The only reason you get 'em is to hide your salami in 'em.
>>16142wow that's pretty mysoginistic lad
>>16143>caring at all for the literal anthropomorphisation of mankind's ribDon't you have a bone to pick with someone?
>>16144>literal anthropomorphisation of mankind's ribKek. Never heard that one before.
>>16142If thats what you want then you should probably stay with whores instead.
>>16149Horse. He should stay with horse instead.
>>16142Try not to cut yourself on all of that edge.
>>16140why do I need a woman when a sugarstar is way cheaper
>>16140No Aryan woman for me, too brown
>>16140>WomanWhat's wrong with Aryanne?
>>16142This. Women just need to fuck off like the memes they are.
are they red illed though?