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>Head of communist Group and five others arrested during the Arendalsuka – police feared attacks on the Alliance and SIAN.
>After the Filter News experience police feared that the Group sought the violent clashes with the people from the right Radical Alliance, which earlier in the day had an event under Arendalsuka, and/or "Stop Islamisation of Norway" (SIAN) which also has been given permission to stand in Arendal.
>Filter News know that the leader of the Communist Group Tjen Folket (Serve the People), Kenneth Fuglemsmo, are among the arrestees. Fuglemsmo is the former sentenced to prison for fraud in the medlemsjuks case of the SOS Racism.
>Operation leader Sveinung Alsaker at Agder police district confirmed to Filter News that several people are arrested on suspicion of violating the Criminal Code section 182, about the riots, but would in 19.30-time did not give further details.
>Several of the people arrested were known for police from before in connection with the demonstrations.
>The Alliance and "Stop Islamisation of Norway" (SIAN), both of which have been given permission to have stands in the pedestrian streets under Arendalsuka, has since Monday, had extensive police protection, among other things, with the assistance of the Oslo police district.
>The police feared that visiting "anti-racists" who has been known to resort to violence during the demonstrations, would go to attack on the organizations they consider to be the right extreme or racist.

http://archive.is/JZMUG (Translated)
Fucking antifa spergs.
At least they can't cause any trouble, now.