about how Saint Augustine's mother prayed each day that he would stay at home or whatever. Something that would have resulted in him not becoming what he become but God sometimes leads us on unexpected paths.
I'm curious to see your writing in action. I can tell because there is a tinge of fear in my heart, which only happens when I see potential. I'm a very jealous person.
Have you ever intened to share some of your writting with the board?
I think we might have both met before, Anon. I started posting on Cheezburger right around when Twilicorn went down. I still remember a lot of those roleplays, and how autistic/erotic they could get.

How about a good ol' classic brohoof, from one horsefucker to another, to celebrate the good times we've had on the ride so far, and the good times I hope are still to come.

246783 246784 247760
I really hate faggots who dont know what they are talking about when it comes to NatSoc or Fascism. Im in a few NatSoc discord servers as a teacher.

Alright I guess. Useless history from
anons time.

My history with the show is vague for me because it was a long time to be honest with you.

I was like 12 when I learned about Bronies, this during 2011-2012 so theybwere fairly new but also an established presence online. At first I would ridicule them ofcourse. And then I, for some unknown reason, I listened to gorefics of them. I suppose its because Im enough of a sociopath to sometimes enjoy hearing about things I hate get slaughtered...anyways.

This led to me listening to normal fics and eventually me going out and actually reading some of them. At this point Ive realy stopped making fun of Bronies but refused at the same time to accept my horsefucker status. Eventuall I just decided to watch the show. I still remember the memes about the early hiatuses and when everyone was waiting for Season 3 to come out. It feels like just yesterday tbh. After Season 5 I think. I took a long break, occasionally listening to fics or reading them.
This came from me getting more serious about highschool and a career and finding other more normal shows to watch and catch up with from my childhood.

Actually just a month or two ago I learned the show was ending so I though why not binge the show while I play some light vidya?

And now Im done. I accept my horsefucker status, and I feel hollow, because that was a big part of my life I didn't know I had or even recognized until the show had to end.
Then how do you live with yourself, since you're clearly operating under false pretenses?
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Nice, that you have finally see the light man;)
Thx fren
246789 246795
>I heard about how Saint Augustine's mother prayed each day that he would stay at home or whatever.
The biographical portions of the Confessions of Saint Augustine talk about that in more detail, and the whole work is a great read besides. It really is interesting to read about how Augustine and his degenerate buddies all ended up helping each other find Jesus in the end, and like you said it never would have happened if he hadn't gone abroad to learn sophistry. And that's a book I might have never read if I hadn't gotten into MLP.
>Have you ever intened to share some of your writting with the board?
I've posted a few greens to the Anon Filly thread already. Don't worry though, I've never exactly been that guy who rakes in the (You)s every time he posts or gets listed with the great writefags of a board.
>I started posting on Cheezburger right around when Twilicorn went down.
I'd more or less transitioned to /mlp/ by then.
>The biographical portions of the Confessions of Saint Augustine
Then I hope I will get around to read it someday.
> Don't worry though, I've never exactly been that guy who rakes in the (You)s every time he posts
Imagine that I attached a pic of the distracted boyfriend meme with anonfillies faces instead of the womans' faces and anon's face instead of the guy's. Attach to this pic I would have a text saying, "The one you don't need to worry about." I don't really wanna do that right, now.
Is this acceptable?

_angry filly.png
Eh, fuck it I fuck that up. I was fishing for a >imagine there being a meme here, response with outrage. But the end question there just gives off an entirely different vibe.
I should stop being a baiting faggot I guess.
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Aw well, I'll still take that brohoof.

Have a cute.
I'm getting reports that the finale airs on 8 pm EDT
Oh fuck what the shit? Ponyclock confirms. Fucking hasbro just doesn't want to let us free.
I checked ponyclock as well and something didn't seem right
>I divided my attention between too many things.
Not him.
>He's got more finished fan products to show for his time over the last few years than I do, and they're bigger anything I ever made.
I can relate.
> bad habit I should have kicked years ago.
You don't need to do that if you don't want to. As you said, you fell in love with the show. The same here and I have enged little with the rest of the fandom during the time of the show's airing. I only regret not being part of /mlp/ back in the day. That's it.
I never called myself a brony since I don't like to identify myself soley as a consumer -- there's more to me. But it was also because I never thought that being a guy who watch my little pony was something to be ashamed of or anything special. To me, it was just another good show. I never hid it but no one ever asked anyway.
Regardless, the point is to watch the episodes you like and only engage in fan activity that is giving. You don't need to quit entirely just use mlp for your down time as you do that one passion project you want to succeed with.
I think your friend has the right approach. One cannot divert one's attention on many things. You have to prioritize and pick the thing that seem most important and spend your time on it.

One hour 'til showtime
an hero.png
Welp. That's it. Time to kill myself.
how to suicide.jpg

>Be anon
>You wake up a saturday morning
>Eager to watch a new epsiode of your favorite equines
>Remembers the show has ended
>Go back to bed and cry yourself to sleep

I am not trying to be a douche. I remembered how, a few years back, I was sad because the peak of fandom had ended, so I can relate. I don't feel any sadness right now but I understands how it feels like. But remember, Anon, I'm not going anywhere. /)
246907 248396
We had a decent run.
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Woah, that actually made me feel for a brief second. Nice!
>Someone thinks Starlight Glimmer is a main character. Top kek.
Yes, Brother!


Try not to kek at this
I have failed you, for I have keked.

Also I was asleep when it aired and I'm still about a half season behind. Was the finale any good?
Get caught up and watch it nigger.
jim jew miller.jpeg

Remember what they have done when the time comes.
What a silly show for little girls. I didn't even like it and I didn't cry during the finale and three times after it aired and this morning and and what kind of faggot would cry now?
So fucking silly!
Still better than GoT season 8
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246941 246949
tired appul horse.gif
Unironically cried myself to sleep last night, and today I've been internally monologueing like fucking Patrick Bateman. Had to drive all the way around town twice just to build up the courage to pull into a drive-thru for coffee. I didn't think the end of a silly cartoon would be such a shock to my system. Is there a support group for this kind of thing?
For 8 fucking years this fandom dominated my life... (Albeit, I left for a year after twicorn drove me mad)

All good things must come to an end, I guess.
Failing Holding Back Tears.jpg

I'm not sad that the show has ended, I'm sad how it ended.

They ended it with a kick to the guts and walked away with a burst of mocking laughter.
This. The show stopped being good years ago, but it way it officially ended is just insulting, especially when you consider the leaks.
246959 246965

I pretty much ignored the show when it was clear to me that the gleeful mass of faggots (AKA most the fandom)celebrated Starlight Glimmer, applauded the writers for pandering, and ignoring blatant narrative contradictions or outright mismanagement of the show (As Lauren Faust were showing irritation over the show's progression). Observe how the faggots are cooing over the ending, gushing emotions over it because of some semi-confirmed and confirmed ships whilst ignoring the ruination of several characters and utterly destroying one of the mane six (Applejack).

Never in my fucking pathetic life would imagine that the board and group of people that made the most sense to me would be NatSocs, Nazi larpers, real Nazis, nationalists, White nationalists, conservatives, and classical liberals on an imageboard for horsefuckers. Where did I go wrong?

Please, don't point out that I live in Sweden.
You're saying it as if it was a bad thing

Which part?
The part about finding a group of people who would make most sense to you on "an imageboard for horsefuckers"
>some semi-confirmed and confirmed ships
Just do what I did. Ignore and deny. It was all background-teaser shit with no bearing on anything so it's not like you have to acknowledge any of it. **Except for Cheese Sandwich getting to dick Pinkie Pie, but straight marriage and motherhood are non-degenerate anyway.** Minor details that got slipped in by mentally ill animators shouldn't get in the way of appreciating what was otherwise a really decent ending.
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Ah, that part. Basically, I am having a hard time accepting this because it is a gathering of people I least excepted to ever agree with. Also, it is a gathering that is too often represented by its less sensible individuals. An example would be those who deny the holocaust, I simply disagree with their conclusion that it never happened due to the overwhelming evidence that it did happen. Sure, I'm open to being convinced otherwise but I'm pretty sure it happened. This is made even weirder by the fact that it is also an imageboard for MLP-fans. But I guess this is the normiefag in me reeeing for no reason whatsoever.


I wish I had your mentality towards this.

The ending was sad.

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich had the only good ending.

Rarity is a lonely spinster.

Twilight is a lonely semi-goddess.

Rainbow Dash never progressed beyond her wish to be a wonder bolt; she too is childless.

Fluttershy simply is implied living with Discord but other than that she is lonely and the animals are her children.

Applejack had a nuke dropped on her. She was the ONLY character who never achieved her aspiration (To pass on her farm to her own foal).
Glad I gave up watching the show consistantly after Twicorn. The shows writing & derection got graduely worse the more talent it bled.
Didn't even bother watching the finale, got the excellent Spyro Reignited Triolagy to play through instead.
>I'm pretty sure it happened
Have you even browsed the Holohoax thread?

No. Should I?
>>246966 nice digits
Oh you poor swede bro
You would likely never be convinced untill 51 percent of your country also agrees that the holocaust is an obvious lie and hoax
Too bad that it would be 51 percent muslim by then
Never before have i seen a people so complicit in their own ethnic suicide over guilt of some other country supposedly commiting ethnic genocide
The jews are not even trying in your country
Its just that you swedes WANT to die
Even the anons are lost

A damn shame of the lost blondes, we will have to make do with the other **real** scandis
246976 247011 247090

Probably true that I won't ever be convinced. It is just doesn't come off as probable that the holocaust was a lie.

It is the old 69 left that implanted the guilt in us Swedes, their children taught their children this guilt and so on. However, I'm having fun mocking most people who celebrate their own ethnocide and are for immigration. There is still moments of hope, I've heard enough Swedes making fun of immigration, feminism, and other suchlike degeneracy to not give up entirely.

The Muslims are having problems though, they're not spared from the neutering effect of feminism. Still, they will become a majority soon enough and my fellow Swedes will cry and complain that this wasn't what they wanted. I will laugh at them and tell them they should have listened to those oh so evil, evil Nazis.
>It is just doesn't come off as probable that the holocaust was a lie.
I remember thinking that. You're welcome to your own opinion and this really isn't the thread for discussing it, but when you're ready to know there's plenty of information available. The Holohoax is just one such thread, and there's plenty of anons (self included) with either links or resources to put that to bed.
Gorgeous animation and a suitable finale! If I ever become a millionaire I'm making you lead animator for Your Big Horse.

this is why you never emotionally attach yourself to just one cartoon, game or franchise. you always need several alternatives to fall back on when shit like this happens.if you have not branched out yet, you better start now before the necrosis gets you.
>It just doesn't come off as probable that the holocaust was a lie.
There was a video posted here recently. The opening for that "How heavy are the Dumbbells you lift?" anime, except the subtitles were about the Lolocaust and why it was a lie.
>tfw you never took the warning seriously.
Season 7 was the last decent season for me. I still consider seasons 1-3 to be the best. And I don't hate Glimmer, I enjoyed her character even though the redemption arc was gay.

Season 8 and 9 were slightly interesting in world building but not much else, the soul of the show was drained but I was able to find some enjoyment and good aspects.

Big Mac getting married, Trixie had some more focus though it wasn't as good as it could be, she was an interesting character I was excited to see come back.

The finale was horrid though. It just isn't that nice bow that wraped everything up. It pandered and brought us into a world we dont recognize and expect us to be happy for 6 characters who look similar but carry the same weight as literally-whos.
247087 247090 247129 247819
Very Disappointed.gif

I'll check it out. The issue I am having, from the fact I've eyed that thread previously, is that a lot of the evidence seems to be akin to unsupported claims than evidence-based research. I'm still open to be wrong, to be convinced, but currently, I support the general claim that the holocaust did happen.

About the ending of the show. I made the massive mistake of looking up the reaction the fandom had on youtube. It convinced me once again that most of the fandom is made up of emotionally and intellectually immature children, many stuck in grown bodies. There is almost no criticism about the ending, only praise and emotional bullshit. Many are lauding the ending as a good closure; many are also giddy out of their minds that several ships took the first seat in the ending of several character arcs. Many, if not more than 80%, wholeheartedly ignore that almost all characters were used to serve the plebian urge to have unsupported expositions being pandered.

Not a single fucker mentioned that the ending basically proved Cozy's ken of the nature of friendship to be more than just proximate of the truth but basically bull-rushing and headbutting it in the stomach.

Fuck fuck fuck I'm salty now. I'm very fucking salty now.
>I support the general claim that the holocaust did happen.
Did your mother allow your genital mutilation?

>looking up the reaction the fandom had on youtube
It seems like it is more important to you what people are doing than the show itself.
It is almost like you don't belong. Isn't it?

I'm just being sceptic. If that upsets you so then I suggest you take a walk and calm down.

I was curious to see exactly what the reaction was. Is this bad? Almost as if there is something wrong with seeking out information solely based on curiosity.

Pony hahaha.png
>the ending basically proved Cozy's ken of the nature of friendship to be more than just proximate of the truth but basically bull-rushing and headbutting it in the stomach
That is an intresting take on the ending that I hadn't thought about. Then Again I haven't seen season 8 and 9, contradictory.

> the evidence seems to be akin to unsupported claims than evidence-based research
I suppose you need examples to prove that. I don't know what you see as real evidence.
However, even though I don't believe the holocaust happend nor do I see why
>Also, it is a gathering that is too often represented by its less sensible individuals. An example would be those who deny the holocaust
makes you less sensible. If they are wrong they are wrong. It doesn't really matter to me.
In the end even if the holocaust happened, us swedes should still be allowed to continue to live on as a people. That's what I think is important.
Which, you seem to believe in aswell, >>246974
>I'm having fun mocking most people who celebrate their own ethnocide
as far as I'm concern you are a fellow nazi horsefucker.
>pic unrelated
247093 247098 247101
>>247090 Sorry for the length of my response. Its length may be entirely unnecessary.

One evidence is Twilight's transformation to her newest celestial(?) form. Which was impossible without her making friends or the support of her friends. That's about it.

What I hold as evidence? Maybe what I need would be documentation supporting the claims that the holocaust was a hoax, a propaganda piece to harm the West. The issue is that anyone can link to a book 'proving' their point of view. I'm cautious to accept any claim on this subject as it is clearly politicized and racialized to attack people with dissenting views.

This is one of those wrong truths that I once didn't know about. That the Allies intentionally bombed supply lines that maintained the camps, causing needless deaths. Or the fact that there were attempts at peacefully removing specific demographics, which had support outside of Germany but was derailed. Or the fact that when the war was over the Allies allowed the ethnic cleansing of Germans all over Europe and that the Allies, on the order of Jews (If my memory serves), did intentionally starve to death over 2.5 million German POWs. Or the fact that the official number of Jews exterminated can't be supported, even a leading Jewish holocaust museum denies the 6,000,000 figure.

Makes me less sensible? Maybe that's the truth, I don't know. Neither does it help to deny the holocaust. What I've done, in many discussions, is basically accepting the claims of the holocaust. From there I've argued from a broader perspective that the true victim, if this word fits, would be the Russians. Who were genocided by their own and foreigners and instead of using the fact that tens of millions of Russians died to demoralize an entire race or people they are proud of their tenacious will to survive.

Yes, us Swedes have the moral right and justification to survive and the acts of others should not be considered in this pursuit. Even if we did perpetrate a genocide we still would own the justification to survive as a people, this is because survival makes no excuses in my mind. Also, our world would be very much bloody if we did not operate from this supposed right.

Well, then I am a fellow nazi horsefucker. But, which I've eluded to, where I came from morally and politically this realization is very hard to make amends with. I guess I will receive a lot of shit for that former sentence but I prefer honest in this case; I basically do not entirely fit in with /MLPOL/, /MLP/, or the progressive scum-crowd found on Reddit/Twitter/parts of Youtube.

>Pic unrelated
247095 247101
Would you mind to follow this off-topic in the designated thread? >>207568 →
I'm not sure why you posted a Jewish book but thanks, I guess. I'll read it sometime this year.
>Makes me less sensible?
Will probably answer to this in more detail later but I, I can understand that you misunderstood this because I wrote it so badly, did not say that you were less sensible I was talking about the people you were refering to in the >"" part above that.

Yeah, so when I have the time I will continue this conversation with you here, >>247100 →


Did not read the name so I missed that fact. My reason for it was to use it as a witty image.


Sure, let us take this in the correct thread.
Our waifus are all wineaunts gentlemen, don't kill yourself to go to equestria, you won't like what you find.
Amen. Let's STRUGGLE to make real life better than that doomed world they have created
>Not a single fucker mentioned that the ending basically proved Cozy's ken of the nature of friendship to be more than just proximate of the truth

Yup, if you wouldn't suck purple's dick like Discord or Starlight, then you'll get stoned, friendship IS power.
247169 247170
It's so stupid.
People didn't like Glimmer, and what lesson did these faggy writers take away from that?
"When villains are wrong about friendship, they should be stoned, not redeemed".
So they tried to impress Glimmer-haters by stoning a child.
Even though this child isn't half as evil as the age-raping perpetual-fuckup womanchild known as Glimmer
>the fuck is age rape?
If "Mind Rape" (psychic attack on brain to make target feel bad) is a real thing, then so's Age Rape (Use of age magic on target without consent). Remember that fucked-up scene where Glimmer used age-regression magic on herself and her crush, hoping he'd forget his life/duties/whatever and focus purely on her?
"It was all a dream/illusion spell" or not, that's not something a sane individual does.
Jesus christ. We get it, you have a hate-boner for Glimmer, we get it. Message delivered.
Its time to move on
247243 248210
File (hide): F12EC7195B97DD9A8C37291342CF939D-12112549.mp4 (11.6 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:01:50, Diversity-Six-ETERNALLY-BTFO'd-by-Golly.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Not to mention golly's based AF
>the overwhelming evidence that it did happen
Such as?
Continued in >>247100 →
247290 247301 247343 247765
family comedy.gif
The real victims in all this are Cozy Glow's parents, who are probably senile boomers still under the impression that their daughter is a student at that newfangled princess school and are expecting to have her home for Hearthswarming.
Hey... That gives me an idea.
>Be Princess Celestia
>Getting those changlings under your benevolent iron hoof has been quite useful.
>Foolish political opponents removed with a whispered word.
>The Golly Gee incident...
>Her parents my be complicit.
>If not they have their daughter back for however limited time they have left.
>In the slim chance Cozy tries to return they will be ready to-
>"Sister, your plotting again."
>be Cozy Glow
>parents gave me cute name
>look for special talent
>can't find it by being a cozy glow
>find special talent is scheming
>get rook cutie mark
>get turned to stone

>why would the Tree of Harmony do this?
Ahh...he didn't, Daybreaker did.
Not to discourage fanfics or anything, but the fatfuck said she was an orphan.
literally the best girl
that's all I wanted to say, HasBros btfo'd

epic win
2050830__safe_artist-colon-badumsquish_derpibooru exclusive_cozy glow_lord tirek_armor_beard_bedroom eyes_centaur_cozirek_eye contact_facial hair_femal.png
2169490__explicit_alternate version_artist-colon-badumsquish_artist-colon-unoriginai_edit_edited screencap_screencap_cozy glow_lord tirek_pegasus_pony_.png
>Cozy glow will never grow up to be a hot mare
but she is already a hot mare...
How long has it been? Five days? It's weird, when I look outside all the colors seem duller somehow. But maybe that's just because autumn is just now really getting started.
How come there's no Summer Wrap-up?
The Running of the Leaves from Fall Weather Friends is probably the closest thing to that IIRC
247561 247585 247690
247655 247690
>Sunburst likes mares
247655 247690
Pick one.
>unironic gay headcanon
It's not necessarily gay headcanon, Sunburst just sort of gives off a gay vibe. Plus he doesn't seem that interested in Starlight, who as we all know is unironic best pony and the most desirable princess in Equestria, so gay is really the only explanation.

Luster a qt. It's a shame she was conceived in sin and denial.
>NatSoc discord servers
Why the fuck are you not using riot?
The voice, the natural socks, the cape, the tiny little beard...eeyup, definately a gay vibe.
what movie/show is that from
247824 248378
I'll indulge in a little blogposting too.

It has been a long time since I posted on a pony imageboard. I became obsessed with the show around mid-S2, back when I was a frequent and cancerous poster on Reddit (including /r/mylittlepony). Long story short, my journey was similar to >>246764 -- got the courage to visit and lurk the infamous /mlp/, starting posting on /mlp/, got the courage to visit other boards, which led to smug bluepilled posting on /pol/. Eventually, the magical memetic forces at work there steered me towards the redpill. I was later part of the so-called second exodus to 8/pol/, which led me to discover and post on /pone/. Though I would continue to frequent 8/pol/, the decline in quality of the show and /pone/ itself around S6 at last caused waning interest in the franchise. The shittastic S6 finale was the nail in the coffin and I jumped off the ride -- or so I thought. The demise of 8chan, coupled with the now intolerably low signal-to-noise ratio on 4/pol/, led me to start lurking here.

The timing with the conclusion of G4 was perfect, and I caught the series finale on the Anni stream last week. How about one final RATE EPISODE?

Honestly I was shocked to find the finale (prior to the epilogue) is pretty well-done. I credit this mainly to the character dynamics of the villain trio, which was completely on point for an alliance of power hungry individuals working toward the defeat of a common enemy. I liked hearing them exchange plans and ideas as equals, devise strategy (e.g. what to do with chaos magic, fracturing pony allegiances along racial lines to take out the deus ex rainbow powers), and execute for the benefit of the group -- with the occasional cutthroat argument mixed in. This is certainly a better vehicle for exposition than the show's usual method of villain monologuing. Moreover, Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis behaved competently, acted with conviction, and I'm not going to lie, I had fun watching their plan unfold. That ending scene of Part 1 where the trio finally had Twilight at their knees -- reaping the rewards of their combined efforts -- was so good.

It was a neat twist that the villain alliance exhibited the many of the virtues of friendship. I won't call it irony since there was clearly intent to show that friendship can work for anyone (Frenemies and The Summer Sun Setback confirms this). Cozy Glow is right, friendship is power, but the villains are displaying the "wrong" kind of friendship, because it's not egalitarian. It's selective, born from a common goal and shared successes, and used as a means of personal gain. I could go on and argue how in the real world virtuous friendships are often like this, but suffice it to say that this is the major fault of the finale. The writers are now faced with a contradiction between the cause and effect they had established to get to the final battle and their desire to show that "real" friendship is egalitarian. How does Vogel resolve this? We all know the answer: with the emotional gut-punch of having the villains succumb without any real resistance (because how can one resist what is "true"?). Yep, we gotta have them taste the rainbow again. We can't even show the villains defeated in an actual conflict with the armies of multiculturalism. Their arrival, though contrived, was at least somewhat set up through the diversity students, and a rip-off of Tolkien's Battle of the Five Armies wouldn't have been complete shit. But no, they just pluck the Mane 6 from the villains grasp, give some exposition, Twi sees the light (again), gives more exposition, we see some symbolism, and boom, the fag laser is back in action. All that build-up, cause and effect played out well for once in this goddamn series, and it all gets thrown away by the rainbow cannon in the end. As usual.

How disappointing. And as >>247086 points out it's ironic that this culminates in a massive display of power, implicitly proving Cozy right. We can make an exception for the sake of justice, right?

There was some miscellaneous stupid shit and inconsistencies throughout these episodes, as usual, but despite the ending of the Ending of the End I'm glad I came back for the finale. Well, except the epilogue, fuck that shit.

S9E24: 9/10
S9E25: 5/10
Average score: 7/10
S9E26: 1/10 (Can I really add anything that other Anons haven't? It's (((MESSAGE))), the episode.)

In conclusion: Golly a cute and did nothing wrong. And the ride never ends.
247854 248176
Is the epilogue that bad? What is so bad about it? It seems rather inoffensive from what I have seen?
>I haven't watch the finale yet
247856 247952 247955 247965 248462
Lurk /mlp/ since they (justifiably) won’t shut up about it, but a quick rundown:

>epilogue that takes place an unknown amount of time in the future, everyone minus Twilight has bags under their eyes from how much time has passed
>Twilight is the new ruler of Equestria - also a Celestia recolor - while the princesses are nowhere to be seen
>Twilight (and only Twilight) is immortal, contradicting what the writers said about her not outliving her friends
>fucking AppleDash is canon and RD gets a dyke haircut
>Pinkie is the only one to have kids (and with Cheese Sandwich)
>Rarity and Fluttershy are old maids Fluttershy might be with Discord
>the M6 aren’t really close friends anymore, they just meet up once/month for government reasons

There are other complaints, but those are the big ones.
Uhm no. They've always been rivals, and the epilogue does nothing to suggest its anything more than that.
have you not seen the leaks? they inserted a little appledash on purpose in the final episode.
No, I haven't seen the leaks. Writers injecting their spin has as much authenticity IMO as JK Rowling declaring everyone's gay.

247961 248018
>Writers injecting their spin has as much authenticity IMO as JK Rowling declaring everyone's gay.
That's how I feel about the last four seasons.
>>fucking AppleDash is canon and RD gets a dyke haircut
I can imagine that there is some hint to it. It wouldn't surprise me. Haven't they had lesbian or gay pairings in the show? I have a vague memory that they have.
Regardless, shit like that is creepy to include in a children's show for girls.

>Pinkie is the only one to have kids (and with Cheese Sandwich)
>Rarity and Fluttershy are old maids Fluttershy might be with Discord
Those doesn't really matter to me. I guess all of the mane six should have children of their own but like they might have you know. Just that they don't appear on screen.
If all of them had foals then people would have complained about being cucked.
I mean having one that has a child I see as a nice compromise.
But I don't know. Maybe all the mane six should have had children so for the purpose of incourage girls whose favorite character might be one of the mane six to want that for themselves.

>the M6 aren’t really close friends anymore, they just meet up once/month for government reasons
That is bad.
I remember a time were Twilight told Celestia that she didn't want to return to Canterlot because she wanted to stay with the new friends she had gained.
I guess she didn't want to study friendship with them anymore.
248176 248263
>fucking AppleDash is canon and RD gets a dyke haircut
Also, Rainbow Dash's haircut isn't supposed to be a dyke haircut. It's supposed to be a copy of Spitfire's haircut, to imply that she's the captain of the Wonderbolts now.
Isn't Cheese Sandwich literally just Weird Al Yankadick's self insert?

There is no confirmation of lesbian relationships between any of the main characters. What we're given is hints and vagueness to make everybody happy with the ending. Since the writers saw it a fitting to use what should be a closure for the characters they saw it fit to pander instead, which ruined characters like Applejack beyond repair.

Some of the few characters that were given a satisfactory ending were Pinkie Pie, Big Mac, and Spike.

Sure, one can argue that Fluttershy is given a good ending as well but that would require Discord being dealt with and that she has moved on to build her own life after he was gone. With the current ending, Fluttershy is almost a maiden sacrifice to control the spirit of chaos with the power of her pussy. Casting doubt of over the moral consistency of the other main protagonists who are apparently fine with using their friend in this manner. But this is only implied. Instead, she is shown to be doing what she wanted to do when she was a filly: caring for animals. She hasn't grown in the distant finale, she has stagnated much like all the other characters except those I listed in the above lone sentence.
I get your point on the last four seasons. Personally I disagree, I think seasons 6-7 were alright, but that's just me. Having said, the greater weight of my point is that what the writers think and say outside of the show is irrelevant to me when analyzing what I see of the actual show. As such, any declaration of "they're lesbians" is reaching in the least.
He is voice acted by Weird Al. Maybe he is a self insert. I can't tell since I don't know how weird al looks.

>the greater weight of my point is that what the writers think and say outside of the show is irrelevant to me when analyzing what I see of the actual show
Yeah, I agree. I think that and I think that these writer's writing isn't more canon than fanfiction since they were not part of the original team. But eh, I don't really care of things being canon or not to begin with. I have mostly been here for the fandom.

>As such, any declaration of "they're lesbians" is reaching in the least.
That could probably be true. I haven't seen any episode of the last two seasons. I think in the end one needs examples to prove one's point in cases like these.
What I mean is that, I don't think it is unreasonable for the writers to try to sneak stuff like that in but I need to see evidence before I believe it. Which i have none since I haven't watched the show in forever.

248098 248427
Weird Al fucking wishes he looks like this instead of a massive faggot.
Still a self insert.
Remember when MrEnter called Hammerhan shit and said Milo Murphy's Law is how you should do a celebrity's show: by not making it about the celebrity?
It's a bit funny in retrospect now that Weird Al canonically married his pony waifu.
This is so stupid. So tasteless. Didn't Faust say she wanted all six to remain dateless because uwu fuck girls shows that are all about boyfriends?
It wouldn't be as bad if it was Dash with some random male background character
Or any other mane six member with a random background character
Fluttershy with Bootleg Q gone wrong would be bad enough
but no, it's a celebrity cameo self-insert marrying the show's most important character.
Remember the Lady Gaga episode of Simpsons?
Shoot me for saying this, but at least they didn't marry off Moe to her. Or whoever her favourite character is, I don't think Lady Gaga even fucking exists. Everything about that actress is more plastic than the ass ones ass. Wouldn't surprise me if she was just some actress on contract with a record label.
It's like a metaphor for how badly they're treating this franchise. Weird Al calls up and says "Can the show end with my OC married to Pinkie?" and fucking Haber or whoever says yes.

I miss the princesshood-obsessed showrunner. The one easily wowed by toy playsets.
>Weird Al calls up and says "Can the show end with my OC married to Pinkie?" and fucking Haber or whoever says yes.
Yeah, agreed. That's pretty gay.
But the man has good taste, at least.
>the ending
>the epilogue
>S8 and especially S9 in general
Oh well. I am not fan of the spin off show called My little creature. So pony ended nicely in it's Season 7.
Shadow Play would make for kind of a disappointing finale imho tbh fam.
That's true. But it's Hasbro. I never expect anything good for them. I simply don't know what to feel about how the show turned out in the end.
248161 248176
I do! I feel a weird sense of... accepted disappointment.
This show used to be unironically good, and that made it unusual.
But now it's the usual level of shit. Through office politics and executive meddling, a great show was rewritten and rewrote into a mockery of its former self.
A direct mockery, in some "Lol imagine thinking silly songs can fix problems, says the mary sue the writer treats as right" cases
I didn't expect to end up disappointed by the show's final seasons, but I'm not surprised that Hasbro found a way to ruin it.
Now I'm not sure what to say.
>I didn't expect to end up disappointed by the show's final seasons
>Ranted about every season beyond season 3
Checks out
Lol, you're right. Some stupid part of me still held on to the hope that for the finale, they'd hire someone great and let him/her write something great.
248189 248209 248427
Look at the replies you triggered. It's a slideshow of disappointment and there's no plot. Again most of my thoughts have already been stated by other Anons. Now watch the finale and RATE EPISODE you snownigger

No, but it is suggestive of cohabitation. Taken with the haircut and their apparent childlessness and the arguments against canonical AppleDash gets weaker.

You could consistently find unironically good 10/10 episodes through S5. These were exclusively the slice-of-life episodes, since the world-building was trashed by the time S3 concluded. I would expect that in these later seasons (again I stopped watching after S6), even with political cancer and leftist themes creeping in, there is still an exceptional episode on occasion. Some Anons could probably identify them please?. For many of us I doubt they would take away from the overall disappointment with the evolution of the show, but they may still be worth watching. Might as well squeeze as much good from the shitty situation as possible, right?
I wanna redpill inside Rainbo Dash
>watch the finale and RATE EPISODE
Sure, I'll watch it.
weed nra pony.png
IMO episodes worth watching past season 5
S6: 5,8,12,14,17,20 finale for plot
S7: 10,13,16,18,20,finale
S8: opener for plot,13,21, finale for plot
2018 holiday special
S9: opener,4,8,9,17,21,23,finale minus ep 26
Likely several I missed/misremebered. went for good morals/awesome moments, and memes
They hated Golly because she told them the truth.
Maybe it is not, but certainly that was the intention. I personally didn't had any objection to lesbo shipping until it was only a fandom thing. When you put it into the show you (1 take it away from the fandom (2 make it political. Ultimately the show's innocence got hurt a lot in the end.

248363 248371 248378
2172192__safe_artist-colon-shinodage_edit_edited screencap_screencap_applejack_fluttershy_luster dawn_pinkie pie_rainbow dash_rarity_spike_twilight spa.webm
>the only proper way it could end

Pretty much . . .
The best way to ending it would be Early season (pick your preferred ending) Twilight waking up from the bed, looking at the Muffins next to her bed and concluding that "They were spoiled, all right". And basically conclude that the late show was just a mix between a fever dream and a bad trip.
248423 248477 248511
Where are all those "diversity school's like colonialism you insufferable fags" now?
1571775027752 (2).png
This pretty much, S9E24 was actually really good.
Good shit
What are those dogs in the bottom right corner from?
Any of you faggots remember pensivepine/pensivepony? That's where I first started watching. Inevitably, youtube gave them the axe, but it was nice while it lasted.
To think the final could have been much, much worse.
248464 248466 248521
I actually admire Weird Al for this. It was impossible to save the whole show but he was able to save his waifu and give her a more satisfactory end than the others. Hey, if the writers are dragging everything through the mud you might as well take advantage of it and canonically claim one of your favorite main characters. Weird Al knows what works for him and he's not too pretentious to claim he doesn't have a pony waifu. It's like Germany claiming Kiaochou after the British destroyed the Qing Empire. It's the end so get what you can out of it.
Also, >MrEnter

>She hasn't grown in the distant finale, she has stagnated much like all the other characters except those I listed in the above lone sentence.
I must agree. It's not so much that they're doing the good things they've always done, but it's just the good things they've always done. Had they elevated themselves to be more embodied Elements of Harmony and rarified in character, as in resembling the Aratar from LotR, then we'd see some true progression without losing those quirks that made them unique. It would also make it excusable for them not to have kids (though most of the Aratar were married because Tolkien was a gud Christian boi).

What was his schtick? Must have been good if he got taken down.

>No, but it is suggestive of cohabitation. Taken with the haircut and their apparent childlessness and the arguments against canonical AppleDash gets weaker.
A compromise: it is not canonical but it is fanonical for some of the (((writers))), hence their writing in hints. You can reject it and yell at soyboys for thinking it's true, but there's no denying that some at DHX want to make the rainbow-themed pony a dyke and want to subvert the country horse's tradition. Fortunately, they didn't have their way 100% so you can just say the ponies got over their rivalry and are completely platonic friends.
>check Harber's Twitter
>he is echoing hard
Why am I not surprised. No wonder they felt the need to poz up the show that started up as relatively wholesome and even NS to some degree.
Anyone saying that appledash is canon because of the way they act in the finale literally has never had close friends.
Looks like a younger John Cleese.

It is not hard to conclude that most are ignorant about this important distinction that a character can grow by the side of their stated characteristics and interests. I hold this opinion to help myself survive, mentally, the hordes of drooling retards praising the murder of several beloved characters because of muh ship and muh progressive politics.

Almost like a line is drawn around where a character is allowed to grow, where there is no border hindering the character from developing further. I bet this is something most writers fall for as well, too scared altering an established character. Blurring the conceptual borders of their character too much and in the process erasing their distinctness, making them almost indistinct from other characters or creating an inconsistent character that is hard to feel sympathy or empathy for.
It's a shame they hated AJ so much. I hate how the "creative" people can't come up creative solutions to use the character. I hate the staff of the show in general due to how everything declined in care.
248478 248480
It has been officially confirmed that Chancellor Neighsay was a Trump satire.
The hell is that screenshot from?
Is that why he was so based?
The leaks thread on /mlp/. We have the documents, and they are damning.
He cucked out, just like the real deal
Leaked from what?
248512 248518
This show already put out an anti-change and anti-creativity episode.
Does fucking anyone on the show staff remember Flutter Brutter?
The episode that tried real fucking hard to make you loathe Fluttershy's retconned-in manbun millennial faggot of a brother, Zephyr?
The episode that painted Zephyr as a terrible person for taking advantage of the leniency and optimism of his parents
While Glimmer is painted as doing nothing wrong for taking advantage of Twilight's leniency and optimism?
What is it with these faggy writers and naming shit characters after great levels in Spyro? If Trixie was added in a later season she would be named Scorch, Breeze Harbour, or Fracture Hills at this rate.
248515 248517 248518
hit send too soon but the episode treats Zephyr as wrong for trying to innovate on hairstyles and create new ones. It says "Stop being afraid to feil uwu", whatever the fuck that boomer word salad means, then it says Zephyr's a lazy cunt for not already doing the only thing he can do to improve as a person and man: go back to college and learn how to paint by the fucking numbers and eat the fucking bugs and draw in the fucking calarts toonboom style.
Not disagreeing that Zephyr is a faggot, but I think his whole thing with hairstlying was laziness, like he wasn't being creative, he sucked because he didn't have the motivation to really try. He knew his parents wold just let him walk all over them, so he did't see putting the effort in to improve as worth it.
The style was definitely average, but you have to learn the basics before you really innovate, like any creative school be it culinary, art, etc.
Zephyr’s relation with hair is pretty clearly representative of his narcissism and fear of failure. Rather than learn the basics and practice styling hair, he just calls his own unwillingness to learn and improve “innovation” and hides behind that, because it can’t be bad if there is no standard to judge it. In reality innovation is only really possible when you understand what you are doing, and requires understanding how to do the basics and what styles already exist, then deconstructing these styles and building your own. Rather than just calling anything he makes “innovation” he needs to try to understand a basic style, which he doesn’t want to do, because the moment you submit to standards, you run the risk of failing at those standards. He needs to overcome his fear of failing by these or any standards, so he can actually improve at styling manes.
The worst part about Flutter Brutter is what happened to Zephyr afterwards. The episode ends with him finally becoming a barber, but then we see him again in that S9 episode as a royal guard because for some unexplained reason he's gone back to aimlessly drifting between shitty jobs he's no good at. So Flutter Brutter's happy ending is fucking empty and meaningless.
Shtick? Straight up episodes. This was in the wee early days before finding the episodes was easy.
248540 248541
A delivery-fag leaked ALL the production files from S6 and on, including full versions of some songs, instrumentals, discarted ideas, reasoning behind the decisions they took, etc.
Their opsec must be remarkably bad thb.
But what is the screenshot of, what is “BS & & P,” what is Line 201, where did this conversation take place, what is being approved, and who is saying this? Like I’m told that this has some relation to My Little Pony some how... but what the hell is it? It doesn’t look like an email. It’s not an IRC chatlog, it’s not a script, it’s not a transcript of a phone conversation. What the hell is it, who is speaking, what are they speaking about, why are there two ampersands right next to each other.... With zero context and zero explanation beyond “it allegedly has something to do with some one who worked on My Little Pony” the screenshot is just confusing
Well, i couldn't find it, sorry.

I am sad.
1323849__safe_solo_screencap_cute_smiling_animated_trixie_eyes closed_happy_to where and back again.gif
2150866__safe_artist-colon-jargon scott_princess celestia_twilight sparkle_2 panel comic_adorable distress_comic_cute_cutelestia_dialogue_flailing_floa.png
1626040__safe_artist-colon-tjpones_oc_oc-colon-brownie bun_oc only_horse wife_brownie bun without her pearls_clean_cleanliness is next to godliness_cut.png
3735__safe_artist-colon-karzahnii_fluttershy_rainbow dash_box_cardboard box_comic_cute_female_filly_filly fluttershy_filly rainbow dash_floppy ears_ima.png
That is healthy and normal. You will feel better eventually, and be better too. In the meantime here are some cute ponies.
>2nd pic
>not hands
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Are we the main board now? When did /mlp/ became /mlpol/ 2.0?

248855 248906 249455
I can't believe it.
Seriously, it is like everyponer was posting in that thread.
Confess faggots.
This is actually pretty good, for a /mlp/ thread. Two based (albeit short) greens, even. And I always love seeing Flurry being redpilled.
First I'm seeing of it.
That first green was really good. Any fan who isn't jaded at this point oughta read that.
It hasn't been uploaded on DB yet but I bet the faggots there would throw a fit.
4cuck's suck and fuck is a genuine displeasure to use, especially if you're from /mlp/ or /pol/. The mods outright hate both boards and do everything in their power to make them worse for no reason. Not to mention those horrific fucking google picture captchas. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find that every nazi horsefucker on the internet prefers this place to either /mlp/ or /pol/ at this point.
I've seen some serious /pol/ talk going down there ever since the finale leaked, this is the biggest one i've seen tho.
The finale must have redpilled some people
>redpilled some people
There's still hope.
Let's unite our forces to purge /mlp/ from sjw and reddit faggots
248988 248992 249001
>you are Anonymous Shitposter, free agent of home improvement
>looking back on the past 13 years or so, since you first woke up in Ponyville, you realize now that they've been the best of your life
>even the 10 years since Twilight moved to Canterlot and stopped dragging you into whacky adventures
>you have to admit, pony society is structured in such a way that it's all but impossible not to feel a purpose in your life
>for example, the emphasis on finding a "special talent"
>with your hands, you're almost a dextrous as a unicorn
>and with your lower-middle class upbringing, you're almost as unafraid of hard work as an earth pony
>hence, you ended up fitting very nicely into the niche of home improvement work
>still, you've been thinking lately
>things have seemed just a tad less nice around Ponyville
>for example, now, as you're on your way to get a fresh coat of paint on Ruby Ring's jewelry shop
>"Hey! Watch where you're going!"
>you jump a bit and look down
>a kirin is scowling up at you, her mane - quite literally - on fire with anger
"Ah, sorry. Didn't see you there."
>"Ever tried looking down, you big freak?"
>the serpentine horse-creature stalks away
>you sigh
>these new "creatures" seem to like you a whole lot less than the ponies generally have over the years
>probably best not to pick a fight with a literal monster that could burn down the whole town if you pissed it off enough though
>you pick up your paint can and keep on walking
>only to jump again
>a massive, purple explosion can be seen blossoming in the center of town
"Holy shit!"
>that's the friendship school that just blew up
>Princesses Celestia and Luna, whom you've heard nothing whatsoever about in at least 7 years now, descend upon the scene and begin firing magic bolts at some unseen adversary
"Holy shit!"
>they subdue their opponent and fly away with their target in tow, immobilized and levitated by glowing chains of yellow and blue
>and their prisoner is none other than Twilight herself!
"Holy fuck!"
>you stand motionless as you watch the trio disappear among the city atop Canterlot Mountain
>and you stand motionless for a good while longer, too
>finally, you're snapped out of it by a swirl of green flame
>a scroll materializes before you
>you catch it
>unfurl it
>and read it
>"Meet me in Canterlot Castle ASAP. ~ Twilight"
>you drop the paint bucket on the ground and break into a run for the train station
>there's a train scheduled to leave for Canterlot soon
>but it's not leaving for another 20 minutes
>no matter, you can change that
>dashing onto the train, you run forward through the cars til you reach the engine
>the engineer - a dragon - looks up at you with a bored expression
>you wave the scroll in his face
"Hey, the princess needs me in Canterlot yesterday. Can we take off now?"
>the dragon shrugs
>"What's your namby-pamby pony princess to me?"
>fuck you'd throttle this faggot if you didn't need him to drive the train
>instead, you reach into the coin pouch of your toolbelt and start throwing bits at him
"Go, scalenigger, go!"
>the dragon eyes the gold coins on the floor and shrugs again
>"Well, if it's that important to you."
>the engineer wraps his claws around the controls and takes off hard
>the sudden acceleration knocks you off your feet
>the dragon chuckles
>"Might wanna take a seat, sir. I'm going at top speed just for you."
>you pick your way back to a passenger car
>sit down
>and wait
>what the fuck was that explosion?
>why did the old princesses take Twilight away in chains?
>if Twilight is a prisoner, how did she send you that scroll?
>and what in the world could she need you for?
248989 248992 249001
>finally, the train screeches to a halt in Canterlot
>you dash off the train and sprint to the street
>the street is a bit too crowded to move as fast as you'd like though
>but you squirm and weave through the crowd as quickly as you're able
>it'd be nice if there were less gigantic fucking yaks on this street
>"Hey! Watch where you go, Kluge monster!"
>hurried though you are, you take a moment to internally seethe
>if there's one thing you hate more than the monster-folk from Kluge Town
>it's the blind fucking niggers who mistake you for the monster-folk from Kluge Town
>at last, you break through the crowd and jog up the steps to the castle
>you call out to the guards on your way up
"Hey! I need to get in there!"
>a gryphon guard slowly blinks at your approach
>"Got an appointment, buddy?"
>you flash the scroll and point at the royal seal
>the gryphon's eyes widen a bit
>"Yeah all right, I'll let you in. Just a second."
>the guard takes his badge in his talon and presses it against the door
>you don't wait for the guard to finish speaking before you run inside as fast as you can
>"All right, you're- whoah!"
>Spike is waiting for you in the main foyer
>"Anon, you're here! Follow me, I'll take you to the conference room."
>Spike leads you to a room with a large, round table in the middle of it
>seated at the table are all five of Twilight's closest friends
>the four remaining Pillars of Equestria
>Starswirl and Mistmane, of course, passed away a few years ago
>the six creatures who came to be known as "the student six" 10 years ago
>and Zecora is there too
>at the front of the room, Twilight stands and stares blankly into her own deep thoughts
>behind her stand Princesses Celestia and Luna
>between them, imprisoned in magical chains, stands...
>but this Twilight doesn't look quite right
>she seems so skinny
>you can see her ribs
>the tip of her ethereal mane had faded to a dull grey
>and there's a noticeable crack in her horn
>you just stare at her
>Spike flies over to the normal, healthy-looking Twilight, whispers in her ear, and points at you
>normal Twilight looks up and addresses you
"Anon, you're here. It's good to see you. Please, have a seat. We'll get started in a moment."
>you stop staring at Skinny Twilight and clear your throat
"Y-yeah. Sure."
>the only seat left is the one between Smoulder and Rockhoof
>once you're seated, Twilight closes her eyes
>and takes a deep breath
"Okay. To my friends, my fellow princesses, and the pillars, you all are here because, once again, I'm faced with a difficult decision and I need your advice."
>Twilight hesitates before proceeding
"To the nine non-ponies in the room, you all are here because the decision I am faced with directly concerns all non-ponies, and you nine are the non-ponies I know best. And Sandbar, of course, is here because whatever concerns his friends concerns him as well."
>Sandbar's hoof clutches Yona's on top of the table
"The mare you see behind me was apprehended today after destroying the School of Friendship. Nocreature was killed, but my dear friend Starlight Glimmer is in critical condition at Ponyville General Hospital."
>Skinny Twilight bows her head
"She was my friend too."
>Twilight glares at Skinny Twilight before proceeding
"The story this mare has to tell you all is somewhat fantastical in nature. Unfortunately, however, I have not yet found any reason to disbelieve it. When she's told you everything, we will make our decision."
>Twilight moves behind Skinny Twilight
>and Skinny Twilight clears her throat to speak

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"In short, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle from about 200 years into the future. It hurt me, more than you know, to attack the School of Friendship, but..."
>Skinny Twilight squeezes her eyes shut tight for a moment before continuing
"It had to be done. To save Equestria."
>Smoulder raises her claw
>"Uh, why?"
"Ah, to put it... delicately... the Equestria where I come from is a place where ponies only make up about 40% of the population."
>Sandbar leaps out of his seat
>"Well why should that matter? As long as everycreature believes in friendship, who cares where they come from?"
>oh no...
>13 years ago, you had breathed a sigh of relief
>you thought you'd escaped the demographic crises of Earth once and for all
>but now...
>Skinny Twilight bows her head sadly
"That's just it, Sandbar. The thing is, most creatures, whether they're yaks or gryphons or changelings... or even ponies... most of them can never really understand the finer points of friendship. I've learned this the hard way."
>Sandbar slowly sits down
>"Wh... what's that supposed to mean?!"
"I mean... there are aspects of friendship that can't really be taught in a school. Finer points that you just can't outline in some lesson plan. You have to feel it for yourself. Everycreature in this room understands it pretty well, but most... well, let me put it to you this way. Cozy Glow was a student at the School of Magic."
>regular Twilight begins to sputter
"How... how... how dare you-"
"It's true. And you know it. I'm the proof. The Equestria I've just come from has been completely torn apart by civil war."
>Rockhoof slams the table
>"How could tha' be?!"
"In short, the non-ponies want the ponies out of Equestria."
>Yona gasps
>"B-but why?! Yona no want ponies gone! Yona love ponies!"
"I don't know why. I used to think like Sandbar, that it didn't matter where a creature came from. But I wasn't listening. One day, a yak was trampling foals. The next, a mob of niriks was setting fire to Fillydelphia."
>Ocellus interjects
>"You mean kirins, right?"
>Skinny Twilight's eyes grow hollow
"No. There haven't been any kirins in my Equestria for decades. They're all niriks, all the time. They just got so angry. Everycreature just got so angry. It started with brawls. Then there were riots. And then, there was a war."
>nobody can think of anything to interrupt Skinny Twilight with at that
"I don't know how it started. I probably just wasn't paying attention. One day, there was just an army of non-ponies based out of the Everfree Forest, and they started taking land for themselves. Next, the Black Forest seceded from Equestria, and they started conquering land as well, kicking out all the non-ponies wherever they went. Most of those fled to the Everfree Forest."
>Skinny Twilight shakes her head
"It's been 10 long, hard years. All that's left of Equestria is Canterlot and Ponyville. And Ponyville is constantly under siege from the Everfree Forest. And the Black Forest is slowly losing ground to the non-ponies. In short, Equestria is finished. In a few decades, ponies will be finished. I came here to change that."
>but a thought creeps into your head
"But you didn't change it. You're still here, so your future hasn't changed yet."
>Skinny Twilight nods
"That's right. My best guess is, in the timeline as it is now, the School of Friendship will be rebuilt. That is a mistake. The School of Friendship is the number one gateway for non-ponies into Equestria, and will be so for decades to come. It needs to stay gone to prevent the civil war."
>Spike's wings flare in shock
>"And what, we just give up on friendship?!"
>the room explodes into a cacophany
>"M-maybe we should just go back to our homelands."
>"Yona no want to go home! Yona want to stay with her friends!"
>"Doesn't everycreature deserve a chance to come to Equestria?"
>"Yeah, but ponies deserve to live in Equestria too, and they don't have anywhere else to go!"
"Ahem! I have a question!"
>the arguing creatures grow quiet
"Why didn't you just go back to 10 years ago and convince yourself not to found the school in the first place? It seems like the best way to fix the future, with minimal tears in the present."
>Gallus explodes
>"And just make it so the past 10 years never even happened?!"
>Skinny Twilight's eyes begin to shine with lurking tears
"I... I couldn't. I just couldn't erase it completely! The school did so much good at first. Those six creatures sitting next to you... Graduates from the School of Friendship really did succeed in teaching their homelands about friendship! The Dragonlands and Griffonstone especially benefitted from the school!"
"But Equestria didn't."
>Gallus tries to reach across Smoulder to get at you
>"You're only saying that because you'd get to stay in Equestria whether the school got founded or not! You think you're a pony, Anon, but you're not!"
>the room erupts into a verbal free-for-all once more
>you bury your face into your hands
>maybe you shouldn't have said anything
>of course, the little feathernigger is right
>you're not a pony
>but fuck, everything feels so wrong!

I promise I'll continue this.
You've caught my interest so I hope you do
>I promise I'll continue this.
Looking forward to it.
I like this green.
>I promise I'll continue this.
I woed never to give out promises on fiction ever again. I think they put unnecessary pressure on oneself.
Ihaven't read this yet but here's a (you) hope you continue writing it.
>the assembled ponies and creatures at the table continue to shout over each other
>Zecora, to her credit, is silent
>the princesses, too, with the exception of present-Twilight, gaze on in a sad silence
>and you, of course, say nothing as you gather your thoughts and feelings
>when you were younger, and living on Earth, you used to promote rather extreme solutions to its demographic crises to anyone who would listen
>but there are reasons why there were so few who would listen
>in the first place, the forcible removal, lethal or otherwise, of millions of people is impractically difficult
>that's how you knew that historical claims like the so-called "holocaust" were exaggerations at most
>but after more than a decade of living among these lovable ponies, you've begun to think somewhat less practically
>and as a result, you eventually did realize the real reason why nobody wants to hear of violent solutions to population problems
>no matter how many facts, stats, and well-cited arguments you can present
>no matter how obviously necessary violence is
>even the most hardened souls grow queasy at the thought of bringing harm to individuals who haven't personally harmed anyone themselves
>hell, even going too hard on those who have caused harm can be an uncomfortable thought
>and that's to say nothing of millions of people
>of course, when things get bad enough, such qualms will inevitably dissolve
>it's going to happen right here in Equestria about 200 years from now, apparently
>but that's still a long way off
>and by then, it will probably be too late
>of course, there's one more obvious reason why you can't suggest anything too drastic
>specifically, you'd have to be expelled from the country as well, if all non-ponies ended up having to leave
>that's obviously not something you want
>there's just one thing about all this that's frustrating you
>this Twilight from the future holds in her brain a way to save her nation without any violence
>she could literally go back in time and stop the floodgates from ever being opened in the first place
>but instead of doing that, she chose to show up a decade after the gates were opened and blow up her friend in a failed attempt to re-shut them
>it's nonsensical, no matter how much good she claims the school did in its early years
>you've got to make the case for a time travel solution
>and you've got to convince them this time
>you take advantage of your height to stand up and get everyone's attention
"Look. I know first-hand what future-Twilight is talking about. I came from a multi-racial society too."
>all right, that's good
>they actually shut up and started listening
"And Twilight. Twilights. I've explained it to you before. Things weren't quite as bad as civil war yet, but they were sliding downhill fast. And I have a lot more in common with a non-White human than you do with a non-pony creature."
>Smoulder crosses her claws
>"You know, I really don't like the way you say 'creature.'"
>you ignore her
"I'm telling you, there's a crisis on the way, and you have an opportunity to stop it that my world never had. You have magic. You have time travel spells. You can go back in time and nip this problem before it has a chance to get started. You can go back and tell yourself to never found the school in the first place."
>Gallus' claw tightens to a fist
>"But that's not fair. We would never have come to Equestria and become the creatures we are today without the School of Friendship! How would you like it if I stood up here and started talking about how humans needed to be kicked out of Equestria?"
"Humans never really get to be an issue. Anon dies in about 50 years without ever reproducing, and that's the end of humans in this world."
>the glares you're getting from the diversity squad tell you that Skinny Twilight's interjection was less than helpful
"And, and, and that's a good example of how this crisis is gonna work. I'm just one guy, and I can't single-handedly change this place. But if there were millions of humans running around, that would be horrible for this place. Again, Twilights, I've told you about some of the philosophies that were popular in the world I grew up with. Nihilism, cynicism, hedonism. And you couldn't understand what the fuck I was talking about. But if there were millions of humans here, these ideas would start to effect ponies. And this whole high-trust friendship society that ponies have created would die."
>you point at Skinny Twilight
"I bet that's about what happened, isn't it? Nobody trusts anyone, and nobody believes in friendship anymore, right?"
>Skinny Twilight nods
"That's about right. I won't necessarily claim to know why, though."
"Well I'll take a guess. You've got all these different creatures, with their different cultures and beliefs that sprung up to suit their needs in their homelands, and they're all clashing here in Equestria. Take... take dragons, for example. Take that Hearth's Warming tale they've got."
>Smoulder raises a claw
>"Feast of Fire tale."
"Okay, feast of fire tale. That one story about the dragon who overthrows the Dragon Lord for being nice to her. Does that story make any sense to anyone here who didn't grow up in the Dragonlands?"
>sixteen heads shake "no"
"Well, that's what dragons grow up with. That's what little dragon hatchlings are taught to believe while they're growing up."
>Smoulder breathes smoke
>"But that's not fair! I don't think like that anymore!"
"Okay, well you're one dragon. Suppose there's another dragon who does still think like that. Suppose he's a fully-grown dragon. You know, one of those ancient fuckers who's older than Equestria and big enough to swallow a yak whole. Suppose he moves to Equestria and gets it into his head that Princess Twilight is just like the Dragon Lord from that story. He could cause some pretty big problems, yeah?"
>Skinny Twilight shudders
"Inferno the Black. He did cause some big problems."
"Here's what I'm getting at. The more foreigners you let into Equestria, the less they're going to respect pony culture. The less they're going to respect ponies in general. That's what kills trust. That's what kills friendship."
>you send a brutal knife-hand in Skinny Twilight's direction
"And that's what kills Twilight."
>the ponies and creatures think about that for a second
"Twilight. Present-Twilight. We're still friends, right? You still think of me as a friend, don't you?"
"Of course. Of course you're my friend, Anon."
"That's good. I'm glad. I like to think of you as my friend too. And I don't want her-"
>a nod at Skinny Twilight
"To be you. You deserve better than that."
>you look around the room, being careful to meet everyone's eye
"We're all Twilight's friends, aren't we? Does anyone want our Twilight to turn into that future-Twilight? Look at her. She's only a little over 200 years old, and already she looks three times older than Celestia over there, clocking in at a little over 2000."
>you sigh, feeling very tired
>feeling very ready to wrap up what you're saying with one last point before sitting back down
>so you take your last point from your heart
"Look. I'm not gonna be alive in 200 years. I'm not gonna have any descendants in 200 years. My only stake in what happens 200 years from now is Twilight. I want her to be happy for a long, long time. We all want that, right?"
>uncomfortable nods ripple over the table
"All right. So let's have future-Twilight go back in time to stop the school from being built. It's the most peaceful way, and the most sure way, to keep Equestria a land of friendship for centuries to come."
>with that
>you slump back into your seat
>Skinny Twilight is the first one to speak
"Well, I can't actually go back in time myself right now. My horn was cracked when I was... apprehended. I can't safely use that kind of magic right now."
>Twilight frowns
"You... you said that in a few decades from your time, ponies would be finished, right?"
>Skinny Twilight nods slowly
>Twilight closes her eyes
>inhales deeply
>and looks at her future self with sad eyes
"Could you teach me the time travel spell you used?"
>you can hear Smoulder's breathing growing shaky next to you
>but the dragon holds her peace
"I'm afraid you're still a bit young for the particular spell that I used."
>and after a brief silence
>Celestia clears her throat
>"But I am not."
"That's true. You could cast it."
>"Of course, though you ruled Equestria in the future, and I in the past, the present ruler of Equestria is this Twilight here. It's her decision."
"Of course."
>Twilight's gaze passes from her old heroes
>to her old friends
>and her old students
>and she speaks
"Do it."
>Yona gasps
>"But... but Yona no want to lose her friends!"
"You shouldn't have to. While they're discussing the spell... I'll... I'll think of something."
>Twilight closes her eyes
>and her horn starts to glow
>for a while, the only sound in the room is the whispered discussion between Celestia and Skinny Twilight
>but eventually, that dies down as well
>everyone in the room waits with baited breath for Twilight to do or say something
>finally, streams of purple magic trickle from her horn to the far corners of the room
>there's a flash of blinding white light
>but when it passes, Twilight's eyes are open
"With the spell I've just cast, everycreature in this room will retain their memories of the past 10 years."
>with something wet sliding down her cheeks, she looks at her old students
"I want you six especially to remember everything you've learned, and to stay friends, okay? Don't give up on friendship. There's still so much we all need to learn from you."
>Twilight nods her approval at Celestia
>and Celestia's horn glows with a primal, white light
>but she never finishes the spell
>with a flash of purple, somebody new enters the room
"Stop! Do not cast that spell!"
>the mare who's just entered the room is Skinny Twilight's opposite in every respect
>her rippling muscles bulge and twitch as she glares down at Celestia
>her mane, with the exception her trademark pink and purple highlights, flows with the absolute blackness of midnight
>and her eyes - alive with emotion - emanate an unsavory, green smoke
>you're going to call her Buff Twilight
"I'm Twilight Sparkle from 150 years into the future. The instant you committed to casting that spell, the timeline changed, and let me tell you right now, it isn't any better."
>Skinny Twilight's eyes come to life for the first time since you've seen her as they fill with fear and shock
"But if the timeline changed, then... you should be me! I should be you!"
>Buff Twilight smiles a wicked grin
"Not with that cracked horn you got there. The time-travel spell finished without you, and the timeline changed without you. You never made it back to the future. Instead, you spent the next ten years slowly - and painfully - fading away into nothing... just like you deserve."
>Skinny Twilight's eyes grow hollow again
"Oh... is that all?"
>Buff Twilight grimaces
"No will to live. You're pathetic."
>the normal Twilight of the present time and current timeline interjects
"You look like you've been practicing dark magic."
"You would too, in my horseshoes. Actually, you will when you get around to wearing them."
"What future could possibly be so bad that I'd do such a thing?"
"War. From the outside, not the inside."
"But Equestria can hold its own against a foreign power. That can't be nearly as bad as a civil war."
"Can Equestria hold its own against Griffonstone, the Dragonlands, the New Changeling Hive, and the Buffalo Nation?"
249121 249155
>Gallus, Spike, Ocellus, and Applejack all try to question Buff Twilight at once
>"The Dragonlands? But Dragon Lord Ember would never invade Equestria!"
>"N... New Changeling Hive?"
>"Since when is there a Buffalo Nation?"
>Buff Twilight rolls her eyes
"Okay, so it started when a gryphon named Gizzard discovered the Lost Treasure of Griffonstone and became king. The first thing he wanted to do was restore the old 'glory' of Griffonstone, and he figured that Equestria had enough glory to share some, if you know what I mean. In the meanwhile, Ember was growing more and more unpopular with the dragons every year for being too 'pony-like.' When she ordered the Dragonlands to help Equestria, she was overthrown by a dragon named Inferno the Black, who proceeded to order the dragons to help the griffons instead. Around this time, some royal eggs that Chrysalis had hidden before her fall matured into queens and set about spawning a hive. The first thing they did was destroy Thorax's hive. Then they moved in on Equestria. Finally, one or more of these foreign powers managed to agitate the buffalo herds out west into seceding from Eqeustria and attacking the border settlements."
"That's funny. There was a Buffalo Nation in my timeline too."
"Let me guess. You signed off on the secession yourself?"
>Skinny Twilight bows her head
"So you see why I needed the power-boost dark magic has to offer."
>a flash of purple light leaps from Buff Twilight's eyes as her nostrils flare
"I've had to take thousands of lives myself already."
>Celestia's eyes waver
>"Twilight... I didn't teach you to be a monster."
"You didn't teach me to be a lot of things. But maybe that's why you were assasinated at a phony peace summit at Griffonstone, and I survived."
"But... I was going to enable everycreature here to keep their memories. My students... they should have been able to spread friendship in their homelands."
>Buff Twilight snorts
"Believe it or not, they tried. But let's be real here. After the way you kicked them out of Equestria, they only half-believed what they were saying themselves."
"We... won though, right?"
"Would I have come here if we did? Even with dark magic, I'm only one alicorn. Equestria has fallen. Ponies are a slave race."
>nobody knows how to respond to that
>so Buff Twilight continues by asking Skinny Twilight a question
"Remind me, in your timeline, did any foreign powers end up declaring war on you?"
"No. Like I said, the School of Friendship really did a lot of good. The Dragonlands, Griffonstone, even those queens Chrysalis spawned, they all came to officially embrace friendship in their own ways. They even offered assistance Equestria during our civil war. Or, they did at first, anyway."
"Well, there you have it. Rebuild the school, and the war never happens."
>Buff Twilight's eyes flit about the conference room eagerly, as though awaiting the inevitable reaction to a funny joke
>you take the bait
"But... if you rebuild the school, the civil war happens."
>Buff Twilight's eyes lock onto you and flash black for a moment
"Very astute of you, Anon. Especially after that time you created my timeline, by convincing me to prevent the school from being built. Yep, those are our options. Equestria can fall in a war, or it can fall in a civil war."
"Let Equestria be torn apart by hate from without or hate from within? Those aren't options at all!"
>Buff Twilight's voice drops to a low, dangerous octave
"Well, Anon knows of a third option. It's the first thing he would think of if this were happening on his world."
"What? Third option? There really isn't one."
>Buff Twilight's eyes narrow
"Nothing... practical anyway."
>and her lips crack into a sardonic smile
"I mean... the other thing I can think of... and it's completely insane, mind you... it would be... um..."
"Well... you'd... kind of have to wipe out every non-pony on the planet, wouldn't you?"
>Buff Twilight's horn flares up black
"That's a wonderful idea, Anon! I'll get started on it right away!"
>Buff Twilight's horn explodes into shadow
>you cringe and shut your eyes tightly
>and the smell of ozone permeates the air

expect a thrilling conclusion tomorrowTM
Hmm. What's going to happen next?
>you crack open one eyelid
>Buff Twilight's eyes are crossed at the top of her head, trying to get a better look at her horn
>her mane has brightened to the indigo color the other Twilights are wearing
>and her eyes are free of that noxious green smoke
>Buff Twilight's horn is cracked
>Celestia's horn is smoking
"Y... you cracked my horn!"
>Buff Twilight begins to hyperventilate like little Twilight would have done 12 years ago over a friendship problem
"I'm gonna be trapped in the past! I'm gonna fade! Why? Why? Celestia-"
>"I'm sorry, Twilight. You've been through a terrible experience. But you cannot come back to the past to cause harm. That goes for both of you."
>Skinny Twilight looks down at her old mentor's reproval
>"But I'm sure we can find a way for you to live in the past. Once you've had some time to rehabilitate-"
"I don't have time! I've got maybe 10 years to live now!"
>"In case you've forgotten, your old friend Starlight Glimmer is a very skilled chronomancer. Once she's recovered from her injuries-"
>if Skinny Twilight's gaze drops any further her eyes are going to bust through the floor
>"-I'm sure she'd be happy to help you find a way to go on living. In any case, I will be happy to help you. My sister will be happy to help you."
"Starlight... maybe..."
>a set of glowing chains makes its way around Buff Twilight's legs
>all traces of her former bad attitude have vanished
>and without the dark magic pouring out of them, her eyes now look just as tired as Skinny Twilight's
>Celestia smiles gently once Buff Twilight is secured
>"I'd like the both of you to come with me and Luna now. Once you've recovered from your experiences, perhaps you could join us in our travels. If there are any two ponies who need time to rest now, it's you two."
>the pair of future-Twilight's allow themselves to be meekly led out of the conference room
>Celestia calls back to present-Twilight
>"We'll be in my old study if you need us, Twilight. Make your decision, but take your time in doing so. You must be sure that you're making the right choice, after all."
"But... what is the right choice?"
>Celestia's smile grows subtly sad
>"I don't know."
>with that, Twilight is the only alicorn left in the room
>she stands in silent contemplation
>and noone dares to interrupt that train of thought
>but finally, she does reach a decision, of a sort
"Let's take a break, everycreature. This has all been a lot more to take in than any of us expected. We'll meet back in here in, say, twenty minutes."
>Twilight shuffles out of the conference-room
>immediately, Gallus takes the opportunity to scowl at you
>"Was that the future you wanted for Twilight?"
>the gryphon takes off his helmet and stalks out of the room
>fuck it
>you decide to clear out of the conference-room too
>so you head out into the corridor
>and you look for a door with a big, magenta star on it
"I figured you weren't actually taking a break."
>Twilight glances up from the piles of paper on her desk
"Well, you were right. I'm kind of busy right now, Anon."
>you slip into Twilight's study and shut the door behind you
"It's the least I can do to help you out here. You know, since that new timeline is kind of my fault."
"It wasn't your fault, Anon."
"Maybe. But I bet you could use someone with my unique perspective anyway."
"You know, with the looming demographic crisis and all."
>Twilight sighs
"I think I liked you better 13 years ago, when you were too shy to offer me any help."
>you flop down into the chair next to Twilight's
"Should have thought about that before showing me that whole 'friendship' thing."
"Come on. When's the last time we had a chance to talk, just the two of us?"
"I don't remember the last time I had a chance to talk with anyone all alone. That's just not how being the princess works."
"Just show me what you're working on."
>Twilight frowns at her papers
"I'm just compiling some statistics."
"I love stats."
"You hate stats."
"Okay, fine. So, donkeys and mules are lumped into one demographic category, and they make up the largest non-pony population in Equestria. Donkeys and mules make up about 5% of Equestria's population, all spread out fairly evenly across the land."
"All right."
"In second place comes buffalo, at about 3% of the population. They're mostly concentrated out west. Conflicts sometimes happen, but those could probably be minimized by putting a halt to westward expansion."
"You're probably right."
"And in third place is cattle. They're about 2% of the population, mostly centered around Ponyville."
"So thus far you've got a 10% foreign population."
>Twilight shakes her head
"No, not quite. Donkeys, buffalo, and cattle were all native to these lands before ponies first settled Equestria. Really, there's a 1% foreign population, consisting of gryphons, dragons, yaks, etcetera, concentrated in Ponyville and Canterlot."
"Which leaves you with an 89% pony population."
"A 99% Equestrian population."
"Sure, but still an 89% pony population."
>Twilight grimaces
"89% isn't so bad, is it? You saw statistics like that back on Earth, right? That's not really a crisis, is it?"
"No, it's not quite a crisis yet. But you'll definitely start noticing problems around this point, if you're paying attention."
"Not so many problems. Cattle, donkeys, and mules are all perfectly integrated with Equestrian society. Like I said, buffalo are still involved in conflicts sometimes, but they're mostly concentrated in areas where ponies mostly aren't."
"What about the other non-ponies?"
"At 1% of the population? How many problems could they be causing at this stage?"
"Enough for things to snowball out of control in 150 to 200 years, apparently. You have any figures on how things are with them in Ponyville and Canterlot specifically?"
>Twilight's eyes scan the pile of papers
"Eh... no. Not here, anyways."
"Things probably aren't as good as they should be."
"Well, maybe not. What I need is a solution."
"Okay. So, re-opening the school and leaving the gates wide open to foreigners will lead to a civil war in 200 years."
"But going back in time to prevent the school from being built will lead to a foreign war in 150 years. And at this point, outright closing our borders against our allies could very well sow tensions that could erupt into a war somewhere down the line as well."
"Why do I get the feeling that you already figured out the solution before I walked in here?"
"I figured out a solution, not the solution. I don't like it."
"Well what is it?"
"We leave the School of Friendship destroyed. That's it. Hopefully, the school has already instilled foreign powers with enough respect for friendship and ponies to avert a war in the future."
"But at the same time, there's not much incentive for anyone to immigrate to Equestria without the school, right?"
>Twilight nods
"I hate this. The School of Friendship represents my life's work to me."
"Yeah, but think about it like this. We know that it's going to work."
>Twilight cocks her head
"How can you know that?"
"Well, if it doesn't work, then we would have gotten a third future-you by now, right?"
>Twilight scratches her chin
>and her pupils shrink
"Or maybe I just don't get a chance to cast the time-travel spell before something happens to me. Maybe things just fall apart before I'm strong enough to cast it!"
"What? No. No, it's gotta work. How could the school shutting down possibly speed things up?"
"You're probably right, but... there's just no way to know for sure."
"It's gotta work, Twilight. It's got to."
>you follow Twilight back into the conference room exactly twenty minutes after she called away break time
>she takes her place at the front of the room
>you take yours in your seat
>looking at Twilight from a distance, you can't help but feel a little relieved
>she doesn't happy, exactly
>but she looks as though a great weight has been taken off of her back
"Excuse me, everycreature. Excuse me. We're going to get started again."
>Twilight scans the room, ensuring that everyone is in their seats
>the problem?
>everyone's not in their seats
"Ah, where are Gallus and Smoulder?"
>Ocellus buzzes nervously
>"Um... Gallus got really mad during the break. He, um, asked me to tell you that he was quitting the Royal Guard. And that he was going back to Griffonstone."
>Sandbar speaks up as well on this point
>"Said he always wanted to take up treasure-hunting anyway."
>Twilight nods
"Oh dear. What about Smoulder?"
>Silverstream raises her talon to offer what she knows
>"Smoulder got mad too. She was super snappy and bitey with us, and she said she was going back to Ponyville right now to write to everydragon she knows to move in with her."
>apparently there was also a courier while you and Twilight were out of the room
>he reported that Starlight's condition was getting worse
>but you sort of lose track of the discussion after that
>on the far side of the conference room, a large, ornate grandfather clock stands proudly against the ivory wall
>you see the pendulum swinging through the glass pane in its body
>you see the hands slowly making their way around the face
>and, although it's certainly too far away for you to actually hear it
>you imagine you can hear the clockwork inside of that old clock
249163 249184
The end?
On the off-chance you'd ever like to read this story again, you can find it here: https://pastebin.com/6iFqVZhy
Well done. The cliff hanger is yanking my chain, but I understand why. If there is a sequel I'm very much looking foward to that, but if not this is a nice ominous end.
I liked it. It was a nice, little, surprisingly tense green.
At this point I have a genuine hate for both /mlp/ and /pol/ at this point. Too many cucks and shills.
>I have a genuine hate for both /mlp/ and /pol/ at this point
(we) know.
249308 249311 249333 249367 249405 249430 249740
Sorry to make you feel cliff-hangered. I can't really write a more definitive ending to the story because I don't really know how it ends myself, because I don't have the answer to the west's demographic crisis. All I can do is ask the question and hope that somebody smarter or stronger than me is able to answer it before it's too late.
Glad you felt the tension. The concept got my gut all tied up in knots while I was brainstorming it, but when I actually started writing I was worried that the tension was getting bogged down and lost in autism.
You did great, and I'm looking foward to your next work if you do one.
Hey, at least you gave us a realistic perspective. Bad if you do, bad if you don't.
Life is that way: trying to do our best choices and hope it doesn't fuck us back.
Plus, since I was one of the hardcore show fans, I can understand why creatures like Gallus or Smolder want the school open.

>Gallus is like Golly, he never had any family until the school opened. Closing it would be going back to that lonely cruel life.

>Smolder learned that they are way more different ways to earn trust and respect than just raw strenght. Closing the school is just send her to a cold cave again.

>Yona is curious. Pony culture fascinates her, and she made good friends. Close the school and is back to the mountains filled with monsters and almost no food.

>Ocellus is learning to be herself, she doesn't need to hide anymore. Close the school, and the changelings are back to the old ways. Like if Thorax's efforts were for naught.

>Silverstream finally is free, her whole nation is free. Without the school most hippogriphs would have stayed in mount Ares, and probably exposed to a new Storm King in the future.

The school did so much good, and yet if left open, most will get a generic brand of friendship, leaving the most important lessons behind: friendship happens naturally, is not something you can teach inside a room (well, not the most important points).

Fuck, this green for some reason reminded me of The Legend of Korra, where element masters and humans had conflict between them due to the skills of one and the other.
Damn it /mlpol/, the most I try to imagine a good outcome, I just see a worse cause and effect, the only difference is how long it will take to happen. Why your redpills are so hard to take?! Not even daily pills give me this much pain in the ass!
>Legend of Whorra
Watch more E;R
249367 249405
The answer to the crisis is to fix the problems that make it up and see where things go from there. To fix marriage and divorce, give men the right to walk away from their children to end babytrapping and divorce rape and Karen's financial incentive to steal the kids, end mandatory diversity quotas and grants for the sufficiently diverse, ban Halal meat for causing unnecessary suffering to animals and guaranteeing muzzies jobs at the expense of people due to anti competitive means, ban Islam altogether and shut mosques down, force lessons on Islam's evil into Religious Education lessons.
If you illegally immigrated into the UK or USA as a "refugee" seeking "sanctuary" within the past 25 years you fuck off and take your families with you. You can apply to earn your way back into the country afterwards, unless you complain or refuse to leave and make shooting necessary.
end fake maths, fine fake news every time they lie, gun rights for all citizens and Stand Your Ground laws to let whites kill niggers and commies legally, ban feminism and Marxism from schools and the workplace to end feminist teacher indoctrination at all ages and replace feminist workers who threaten to do shit like A Day Without Women with real male workers who need money to attract shallow western thots and start families. Also, government-run free online colleges to make major colleges irrelevant. Recognize anti male feminist speech and anti western marxist speech as hate crimes, turn their shit against them until there's none of them left.
Sexual Education classes need to include warnings about The Wall and how women won't be young and pretty and fertile forever.
Investigate anti-white businesses for discrimination, fine them intensely if necessary until their hiring practices turn as white as they should be in a majority white country. Either throw out hate crime laws or ensure all anti-white hate crimes get triple the mandatory minimum sentence you'd get for criming against a nigger.
Part 2 is to send killsquads through overly cushy 99% foreigner prisons, send everyone too foreign back home, arrest the dissenters and criminals and lefty celebs because they want worse done to us, kill as necessary because we're done fucking around, end this failed experiment and clear up some real estate for the young so they can buy houses and reproduce in them. Possible welfare to aid young and sufficiently healthy high IQ (white) families in starting families so "We can't afford kids yet. Maybe when she's 50" will never be said unironically. Perhaps only for families that promise to surpass a certain number of kids. 3? 4? Or perhaps, tax breaks for working class families with enough kids and a nonworking mother.
Our homeland is being stolen from us and given away to low IQ devilspawn. Fix that and we can repopulate our countries freely.
Our culture and our countries were damaged over time by malicious leftists who always got their way and never suffered any consequences for it, and will never be satisfied. They enjoy being evil. They can't be reasoned with, only scared into shutting up and ceasing their faggotry.
Everything the left has done can be undone. We will never be able to save the countless white lives lost to the diversity experiment or the abortion experiment, but we can honour their sacrifice by ensuring the jew experiment ends before the jews end the earth.
We're running out of time. Soon we will all be loathed and replaced minorities in our own countries, unable to change anything nonviolently and unable to be violent effectively due to being outnumbered and outgunned. No fellow white countries will come to save the first country to rebel because they are all being conquered.
Let whites have kids again, let boys be boys again, let men be men again, let whites be whites again, let white men have lives again, and the damage can be allowed to undo itself and put us in a position where we stand a chance at reclaiming our homelands and saving the planet from the jews.
By the time things are bad enough for everyone to agree violence is necessary, we will have missed our chance at winning a prolonged violent engagement.
So the only nonviolent option is to take back our governments, our marriage, our countries, our women, and our ability to reproduce.
Feminists don't deserve rights.
Lefties can't be reasoned with, only kicked out or put in jail with their allies.
Boys don't deserve to endure feminist teachers obsessed with giving pills and dresses to little boys.
We need to take the kid gloves off and stop playing by the left's rules, because they don't play by their own rules. And nobody forces them to obey any rules.
Kick the nigger out. Kick the jew out. Kick the spic out. Kick the feminist out. They don't need a home in other countries to go home to, they can cry "I'm a refugee!" at the borders of some other country for all we should care.
Nonwhites are a fast-breeding invasive species. Feminists betray their god, country, and civilization by choosing pleasure and privilege and misandry over actual womanhood.
If we want to make the third world a better place for third-worlers and spread Ponykind's teachings of friendship/the white man's teachings of honest western civilization and duty, we have to be in charge.
Our country is not their daycare center. We are not babysitters, we are scientists and warriors and leaders!
We send our missionaries to their land and give better lives to those willing to turn away from savagery and toward trying to imitate our positive example.
They will never be as good as us, but maybe after a few hundred generations of trying to be like us, evolution will bless them.
We are superior. Our ways are superior to their ways. Compromising with them and their ways? A compromise between white science and the "Black science" that claims medicine men can call down lightning? Nonsense. Foolishness.
A compromise between the truth and a lie is still a lie.
And we cannot compromise on the objective truth, only teach it to those willing to learn and strike down those crazed and jealous enough to attack it.
We can't afford to keep spending ten billion a year on free food for all fast-breeding rodents without any selection process. If you feed a starving african family of ten, they will become a starving african family of twenty. And many of those kids will be sent over here to be paid to breed/rape in our lands. A starving african village will laze around and wait to die or be saved by the whites, or it will turn towards war to steal what others grew.
None of them have any concept of time, delayed gratification, duty or reason.
Rarely, one will mutate and have unusually high IQ for a nigger, which is still unusually low by our standards. This makes them about equal to a race-mixed almost-black still-not-white. These can be made into preachers for christianity and civilization, even if they don't truly understand what they're saying or repeating.
An inferior imitation of western civilization is still a step up over nigger civilization. They'll be happy to have that. And we won't have to suffer that downgrade. They'll consider what they got an upgrade.
Maybe if the black is racemixed/gene-edited out of them after enough generations, they'll act less black? There's a huge difference between the fourth/fifth-generation "Based Blacks" on the right and the somalian rapefugees on the streets. Still inferior to whites though.
Sending seeds to an african village won't help, they'll just dig the seeds up and eat them when our missionaries are gone.
But if we start (well-defended) businesses over there? Niggers who work for us can afford to eat and reproduce, while jobless niggers starve.
We purge corruption and niggery stupidity from their government and rule it as an advanced and benevolent yet firm alien civilization would treat a lesser race unable to invent wheels, interstellar travel, or hygiene.
Alternatively conquering the third world and turning them white would result in huge jewless white countries with great locations, great farmland, great real estate, who the fuck knows what scientific advancements could come from a world with more whites in power researching true science and fewer niggers/feminists/jews trying to drag the world down to their level?
Well I did it, I watched (most of) your recommendations for S7+. Can't say I agree completely with all of these (not fond of the Daring Do episodes, couldn't push through watching the S8 opener, and S9E9 is a garbage pile) but overall not a terrible list. I was most impressed by how good the S7 finale was. The worldbuilding was already trashed by that point but they held it together enough that it didn't distract from a solid character-driven narrative. And sure it was another villain redemption but we actually had some decent prior setup for how Stygian's rejection led him to shadow, and how reconciliation with the Pillars would fix that, so the redemption felt earned. Not a perfect finale but I had exactly zero hope for the series after the trash fire that was the S6 finale, so all right by me.

Also the episode with AJ's parents could have gone horribly wrong but it didn't. Didn't even care it was 100% ripped off of Romeo and Juliet (or maybe that's why it worked). Another episode that could have gone horribly wrong was S9E4, seeing that the VA's got the writing credits. I was ready to drop it then and there to avoid a cringe-fest but it was surprisingly decent.

> I can't really write a more definitive ending to the story because I don't really know how it ends myself, because I don't have the answer to the west's demographic crisis.
On one hand that gives you a lot of creative freedom, on the other it's a gateway to letting your message get the better of your narrative. Which might work okay for this story since the plot centers around the problem of demographic crisis, an intrinsically political topic, but it's easy to get carried away and make a cringe ending. So I'm okay with it even if the tension wasn't dispelled. Smart work.

Interestingly enough I thought of something related when watching the S7 finale. If we had a series centered around the Pillars the show's writers would be forced to confront to work within the confines of a very redpilled setting: a racially pure Equestria. There's no way around this without breaking future lore since we know pony society was essentially homogeneous until Twilight's era. The worst you got was mixing between the pony subraces but that's more analogous to mixing different European ethnicities rather than different races. And even that couldn't must have been very uncommon since in Twilight's era you still have major cities which remain largely ethnically homogeneous (Cloudsdale for pegasi, Canterlot for unicorns). Pillars spin-off when?
Hey, I know the series was shit, but if the people up would have learned what made the original Avatar great (the true meaning of honor, our duties as humans, and the true understanding of one another), maybe it would have made a good show with great political points.
I mean, seeing from afar, you see Korra fight an extremist, a commie, and another villain I don't remember.
It could have been great, like FO:NV, but instead we got FO4 turning into 76 at the end.
My recommandation and what I consider to be the best episode of the entire series is, "It's about time." It is one of the episodes in season two. It fires off joke after joke in rapid-fire speed. THere are more jokes than there are minutes in the entire episode. The only problem is the terminator timetravel paradox. Otherwise, it is soild.
To me, it is the very peak of the series but I might over romanticize it a bit.
Probably a dumb ass question that could be in its own thread.

But Im just a lurker who only started giving a shit about community opinion after the finale. was browsing and recent discussion peaked my interest.

What is the general consensus of when the show officially gone to shit?

Season 7 was the last decent one for me even though 8 and 9 had its high points.

Im getting the opinion is generally the same but I just wannabe in the loop.
There is no specific place where it was good and then became shit, it was very much a gradual shift that began early in season two depending on who you ask, popular opinion is Magical Mystery Cure, though.
You know what's annoying about LOK?
The villains are:
>commie who hates Benders, people with an ability they primarily use to create Republic City's electricity, serve as cops, or beat up corrupt benders
>theocratic traditionalist who serves a retconned-in religion with an always-chaotic-evil god
>anarchist terrorist Wannabe-Akatsuki, but they're four oldfags with sue powers except when they get an underground army retconned in
>"fascist" earthbender who wants the conquered/diversified land stolen during the Fire Nation war back
The show doesn't know how to handle any of these ideologies.
It isn't willing to directly call 1 and 3 wrong, so it paints them in as nice a light as it can get away with while refusing to show the negative effects of 1, and it loves 3 so much it throws in a cartoonishly evil Earth Queen just for them to kill. The show doesn't know what 2 is so it projects and we get what's just a Satanist who fuses with Satan and wants "Darkness" to rule forever
And 4?
4 is treated as something caused by 3's evil, rather than a broken and battered and divided Earth Kingdom's need for unity and good leadership.
There's a scene where Toph's sueish daughter (The one who rules the metal wannabe-future city) is all "Help me, Korra! Me and my boys snuck into her tent at 3AM to assassinate her during peace talks, thinking that would end this war. But she tricked us by putting a body double in her bed! Oh, she's so EVIL!"
They have no idea what fascism is, but they're told it's a strong military and not-anti-nuclear hippyism, so we get a fucking Kuviratron giant mech with a raygun on its arm that fires Nuclear Kamehamehas.
Were the writers just paid extra to suck or do they really have this little of a clue how to write any of these ideologies?
The show uses these concepts to feel "Deep" and "Adult", but it doesn't have any idea how to execute these concepts and it doesn't have the balls to call the shit ones shit or depict the not-100%-shit ones as what they are.
Deep in the shallowest way, just like Persona 5.
249465 249682 249716
Potentially nice thread:

What a thread.

Death to Hasbro and a pox on the houses of everyone who destroyed this show.
>they put Aryanne in the show just to show her getting btfo by diversity
Fuck I hate kikes.
If you look closer, she is layered sloppily over the scene. This is an edit to the screenshot to make a point.

i am no expert but it would surprise me if this is real. that said, i have seen aryan ponies as background characters in screenshots before. one was eating in a restaurant.
1572638750468 (1).jpg
Nah, it's just my shitty edit on this one, i might have choosen Luster Dawn instead.
It is worth considering that the windigos were the compliance enforcement mechanism that promoted "friendship" in the finale, and that ponies manage the ecology, so that the result 200 years down the line will be a frozen wasteland.
249823 249824
File (hide): 24A5944896B78EFB0DB5FED6E0870D14-15799829.mp4 (15.1 MB, Resolution:1920x1080 Length:00:00:48, Poni_bloopers.mp4) [play once] [loop]
I believe that you guys might get a kick out of this, so here
2188456__questionable_artist-colon-mkogwheel_applejack_bright mac_pear butter_earth pony_pony_anal beads_and that's how apple bloom was made_animated.webm
So that's where this audio came from.
>ponies are pure
Not cool.