/mlpol/ - My Little Politics

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Archived thread

161217 161225 161261 161285 161766 161803 162151 162293 162309
In most of my time lurking in the last month, all I've seen is pony stuff (which is of course to be expected), generals (somewhat unorthodox considering the rules, but whatever), and clownworld posting. I think I'm starting to see what Frame Game meant when he went on his autistic tirade about everyone's favorite trad-thot. The most informative stuff I ever saw from this entire site was a thread on protecting your property and free information.

What defines us? What makes us, us? For real, not just the general topics but an actual culture. I can't parse any lasting ideological or philosophical core from all the threads I've seen/participated in. /ub/ is straight up dead, and here it doesn't feel like any of you truly care past the occasional boycott or meme campaign.

What are you people going to do? What are you currently doing? We can't just shitpost forever -- you have to know that by now -- and if neither this board nor discord have a true sense of identity between threads or a form of organization, we're just going to be swallowed up the instant the site shuts down.
161217 161244 161321
We want good MLP back. The classic MLP episodes struck a chord with us. They awoke something within us.
I want the jews to stop ruining everything.
They will never stop ruining everything,nigel. Critical theory attacks everything we hold dear.untill they are dealt with peace will never be obtained.
I try to have red pill threads but they fall off very quick.
If I told you all that, it would ruin the surprise
I'm not even 21, but I'm too old for surprises. You'll give me a damn heart attack with the sheer size of this one, I'd be willing to bet.
redpilled horsefuckers
/ub/ is dead cuz anon is too busy gitten gud. Anon is starting a business, or losing weight and getting fit, or learning a trade or graduating school. But while we're mentioning /ub/
161261 162283
Posts per week from stats page for all of mlpol.net.
Did we finish bottoming out?
161264 161804
dolphin boobs puffer fish.jpg
File (hide): 4EA77F2FFF01B5A222DE203760CB274D-19153094.mp4 (18.3 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:01:02, downward spiral.mp4) [play once] [loop]
downward spiral.mp4

This statistic chart is very helpful and reinforces both my feelings and observations i had about site traffic, thank you for the material, Vril. I was aware we were on a downward spiral since autmn last year, but the recent trand since april is reason for concern.

Towards the thread topic: OP, your worries are very much warranted and shared. the short and ugly truth of it is, MLPOL is a fringe website composed of fractured groups that has simply lost its steam. We have problems with the infrastructure, content, partnerships, the community itself, it's management and the general site leadership. I would have liked to say it would have enventually gotten better since the start, but its actually getting consistencly worse since may last year. And worst of all, nothing is really done about it. The problems ahead are either not recognized or straight up ignored.

MLPOL does not really have an identity outside of being a shitpost-y Politics board with the addition of horseporn. Just look at boards like /a/, /1ntr/,/üb/ or /cyb/. those have flatlined weeks, no months ago. Dead concepts. And just like the rest of the problemheap MLPOL has nothing is done about it. I recently told a content creator we had a videogame board here. After looking at it he told me it weired him out so much he refuses to post on it, although this is argueably the second most active board on our site. Yet another content creator meanwhile has absolutely given up this site as a whole. Seemingly they are not alone with this assessment. One of my contacts in a MLPOL related discord recently told me that the site participation of the discord users has been bleeding for months and is now at an all time low. Which i find both surprising and disturbing.

But apparently this site gives its own community so little incentives to provide good content here that this must be one of the logical conclusions for the recent weekly post decline. If it wasnt for a handful of brave souls keeping up the business here daily, this site would have already been dead. And mid term, not even that will be enough. This site will need a significant miracle to survive 2019 if we are not become a zombofied /pone/-knockoff.
Damn. The chart really is blackpilling to say the least. Was hoping to get at the very least a bit of a greypill but…alright. Guess…that's it then. Horseporn and generalfagging from people like late night is our future…

God damn that dashed my hopes in a major way. And this was the closest to a community I ever got…just another shitty group of loosely collected fanboys for a cartoon that have no more chance at galvanizing than most of Germany.
>this thread again
So you want more traffic, huh? You know what? Look what popularity did to 4chan. Yes there are other factors, like mods, owner attitude and all (it's A-Ok in here). But you know what? I am fine with the current state of things. I will just repeat myself - we might have a surge in the future, or not. I won't cry if we won't and slowly become ded. Might even reply to myself in different threads. ;^)
It's not just that, man. I already said our biggest issue is lack of an ideological focus or identity.

It's not just that we're barely cracking 1k posts a week. It's that those posts are nothing but shitposts, porn, and clownworld memes. Nothing is taken seriously anymore, nobody cares about anything. We could be the last truly western generation and the only community I can find is nothing more than shitposters.
161270 161272 161284 161292 161293 161297 161298 161305 161380 161488 161868
The point?

The whole point of this board is to have our own community away from 4chan, their cucked mods and us able to actually have discussions. That's the short part of it really. The board is meant to be a place for us to be, to not have to let go of the times we spent on 4chan when it was good (cause fuck you it actually was good at times)

/mlp/ wanted a place they could talk freely about ponies and post porn and not be swamped with generals taking over everything. We of course have certain generals here because there are topics that need their own space, like their own room to do what they want/need to. I personally don't care or read the syria general, so it's good they have their general to keep it contained. Other generals exist but they are in moderation. Moderation and limiting how many is a long ways better than having generals everywhere.

/pol/ wanted to have a place to have discussions, shitpost and talk about current events without shills and bots telling them to get out or flood the board with BLACKED.com, honey, sweetie and obvious shills. We wanted to have a place to discuss, to yell or whatever. Now this may sound like me just explaining the beginning of the board cause I kind of am, but I'm also explaining what we are.

We are an amalgamation of a board that somehow works and has people who actually care about the board and mods who aren't just biased assholes on a power trip. Our purpose is to be a refuge and haven for other 4channers who just want the good times back. If you want the quality to go up, then post threads, bump other threads, invite others to share in your thread or actually post good shit.

In the end really, don't feel so hopeless. This board actually has a lot more going for it than most boards on 4chan combined. We have anons here who are genuinely good people, we have anons who are bit messed up and even ones who are just plain out there.

We're all just one big messed up family of anons, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Ohh the egsistencial nihilism that ails /mlpol/…
What more can we do?
>lack of an ideological focus or identity.
I do belvie we have here nat-socs, libertarians, monarchists even. I guess they know their stuff around current affairs. If there will be call to action, don't worry, Anons will respond.
Based /mlpol/-tan.
I like you, and I feel the same way. We've got good people, we've got good content, and we actually have threads that teach newbs how to art better.
Do you see that on 4/mlp/? No. If you wade through all the generals and shitty made-by-bitter-hasdrones bait threads, you'll eventually find a fanfic discussion thread that exists not for writers or readers, but for faggots who think they're the be-all and end-all of literary knowledge just because they berate everyone who doesn't specifically pander to them with shitty "anon goes to equestria, and meets Rainbow Dash, who is considered ugly. He loves her and she finds her love for him bootiful and they fuck!" faptrash.
Sometimes, I feel like suggesting we should make a Fanfiction General Thread of our own. Then I remember generals are cancer and we'd be better off making individual threads about fanfics, so the discussions can be focused around each fic.
1000 times this!
161291 161297
You want to know what defines us? I'll tell you what defines us. The Denver Broncos.

Thousands of years ago, John Elway descended from the top of Mount Ararararart and said unto Moses: "Hey, listen up, faggot. I am going to kick a field goal so hard and so fast it's going to fly around the earth seventeen times, and then it's going to zigzag all over the place and go up your butt sideways, and you will explode into football." And Moses said unto John Elway: "Oy vey! That would be like anuddah shoah!" And there was much kvetching.

And then John Elway did totally kick a really sweet field goal, and it went around the earth seventeen times, then seventeen more times, then seventeen thousand more times after that, and it eventually went so fast that it went back in time to before John Elway had kicked it and it entered a paradox where it was simultaneously like eight field goals at once. Finally, it did find Moses and go up his butt sideways, and there was much kvetching. And Moses did explode into football, but it was false football, and that false football eventually became the Jews sense of resentment against the Denver Broncos for having all the footballs, and later they crucified Jesus to get back at John Elway for kicking that really sweet field goal. But John Elway did throw a one hundred and ninety million yard pass that knocked Jesus forward in time so that he came back from the dead early, and there was much kvetching.

And then Football.
I agree with >>161268 however, I have my own concerns about population. I can't help but feel if our population drops too low we will be a dead zone like /pone/, but large population also creates its own set of problems. To be honest I don't think there is anything we can do about population. The pony "fad" ended a long time ago and there aren't that many horsefuckers left.

On the politics side there is more hope. I was never a regular on pol myself and I bet a lot of anons here weren't either. I imagine most anons like myself are politically right wing minded people who like ponies instead of being heavily invested in political activity. I also think there is too much agreement or fear disagreement. I see lots of threads that introduce a topic, get a few bumps, then die. I know differing opinions can be a bad thing but most real discussion stems from argument.
Based! Couldn't have said it better myself even if I tried.
Perfectly stated

Also this
I know that we're just an amalgamation of outsiders among outsiders, but, I just don't know. I don't care anymore about modern political debate. I care more about literature, religion and philosophy, about prepping for the soon-to-come, and making a network.

Maybe I shouldn't expect that from a board that's meant to, for lack of a better term, nostalgiafag about the early '10s and late '00s. Maybe a place with anonymity at its core just isn't the place for me in the end considering my interest in meeting others and getting to know a group of people in case of the worst coming to California.
I guess I feel like we're at a crossroads. Either we go the route of simply sharing pony until it gets stale, or we go the route of abandoning pure anonymity in favor of meeting in real life and opening ourselves up for real political progress.
Thank you /mlpol-tan/
Thank you for telling the truth
161353 161383
We should make our own pony show with friendship lessons and redpills. The site has plenty of writefags and drawfags. If there are anons that can do voice acting and use animation software we would be set.
This would be cool even if it as just a dubbed comic strip or the like. The issue would be consistent updates and content.
We are Nazis of Friendship who want to open up a friendship school in Israel devoted to drawing clop.
Why can't other understand this??
161378 161384 161581 161600 162056
* The leaks of Season 8 killed off weekly pony watching and the 7 days of art and discussion cycle.
* The Friendship school killed off the ethno-nationalism "race war now" edge of MLP.
* Q stole internet-Nazi researchers from 4chan and took them to 8ch and turned them into civic-nationalists interested in Trump.
* 8/qresearch/ gets the most activity on 8ch, 6x more than /v/ and 8x more than 8/pol/.
* 4chan is in decline according the Alexa, 8 is rising and maintaining.
* Strangely Alexa reports mlpol.net rising and popular in Brazil… wat

To sum up: Internet Nazi's are in decline replaced by Trumpism. MLP is in decline due to leaks and Friendship school. Therefore we are in decline. Wat do? Eventually we will have to consolidate our boards to keep eye balls and activity.
I might be reading your charts wrong, but for now it seems we're mostly holding steady.
Your whole point is exactly the same reason 8chan was made in the first place. If that is this website's only distinguishing purpose for existence, then you have no chance against the incumbent.
Posting has been steady since the April bottom >>161258. But Alexa thinks we are accelerating in traffic. Maybe we are all spending too much time hitting refresh rather than posting? Also where are all the Brazilians?
What are good artists and people for if you have no motivate or goal to work towards?

Like >>161321 said, atleast making use of the resources you have to create a new flame out of the husk that had endured based on iconics is a better idea than just going with mediocre forgetable art.
161386 162056
homer is dead.png

all valid reasons why we are between a rock in a hard place. Content drought, counter signaling, research competition. except for one thing:

how is it possible that MLPOL RIGHT NOW has the highest Alexa ratings we had since before october 2017 while at the same time our weekly post activity is at an all time low?

Could it be that someone or something is releasing content of ours or about us and we havent noticed, with dozens of new people eyeballing us silently in disgust? Well, whatever if it. Once this place goes down the shitter i know where I'll be going. Back to 8chan it is. (if the NSA has not taken over the admins by then)


ive seen maybe 1 or 2 brasilians over here on the last 2 months, one in the anonfilly htread, another one on the board. suspected it was just a VPN. something is going on with brazil and i dont think its good.
I was poking about in search engines to see if anything significant pointed to us. And guess what I found instead?

mr clean.jpg

thats the placeholder /mlpol/ bunker on 8chan. to my knowledge is was made shortly after the /mlpol/ board on end chan before MLPOL.net was a thing. that stuff reaches all the way back to april 2017. hasnt seen much use.

but i guess this is where most of us will go when some future bullshit happens.
161396 161426 161464
I'd help make a fan-funded MLP-inspired series. And those who can't should donate money to the project.

Also, any suggestions for how we should motivate artists and writers to git gud and please us? Organized multi-account upvoting on reddit, fimfiction.net, and derpibooru, perhaps? Or, more ethically, organized mass upvoting with one account each plus multi-site advertising?
161408 161428
ForNoGoodReason Anthony Me….png

>those who can't should donate money to the project.

>Organized multi-account upvoting on reddit, fimfiction.net, and derpibooru
>organized mass upvoting

Artificial ego-stroking and mass-upvoting is autistic and illegitimate. That being said,
161420 161426 161443
Honestly I think we're just spreading ourselves to thin.
We have 8 boards.
All of /üb/ could go into a thread either on /mlpol/ or /sp/ same goes for /a/ /qa/ and /1ntr/ aswell but as it is a refugee board which actually could be said about the whole sitemaybe it should have it's own place

Look at it this way:
Option 1: You check 1 alive and 7 dead boards and feel like everything is shit
Option 2: you check two boards and see something that might interest you and more than anything see that there is some discussion

make /qa/ a sticky on /sp/
I know animefags will complain if we put anime and games into one "media/hobby" board, but THIS.
>organized mass upvoting with one account each plus multi-site advertising
That could work. The majority of the MLP Fanfiction Reader Community are nothing more than shallow masturbation addicts who only read and approve of things that help them physically, egotistically, or emotionally masturbate.
There are no intelligent readers and there certainly aren't any intelligent critics. Faggots who likely also watch liberal talk shows use popularity to determine what is and isn't popular and therefore what is and isn't good.
Liberals on pony websites can dogpile and downvote anything that doesn't fit their narrative. We should counteract that for fics with redpills and literary merit.
If I knew there was a redpilled audience willing to support high-energy high-effort redpilled fanmedia, I'd get back into writing fanfics.
Each board is meant to be an area where discussion on topics can continue at their own pace. If we compile boards, threads start competing for attention and a spot on the front page/top of the catalogue.
Afraid of threads getting pushed of the 30 pages of dead /sp/ threads?
People want something active not an archive. I get your point but the way it is going all we have is more and more dead boards.
161433 161434
Now that I've actually watched the video… Well, that was boring.

>Uses an audience gained from political commentary to publically shame childish children on deviantart for liking childish media in childish ways

>children attack back because there are pedophiles in hollywood and cannibals in the deep state, stop crying about sexually confused sonic fans for cheap drama already jesus christ
>"Bawww they're autistic for getting upset and I'm the victim here"

What a faggot.
btw the oldest post of /sp/ is 11 months old
thats not a pace that is dead
bump it if you think it is worth it
Don't get me wrong. Adult diaper, shit fetishism, piss fetishism, it's all disgusting degeneracy that should never be tolerated or socially accepted.
But sexually-confused weirdos on deviantart aren't the ones putting this shit on TV, on netflix, and on youtube and they aren't the ones using algorithms to feed this to your kids when you aren't watching.
There are worse things on this planet than Sonic fantards, believe me.
But but but - Metokur's our lord and savior! Don't you know that? He works in mysterious ways, but he is neeeever wrong!

/s. Daily reminder that bloodsports tubers are not worth their weight in fertilizer.
I think we might already know all the red pills.
Maybe we should go fishing on other sites. Post redpills and see who's receptive to them.
This. Post the primordial truth wherever you can: that humanity is but one of many animals of the world, but with the potential to spread across all of space. That our leadership is corrupted by a false sense of justice into outwardly attacking whiteness and masculinity, and the only way to defeat this is to bring back manhood and white identity.

The job is no longer to seek the redpill, but to spread it.
161444 161451
Thank you for the constructive criticism. It wouldn't hurt to consider combining /ub/ and /sp/, and I agree that /1ntr/ is a sovereign board. I don't think anyone is in a hurry to be put anywhere near /vx/, nor what to do with /a/. /qa/ could work as a sticky. Have a fresh Milo
Whats up with /vx/ content? Tulpas gonna get ya?
There's sporadic vidya discussion mixed in with the most painfully cringe RP that just won't die. Tulpas can't get you, only you can 'get' you, but yeah there's tupafags in and around. Nice digits btw
I think /a/ is kind of an investment in the future. it's not likely to become a high-traffic board any time in the near future and there's little reason for anons from other /a/ boards to migrate here. However if we eventually grow into a larger community it will probably pick up as /a/ culture is pretty much eternal.
161465 161467
you need more than just saying "Help us make a redpilled pony cartoon." Before people get behind your idea. Once your idea seems like its going to actually result in something more people will be willing to help. Even if we can produce a shitty 3 min pilot locally on the board before advertising across other sites we will seem less like a scam than, Hey help us animate for something you have no reason to believe will ever result in anything.
Until hasjew transitions to g5, they've a market interest in shutting down any significant fan-production that in any way threatens their bottom line (toys). Patience, Ed Gruberman.
Aye, let's focus on promoting /mlpol/ and its values within what's left of the MLP fandom(Call it what you will) until we're ready for something on the scale of a genuine cartoon.
You know how good liberals are at making sane people feel alone, unwanted, and devoid of a reason to remain in liberal places.
Post redpilled fanfics.
161480 161486 161493 161494
File (hide): 2CFA6D55D7B663C8376A1B1ED73C2485-3973611.zip (3.8 MB, Listing of : C:\____\mlpolbackup_backups\backup\mlpol\archive\src\1532647724297.zip Size Date Time Name -------- -------- ------ --------- 6114269 02-02-17 23:00 voice of god/TheVoiceofGod-Cindy-Jacobs.pdf 502 02-02-17 23:00 __MACOSX/voice of god/._TheVoiceofGod-Cindy-Jacobs.pdf , voice of god.zip)
voice of god.zip
the FINAL HARVEST is now and every christian needs to work while it’s still day, for night cometh when no man should (evangelize now)
the church’s job is not just to wait god has opened up for us the opportunity that is the final harvest

description of the final harvest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjxiaXRDzrE&list=PLwfu23yFU6VEj8VUYm3ejlMYXNvMzF_iX&index=38&t=153s&ab_channel=ChristianJournalMedia

oldie but a goodie Trump will win (written 2011)
more from this guy
5 god’s news mediahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI4jEWdbqh0

Cindy Jacobs is obscure but good [book in the zip]
(her experience with prophecy is nearly identical to my own)

I wanna expand this dump but gotta go

Bonus: conversion though vision of god
Wow nice fanfic ^:)

Jokes aside, that's pretty out of place but I'll give it a look later tonight.
161487 161493
What's your opinion of Rainbow Dash?
I'd guess that he believes Rainbow Dash is a prophet.
161491 161492 161497 161498 161527 161538
For all of that, God bless this site and it's good people.
>1488 get
God bless you, and God bless all in need of his love.
fuck dumped it in the wrong thread
gonna put the 2.0 version in the proper thread

>rainbow dash
autism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvQC1uFvAxc&ab_channel=RLYoshi,
But if you can come in it…
Thank you. I was worrying about many things, all of which I prayed about and were answered through what you posted. Keep up the good fight, Anon.
Who's that talking horse with the curved horn? Never heard of him but he sounds and looks more autistic than me.
Well, this makes my day! Godspeed then!
godspeed brother in christ
when one christian falls, there shall be another one to pick them up.
That's it, I'm a true Christian now.
161571 161573 161574 162043
I've said it in April of 2017 and I'll say it again.
Remove all boards except for /mlpol/ and /qa/. /qa/ being strictly for admin and site usage. We need no more. Remove all generals. Remove all separation. Individually, we are weak, but together, we are one mighty faggot.
I've stopped coming here mostly due to the rampant subtle circlejerking inherent with chooseable flags and a smaller active community. But that can all still be resolved.
OP can choose whether anon can hide their flag but the only anons who do turn out to be trolls
OP here, I never bothered with that myself, I don't even know how to choose my own flag since I never bothered to test it out. I don't like the circlejerking either tbh.
You need a place to shitpost when there is no mlp or pol to discuss.

/mlpol/, /b/, /qa/

/b/ will pull in random people and they will eventually look at /mlpol/
161577 161578 161580
What's so important about shitposting that it needs to be retained, vrilflagfaggot? Breeding a culture of pretend-idiocy so it may be replaced by a culture of actual idiocy, like on 4chan?
161581 161587 161805
There are two problems which are diametrically opposed.
>Getting post count up, and
>getting quality posts.
Most people can't do continuous quality posts. So which way do we go:
>more posts = more shitposting, or
>more quality = less posts
Because we already have low post count we risk people just going elsewhere (there are many other places to go). So a shitposting containment board keeps /mlpol/ clean but mlpol.net active. Renaming /sp/ to /b/ makes it very obvious to channers what it is for /sp/ is more obscure. And the new /b/ should be prominantly linked on /mlpol/.
The continual shitposting will lead to a culture because of it repetitive engagement.
161579 161586
Frankly, this. Shitposting has its time and place, but, we can't shitpost forever. We need to work towards a safer, whiter future for each other's homes. We may eventually need to break anonymity/pseudonimity and share our info just to keep in touch irl or outside this site. Otherwise, we may never get the chance to enact any meaningful change.

I dunno, shitposting's fun, but, who needs fun when you can make yourself and others truly happy by cleaning up your community?
It's not an either/or situation. We all need a holiday/break from hard work to revitalize. We can do both, and I would say need both. Having only one aim causes boredom.
Hello Pepik. Give back Zaolzie.
I think also a board needs some one to fight against to get the emotions worked up and cause REEEEEing posts. Having a fight against our own /b/ could be amusing and stimulating to the site.

Do we want to be small and pure?
Or do we want to be large and impure?
Bear in mind internet Nazis and MLP are dying out, for the most part, in a year or two ( >>161362 ). We'll have to make a choice between transforming or sinking with the ship.
>small and pure
>large and impure
When you put it that way, purity seems the more essential attribute
Then we need to be okay with shrinking. The world is going to go where it is going, we are the past.
I'm not posting my personal info. We do raids anonymously, as we did in the good old days.
Who would you choose as a raid target?
Not every post that is not an ambiguously ill-defined "quality post" is a shitpost, circlejerker. You are making nothing but false assumptions based off of nothing. Shitposting leads to nothing but the continual degeneracy of culture and dissolution of all value, not the exact opposite, as you are apparently proposing. Shitposting is the corruption of the quality rather than the lack thereof. Shitposting based off of shitposting - like on a board solely dedicated to shitposting, as you propse - only reinforces more shitposting, not "culture".

Or maybe our definitions of shitposting do not coalign. I define it as a post without any real purpose to the discussion. Not necessarily off topic posts, but ones that have either very little effort put into them or are specifically written to divert. In low quantity they are just fine, but at higher amounts they just lead to a noise that blocks out all else and only encourages further idiocy.

Containment is just stupid. Just look at Sweden and how they contain their immigrants. Integration is the only proper method to gaining new users, and you can't integrate if you create a space specifically for a diversionary mindset off to the side where it can stew and grow. No, fuck /b/. The internet is too old for another /b/. Now is the age of mainstream memes, and not the age when goatse was actually impactful.

You kept Kladsko and the rest of Silesia. Your jewish hands have already claimed too much of our historical territory.
161589 161805
You made me re-question an assumption. My assumption had been that 4/b/ led to 4/pol/ so I decided to look into that:

>The board was originally created in 2011 as a replacement for /new/, which was 4chan's primary board for the distribution and discussion of news. The reasoning behind this decision was primarily based around moot's belief that /new/ had strayed from its intended purpose and become a gathering place for racists.[1]


>/pol/ ("Politically Incorrect") is 4chan's political discussion board. A stickied thread on its front page states that the board's intended purpose is "discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics."[76] /pol/ was created in October 2011 as a rebranding of 4chan's news board, /new/,[40] which was deleted that January for a high volume of racist discussion.[39]


My assumption was false. News was renamed to /pol/. And /b/ might be completely separate. I still think we need a place for lack of quality posting because /pol/ and /mlp/ news can be slow.

I do find it interesting that it wasn't shitposters who started Nazi /pol/ but just News
/b/ never led to /pol/. If anything, /b/ led to /mlp/ through the pony holocaust and the rampant shitposting causing the legitimate /co/ threads to be exiled into its own board. It has also lead to /tg/, /x/, /k/ and other fraction boards. /pol/ was created far too late to be as a result of /b/.
But going to fucking know your meme and wikipedia for information about /pol/ and 4chan is just pathetic.
So /b/ can lead to other things. We have tried top down driven "growth" by the mods making boards. Maybe we should try organic growth by seeing what randomness develops. Randomness is the source of everything ( >>159370 → >>159372 → ). I personally do not think leaders can pull people but rather the randomness of people eventually pushes things up into existence.

We need to make our own new feed back loop or die.
161594 161595
Maybe we are in a concernfag cycle/loop. When our posting is too low someone makes this thread which bumps the traffic. Is this our continuous fate?
>Maybe we are in a concernfag cycle/loop.
As long as we have fun on the roundabout and enjoy the peaks we might one day find ourself in a good updraft wind and spiral upwards.
Lol, But yes I feel like we've been here before.

I think we can make randomness an asset. We should embrace it.
I agree that out of randomness truly beautiful things can grow.
I don't care about raiding anymore. I'm talking about protest. Organizing. Building a network capable of ensuring safety when the civil war inevitably happens…
There may be one more thing to add to this list >>161362 as the Right continues to win the pressure to REEEEE here against the Left is going to drop.
The Q stuff implies there is an active attempt to stop a civil war in the US. I do see it becoming more likely in Europe though, as the EU keeps doubling down.
I agree, the EU is gripping harder and harder onto its power, and the left is removing more and more freedoms in Europe. So unless the EU crumbles and people get freedoms back I fear there will be some turmoil. If the EU don't destroy itself or is destroyed I think we will get two blocks in Europe again. The totalitarian EU and the free Europe.
161611 161781
I wonder if cycles can give any hints as to what will happen. The EU seems to have its roots in the end of WWII and the attempt to stave off nationalism and its threat (Thanks Hitler). But looking at what Armstrong has to say:

>As the low-interest rates have undermined pensions throughout Europe, the governments will have to step up and bail them out. This is going to put tremendous pressure on the entire EU budget and austerity policy embedded within the single currency.

>We are looking at the same story being painted throughout Europe. The low-interest rate policy for nearly 10 years has not merely destroyed the bond market in Europe, it has undermined the pension system both privately and publicly. Indeed, adding to this crisis is the mandate that all pension funds hold some or the majority of their investments into government debt.

>Furthermore, as this pension crisis matures, we will have the same problem of transfer payments. This is how and why the EU will break apart because there is no actual resolution to consolidate the debts.


It seems it is just accounting that will be enough to destroy it. (How smart to add immigration at the same time.) The problem is that they see it as a last stand against the re-emergence of invasive nationalism, a valid concern.

This is also part of Armstrong's 309 year empire cycle. So the Holy Roman Empire might give us some clues to the future. Armstrong claims that the Monarchy based Empire Cycle Wave began about 1413 and ended about 1723. Looking at the war chart (pic #1) it seems the peak of this was the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648. Interesting to notice the timing here also that the 10's-50's is the war period. (1723-1648=75years) This peak "Union" is at a similar point in the Socialism based Empire Cycle Wave as the founding of the United Nations, NATO and the roots of the EU. If we minus 75 years from 2032 we get 1957. So if the EU/UN/NATO Union is a repeat of the HRE Union then 1957 should be the peak of the EU/UN/NATO need from a direct threat perspective.

>In 1955 West Germany was also incorporated into NATO, which resulted in the creation of the Soviet-dominated Warsaw Pact, delineating the two opposing sides of the Cold War.

>Between 1959 and 1966, France removed most of its military forces and assets from the integrated NATO command, and all non-French NATO troops were asked to leave France.[17] France remained a member of the alliance, and committed to the defence of Europe from possible Warsaw Pact attack with its own forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany throughout the Cold War. A series of secret accords between US and French officials, the Lemnitzer–Ailleret Agreements, detailed how French forces would dovetail back into NATO's command structure should East-West hostilities break out.

So the unification of Europe should be in decline. Lets keep looking at the HRE:

>The actual end of the empire came in several steps. The Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which ended the Thirty Years' War, gave the territories almost complete independence. Calvinism was now allowed, but Anabaptists, Arminians and other Protestant communities would still lack any support and continue to be persecuted well until the end of the Empire. The Swiss Confederation, which had already established quasi-independence in 1499, as well as the Northern Netherlands, left the Empire. The Habsburg Emperors focused on consolidating their own estates in Austria and elsewhere.

>At the Battle of Vienna (1683), the Army of the Holy Roman Empire, led by the Polish King John III Sobieski, decisively defeated a large Turkish army, stopping the western Ottoman advance and leading to the eventual dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire in Europe. The army was half forces of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, mostly cavalry, and half forces of the Holy Roman Empire (German/Austrian), mostly infantry.

The bolded part looks relevant. 1723-1683=40 years, 2032-40 years = 1992.

>The Revolutions of 1989 and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991 removed the de facto main adversary of NATO…


In both cases the main threat has been removed in the same part of the alleged cycle.

Now it gets interesting because the idea of a United States of Europe does not just fade away as the need for NATO does….

>The European Union was formally established when the Maastricht Treaty—whose main architects were Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand—came into force on 1 November 1993.


1 of 2
161614 161781

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So the EU is an attempt to revitalize a European union whilst the threat making it needed is in retreat. Back to HRE:

>The War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714)


1723 - 1701 = 22 years, 2032 - 22 years = 2010. So the actual rebellion against the EU should have started already:

>The UK Independence Party is a Eurosceptic and right-wing populist political party in the United Kingdom.


>Notable outcomes were the significant drop in support for the Labour Party, who came third, and the UK Independence Party (UKIP) finishing second in a major election for the first time in its history, coming level with Labour in terms of seats but ahead of them in terms of votes.


Lets go back to the HRE:

>By the rise of Louis XIV, the Habsburgs were chiefly dependent on their hereditary lands to counter the rise of Prussia; some of whose territories lay inside the Empire. Throughout the 18th century, the Habsburgs were embroiled in various European conflicts, such as the War of the Spanish Succession, the War of the Polish Succession, and the War of the Austrian Succession. The German dualism between Austria and Prussia dominated the empire's history after 1740.

>From 1792 onwards, revolutionary France was at war with various parts of the Empire intermittently.
>The German mediatization was the series of mediatizations and secularizations that occurred between 1795 and 1814, during the latter part of the era of the French Revolution and then the Napoleonic Era. "Mediatization" was the process of annexing the lands of one imperial estate to another, often leaving the annexed some rights. For example, the estates of the Imperial Knights were formally mediatized in 1806, having de facto been seized by the great territorial states in 1803 in the so-called Rittersturm. "Secularization" was the abolition of the temporal power of an ecclesiastical ruler such as a bishop or an abbot and the annexation of the secularized territory to a secular territory.

The empire was dissolved on 6 August 1806

1806 -1723 = 83 years. 2032 + 83 years = 2115. The Union will hold out in name until 2115 if it acts like the HRE but will be progressively dysfunctional.
>UK Independence Party (UKIP)
I should have mentioned BREXIT, but I am sure you can work that out. :)
161791 161794
What we need is a restructuring of the site, I said it before, there's too few of us spread out over too much site. The no general rule was a mistake as it's stifling us, the entire boards of /ub/ and /cyb/ could be condensed into a single thread each. It's like the site is structured for a larger (and more importantly, active) userbase which we simply don't have, we need to be smaller so the few anons we have interact more frequently. That's not to touch on the fact that most of our userbase consist of lurkers who don't post in threads, let alone post threads themselves.

Broad scope generals are already allowed for both pony and political topics on /mlpol/ and are not bad things to have in smaller concentrations. They only become a problem when they reach critical mass, like the situation on /mlp/, which we are so ridiculously far from reaching that to worry about it and legislate against it is akin to hypersensitivity.

A second problem is that many posters on this very site continue to use 4chan in a classic case of stockholm syndrome, simply because the traffic is higher. To put it simply, our shoes are too big for our feet.
Comparing the HRE to the EU is pretty stupid if you ask me. The HRE lasted close to a thousand years, and had vastly different goals compared to the current day EU. The entire 17th and 18th century you cite as a period of turbulent warfare that should coincide with the collapse of the modern EU is bullshit. Anyone can just sift through history and find shit to coincide with their political predictions. I imagine your citation of the wars and events highlights a lack of understanding on your part regarding history.

I'll hand it to you that the Thirty Years War was the closest Europe got to being unified for a while, but it wasn't because the HRE was a centralized government. It was because the Hapsburgs owned so much land. Regardless the hegemony of the Hapsburgs was stopped thanks to the Sweeds, North Germans, and French. The HRE to us appears like a precursor to a unified Europe, but it is not. It was a highly complicated and extremely old system that fell by the wayside.

The wars during the 18th century coincide with competition of European monarchs for land, succession rights, diplomatic alliances, and the heavy competition between colonial powers. I would hardly compare those to the conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Just because it was in the interests of great powers at the time to prevent a unified Europe doesn't mean that today a similar "cycle" is appearing. The driving force behind the EU is economic connections, and mutual political support. The motivations behind those who resist is a sense of political autonomy and economic independence. Those are far removed from the dynastic and political alliances forged between European monarchs of the past.
Agree with pretty much all of this post. Nothing wrong with shitposting on the main board or having generals like /sig/ or for tech.

>we need to be smaller so the few anons we have interact more frequently

Yes. Once something is posted on another board, the majority won't see it. The overboard was a good idea but requires an active choice, and if the smaller boards are inactive why would you even bother?
Having generals means people get exposed to them just by coming here and they can grow on their own merit.

Also /üb/ is a stupid name and Elwayposting is a forced meme that doesn't need its own board.
>Elwayposting is a forced meme
I bet you don't even know why it's a thing!
Australia gets it.
Thanks. :)

Of course it isn't the same thing. Technology changes how we interact, but at a very distant view it is the battle between forming large unions, and then the stresses of being in the union leading to it fracturing. The names change, the political processes change, the tech changes, the battle field changes, but it is still a unify/fall apart cycle.

The labels we use are artificial, the EU is a continuation of trying to unify Europe after WWII.
I lurk here, post here on occasion, it just very very very slow. I like slow because what ever conversation that does arise, you have more thoughtful conversations, however when it is too slow as it is now, then nothing ever comes to fruition. Really that I hate.

/pol/ however is just so fast and over shadowed by shills, trolls, and shitposters that any thing you try there dies quickly and if you are lucky to leach onto someone else's thread to comment, you never can tell if you are being bullshitted with honesty or if that is the way they actually think because it seems they are plain disingenuous or just stupid.

I really should get some sleep sometime this year, but you mentioned the video game board and I recently posted there thinking "hey here a spot perhaps I can post since it seems most relivant" and even I say it freaks me out.

Seriously, who the hell thought it was a great idea to mix VG with X?

When Pol and MLP mixed as a joke for MLPOL somehow it worked out because it was like a partnership that kept shills away, but to say the least, like cooking a fine meal, some things don't mix.
161812 161827 161969

Shit posting is just as it is written, Shit. You can't gain anything from it and then at that point, what is the exact purpose? Even on /b/ it makes no sense other than to degrade the board and for the most part only was there to contain the things that belonged no where else, may I even talk about the over welming porn of a certain nature?

I would love to have many discussions and conversations but half the time I write very long and formal which many use the "TLDR hur hur hur" attitude and that only prevents me from posting. Then the fact that it is very slow here at the least that discussions really don't take off.

I had many good discussions here no doubt, mostly on discerning right from left in politics and lightly touched up on it but damn it, I have a ton more questions. I have so much yet so little time between to really sit for hours always checking just in hope I get a response, seriously, the last thing I posted in V still is there on the front page with only 1 other message, even after the same topic was on mlp and said to come to mpol… This is how slow things are here. But really you talk about "quality" if it takes days for a reply, it does discourage many to post because time is like we waiting for columbus to cross the atlantic with news how the colonies are doing.

One of the biggest rule was about Generals, because generals killed most of pol and mlp however, engagement here is lacking allot and there isn't anything BIG that is really pulling people in nor giving them a reason for returning. Perhaps a general would be ideal, something that is relatable to all and will encourage participation in. There is the Syrian General but that seems to be a nich, at least I don't have much interest in it.

One thing too that I never see here, news. You mention that you went back and found that Pol came from news. Well there is never happening threads here. Let's see what happened this week.

>Manford in jail, accomplice gets immunity

>To mass shootings, one in california at a trader joes another in canada, possible terror attack
>Wild Fires galore and arsonists on the run.
>US rose 4.1 GDP WOOT!
>Comic Con MLP panel
>New MLP episode in Austrialia today
>Oh look at that a blood moon with the longest duriation in this CENTURY.

There is so much NEWS that politics are in and so much that Pony are in and really, you talk about quality. Start here.

You know why I like /pol/ because seriously, news hits here first before even the MSM gets wind. That is the speed and how they keep to current events,albeit allot of bullshit you have to filter though. Honestly, pol taught me how to read between lines and when someone isn't sincere. Taught me how to have an iron stomach and that many people are shit. Thanks /pol/

Here though, here is where we can cut the bullcrap and cut to the chase and the only way to do that is get to the root of why pol and mlp were formed to begin with, and what made april 1st so special. Then I think we can work something out.
Shitposting is fun. It also lowers the barrier to entry for posting and (best case) creative shitposting helps the community when people start building on each other's ideas and memes. It also encourages people not taking themselves so fucking seriously.

Don't forget that /mlpol/ was born of the chaos that resulted from throwing two seemingly unrelated things together. It's one of the greatest shitposts in 4chan history.
> the most painfully cringe RP that just won't die
Khajiit is sorry for the trouble his little game has caused to the board
But you must admit it does gives the site quite the traffic
This, this, this, this, this, this, this, fucking this.

I get it. You guys prefer Hey Anon, Anonfilly, fetish generals that got shoah'd from /mlp/, whatever. But this board is made from news and politics. Action can be taken using this board other than raiding, and if you're not willing to do anything irl or whatever, at LEAST put out the news. But oh no, "it's a slow news season, nothin' happening here, not even pone news!" Like are your eyes sewn shut or do you honestly, unironically think this? We're at a boiling point with gun control in California. Almost every gun owner I know has an undocumented firearm hidden in their house because they don't trust the police or ATF. The rural areas of this liberal shithole are becoming more right-wing, especially in the north region, including of course having people who secretly support Cascadia. The Boers are still preparing for the moment the niggers try to snuff their """"privileged"""" culture out fully, making hydroponics systems and fitting paintball guns with pepperspray stuff to get around South African gun control legislation. The European Union continues to let off smoke in its feverish attempts to repair its dying influence by becoming more authoritarian.

Get up. Walk out the door. Look at things as they are. Listen to the chatter at diners from the locals. THINGS ARE HAPPENING. REPORT ON IT. DO SOMETHING.
If it makes you feel better I've been gone since April until today and will probs start posting again but also >>161246 is what I'm doing. Starting school, reading, giting gudder and also talking to potential wifey.
161830 161964
Well, least there's that. I honestly think we need more threads and such both on /mlpol/ and /ub/ for self-teaching, pirated/archived resources like medical textbooks and DIY, etc.. I've only seen one thread about the maker movement, and one thread about preparing for civil war in all my time here. And frankly, it's naive to think that we're going to be safe for more than a few years. We need to lift, we need to read, and lastly, as I keep saying, we need to honest-to-god organize in some fashion.

If we do not galvanize and help each other work towards the national socialist mindset and body, we will never survive the coming storm.
Well Im buying two more guns pretty soon so I might post some related stuff. I also want to learn how to build a log cabin. We should all build some nice cabins.
Id rather have a small, rather homogenous group of people, with similar interests and perspectives in life to share different views and discuss about all kinds of topics, than what ever the fuck 4cuck turned into through popularity and power grabbing mods. Even if that means there are only 1000 posts per week, its better than having 10000 posts with half of them being shills and retards.

this a million times, thanks anon.
I've always wanted to make my own gun but I'm terrified that if I download anything that tells me how to do that the cops will arrest and kill me.
And then I'll be forgotten like Tommy Robinson.
162008 162015
We need to keep "Practice your art" general going, generals should only be allowed when they're positive things that encourage content. This place convinced me to get back into art.
That's I think why the idea of totally banning generals is bad. Generals can be important to the culture of a politically-active board of people. I think we should always have a gun control general for those who need to find firearms and work towards self-defense independence in case the local police fail or over-extend; we need a general for free information, philosophy, literature, and so on; we need a survivalism/prepper general in case of "peaceful protests" like the chimpout from the Rodney King case; and we need a general for activism and/or raiding. We need these things to ensure we make some progress toward being the change we want to see in the world.

We're brothers, no matter how you guys feel about anonymity. We need to watch each other's backs and stand beside one another in dire circumstances.
Yeah, that could work. Generals should be for topics that will never run dry, general discussion of things that can move from topic to topic while keeping important links in the OP.
I'm voting yes on all yout suggestions.
But… should there be separate Art Improvement and Fanfic/Greentext improvement and discussion threads, or should they be combined? I'd say keep them separate, writing and art are two very different mediums. Btw, we need a combinef writing improvement and fanfiction review general. Prioritizing writing improvement so it doesn't end up like the self-congratulatory circlejerk on 4/mlp/ right now where boring faggots sit around and cry about fics not to their normie tastes.

To the First guy, shit posting may be fun and can be on level of "Shooting the Shit" or "Bull" if you will and yes, over a few beers in the backyard with buddies it "loosens" you up, however the flip side is as with Immigrants. Immigration is a problem and there are many that encourage "Open Boarders" and as you see, you let one in, then you went from 1 to 1000 and so much shit now look at the state they are in. Trump wants to have a merit system where you come here on your own merits. Why can't MLP have a merit system? If quality is an issue, how ever not to completly cut you off from your point,why not have our own B board for Backyard, a place to chat on any sort of blither blather, at least in a tasteful manner. /b/ on 4 chan may be a way for some to open up, but has fallen in so much degeneracy it is literal shit. It isn't just a place to open up, discuss things, or get something off your chest from a long days work. It just garbage. Their Trash Board is practically the same board.

To the second poster:
Yeah there is tons of news every day and at least here compared to /pol/ on 4c you can actually have a decent conversation with out the shills and shitposters.

To the Third:
Art is nice and glad that this got you back into it, hopefully here we can aspire real artist who hone their craft based on the classics and not this neo-modern, liberal bs where a person screaming for 2 hours is considered art.
This board may have problems, but too many newfriends is not one of them.

>why not have our own B board for Backyard

Because this place is already too split up, and the result is dead boards. There isn't enough activity to warrant it, but if we ever get to a point where low quality shitposting drives out actual discussion then we can revisit the issue and maybe split things off.
In short, try and solve the problem we do have instead of hypotheticals or the problems of others.

>/b/ on 4 chan may be a way for some to open up, but has fallen in so much degeneracy it is literal shit.

/b/ was always shit, but with brilliance sprinkled in and that was its charm. If I wanted a place to "shoot the shit" in a responsible way I'd just go to any other forum, with registration, avatars, reputation and all of that.
An anonymous board like this can't compete in overall quality, but it can compete in creativity, freedom and making connections to obscure topics. So let's go for that.
Agreed fully anon.
>I've stopped coming here mostly due to the rampant subtle circlejerking inherent with chooseable flags and a smaller active community. But that can all still be resolved.
Understandable but it'd be nice if it didn't seem as if I was the only anon with these opinions all the time hope you come back more often.
My point on immigration was to compare and contrast. Shitposting != Merit. IG: in regards to the quality aspect, we should always welcomes others but there has to be a vetting process to prevent nonsense and shills.

The anonymous nature of anyboard has its draws and benefits. The draw is finding and making an actual connection with others, the benefit is that you can blither blather and share things you wouldn't do otherwise and then disappear with out anyone associating that event with you.

In order to start fixing any issues, you must openly identify them. The lack of Quality and People are the two major factors. The other factor is retention. How do you keep the people here? Let's work with the first two first. Good vetting and recruitment should be things on the table for discussion.
162096 162097 162332
Well, i suppose i should say something
First of all there is indeed the point of not seemingly having a defined culture, which im not sure its a bad thing by itself, you can actually differentiate a mlpfag from a polack just by how the post is structured, but for fags like me, who first want to learn the culture before posting, can get confusing on how one should behave
In fact i lurked /mlp/ for almost a year before i made my first post back then, here i merged along with Anonfilly and it was like 4 months before i made my first post out there, and im still not really sure where i can even add to a discussion most of the time

About the hue spike, there has been a few happenings in Brazil in fact, shouldnt be news that our ex president, Lula, is jailed and the left is doing everything they can to free the bastard
There s other shit happening in congress too, with corrupt politicians being freed left and right(in the form of expression and literally), maybe that could be an reason

Still, i m not really big on politics so dont want to start with half assed threads about hue happenings, and prefeer to stay on content creation threads like the music one from a while ago

Oh, also there s 2 hues in the Anonfilly thread, not that it matters for this topic
162070 162097
We don't have a culture, we have DID.
What little culture we have is:
1) We scare everyone away.
2) We have a nice flag.
That's it.
We have a small community of intelligent individuals also.
at least that's what i hope, since not everyone here is fit
The immigration thing was a joke, poking fun at an analogy by taking it more literally than intended. Here's some snark: If you don't have a sense of humor then I suppose it makes sense to think shitposting has no value.


That's not really possible on an anonymous board like this. The best you can do is not encouraging the worst retards to come here, but that's it; imageboard anonymity means no accounts and no barrier to entry other than explicit IP bans, which are not even that hard to work around.
And mlpol.net shows up in search engines, anyone can find it so keeping it secret is also not an option.
It's pretty clear we fundamentally disagree on whether it would even be worth doing if we could, so I won't bore you by arguing that point.

I do agree we need to identify problems in order to solve them, and that's something most people never realize.
Not enough people to sustain discussion is one problem most people seem to agree on. Maybe adopting generals from other places, with already established communities, could be a way of addressing that, seems to have worked for >>162056 at least.
Not enough quality posts? Don't know what to do about that other than trying to post something worth reading.
The culture here isn't that different from what you would expect coming from /mlp/ I bet.

We also have a cyclic theory of history and one very persistent advocate of that view.
Not exactly a culture just me being autistic and I would put that in our DID category but I do thank you for suggesting it might be part of the culture. My plan is working, soon the world!

I don't see why we can't have a well moderated good quality /mlpol/ and a shit quality /b/. People who can't contribute politics or mlp need a place to talk shit while learning about /mlpol/ culture. You need an easy to reach landing point to engage and keep the newb. Think of it as a containment board until they mature.
I think perhaps culture comes from talking, small talk about events that we notice. On the big chans there is so much continuous talking that the culture is persistent. If there are long silences the culture ceases to exist. When the lone poster pops up (Oh God! It's Vril cycle posting again!) a new culture is being started. What we need is more chit-chat to keep continuity. When we go into concernfag mode we chit-chat more and emotionally engage with each other. We align our feelings and thoughts about our board and then we continue on until the chit-chat ends and the cultural connections end also. Then we do it all over again.
Even this, right here, is cycle posting.
>I don't see why we can't have a well moderated good quality /mlpol/ and a shit quality /b/.
>>161195 OP is a faggot nigger

Guys, Vril is a commie, ignore him.
162294 162297 162309 162315 162561


>1 month

You obviously don't understand /mlpol. The horsefucking and Flash ponies deter shills (like you doing this concern trolling), which allows for "classic pol" to survive here. It also deters normies so we aren't getting shit up with, well, conventional thinking. You also seem to have no historical knowledge of our exodus from the original /mlpol. The slow board you accuse us of being is actually how 4/pol once was, when "fringe" topics could be seriously discussed. And finally, we love the show, the art, and the clop.

The long-term strategy of /mlpol is to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. This includes contributing to the political victory of white nationalist parties; and putting in place revolutionary white nationalist party organizations to perform a revolution if that is necessary because political participation is denied to us, or to act as a stay-behind clandestine organization.

In closing, I request that you fuck off and die, shill.
162296 162297
>we love the show
That's debatable, considering it's leftist central now

i havent seen it tbh.
Just curious as to how my alleged ideology makes data invalid.
162312 162320 162360

isn't it odd how (OP) considers himself part of "us" but has no respect for our boards culture nor has any understanding of it

isn't it odd how he repeats the trad thot meme, even when it has been linked with (((subversive groups))), when he could have simply said Lauren Southern

isn't also odd that he choose not to use IDs in his thread, just like every other OP trying to hide something

isn't it possible that (((OP))) isn't being genuine with us (op is pic related)

Character evidence is useful.

Also, lower traffic is good if it's shills/commies leaving.

Agreed. OP is probably a paid shill using JTRIG tactics. Would many unpaid commies really come to a My Little Pony board?
The apostol Dr. Paul Josep….png
>The long-term strategy of /mlpol is to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
thinking filly.png
JIDF Threads.jpg
this its comfy with no shills
you're right. it really make you think.
162365 162375

I have a sense of humor though I wonder about that, comedy today I find to be dead and disturbing.With the internet culture of today, memes have become most of the jokes that are played like motifs. Though memes can fall into shitposting, context is everything. If you are making a joke about say, Rosanne Barr calling that one prick resembling a monkey and how the left find that offensive yet Rosie oDonald finds that so offensive yet if she known comedy back in the 90's even stand ups like Seinfield would call her a fat cow. Irony is funny and you can meme the shit out of it. (That has many meanings) But then there is the shit posting that is just, oh post gore, oh post porn, oh post things that isn't relevant to topic or the board and try to just create "noise" to either slide, troll or disturb others. Value is a big issue that shouldn't be dismissed, even though it is tame here, when traffic grows, so will the trash.

Finding out who is who when everyone is unknown is a hard thing, though brazilian guy got me interested, if you can discern between who is a polack and who is a ponyfag then what does that say about I? Not to mention, I am sure you are right. Everyone has their own writing styles and their own ways of going about. Perhaps that can aid in creating profiles about behaivor on the site which can minimize incidents. Like shills and trolls.

On Search Engines, this site is more hidden than 4chan and unless you type in mlpol and know exactly what you are looking for, then it would not even appear. Maybe on the 300th page but really, no one is talking about mlpol in social media, no one is linking back to articles here on this page, no one is sharing back here. In fact if I remember correctly, even youtube links posted here will reroute so it keeps traffic hidden. This website has the worst SEO that I have ever seen and you wonder why we are "hidden" and don't have allot of traffic. Gee, I wonder. Though this was a decision made by the admins, we didn't want all the shit. You know accounts wouldn't be a bad thing to be honest. As an extra measure, but the only one that can identify you, is only the staff. Every post still is anonymous. (Though have to try and think on this one a bit)

Generals aren't everything, it groups people together who have common interests and as a board now, small and disorganized, it would help. Though as we grow I fear it will start to divide us as we would seek our own clusters and stay there. So there needs to be a system that encourages others to "step outside" once in a while. Check out other threads. But I do highly want to recommend the sharing and passing of news and information. Heck even local news in your area that might be bizzare or a big WTF. Be it on a state level or nation. I mean we all have problems, so why not have discussions about it?
162365 162368 162565
To redress OP's thesis statement, I am on the verge of a significant development. I'm moving into a commercial property where I and mine* will live and work creating abundance in, around, and throughout the grouping per our (extensive) ability and technical authority. No one will be subject to the Jew (rent/loans), and there's a handful of handymen and supplies to help everyone make everyone's experience great again. I won't have time to blog about it (and I wouldn't, even if I did); just putting another pebble in the "Anon is too busy" camp.
I'm bumping this thread to say I really like the Ugandan Knuckles meme. It represents the collective unconsciousness's realization that black people, especially native Ugandans/Africans/Whatever have contributed nothing to the world except ebola and their own annoying voices. And occasional tongue clicking sounds.
>isn't it odd how (OP) considers himself part of "us"

Isn't it odd how, in a thread like this, several posts with no substance other than making accusations show up out of nowhere in the span of a couple of hours?
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>no substance
Did you even read the rest of the post
>provides no substance in return
162370 162371
We probably just have fundamentally different ideas on what a "shitpost" is.

I assume anyone who visits a general will check out other posts on the same board as well. Our slow boards could be made generals instead and a /sig/ thread, for example, could maybe attract new people when the /pol/ mods sperg out.

Sounds ideal. Good luck!
Forgot to say, it might be interesting or even an inspiration to others if you could find the time to share at least something about what is going on, what works and what doesn't, etc. I'm assuming a community of likeminded people, that this will be larger than just one family.

No identifiable details of course, but general strategy, maybe thoughts on who gets invited, finances and that sort of thing.
Hmm, Ideally then the best thing we could do is is define our terms then see if we share any common ground, would you agree?

I find shitposting to be as the name implies, a post that has the worth of literal shit. Unless you are a gardener, I don't think anything is going to come from it.

To rephrase a bit,

Shitpost: Noun.

1) A post in which has no initial value and no value can come from it.

2) Worthless, Garbage, Trash, meant to disrupt or dispel the original intent of the thread or board in which it was posted.

3) Unrelated materials to a topic or board that is meant as clutter and nothing more, sometimes will ill intent to troll or bait others into pointless arguments or to stop other conversations in their tracks in order to slide or prevent them from starting.
162373 162498
>Our slow boards could be made generals
Making them a general would be a bad idea, it would only give the illusion of traffic, as the front page would be filled with generals, and it would destroy the purpose of the containment board, that is tank all the topics anon wants to create.
If anything, we could reduce the number of boards , instead of ub, vx and 1nt we could just throw it all on hobbies or something.
X is just too weird for the every day conversational type. In my opinion that is. Why I don't like there, spooky stuff and video games? What?
Well it is quite a weird choice of topic, paranormal and videogames.
I do think science and videogames would be better, as opposing forces looking for a common ground, it would also generate more discussion.
162416 162500 162598
Its not all the time that the formatting differences are crystal clear, but it seems to me that /pol/acks prefeer to write a single line per topic(like yours), while /mlp/fags may often use paragraphs to subdivide their ideas, both use double spacing to separate a topic to another though
Im not really sure what really puts a /mlp/ post apart though, besides the heavy use of mlp meems when it happens, i can only tell those huge paragraphs being from /pol/acks because that never really happens back in mulp, but i suppose someone lurking from /pol/ would be better to notice what a mulp post can be identified by

Talking about generals and boards, i do agree with ya, some of the fags from Anonfilly explicitly refuse to get out and browse around. Dont know if its still the same as last time it was brought up or if any of them came out around to check, but sometimes i feel ashamed to admit that i came to the board from there
Taking refugee threads, while helpful for speed, may end in this very thing that yall are trying to prevent, i d say looking into some sort of system to get people to check other threads or at least the catalog once in a while would be for the best before taking threads as refugees, even more if its an /mlp/ general
>But Anonfilly was an /mlp/ general
Yes, and like i said, last time it was brought up some seemed resistant to come out, lots of newfags on /mlp/ just browse one or two generals and nothing more, saying "the comfy speeds allow me to read all the content put out by the writefags", never even caring to check the catalog for something that they may find interesting
Its a very slippery slope and should be treaded carefully when taking refugees, dont know for /pol/, for /mlp/ it is

And i d say the amount of boards is already kind of a problem, all the posts from /a/ could be put in a single thread, and /a/ is already 2 months old
Maybe the idea was to reroute 4/a for here, and honestly i dont know how viable that is, but if we had random anons make anime threads, discuss it, then let it fall of the board, would be far better to keep the community together than segregating into various dead boards

Ps.: if there s grammar issues in this post then im sorry, i should be asleep long ago, but still wanted to post this

Everyone will have a few grammatical errors, as long as the amount isn't more than the total content it is fine by me.

It is good that we have a thread like this, it serves as a thinktank for real discussion and talk about the ways this site can improve. However the biggest factor is where are the administration on these topics? I have yet to see them in the boards so where their views are on many of the issues also need to be addressed as they are the ones holding the keys. One mostly discussed issue being traffic.

Traffic is at an all time low and truth be told to increase traffic is to start opening the isolated country and take in migrants. So it comes down the wire as to how, how do we create traffic; where, where do we gather traffic; who, who do we allow in and who do we vet or disparage from coming here; what, what course of action do we take to increase traffic. We all ready know the why and when. We act as soon as possible and it is due to the low traffic.

What we have is very much a marketing campaign much like any other website. We have a landing page, now we need a marketing plan, but most of all isn't just traffic but retention. What is going to keep people here?
When you are so relying on the people and the content, you need to encourage them to use your services.

The most important thing we can do is encourage who we have now at this moment to continue to post. Today I made two posts, one of my local news and another about a very peculiar logo. Why? It is news. If everyone can post a topic a day, that would greatly increase the content here on this site. Even local news that might be shocking, questionable to you or just a big WTF, or "Oh this thing happened". News and information I think should be a foundation to work with.
Damn, I wrote a reply but it disappeared. Ok.

What do you mean when you say "only the illusion of traffic"? People talking in a general is still traffic, isn't it? And others will be exposed to what is said in a way that doesn't happen if it takes place on a separate board.

>front page would be filled with generals

I'm not sure I understand the problem. Do you mean that generals would push down other threads by being active, and "hide" them when they sit on page 2-3? I generally use the catalog, so that haven't been an issue.

t. generalfag
The rest of the board will still be there when Anonfilly people get bored and want to explore. It's fine to stick to what you know, but I bet there are some who will choose to check out what's going on outside.

>lots of newfags on /mlp/ just browse one or two generals and nothing more

Hey, I resemble that remark. Except it's 4-5 generals and everything moves so slow you could visit the board only once a week and still read all the updates from your favorite writefags.
(People should check out the Royal Guard Mare threads by the way, TMFAT is a great writer.)

I think I'm getting some idea about why generals aren't liked by everyone though, so thanks.
Ok, that makes sense.

I guess my definition is that it's related to funposting, shooting the shit with friends, memeing.

But also this:
>sometimes will ill intent to troll or bait others into pointless arguments
Shitposting and trolling flushes out those who take themselves very seriously, and those who don't bother to lurk and learn the culture.

Shitposting is the antithesis of "LETS BE SERIOUS FOR ONE MOMENT YOU GUYS" and is at the core of what makes "imageboard culture" what it is. It is also what immunized the average (shit)poster from SJW tactics where they would stomp into a place and DEMAND to be TAKEN SERIOUSLY because I'M A POC, YOU RACIST.
Discussion in the presence of shitposters demands that you listen first (lurk before posting), that you can handle banter and show that you get what it's all about.

It also means a bunch of retards furiously typing at each other trying to show how they are better than others on an anonymous forum where none of that actually matters.

Sorry for the blog post.
Point wasnt about missing green from writefags, but rather (not) interacting with the board and other non-general threads
For me the right way of thinking isnt "check the board once a week for the generals" but "check the generals once a week while browsing the board". Not that one shouldnt check a general if its already there on the board, but it should be lower priority, giving preference to nice threads you may never see again over a general you know will be there later for reading
If there s discussion going on in the general then its another history, but lets be real, how often does those happen?
I've been around for nearly eight months. I'm just saying I disappeared for some time, came back to lurk for a month, and was disappointed.

Also there's a difference between concern trolling and genuinely being concerned about the existence of our people and a future for white children. I am saying that the vast majority of posts here have been without any substance, both in terms of poni and in terms of news/politics. Nothing is being done. Even yb your standard of "the long term strategy" isn't being enacted! I said this already and you ignored it because you pre-supposed me to be a shill.

TL;DR, no u.
This. We need to update on local events relating to both the movement and ideological growth, spread ourselves out, work towards something. The answer is not to stay here forever, shitposting until the caliphate's taken us over. The answer is to return people to clarity and normality, bring back traditionalism and nationalism, help each other self-improve and get fit, et cetera. Even stuff as basic as prepper threads or workout threads or job-advice threads would be HUGE improvements. That's all I've wanted this entire time.

We're anons, yes, but that doesn't mean we have to be completely inactive.
> lots of newfags on /mlp/ just browse one or two generals and nothing more

That is a serious problem with generals. I don't see how anyone can have fun doing that. I like to stick around the anon filly general here and I go to a few on /mlp/ occasionally, but I find most /mlp/ generals to be pretty trash. I'm not the kind of guy to judge taste, and I think most of the generals have interesting topics. Doesn't matter if a general has a cool topic though so many of them just turn into slow as shit bump fests of fags who just circle jerk each other constantly.

I also think /mlp/ style generals are pretty dangerous in their own right. Lots of them just turn into slightly different flavors of anon fucks x.

Lastly I'd say this is the most damming thing about generals. They can easily turn into sekret clubs. In doing so they defeat the purpose of using an anonymous platform and siphon users out of the site into private discords.

Go find some failed generals that just don't die. That might answer some of your questions. I like a good general with activity and discussion that isn't run by a sekret club.
>The most important thing we can do is encourage who we have now at this moment to continue to post. Today I made two posts, one of my local news and another about a very peculiar logo. Why? It is news. If everyone can post a topic a day, that would greatly increase the content here on this site.

Seconding. I reply or create an OP at least five separate times a day. Since I have a few hours every night with nothing to do but work out or post, I try to keep activity up. Without a challenge or update on news or support, we're nothing.
Well, I meant that keeping up with writefags is hardly a challenge. There's not a lot posted and I browse the catalog for things that look interesting all the time. Being a newfag I don't really have much to contribute in terms of show discussion though, so I lurk.
Interesting discussion in mostly-greentext generals does happen, even if it's often related to the latest story update or a writer preparing for the next.

>but I find most /mlp/ generals to be pretty trash
Most of anything on /mlp/ is trash.
I don't really see the problems you mention, other than bumping contentless threads instead of letting them die, but I'll keep it in mind.
Like I'm not saying /mlp/ generals are trash because they are on /mlp/ or because their topics are bad. Most of them are just guttering corpses. A few people are interested in a topic and they just constantly bump a thread waiting for content, or the thread is just held up by one writefag. Should that really be its own general? That's what a lot of generals turn into.

I also can't believe you haven't seen the sekret club phenomena in a general before. I'll use the World of Warships general for example. I might go in there occasionally looking for some game play discussion but there are many times none is to be found. I'll go in there and the thread is filled with anime waifufag shit posting to bump it and serves as a vent for people in a sekret club discord to talk shit about each other. To an unaware user it would just seem like the general is dead and no one plays the game. They would never guess there plenty of people who play the game they slipped off into a "sekret club" where they all know each other by name. I wish they would just stop creating the general because it serves almost no purpose for someone who doesn't want to get an invite to their discord or remain anonymous. Sure its a game general, but its the best example I can think of. /foe/ general on /mlp/ died in a similar way, but the content also dried up as well so its not solely to blame.
If only we could down vote them.