>>182887I am glad there is still countries with common sense in Europe and the World. But sadly you can be sure that Merkel and other countries with cucked politicians will join this and make it settled law that will be near impossible to get out of.
>I hope the UN and the EU collapses and burns to the ground soon Couldn't Trump simply withdraw the US from the UN via executive order? What would the US lose?
>>182890Oh it would be the best day ever if he was able to and did it. Then demolish the UN HQ just to make sure.
>>182890>What would the US lose?The veto in the Security Council, which is the only thing that prevents the rest of the world from imposing sanctions on Israel.
>>182937...I have never wanted for anything as much as I do right now.
This is going to be signed in ten days, and here, Macron is doing his best to keep the media focused on the Gilets Jaunes movement, but not a word about this.
This pact is irreversible, and is the complete execution of the Kalergi Plan.
https://www.cnre.eu/communiques/20-11-2018>>190325>This pact is irreversible,Not if RAHOWA is implemented.
But the truth is that most of our fellow Whites have not the guts for mass killing.
They will not put at risk their comfy life.
>>190325Is this an UN charter thing or an new body of governance?
If it is an UN "agreement", or regardless, we can only hope that like with the EU people is starting to see it have become too overreaching and the only way to get out of a single agreement is to reject all agreements. And hopefully the people are getting ready to scrap it all for a better world and nation. Let's just hope it don't take too long for the UN and the EU to collapse.
>>190325As far as I know, they always managed to put every shitty things under the desk while distracting the people. This is not for nothing that France is in the 33th place in the word press freedom.
>>190326The 90% is made of morons, indoctrinated by TV. it cannot work unless they are woke, so don't count too much on this.
It's not that they lack the guts, since they have the guts to remain ignorant.
>>190327It's a pact that gives migrants the same rights as citizens. the Pact of Marrakech is the accomplishment of the Kalergi Plan, of population replacement.
>>190329And this is what's happening with the gilets Jaunes. Pass the message.
Link to the french version of the document
https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N18/244/48/PDF/N1824448.pdf?OpenElementThe big thing about this is to inform, and pass the message, override and circumvent official circuits and make this known.
I hate Marine for not talking enough about it!
>>190331>It's a pact that gives migrants the same rights as citizens.Jesus Christ.
Found English version:
>Migration has been part of the human experience throughout history, and we recognize that it is a source of prosperity, innovation and sustainable development in our globalized world, and that these positive impacts can be optimized by improving migration governance.>It is crucial that the challenges and opportunities of international migration unite us, rather than divide us>We unite, in a spirit of win-win cooperation, to address the challenges andopportunities of migration in all its dimensions through shared responsibility and innovative solutions. It is with this sense of common purpose that we take this historic step, fully aware that the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is a milestone, but not the end to our efforts.
>We further commit to promote an open and evidence-based public discourse on migration and migrants in partnership with all parts of society, that generates a more realistic, humane and constructive perception in this regard.>Establish mechanisms to prevent, detect and respond to racial, ethnic and religious profiling of migrants bypublic authorities, as well as systematic instances of intolerance, xenophobia, racism and all other multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, in partnership with national human rights institutions, including by
tracking and publishing trend analyses, and ensuring access to effective complaint and redress mechanisms;
… i.e. useless "evidence-based data" that don't include racial, ethnic or religious information
One thing it opens up for is that all the data should be available to all, so finally it will be possible to demand data. Only a shame it will not contain useful information. But the evidence-based facts are not to be disclosed unless it is confirmation bias towards the goal of painting immigrants in nothing but a positive light.
>Promote awareness-raising campaigns targeted at communities of origin, transit and destination in order toinform public perceptions regarding the positive contributions of safe, orderly and regular migration, based on
evidence and facts, and to end racism, xenophobia and stigmatization against all migrants;
Lets hope many countries says enough is enough, and no means no, and leaves the UN.
>>190333And my formatting got fucked up beyond repair…
>the gay mud pony in the original post
>>190333One does not simply leave the UN..
>>190378Leave is probably a strong word. A nation could say they no longer are bound by any of the charters and just don't show up anymore at the UN meetings.