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168484 168525 168573 169077
Solar panels, batteries, and 3d printers are becoming cheaper and are improving in quality every year. Soon it may be possible to form communities completely off the grid with minimal dependence on the outside world. With menn dropping out of society, our nations being flooded with migrants, our population aging, record levels of debt (both national and public), increasing geopolitical tensions, and increasing political polarization something has to give eventually so it may be a good idea to have a back up that isn't dependant on the system.
Some questions to get the thread going:
>What skills will be the most useful to these communities?
>Would it be better to build your own home or use mobile homes?
>Will the government crack down on these communities and if so how can we avoid them?
>What should anons without the money to buy land do?
>What are the best places to go off grid?
>What are some possible sources of income while off the grid?
>What supplies should an off grid community have?
168486 169077
>what skills
All the major trades; agriculture; carpentry, electrical tech, mechanic/engineering are exceedingly valuable to such communities.
>which is better
Depends on what degree of resources are available.
>will the government
Not if you do it right
>wut do
Git gud. There's lots of people looking to do this precise thing, and they will need skilled and able-bodied people to make it happen and keep it going
Trades, barter, and sales. Skills can be traded/bartered/exchanged for other skills, or outright money. Surplus produce (eggs and vegetables are a pretty easy one to sell) is another option. Additionally, crafting projects (wood/metalworking if possible) of whatever resources are abundant is an option.
>what supplies
Its not a short list
168494 168547
Top 10 essentials then.
>What skills will be the most useful to these communities?

The trades, police/military experience, engineering(especially civil and chemical), chemistry, maybe biology, agriculture, material science and anything related to medicine.

>Would it be better to build your own home or use mobile homes?

Would depend on where you wanted to live, what the building codes are, and if you own the property.

>Will the government crack down on these communities and if so how can we avoid them?

I don't think the government will crack down if the communities are small.

>What should anons without the money to buy land do?

Buy an RV, camper, or tiny home and offer to work for another anon.

>What are the best places to go off grid?

pic related

>What are some possible sources of income while off the grid?

If you know a trade you could sell your services, maybe free lance programming if you have a decent internet connection, selling honey or produce could also be an option, if you are by a highway then open a gas station.

>What supplies should an off grid community have?

A well, 3d printers, CNC machines, welders, solar panels/wind turbines/water turbines, guns and ammo, a foundry capable of melting iron, a septic tank, a gassifier, a diesel generator, a vehicle with a diesel engine
>Retreating away rather then battling the degenerates.
A retreat is only done strategically to fortify the soul and to teach how to truly battle the enemy. Cutting oneself off will cause nothing but problems.
>A retreat is only done strategically to fortify the soul and to teach how to truly battle the enemy.
What if the best way to kill the beast is to starve it? God knows niggers and beaners aren't going to be able to sustain civilization if the whites stop supporting them.

>Cutting oneself off will cause nothing but problems.

Ideally this wouldn't be done alone. What problems would we cause by creating a self sufficient community?
>What if the best way to kill the beast is to starve it? God knows niggers and beaners aren't going to be able to sustain civilization if the whites stop supporting them.
Problem is it would be just spics and nogs, it'd be trators and Jews working with them which would end in the same thing happening.
>Ideally this wouldn't be done alone. What problems would we cause by creating a self sufficient community?
A self suffient community would be still inside the state so all the evils would come with that. On top of that we'd be creating a siutaiton where less people would be working on aiding those on "our side" and more of protecting themselves from (((those))) who want us dead. We'd divide ourselves and would be conquered easily.

If you really want to kill the beast the best way of doing it is by accelerationism and just combating it right then and there.
>Soon it may be possible to form communities off the grid with minimal dependence on the outside world.
Nigga you high? Solar panels, batteries, and 3D printers are not life necessities.
Besides, how the fuck are you gonna repair/replace all these when they reach EOL? No, you're much better off with a water wheel or a windmill to charge your voluntary tracking devicecellphone.

By what criteria? And how specific? I'll throw out some areas for example.
TOOLS, LOTS OF TOOLS. This can be anything from screwdrivers and wrenches, to band saws, welders, maybe a forge even, and other fabricating tools (along with the expertise to utilize, or the wherewithall to learn). I'm not proficient with 3d printers, but absolutely if they can be had. This isn't limited to fabrication tools either, garden and agriculture is essential if one wants to reduce or eliminate a dependence on grocery stores and basic infrastructure. Viable seeds and enough land to produce on are also essential, and will largely determine how many people such a community can accommodate feasibly.
>Solar panels
This >>168544 anon is correct, solar is only viable if one (or the group) has the resources and means to replace them. Good luck making your own panels from scratch is all I'm saying, but you can make a wind turbine from scratch with a few magnets and some thin boards or repurposed equipment (ceiling fans, my dude).
A plumber, or an individual with some such experience should not be overlooked, as an off-the-grid community can't just call a plumber if there's a problem.
Communication will also be an issue. Yes, we all 'love' our cellphones, but a HAM radio operator is also a good addition, in general day to day as well as in the event of emergency (ESPECIALLY a breakdown of communication lines).
To that covers food, water, electricity, communication.
Guns and ammo of course, but with kid gloves; the atf would love to go apeshit on some "crazed wackos on a compound" (rather, they have).
To really fill out an 'essentials' list, that depends on how "off the grid" the group is able/willing to operate. I've met 10 year olds who have never even seen a TV, let alone a TV program, and their favorite thing to do (as a hobby, for entertainment) is to chop wood.
Where there is a will, there is a way, but that should give a pretty good outline.
So, you want to drop it and go live the commie life?
Sure pal, a grrreeeeat life awaits on the farm.
Seriously anon, do you have any idea just how hard is the life on a farm cutting ties from society?
Where will you get salt for the animals, and medicine?
What will you do when your stuff breaks if you don't produce money to buy anything?
>So, you want to drop it and go live the commie life?
I was thinking more of the feudal lord life.

>Seriously anon, do you have any idea just how hard is the life on a farm cutting ties from society?

Never said it would be easy, but doing it with a community would make it less difficult.
>What are the best places to go off grid?
I can imagine a place with lots of running water. You need water to survive. If you can build a community with a water mill you can turn grain into flour for instance. Or if you're really good, a source to generate power.
Should a general rule be: The less tech, the better?
Perhaps we need an /mlpol/ living off the grid guide. Farming, finding sources of water, advanced stuff to generate your own electricity, firearms safety, etc.

Something easy to read with nice, organized pictures. Easy to print with a printer…
Let's face it we are going to want power and internet.
Getting on the internet means getting on the grid and being tracked.
Ffs anon get those kids some books. Like SIEGE.