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Cripplekike has declared war on /pol/
I started typing this up when it seemed 8chan wasn't too far from coming back, to be posted on 8/pol/, but the overall shift in media tone and the latest actions by the cripple is making this become relevant to free speech imageboards in general so I'm putting this out on some major refuges. Feel free to post it in whatever bunkers you are aware of.

In short the cripple has been part of getting 8han deplatformed and he has spent the last week agitating for deplatforming and has used his inside knowledge to suggest methods to attack servers and services. What is is more in his talks it's no longer just about Jim but his hostility has widened to include 8/pol/ and currently seems to be shifting even further. In short he has completely turned on /pol/acks.

The reason why was revealed in a killstream after the attack at this time code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XOY0RG-eG0#t=44m
Basically Fred has totally embraced judaism, both politically and spiritually, things which have of course both been driven off 8/pol/ onto their own refuge boards. These boards were the only ones he was still visiting and if you knew 8chan you'd be aware thay they've been prevented from gaining any significant influence elsewhere on the site by the /pol/ user base. This is likely what made him simply want /pol/ out of the way; it could not be subverted.

Here are some examples of recent tweets:

Telling Ron /pol/ needs to be SHUT DOWN. Specifically /pol/.
>No Ronald, it's not enough. Shut down /pol/ when it's full of incitements to violence. Force people to find other sites to upload manifestos.

Using his inside knowledge to dig up which services 8chan is dependent on so they can be pressured to deplatform us.
>Why shouldn't I get their new host out there
>You're not thinking from the perspective of someone who wants it to stay down.

Sharing inside knowledge to help take down /pol/. Again specifically targeting /pol/ with no pretense of this being about Jim, hijacked sites or Jim's twisted business practices.
>NTTech's network is subpar, a single 10Gbps uplink last I knew
>So activists will take /pol/ down when these events occur if its owners refuse to

Hoping internet censorship laws will be made take care of things like /pol/ if deplatforming doesn't.
>If 8chan remains up however, certainly more laws like FOSTA-SESTA will be passed to counter Jim's coldness towards victims of domestic terrorism.

Shilling for outright bolshevism.
>Even 8chan users of the normal communities there can go elsewhere. 4chan beckons for most; http://bunkerchan.xyz for others
>Bunkerchan is a far left lynxchan based imageboard for left wing politics

There are also tons of tweets saying shit like
>The only ones who will suffer from 8chan going down are mass shooters who planned to use it as a platform and Jim Watkins.
but I can't be bothered to list them all. Neither has he bothered to comment on all the other sites who got fucked when he helped take down Epik (which has since cucked and committed to blacklist anyone the left tells them to blacklist). Simply put he doesn't give a damn about whatever bystanders get thrown under the bus in the path of his vendetta, IF he even acknowledges them at all.

As of right now he's busy smearing 8chan in talks with law enforcement to essentially ensure every 8chan community is permanently fucked while taking every chance to tell the media about the dangers of imageboards with free speech in general (naturally while at the same time as he's complaining that this media attention is so horrible). This latter part is of directly concerns this place because where this is heading at moment.

I recommend everyone to go look through his tweets and interviews since the attack because there are two distinct trends that crystallize in them. One is a slow shift in tone away from 8chan and 8/pol/ being the problem towards boards LIKE 8/pol/ being the problem, and the other is one of media and law enforcement picking him up as the insider who knows why these imageboards are a problem that need to be dealt with. It fits the sort of thing the jew likes to pick up and run with to push an agenda so keep an eye on this is all I'm saying. Remember that this is political for him now. Have you ever known a single lefty, let alone a far leftist, who doesn't immediately go after the next target once the first one is down? One who didn't ask for just one sacrifice for appeasement only to the next second use that one as a precedent for why they must all be sacrificed?
>just give us daily stormer and we'll be happy. just this one
>well you've all admitted that a site must be taken down if they are just too bad goys, and clearly these here 8chins ...
>given the stormer/8ch business practice you've all agreed upon how could you even consider setting up hosting for ...

How far down that line do you think this place is? Do you really think the cripple will be appeased from just having the biggest thrown plucked out of his leftist side?

Fredrick Brennan, past champion of free speech and host of things like /baphomet/. Bless his cripple bones for his past deeds, but yahvew has taken his soul and turned him anti-free speech and antilulz.

God Jehovah. He will devour you.
Fuck hot wheels.
>Fred has totally embraced judaism, both politically and spiritually
I thought he became Protestant.
The evil thing is that the small crippled man knows very well that when (((they))) shut down h8chan they have a blueprint to shut down every other board as well. Not immediatly of course but it won't take too long untill all chans and the first amendmend and the last pieces of the free internet and shit that makes life bearable are gone forever.
Dude I know what you posted and why, but this is straight up child pornography.
1833648__safe_fluttershy_twilight sparkle_alicorn_animated_drone_flying_irl_let's fly to the castle_not salmon_photo_plushie_pony_twilight sparkle .gif
I'm sorry, remind me again why anyone cares about what Hotwheels happens to think?