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158668 160548 160646 160719 160734 161197 161245 161287 161331
With the way that the media and Hollywood celebrities keep fanning the flames of hatred against Trump and conservatives, how are liberals family members, friends, or acquaintances in your life holding up? I know that it is tradition to revel in their salt, but I also can't help but feel some sympathy for the level of anguish that the media is instilling in them. These people have been led to believe that conservatives and Trump are on the verge of holocausting minorities. With no evidence, they are convinced that a Russian operative is in control of our nation and that the whole world is ending. People are being driven to violence because they truly believe that their opponents are the most evil of individuals and that the end will justify any means. It is a perfect example of how dangerous it is to give in to peer pressure and how baseless rumors can can threaten truth through the power of "consensus". So how are those around you holding up to the media fear mongering?

I guess I'm making this thread because I suspect that the turmoil led to the dissolution of a friendship between me and someone that I knew since high-school. A few of you might remember the thread that I made last year about mending friendships. A quick summary is that, prior to Trump's victory in the 2016 Presidential election, a friend of mine from my high-school days overheard me voicing my displeasure of the migrant crisis and rape epidemic in Europe. He basically freaked the fuck out and defriended me on steam and other media platforms. Fast forward a bit and /mlpol/ was born from a critical miscalculation of 4chan's compromised mods. That got me watching the show, and the constant themes of friendship got me wondering if a good friend would make an effort to repair a broken friendship, and give the asshole an opportunity to apologize? That's when I asked you guys whether or not I should give this guy another chance. Long story short, I decided to extend him an olive branch via an avenue of communication that he forgot to block. He seemed to have cooled off by then and was willing to hang out with me, play games, and talk about non-political topics. Although he never apologized for how he acted, and I didn't want to open up old wounds.

Fast forward again through a year of Trump's presidency and approximately about the time that /mlpol/ was preparing for its one year anniversary. I had thought that things were going well. He had just convinced me to buy Vermintide 2 for co-op funtimes. As far as I could tell, he was happy and we were on good terms. Then I didn't hear from him again. Initially I assumed that he was just busy. Weeks went by and I sent him some messages to see if he wanted to go golfing or see a movie. Silence. Weeks turned into months, and I reached out to him again to ask him how life was going and that I was concerned since I hadn't heard from him in awhile. No reply at all. I actually checked the obituaries to make sure that some terrible accident hadn't befallen him. Then, earlier this week, he defriended me again on steam and other platforms. I feel insulted more than anything.

I don't have plans to attempt to patch things up again. I feel that this is a "scorn me once, shame on you, scorn me twice, shame on me" type of thing. I basically just haven't decided if I'm going to leave him be in his silence, send him one final message of goodbye, or to send him a goodbye message with an open invitation to listen if he ever needs someone to talk to. I don't really feel like that last option at the moment, but I know that the left eats their own. They absolutely need someone to single out as an oppressor for them to blame all of their woes on. Given time, the left will turn on him and he'll be alone. I don't take solace or satisfaction at the thought of the misery of someone that I considered to be my friend for a long time. I'm not sure if that makes me a fool, a better person, or both. But that's how a I feel.

I don't know what influenced his decision to break away again since I had avoided topics that would upset him, and to my knowledge we were on good terms when we last spoke. I assume that it was rhetoric like Maxine Waters' call to rise up against Trump supporters that got to him.

So that's my blog post. Pic mildly related. Kinda melancholy like I'm feeling right now. How are the never-Trumpers in your life holding out? Especially with news like the Trump nominating a new Justice for the US Supreme Court?
158669 160573
I don't live near leftists so I wouldn't know.
Sounds to me like they are going through a Dark Night of the Soul. Their life assumptions are failing and they need time away to rebuild a better set of life assumptions. You can't build a new building where one already is. You have to clear away the old building. To clear away old life assumptions they need to be alone and empty themselves and then rebuilt the new person. They can't do that while socialising, it is a solitary thing because they need to collapse their ego and rebuild it. Just be available if/when they have completed the rebuild. Have no expectations, and you can only be pleasantly surprised. The advantage of the Black Pill. :P

They are doing #WalkAway internally, I suspect.
Thanks Satan!
You can only lead a man to water but you can't make him drink. Don't look down on him as anyone can be fooled and can be wrong. Don't force it but if he has a place in your heart just don't reject him when he comes back.
Well my family were all at the leftist mindset from top to bottom, but they are christians, so i find my way to push through and they at least stop hating and disowning me.
>Doesn't live near leftists
Even Satan himself couldn't stand the left and was forced out of hell.
my family is right wing. mostly libertarians.
My aunt and uncle are both your typical far left intelligence-without-wisdom types, PhDs and all. Almost every time I see them they spend at least an hour talking shit about Trump this and Russia that. This pattern has been pretty consistent since the election.

Of the two, my aunt is much more unhinged than my uncle could ever hope or want to be. She is an outspoken feminist and an "empowered woman", whatever the hell that means while she's working for peanuts as a freelance editor. An electric blue streak of hair stands out prominently from her greying head. She periodically attempts to dictate right and wrong to me concerning typical lefty bullshit, usually with zero sense of manners or timing - for example, once while waiting in a hospital, she picked a fight with me about my taste in the opposite sex, with plenty of moral grandstanding about how women are superior and how I was wrong to dump an actually terrible girl several years before this conversation took place. Meanwhile my mother is sitting next to us in a recliner bed, recovering from a major surgery that she wasn't guaranteed to survive. That was a long day.

I can go on about my aunt, but this is enough of a blogpost already.
Point is, she's about as volatile as a box of sweaty dynamite. She's also family, and beneath the self-righteousness and the arrogance I can tell she's genuinely troubled by what's happening in the world. Maybe she'll calm down one of these days, but in the meantime I have an unlimited supply of authentic lefty salt, and I can confirm it's much more tasty when you get to experience it in person.
>picked a fight with me about my taste in the opposite sex, with plenty of moral grandstanding about how women are superior and how I was wrong to dump an actually terrible girl several years before
Who do men think they are? Choosing their partners? They should not have any say in this.
There are three types over in the UK: Meme-loving free speech fans who wear snarky masks and are too afraid of saying anything wrong and getting arrested by the cops to go any further than laughing at "SJW Gets Owned By Logic" compilations, cowards who stick their head in the sand, people who are quietly and slowly waking up to the truth, people pissed off over Tommy Robinson without knowing anything behind it, and brainless soycuck SJWs who simply can not be saved.
>How are leftists holding up?

My media imports outrage from the U.S., so you sometimes see protests against things that aren't going on here, and can't be solved here. It's not a hysterical outrage, it's more like "my morals compel me to speak out against this; Speaking out against things can make a difference.".

I'd say most leftists here think they're winning. They fight for the environment, animal's rights, and marxism. Politicians and Corperations, if they're not massive leftists inherently, find it easy enough to pander to them, or at least keep up appearances. Generally, the left's demands are being met. The petty things, at least. Unisex bathrooms, literally too many solar panels for the grid to handle, electric cars, employment quotas, gibsmedats.

Welcome to Bread and Circus Plus.
My family likes watching Colbert. They're not really upset they'll just occasionally remark on some shit Trump has done and laugh.
160732 160786
My chinky communist dad yells and swears whenever Trump is on the TV. He can't stand Trump. Some brain damage as a kid and some autism I think, just never diagnosed.

I got his cursed genes. Fuck. Since I'm diagnosed as a fucking autist. I'm fucking cursed.
You're here, that's already a step in the right direction.
basically everyone i know is either a cuckservative, a centrist, or libtard. they arent holding up shit because society is massively bluepilled and the white race is practically doomed if people dont change
The alt-right were so close, 10% of support is the breaking point from there the movement start growing crazy, but yeah, charlotesville happened. Don't give up though our race is worth fighting for.
Autism isn't a curse, it's a meaningless negative label the jews made up to tar the "Negative" aspects of nerd culture (Criticizing media, being too nerdy for new fake-geeks and fake-gamergirl normies to tolerate, the cardinal sin of unironically caring in current year) with the same brush used to tar developmental problems, symptoms of poor socialization as a child, symptoms of retardity, symptoms of being improperly raised by selfish grandstanding boomer parents, and the inability to do basic adult things like pooing in the loo and not pissing yourself.
Your father is retarded and you're able to acknowledge that because you are smarter than him.
160789 160791 161332
Liberals did Charlottesville, don't you forget it. They organized the "Unite The Right" rally, they brought the tiki torches, and they drove the car that killed some road-blocking nigger. And they lied and turned it into "Some evil white man maliciously killed a poor helpless oopsie migrant who dindu nuffin!"
I know all that stuff but still, it destroyed the alt-right anyway, it need to be back in the road but it gonna have to start again.
Charlottesville is not the only thing the alt-right was struggling with, it also was the idiot of sargon and kraut who started the discord stuff, that BS divided the whole right and after it most of the right swallowed the Charlottesville tale.
We should support Lauren Southern, Caolan Robertson, and some others, it seems that charlottesville was more a red pill than a blue pill for them, they started to side with the alt-right after that, and Caolan it's gay and still did it.
still sucks that I adopted some of his traits, passed on through genes/genetics. That whole genetic memory thing from Assassin's Creed. He's a massive abusive piece of shit as well, whole family is actually. That's Chinese parenting/family for you. Everyone trying to fuck you over for their own selfish benefit. At least it taught me to never pro-create. I'm not white anyways, and it would be insanely cruel to pass on these cursed/defective genes to a child.

161294 161296 161303
My stepdad's both a leftist and a violent nigger. Recently got fed up with him making every disagreement personal between us and mom so I outright told him to stop being a nigger. His response was to call me a punk-ass bitch and bump chests until I back-handed his face. I was knocked to the ground and he retreated before I could land another hit on him, but the fallout's still felt a week and a half later. Mom's finally outright promising divorce. I've taken to playing Johnny Rebel whenever I start my car radio, turned up so he can hear when I pass the front door. I no longer speak to him, and next time he speaks to me, I'm going to simply say I don't associate with niggers.

Wish me luck whenever he decides to show his ape face sround me again. Until then I'm going to get back on workouts and prepping.
161303 161317 161333
You wouldn't believe the shit people in my family tree have done. And if genetic memory was real, kids would be naturally good at STEM.
I am still having white kids. Multiple white kids.
They're still reeing over Trump and it doesn't help the Lugenpresse keeps adding more fuel to the fire.

And they wonder why no-one is believing them anymore.
Not too well, politically. I try not to engage in politics with the rest of my family for that reason, but sometimes my uncle decides to start shit. I usually ignore this and just leave at that point because, despite being leftists, most of my family do try to take the high road on things and that tactic usually gets me out on top.
Good luck, based Anon. You're the hero we need, but not the one we deserve.
Good luck and Gods speed to you anon.
Don't look up to me. I'm just a weakling soyboy who happens to not care whether he dies of a skull fracture anymore.
Well it looks like you and your mom are getting out of a bad situation by removing him from your lives. Also if you call the cops on him next time for domestic abuse he will never be able to won a gun in his life, and he can say goodbye to any real security clearance if he needs or has one.
>Multiple white kids
That's what you should be doing, since your race is going extinct by design.

Good luck Anon. I hope your mom learned her lesson about coal burning.
That's the plan. He already owns two pistols one of which is hidden somewhere we don't even know, and the other of which being covered by a camera running Blink because BASED REFORMED COALBURNER MOM
Good. If he is starting to play it safe you can also preemptive give a concern call to the cops or social worker telling them about his prior abuse and that you are worried about your mom and yourself. Also that you didn't want to cause waves by telling anyone about it before, but you've reached the point where you feel you should at least tell someone about it just in case.
If there is a record of what he used to do even if only verbal I think he will have a hard time to talk himself out of something when the cops needs to show up.
Well done anon, there's nothing wrong in keeping your race alive.
I had a friend a while ago who basically behaved the same way. He was freaking out during the election and got really hostile against me on facebook, up to and including making personal attacks. I never made any personal attacks on him and always went out of my way to be reasonable and charitable when the situation warranted it.

It got to the point that a second friend commented on one of the personal attacks this first friend made on my profile, and he calmly and reasonably defended me. The first friend continued to be a hostile gutter slime about it, and left in a huff.

We had a discussion in the comments of a couple posts on attacks on Trump supporters vs allegations of attacks on Hillary supporters, and I thought things were moving forward when I proposed that he join me in denouncing the actions, hostility, and assaults against trump supporters if I would join him in denouncing actions, hostility, and assaults that were substantiated against Hillary supporters (I had already had a few instances of some of his "examples" being proven to be hoaxes, while I usually posted examples that had video evidence, with the people in the video shouting clear hate on the basis of the race of the victim and their alleged support of Trump). I don't remember him ever denouncing the assaults on Trump supporters.

Once I started to think he was getting unhinged, I messaged him something along the lines of "Let's agree that, no matter how the election goes, it's separate from and won't end the years-long friendship, okay?".

In all our interactions, online and in person, I went out of my way to never make personal attacks and be several degrees nicer than necessary, but it didn't seem to make much difference.

Trump won, and my friend goes dark. No contact with him at all for a few months. I assume he's just busy. We normally collaborated, or spent time together in the off-hours or between classes. I send him olive branches every few weeks letting him know about news articles on paleontology he might be interested in, or something about a mutual interest. When I eventually get a reply, it turns out he tried blocking me from every account we'd had a bridge on, and just hadn't figured out how to block my cell phone number from me. Then he blocked me from that.

Like with that second friend earlier, I showed and described the interactions I had with that first friend to several people. In a bit of detail. These were peers and even included some family friends who were decades older than me. None of them could see any mistake I'd made, or any instance of unkindness.

Whatever happened there, neither I nor anyone I talked to could see any error in how I did things. There's still exactly what his mindset was that eludes me, but I'm satisfied by now that this was entirely his failure of character. He's a mod for a group on fimfiction that's always made me uncomfortable because it looks like pedophilia to me, but given what I've learned about leftist central dogmas, I'm not surprised at it.


Second story. Shorter, this time.

I play the MLP card game. It's pretty good. It's about mining points from central "problem" decks in between the players rather than direct conflicts, and it uses an action token system rather than tapping lands for mana like in MTG, so it's a nice change of pace.

On one of these meetups to play, one of the regular groups that shows up brought a kid with them. He's got to be something like 8-12. He has a good enough command of the language to be able to speak pretty well, and is developed enough to plan and carry out a strategy in a reasonably complex board game, but he's not much taller than the counters at the stores.

Anyway, one half of the group is playing the card game, while our half of the group is playing a desert escape board game. The kid says something like "If I could press a button that would kill Donald Trump, but would also kill a million people, I'd press it in a heartbeat, with no hesitation". He's obviously parroting something he was taught or just overheard from the adults he lives with, but it still shocked me. I'd heard one of the adults he lives with talking about someone who said he supported Trump 100% like he was angry and couldn't believe it. (His mom cheated on his dad with this third guy, who used to be the dad's best friend. Now the kid bounces from his mom's place to his dad's place.)

Turns out the kid had never even heard about the shitstorm that happened when Trump only got 2 scoops of ice cream, in an attempt to show that Trump could do literally nothing wrong, and there'd still be hateful, slanderous public outcry about him. I ended that night suggesting he look up "Donald Trump Ice Cream" on the internet, so he could see for himself. He didn't believe me when I said that Trump has just that much hostility against him already.

Hopefully that'll start a curiosity in researching his views and will act to redpill the kid a bit. I haven't run into the kid since, since he normally doesn't show up to these card / board game meetups. I don't want to ask his parents if he's done his Trump research like I suggested he do, for obvious reasons. They seem the type to fly off the handle irrationally.
> they drove the car that killed some road-blocking nigger.
The way I remember it, an angry mob of masked, screaming antifa wackos brandishing rifles chased a terrified non-antifa person into their car, and he drove away when they were scrabbling at his car door and banging on it.

The driver did literally nothing wrong. When you've got an angry mob after you, they'll break your car's window and drag you out to beat you to death, seatbelt or no seatbelt. You get out of there however the fuck you can, and damn the consequences. It's the same reasoning that justifies someone setting a fire in a forest deliberately because they're hopelessly lost.

The choice is simply between Death and Life.
161335 161417
>I am still having white kids. Multiple white kids
What plans do you have in place to keep your family?

There doesn't seem to be any reliable way to prevent your wife from cheating on you because she's "bored", and tearing everything apart. You'll get raped and destroyed in family court, and your kids will be raised to hate you.
There is a reliable way to prevent her from cheating.

It's called not marrying thots.
I condition her to become emotionally dependent on my approval above everyone else's. The thought sickens me, as I want to be a lawful good paladin. But women are stupid creatures who are encouraged to act like whores. I must make her want to be mine.