I'm catching up on episodes and don't want to watch them out of order. Is this one a jab at political correctness?
these commercials are disgusting I'm never watching a faggot ass live stream agian
Well that was completely half assed.
Very good episode, in my opinion.
They look awesome when they're angry.
>>176293A Kirin would have made a good season boss. Should have been a two parter and had Pinkie instead of AJ but w/e
>>176282People are still watching the show?
>>176302I literally only watched for the Kirins.
>>176307This is a Kirin and they are for sex.
Speaking of being /pol/ we're gonna need a screen cap of when she was at the podium.
>>176282To this day, I don't know where they are.
The area looks like Australia, but the mountain screams Kilimanjaro, which is Africa.
And inside the mountain, the place is Madagascar's jungle.
Yet kirin are chinese. The fuck?
>>176332They need to sell to the Chinese audience, or sell it to the censors to let them in.
>>176341Well, they should have tried to make them more rural China, but I think they couldn't do that after they showed those curved horn unicorns as chinese.
It was a good episode, about how valuable freedom of speech is.