>>202576I'm curious about this superb owl party
>>202589Of course, do you take OP for some sort of liar?
/sp/ doesn't have any restrictions against ponies OR horsepussy. Just thought I'd mention
>>202596pony waifu's will. Soon VR pony sex. Then pony sex bots and artificial wombs to control the genetics of our race
>>202645And then we'll permanently alter the genetic sexual dimorphism of the human race so that the entire female sex is composed of irl ponies.
>>202596>Girls dont like me.Let me redpill you poner.
A female liking is like the wind, it is temporal and eventually pass without even you notice at first.
If you understand that they are born wired to be massive whores, then you will see that to rent an ass is far better than to buy. They will do ANYTHING for money, social position and drugs, there are no limits to how low they can go.
Consider it an exchange, you bait the hook with the stuff they want and suddenly you will be the most popular guy in town.
And by the way, don't be so dumb to believe anything they tell you, or even worst, that you fall in love, they are natural liars and deceivers ready to squeeze any victim around.
>>202582They weren't real gurls, they had a benis
>>202649>85 IQ white negressIf women are raised in a household without boundaries and let loose in a culture that glorifies polyamory, there is no doubt they will wind up to be trollops. Men are not much different in their behavior in such an environment.
That isn't to say that women lack significant differences or a selfish inclination to use sex for gibs, but the social pressure is more significant than many people are willing to admit. Even 85% of black households before the "Great Society" were two-parent. This short-term oriented, tribal behavior is being pushed on us and dumb boomers ate it up.
>>202654I didn't knew about that one, so long for the "dumb white nationalists blame the jews cuz they can't get a wamen".