>>225071Anime should have ended in the late 90's.
>>225071ok i'll give it a try
when do you think the next mosque shooting will be?
Darksyde Phil is the god-king of gaming and will outlive us all.
>>22507920/20/2020 at 20:20 aka my birthday.
>>225071If The founding fathers were alive in the 20th Century they would have been National Socialists.
>>225080Of Course He will, He's Beyond Human.
inb4 shoah'd
Anyone know what happened to the Political Anon threads? (The Anon von Bismarck green.) Writefag was pretty consistent but seems to have just dropped off.
Democracy is degenerative because it substitutes natural hierarchies formed through productivity and social structures for an egalitarian "one vote" structure. Therefore one's goals shift from rising in station through economic and social prowess to using political powers of coercion.
Due to this it is the voting franchise inevitably expands wherever it is present. Those who vote will earnestly want to hold onto this power, as it lets them affect the lives of others as well as provide "protection" from this power used by others. Those who don't have the right to vote will eagerly seek to obtain it because it provides this power. They will always be more enthusiastic and better organized than a nay-saying portion. For this reason it is impossible to reverse the 19th Amendment in the United States by any democratic process even if doing so is demonstrably beneficial, because half the population is female and therefore there will always be more women dedicated to the right to vote than men dedicated to removing it.
>>225081The 20th month? Am I retarded or do you have special calendars in Rwanda?
YouGov and other such opions polls are rediculously faulty. I fail to see the value of having them at all. I might as well gut a homeless person and predict the future from its innards.
http://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/kfmg0dljim/Internal_190604_ConLeader_w.pdfSample sizes below 5,000 are unreliable.
Sample of people who admit to being ingnorant is also not good. 75% answered they don`t know enough to say.
Sample of people who don`t even get to vote and therefore not representitive in anyway.
I bet the results will be reported as important.