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229189 229228 229235 229341 229470
Promises made promises not kept. Jesus, is he ever actually going to do anything? I’d hoped that President Kushner was jut a meme but I believe it more and more every day.
You know the Supreme Court Just decided against allowing the citizenship question, right?
actually it didn't. they said that the administration could allow it, however the reasoning Ross gave them wasn't good enough. they also tossed out the democrat challenges and said that it was a matter for Administrative Law to decide.

however all isn't lost.
>The groups’ victory on Tuesday may have eased that threat, but hardly eliminated it. The public controversy over the issue has already stirred fears of retribution among many immigrants, who say they will avoid filling out the census form even if the question is not asked.

they just need to be reminded that they'll be giving their information to ICE.
Listen mane, it doesn't matter what your leaders say they won't or won't do. You just have to Trust The Plan®, aight? All that change is Coming Soon™, and it'll be here any day now. You just watch!
For fucks sake.
The Court said that they were supposed to provide a new reasoning... with one week remaining before forms were to be printed out. Producing essential legal briefs and the like is a nigh impossibility under those timeframes, and the court didn’t really give them any other option
Blumphy scams again.
provide a new reasoning and that the matter should be decided by under APA, administrative law judge would decide the matter.
last year Trump signed an EO that basically allows department heads to basically sign whoever they want, totally going around the civil service bullshit.

the dates and deadlines are pretty outdated. maybe 100 years ago they need months to print out and mail the forms but that's hardly the case today. mailing doesn't even begin until March 2020. they could print the forms without it now but that could change within the next 9 months. the new forms could be printed within a weekend. until then they go through the motions hiring canvassers and all that bullshit

the longer this plays out the better it will be for Trump. a lot more time to remind illegals that they'll be giving their address to ICE and that Trump's reelection is assured because the democrats are so terrible.
>The public controversy over the issue has already stirred fears of retribution among many immigrants, who say they will avoid filling out the census form even if the question is not asked.

so I think in the mean time a lot of noise is going to happen but quietly behind the scenes Wilbur Ross will be hiring the ALJ to adjudicate the matter. I think publicly Trump may even "lose" as the DOJ comes up short or whatever. imagine an illegal getting the form with the citizenship question on it when they thought it wasn't going to be there. ha oops

but even if the ALJ doesn't rule in Trump's favor within the next 9 months. it's actually a loss for sure but the fear and suspensions alone will ease that loss.

Cong Dist 4_0.jpg
Cong Dist 7_0.jpg
IL 3rd Congressional.jpg
the gerrymandering decision is interesting and has the potential to rip the democratic party apart. essentially the court ruled that partisan gerrymandering was fine but racial gerrymandering wasn't.

the 1st pic is Illinois 4th congressional district. it's a largely hispanic district and drawn that way so it would be. in between the 4th is the 7th which is mostly black, with the exception of Oak Park which is around 60% white.
to the south is 3rd which is largely slavic and arab, some hispanics.

I could go through all of Chicago's congressional districts but the point is they are all racially gerrymandered. this is on purpose because it keeps tribal divisions within the democrat party at a minimum. a black democrat doesn't always want the same thing as a hispanic democrat or do either always agree with the soyim/lgbtqxyz

because of the supreme court decision on gerrymandering all of these districts are illegal. when they're redrawn along partisan lines you are going to see some bitter infighting as each group tries to put their tribe's member into office. it's going to create resentment and an opportunity to exploit at best or lower turn out.

I'm a little familiar with Chicago because I used to live there for a few years but I'm assuming most democrat urban strongholds are gerrymandered in this way.

Politics Are Fake And Gay
229447 229451 229473
Look, it’s the news people like OP won’t publish. Trump has NOT in fact given up on the census citizenship question just yet
And this image, which didn’t attach for some reason
229452 229457
Trump Won't Do Anything.
>says some guy on the Internet, with no evidence
Nigger, it’s not over yet. I get you want to whine about Trump, but your desire to whine doesn’t make something true simply because you want to whine about it
I'm curious. If Trump sucks and is terrible and MIGA and blah blah blah, then what exactly do people like you propose as the alternative? Like, what is the next move for the American Right now that the Trump dream is dead? Because from where I'm standing, we have basically two viable options: either we reelect Trump and have a chance to get a few positive things and possibly a third SCOTUS seat out of it; or else we do nothing, Joe Biden becomes president, America goes back to sleep, and it will be like the last 4 years never even happened. Alternatively, the Democrats could end up nominating Kamala Harris or Pocahontas or one of those lunatics and things get even worse even faster.

I'm not thrilled with every move Trump has made either, and he caves to the Dems more often than I would like, but he's pretty much the best thing we've got going for us at the moment. Seems to me the only sensible course of action is to reelect Trump, take whatever gains we can manage to get with him, try to find a viable right-wing candidate for 2024, and go from there. If you've got a better idea I'd like to hear it.
a lot things Trump does isn't obvious right away but he does get results. take illegals, he isn't deporting nearly enough. on the surface this is 100% true but that isn't the whole story.
Trump is jewing them in court so much that they are self deporting. it's a slower method but one that can hardly be attacked.

if Trump wasn't serious about the Citizenship Question then why would he change the Administrative Law Judge hiring process so he could circumnavigate the bureaucracy?

I want change right fucking now but that isn't possible but Trump is laying the foundation. I'm not saying trust the plan or any of that kind of bullshit, but if evidence supports what Trump is doing or his intentions I'm going with that, not blind trust.

the gerrymandering decision is going to royally fuck the democrats.
imagine them having to draw a map that includes blacks, gays and hispanics. they can draw partisan but not racial.
so imagine in the primary the gays' candidate wants to tax churches, a popular sentiment with most leftists but not blacks.
>nigga these faggots want to tax my money, fuck dat shit nigga
black preachers would be completely up in arms and mobilize against the gays' choice. blacks are hardly known for their suitability. the only reason ultra liberal democrats can get away with the rhetoric now is because blacks typically have their own congressmen and caucus that keeps that legislation quiet. without those racially gerrymandered districts those tribal differences will come to the forefront and it will be nasty.

if you don't think so just watch this

that's just a potential example but the democrat party is rife with all sorts of tribal differences that will come to the forefront without nice racially gerrymandered districts.
>no evidence
Doesn't his previous behavior count as evidence?
Granted, I haven't been paying as much attention as I really ought to have, but everything I've heard (ignoring the background radiation of screaming lefties, at least) seems to indicate that Trump's mostly just done a lot talking big and doing rather little.
Which, granted, is still a lot better than Hillary would have done if she were in the office, but it's really not much.
>Doesn't his previous behavior count as evidence?
>Granted, I haven't been paying as much attention as I really ought to have
>everything I've heard (ignoring the background radiation of screaming lefties, at least) seems to indicate that Trump's mostly just done a lot talking big and doing rather little

This. This right here is everything wrong with the average American voter, condensed into a single post. "I haven't really been paying attention, but here's my opinion anyway, based entirely on my own subjective interpretation of whatever part of the media narrative I've managed to subconsciously absorb while wandering around the world in a fugue state."
We can complain all we want but sadly Pres. Kush is here for 2020 unless we want a Dem. candidates who won’t even bother trying to look conservative. It’s better to force a candidate to at least mouth acceptance and I stitue some basic con policies than to have an openly globalist Democrat in power. Trump might be a puppet but the alternative is worse. That’s what we get for the boomers letting ZOG come into being.
Meanwhile whilst the cry babies cry...

A day after pledging that the 2020 census would not ask respondents about their citizenship, Justice Department officials reversed course on Wednesday and said they were hunting for a way to restore the question on orders from President Trump


Wah, Drumph will do nothing!!
229475 229478
>Trump might be a puppet but the alternative is worse.
Not quite if you consider that the difference between Hillary and him is minimal.
Either way Trump has betrayed almost every promise and it is clear that his purpose is to buy time to achieve the targets singled out by the kike faction backing him up.
If we take distance to take a look from a wider perspective, what Trump is doing to us is analogue to the frog being slowly cooked. Then what we need is turn the fire to maximum to get the frog (us) to jump from the pan. In other words, let us bring the most deranged, degenerate, gun grabber, liberal into office.
On the other hand, he is not only useless for our goals, but an obstacle, and being defeated in 2020 perhaps gets him in jail or something worst, which is a well deserved karma.

>in jail or something worst, which is a well deserved karma
Karma? For what? I would love to see you illustrate why he would be sent to jail, and moreover what 'something worse' could possibly mean
>I would love to see you illustrate why he would be sent to jail
No need. Almost the whole judiciary aparatus respond to the establishment, I don't think they will lack of ideas and tricks to screw him over without much effort.
>and moreover what 'something worse' could possibly mean
Only those violent liberals can answer that.
And the award for dumbest post ever made on /mlpol/ goes to...
people like them will just talk a bunch of shit that they'll never back up about armed revolution and direct action. Or even better all this bullshit about how we need someone like yang to make things worse or average everyday white people to get them on our side, imagine being so "pro-white" that you want bad things to happen to white people.
>all rhetoric and no benis
>2010 census lacks citizenship question
>However, what is striking in the 2010 census form is the lack of citizenship or birthplace question.
>It appears that this is the first census to omit this inquiry.