>>24120All the best of wishes to you France. Marine Le Pen will be a saviour for Europe.
For your information, a very accurate forecast will say who wins in 8:00PM GMT+2 (ie in 8 hours). Brace yourselves.
>>24122It is going to be a nerve-wrecking ride to then.
>>24123If French want to be fucked in the ass, so be it. I did everything I could to prevent this at my scale. But the medias were clearly on Macron's side (Drahi, a network and TV tycoon, is Macron's friend. Nothing can beat the electric jew.
>>24124It is the same story as in the US where none of the established media supported Trump. And all they talked about was how bad it was that Hillary got "hacked". Same here; all they talk about is how bad it is that someone would "hack" Macron, and nothing about the content.
All we can hope for is an enlightens people who have had enough of the lies from the left and want their freedom back.
Come on, France. Be victorious for once.
>>24125And yet, look at Trump now. Kushner behind and ahead, jews left and right anyway. It might be a different story in France, though. Here's hoping.
If France elects Le Pen the EU is dead for sure, and many more European countries will follow suit (excluding Sweden - sadly for the few based Swedes).
Just voted.
Our fate is on the hands of my fellow French.
Exit polls.
>>24148>>24131Bless you anons MLP will win I can feel it!
>>24144Where does that even come from ? I'm calling bullshit until I see the source.
>>24154It's based on the current ballots and not on exit polls. We will see how it will go. Currently, the real polls (not the polls based on ballots like radiolondres) showed that Macron has like 60%. We'll see.
>>24155Thanks for clarification.
I hope and wish so much that Le Pen wins.
>>24157It will be very difficult. French people are pretty cucked but az lot of people felt backstabbed by the fact that Mélenchon, who had a very good amount of votes (but still were 4th while you needed to be 1st or 2nd). He got 19.5% of votes.
>>24158I bet that if Le Pen wins the left will suddenly start saying that the election system is bad and need changing.
>>24159I bet you're right, then we can rush in the new Fascist age!
>>24159Just like in the United States or in UK lmao.
A lot of people are tired of the current system, not only FN voters.
To elect the senates, you have to vote in 2 turns. A democracy would be to sum up all the votes and if you have 25% of voters, you would get 25% of the senate. Not the case here. If a big party (like Macron's party) unites with the socialist party, he will obviously win the counties because everyone else will be silenced.
That's why the FN has 0.5% of the senate while having 15% of the votes in 2012.
>>24163A downside with a direct correlation with 25% get you 25% of the seats is that the election would only be held in the cities. All rural areas where actually goods are produced would be ignored as the voter mass is so tiny compared to the cities.
>>24164I still believe that the way ancient Athens did it with their council of 500 was the absolute best form of democracy.
Athens' territory got divided into 10 sectors, and 50 men above the age of 20 were chosen through random ballot from each of them every cycle. Those made up the council. The council came up with new laws and changes, which got passed to the assembly, where every citizen had the right to vote and debate on those changes. Representative democracy is fucking awful in comparison to a form of direct democracy, it just doesn't really work on a large scale. But it might, if electronics get involved.
>>24167I can see that. If the people were allowed to vote on the laws politicians wanted to implement it would be fantastic. I like the Swizz form of democracy (from the little I've heard). If enough people (isn't a too big number) signs a petition for a law they want, they can demand a referendum is held over this suggestion - usually in conjunction with normal elections.
>>24171Main problem with that, and with democracy in general, is that people don't know what they want. Or, more specifically, what they want can be very easily manipulated by third parties for their own benefit. See: Jews in the last century.
A constitutional technocracy or a singulocracy would be the best possible governmental system, but both have their own problems.
>>24192If he has over 60%, it means that people love the establishment and see no reasons to change it.
Well that would be pretty sad. We need more shitty conditions to change this.
>>24194One day it will turn that is for sure. But I think we will have to go total war and final solution on that day to be able to fix anything. The left is hell bound on destroying Europa.
>>24192Hopefully Belgium is wrong
So is this the official laugh at France thread?
One hour and we will get the first official prognosis
(yes) Told you Europe's fucked.
I-is it over? Did she lose?
>>24223>>24230Shameful, but I expected that. France is not part of the same part of the Internet.
Well, looks like France is fucked again
Is there really hope to save the country or should I start thinking about leaving this country for a better one ?
>>24250Yeah, let the niggers and mudslimes rape and kill all the cucks, and then carpet bomb everything. Then you can come back and rebuild.
>>24250No country stays the same forever Anon. The question is if we are to experience an objectively positive change in our lifetimes or if it takes another war for that to happen.
>>24250What is the next EU-exit that is in line?
We only need one more country to leave to get the EU to collapse under its own weight of shit.
But sadly we need some countries to go under for people to truly wake up. So perhaps we should pick some that we funnel immigrants to and shame into taking in more immigrants. Sweden is a given, but we need a few more that we can shame into implementing sharia law.
>>24250Maybe when Macron proves to be Hollande 2.0 they will have had enough?
>>24254Could be us, though we depend on the trade laws related to the EU to stay afloat. Our president's been doing some protests against the EU while we redirect all the immigrants right the fuck back. If anything, I'd say it would be one of the eastern european countries that'd get pissed off enough.
>>24250we need a new party. without the name LE PEN or FN on it. real patriotism. be the exact antithesis of this kike.
we need strong nationalism. not commie, conservative, or anything socialist on it, it must be pure. not liberal, not libertarian, french and nothing else.
>>24256It would be great if countries held up as examples of how nice and good the EU is by west-european countries said "Fuck this shit" and left the EU. But I think we would need another west-european country to leave as well before the EU collapses totally.
One bonus you can tell your president is that outside of the EU he can temp would be EU tourists Tax Free goods when travelling to the Czech Republic.
>>24257The (((system))) might not allow to have this kind of candidate/party with the 500 endorsement
I wish someone will wake me up.
>>24257>we need a new party. without the name LE PEN or FN on itThat was actually the real problem. You can't win with the name Le Pen. They are for decades in politics now, everybody knows them and lots of people just don't like them and will never vote for them.
Poor France.
Another term of Hollande
>>24264This, better luck next time, that is if there a next time…
Do not cry. It's France, it's fucked anyways.
>>24267>that is if there is a next timeI am not so sure if the EU or the Euro will still exist in 5 years.
France has now an EU-cuck in the government during the most crucial times of the EU.
>>24263If Macron is really Hollande 2.0 then we might have some big riots and maybe a revolution, but we will have websites censoring for websites that are against the system (under the reason of hate-speech/pedo/terrorism, as always) so the system will continue with just an other labbel
>>24120If anyone here believes in concidences or other randomness, don't act defeated just yet. Vote count hasn't been finished yet.
>>24271Didn't Macron already announce that he will implement some stricter austerity measures?
If he actually does that, we will see some more pictures of burning cars in paris.
>>24274I'm afraid France is done for. Miracles of that magnitude just don't happen. Unless maybe evidence of voting fraud forces a new election and then some black swan happens that kills Macron's chances at the presidency before the new election, but how likely is that really?
>>24264>>24271riots and revolts are just chaos. we need to let the hate grow. and ensure we can use it before it becomes another revolution that falls under the jew of socialism, or pseudointellectualism, like many revolutions got intoxicated by.
It's actually very good Macron just won. I want him to fuck up. I want terrorists to finish this country for the years to come, I want the french people to regret not voting for Marine Le Pen.
The Mélenchon's party were young, 18-25 yo, they will grow up and realize socialism does not work; but we need a concrete, a still response to gather and unite ALL the opposition forces to the EU. we cannot build a party on love, unless we create one that works on the love for our country, and hatred - pure hatred of Islam and the EU.
Something like a volkish movement would work, we just have 5 years to work on it. Reassemble the uncucks, and ensure we have
- a visual identity
- a serious branding with impact. no flowers or anything.
- led by MEN. not fatasses or edgelords. MEN. with a brain.
we have an opportunity here actually and the fact the FN is living its last days is an opportunity we must not lose.
buiding a new philosophy, using the informations on everything, redpill the masses, expose the NWO. our enemy. destroy the media which is what destroyed this country.
a civil war would be a great start.
>>24277a LOT of people were denied the right to vote. so, consider since the first round, when already a lot of ballots disappeared and regions not counted, this presidency is illegitimate and I do, and you all should consider this president as illegitimate.
so is this democracy. if one thing the history taught us, is that we cannot seize power with just words.
power belongs to those who takes it. Macron is a banker, he knows that right.
Who wants to take back the power will not have to ask for it, ask faggots to vote. it needs balls and guns.
>>24280But if you want change, you'd have to get the illegitimacy recognized by a court for a second election. Like how the Austrian Freedom Party got a new election because of the way mail ballots were handled in the election in that country a year ago
60% votes counted.
62% Macron, 38% Le Pen
This is over.
>>24283>>24285I don't believe these numbers since they come from a Macron-owned company, the other is also private (Ipsos, etc) they are the same that sell stats.
But well, Marine did not pass, that's it. we turn the page and we have from now to start from scratch with something that have to work.
- is a paneuropean ideology of race and nationalism could work if we work synchro together?
- should we work only alone, and not care of the rest and be purely nationalist not caring what others does, afterall we must squis hthe EU not replace it with another
- make allies from left and right?
- bury the FN the hard way, or force enough changes there to make sure the name Le Pen disappears?
>>24288The only takeaway from this election should be how shitty democracy is.
>>24288It is very important that the name Le Pen disappears as soon as possible, so that the nationalists can efficiently rebuild.
She lost against Holland 2.0, so she will lose against anyone in the future too.
>>24288>pan-europeanismIf you want pan-europeanism, then your candidate won the French election.
But more seriously, I think there are two takeaways from this election. The first is that many of the European nationalist parties have such a strong affiliation with racism, anti-semitism or whatever, that it's best just to start from scratch. I know most of that is media created and would just be tagged on to new nationalist parties, but keep in mind that even Nigel Farage refused to say anything good about FN until pretty much the last minute. It's probably best to drift away from the existing reputation. The second thing we learned is that Nationalism should be the only non-negotiable feature of the new ideology, and every other policy should be based upon the set of policies most likely to bring in votes. I had thought Le Pen had done that with her relatively left wing economic views. However, with Fillon not in the runoff, it might have helped to have economics more similar to Fillon's to get traditional rightwing voters, who were probably more sympathetic to Le Pen that Melenchon's anyways, and more likely to vote for her in the second round.
>>24289It's this stupid voting-system with multiple rounds.
Austria has the same system in the presidential elections, and we got even more cucked than france.
In the first round the right-wing candidate was Nr.1 with a huge margin — in the second round he lost (2 times), because the whole media and ALL other parties shilled against him.
They voted the lefty not because they wanted him, they voted him just because
>"Muh, we can't vote the Nazi, Muh".The uneducated and stupid "I vote the lesser evil"-voters are the problem… they cucked us.
But in Austria the president can't do anything, he is like the queen in the UK, just for show.
So we lost nothing.
>>24289yep, democracy is the best concept. the best compromise, but now people are being influenced, blue-pilled by the msm, the internet, education, social justice, news, fake science, religions and jew shit in general… democracy is an obsolete concept.
in the end, this election confirms that we won't change anything as long democracy is the engine. we need to get over it and move on, it's fucked.
we need a movement that allows people to be free, without a superstate to dictate them laws or directive. a movement that preserves race, culture and traditions of our country without interfering with its freedoms.
we need a movement that can tolerate things like same sex couples, indivoidual freedoms but no shit like transgenderism, pedophilia, zoophilia.
on racial ideology, that movement should comfort the idea that each race must preserve itself, and avoid race mixing.
this movement will also bring back the feeling of being part of the nation, and not the nation being a part of you.
unlike nazism where the individual disappears before the group, or like in all socialism… the individualism must be the core ideology.
>>24293>The uneducated and stupid "I vote the lesser evil"-voters are the problem… they cucked us.exactly, and it's been like this for DECADES. even in the end i wouldn't vote for Marine but she had the least worst program of all, but far from being the best.
we need to ensure to have ONE program. and it must be the best, no compromises. we need to call on the deepest feelings that resides in the hearts of men, we need to know what the people really want. no politically correct BS.
let's say, if they want a party that wants all arabs to die, we will form it. and we'll kill all arabs who refuse to flee. by example! that'd be democratic.
…i dunno i'm searching for ideas. one sure thing we will need to uncuck this country, and purge the liberal cancer.
>>24294Democracy just works with free media and actually politically interested people. People who know how important their vote is.
> i don't know anything about politics. I don't care about it at all. But i go to the voting booth because everybody says that i should do it. I will just vote for the guy the media tells me to vote for.All those "Even if you don't know anything and don't care at all — go and vote!" campaigns just help the establishment
I would prefer it if people who don't care about politics actually don't fucking vote! Because they always vote the less risky candidate…. and this will be the candidate the media shills for and the candidate who doesn't want to change anything.
>>24250Sorry froggo. But you can always come to America.
We all knew democracy wasn't going to fix this. There was only one way this was ever going to end.
>>24302nah i'm not saying this system is completely fucked, but like you said, it requires people to bre interested and concerned about politics. not just the media, the media has to be neutral and not like it is now: 4 groups of people with the same interests controls all the media and journalists, on social media acts like their opinion matters more.
without neutrality from this, there cannot be true democracy.
also, let's admit it, the vast majority of the population are fucking morons.
i thought i knew shit about politics for believing til the last moments that the people would have some intelligence and know how to throw down the regime we were on for the past 5 years. they did not vote with intelligence. they voted how they were told to vote.
in the end, that's a system that can not work, unless we make sure the mass is educated and not brainwashed. that's the base. (hey as i type, Floyd's The Wall on the radio)
>>24304Some will, but I feel more like a Palestinian in occupied territory than a Syrian escaping "le evil dictater".
>>24294This is actually a nice topic for a new thread
>>24309yeah i'm gonna gather all the ideas i had this week observing how all of this changed, how the FN and Marine failed, and see also what were the things to keep, the core ideas, what works with some countries and not with France. I think anyways something new will come out, more adapted to the world's situation and the importance of nations.
>>24304I would really like to come in the USA but one of the main thing I don't like is having to learn imperial system, beside that I feel this country (in most states) have more freedom than most countries in europe
>>24318It's also pretty difficult to immigrate to the United States if you don't have family ties
>>24320I was afraid that this would not be easy
Meh… I will fist finish studying, and maybe in 5 years we may be able to make France great again, who knows…
But seriously France feels really depressing right now for me and being in the northern part of France (high unemployement, hence mass le pen votes) does not help
>Macron wins
>Walks out to greet his supporters to the tune of the EU anthem, and not the French anthem
>In front of a giant pyramid
>with a glowing eye-like light on top
Wew lad. At this point they're being so blatant that nobody would take accusations seriously.
>>24554Seriously? The EU anthem? Fucking really?
>>24558Your reaction is exactly what they're going for. Most people will reject that it's true out of hand. It's too absurd.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2Ey1fjHSws >>24565absolutely disgusting
how can he be counted as the leader of a country if he can't even recognize the fact that it's a COUNTRY?
>>24566You already know he's a massive faggot
>>24565Like, Palpentine was more subtle about his evil at the end of Star Wars Episode 3
>>24568of course, but at least he could've tried to hide it instead of blatantly showing that he doesn't think france is a country.
>>24573some small amount of respect to the people who didn't vote for him, maybe? we should've lost WWII.
>>24574Yes we should have. He doesn't have respect for the French Nationalists.
>>24565…and now I just noticed that people in the crowd are waving Syrian flags.
One obscures the camera at 0:40
>>24577Wat dud potpatpo meme buh das>?;l
>>24577That does look like a Syrian flag
>>24318haha bruh I don't even know a lot of the basic measurement units either and I get by just fine. I wouldn't worry about it.
>>24318yea, the measurements here are pretty without reason, but the names are at least pretty damn easy to remember.
>>24318You must be young. I learnt both from a young age as England was in transition and now living in Japan where mostly metric I have had to get used to it. I still think car speeds should be MPH and I still think of height in feet and inches but now weight is in Kg. Of coarse most importantly cock size remains 100% imperial. You should seriously worry more about the quality of food especially the lack of taste in the US. That is what will be the hardest thing to get used to.
Poor France, what the hell were they thinking?
>>24580I just show it on TV, they were waving the FSA fag flags. The flag of the Syrian "moderate" Rebels.
>>24580 >>24747France's current situation is not dire enough for the rabble of mouth breathing imbeciles to wake up and realize that their country's going to hell something fierce. It needs to get a lot worse until they start voting for the right people.