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olive branch.png
162555 162566
Let's talk about extending an olive branch to leftists you think can at least be helped or brought in as allies.

I know people don't like reaching out to LGBTQIABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP people because so many of the outspoken ones are delusional leftists. BUT, imagine someone who fights against Islam for intruding on western values, is willing and able to live in the closet as long as they can do their thing behind closed doors, et cetera.

As shit as tumblr is, I think it's best we learn our enemies, and find those among them that we think are worth helping by redpilling them. Even if it's a light redpill it can help them along, just like Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan have started people on their path to enlightenment.

Remember: even the Murdoch Murdoch crew were leftists once. Well, two thirds of them at least.
The problem, as AltHypothesis brought up, is that they've just replaced their innate tribalism with "not your tribe".
They'd never go against islam because it is an "other" to be defended.
Well, pedophiles are an out-group too, and the OP in the tumblr screencap seems adamantly against giving them any amount of sympathy. (Rightly so, of course.) So I think it's possible to get them to rethink things, whether emotionally or factually, just by talking to them and making them double-take.
Fair enough. I'd think the biggest push would have to be chipping away at Egalitarianism and multiracial/cultural societies being a strength and high ideal.
Eric Hoffer notes in The True Believer that a mass movement works well when people fight for what they do not have rather than fighting to preserve what they already have. The more far off and loosely defined, the better and stronger the movement will be.
"The Left" has the dream of races living in one nation and hyper egalitarianism up to ignoring biology (gender/race) in order to attain their utopian ideal of equality of outcome and multiracial society.
The "Alt Right" has too unclear, or too unquantifiable a dream and it needs a lot of immediate action to set the stage for normies to even get slightly on their side.
>Let's talk about extending an olive branch to leftists
The rope will be just fine.
Confraternization with the evil is wrong and a sure way to subvert our ranks.
>and find those among them that we think are worth helping by redpilling them
Go ahead, it is your time and self delusion.
162575 162580
People are #WalkAway-ing in record numbers. People are recognizing these race relations are spurred entirely by kike media. People are learning that liberalism and to an extent libertarianism are ineffectual and don't help us progress onward as a civilization. I personally would still be a radical centrist or egalitarian leftist if not for gamergate opening my eyes to censorship.
162578 162606
>libertarianism is ineffectual
Statist cuck detected
I'm sure that
>at least it's not da gubbermint
will maintain racial and cultural heritage and foster it.
Surely it won't turn into the globalist innoffensive mongrelshit we have now.
But the redpill cannot be forced.
To reach the commies has a counter productive effect, they already have noticed us, but still they are not ready.
Let them eat themselves, create mass confusion and havoc in the core believes as already is happening, soon or later they will turn looking for somebody to blame, and only then they will be ready to accept some of our values.
I don't wanna sound completely against a limited state, but I've slowly come toward the Cantwell state of mind: a limited state won't help us until after we've secured our children's futures and brought back a culture of separatism. After that, I'm okay with libertarianism and even full ancap, so long as we've redpilled a large enough group of people that whites aren't left to the wolves.
I can agree with that; however, there are more like me who were born too late or just don't know any better who've been pushed into their echo chambers until the enemy simply sounds like monsters. We need to be cold, but still afford a hand if they accept our values and can aid us. The bridge cannot be completely burned until we've reached total war.
If we can outsmart the other sides of the right-wing we can actually win.
people walkaway of the democratic party, skeptics take them, then conservatives takes them, them lauren and the others between us and the conservatives takes them, and then we take them, we just need to outsmart the rest of the right.