Into the /sp/ you go Jason.
>>225877>>225879The Cycle continues i see
>>225875Remember when dragons in MLP were the size of buildings and ponies were worried their snoring would blot out the sun with smoke and kill everything? I do.
>>225888What happened to all of the big dragons?
>>225891Presumably it's easier to animate smaller ones.
Can we have a thread about him?
>>225875>Gorilla Armed Dragons>Gay Albino DragonsDo we need more GAD in our lives? Only (You) can decide.
The answer is no, in case anyone was confused. >>225879The car crash wasn't your fault, Kevin. You need to let us go.
>>225893They animated a few big ones as background characters in that Dragon Migration bit a while back.
What I want to know is why almost all the pony-sized-ish dragons look so goddamn ugly.