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158444 158449 158452 158458 158459 158463
>When you tell someone you’re an anarcho-monarchist, people usually look at you like you’re totally nuts (or being deliberately defiant). And indeed this frustration is understandable. What two political systems could be more opposed than anarchism, the lack of government, and monarchism, in which the government is one man. The two seem mutually exclusive, but in reality these two spheres of thought have a long history together. When people ask me how I think such a system would run I tell them they should go watch a few episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and this is usually greeted with amusement or disbelief.

>Again, not an unwarranted reaction. What can a children’s show designed for six-year-old girls teach us about statesmanship? Incredulity aside, no other show on television – with the possible exception of CBS’s Person of Interest – represents as radical or subversive politics as My Little Pony does. How?

>Long live Celestia!
158445 162523
>1000 years solar reich, an ethno-merito-monarchy . Heil Celestia!! /) #altbrony

We should invite the altbronies back!!
they had their chance and blew it. denied.
>The Radical Economics of My Little Pony

>Continuing with last week’s theme, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is not only politically aware, but economically aware as well. My Little Pony is a fantasy show, officially, but many episodes are spent simply in the day-to-day lives of the ponies, frequently giving us glimpses into the workings of the Equestrian economy.

>Equestria’s is basically a market economy. Goods and services are traded for compensation decided by the buyer and the seller. Currency exists in the form of coins, but other forms of compensation – i.e. other desired goods, food, time, and, especially in Ponyville, precious gems – are accepted and legal as well. Caught up in the comings and goings of the plot, it is easy to miss that Equestria seems to be an immensely wealthy society, far more affluent than we could ever hope to be.

I actually really enjoyed this article. I've been looking for just the right combination of authoritarian government and individual liberty, packaged as an obscure ideology with the prefix anarcho- that I can pompously namedrop whenever anyone asks me where I stand politically. Maybe this is up my alley.
>It is implied int he show that Celestia is a dream walker, able to invade the ponies’ dreams and endow them with knowledge they would not otherwise possess.
And it was at this point I realised the author was talking out of his ass.
He talks about Celestia and Celestia… pretty sure it's more of a typo.
I live in Canada and ill go to Equestria in Nanosecond if it was possible.Just hoping that inter specie sex is legal in Equestria tho or else im going to Zebra land and maybe Griffon land just for the fun of trying.
158493 161398
That's an oxymoron.
Celestia's just too lazy to do anything except sit on her ass and eat cake, and occasionally imprison some evil creature.
Nice articles. Only one problem i noticed
>The two princesses are figureheads for the people, Celestia the strong governor and warrior, Celestia a mentor full of wisdom. It is implied int he show that Celestia is a dream walker, able to invade the ponies’ dreams and endow them with knowledge they would not otherwise possess.
I'm guessing the author might have been a little tired at that point.
The fact that there are prisons and an enforced ideology pretty much disproves the anarcho part. It's a straight up monarchy, nothing else. Christ, the whole show is pretty much about making people conform to the state ideology.
>The fact that there are prisons and an enforced ideology pretty much disproves the anarcho part. It's a straight up monarchy, nothing else. Christ, the whole show is pretty much about making people conform to the state ideology.

Good point but two things.

1) I have noticed that anarcho- is not anarcho- it's about the fear of anarcho- pushing people to the other half of the anarcho- ideology. So anarcho-capitalism pushes people to capitalism to avoid being an anarchy "society". The only exception might be anarcho-primitivism. So anarcho-monarchy is a kind of libertarianism that when under duress defers to the monarch's (and their special forces) to solve it. Once solved it reverts back to ignoring the monarchs. It's a reasonable system as it can smoothly move between centralised and decentralised quickly and avoids the pitfalls of both.

2) The state is not the primary enforcer, the Tree of Harmony, which is a spell from the Founders, is the primary enforcer. It guided the Royal Sisters to their duties (Star Swirl is an agent of the Tree) and, through the Crystal Map sends the special forces on missions, often without the Royal Sisters involvement. Even more bizarrely The Founders have left the spell running and have gone home. In addition the Map has some (all?) control over cutie marks themselves.

And then on top of all of that, there are Wendigos to enforce non-violence by freezing you to death if you don't comply.

The Royal Sister hardly run anything. Luna runs around in peoples dreams and Celestia is a almost powerless figure head. By aligning with the Tree of Harmony (partially) they are leveraging the power of the real controller of Equestra. The mysterious death dealing forces of Harmony.

Harmony -> Tree of Harmony -> Crystal Map -> Special Forces actions.

A truly Authoritarian Leftist utopia! Be friendly or dIe!!!!!
158517 158520
Actually, the tree was planted by ponies to begin with. So it's imposed by the ponies themselves, and Celestia is the judiciary of Equestria, as events that would normally be handled by local governance are brought to her directly, see that-one-episode-where-the-sisters-switched-butt-tattoos-because-I-forget-what-it-was-called where some random pony was seeking a ruling on dealing with a local problem, timberwolves, right from the very top of governance.

Bear in mind also that Twilight is a branch of government now, specifically she takes the position of an ideological officer being sent to enforce ideology whenever the map shines its bat signal, harmony doesn't exist as a force, the map does what it does because of the tree, and the tree does what it does because of those who planted it to begin with, ergo, Starswirl and gang.

It's more accurate to say that the unicorns secretly run everything because they pull shit with their head penises and call it providence. The wendigoes seem to have been dead for a long time, because disharmony has been pretty prevalent all over the place and there's been utterly no sign of them assuming of course that the legend is even true, as there are chronological inconsistencies with the story, like the use of the Equestrian flag in the play having the two sisters on it, but themselves not being part of the events that lead to the unification

>Actually, the tree was planted by ponies to begin with.

True but we can't assume the Tree is the prime source of its actions, or the Founders themselves, they might be tapping the natural(?) forces of Harmony. Because Harmony was enforced by wendigos in the past, and the Tree now, it is a reasonable extrapolation to say that Harmony is external to both, and both are channels carrying It's agenda. We'll have to wait and see who is right on this. :)

>Celestia is the judiciary of Equestria

Conceded. But I would expect that if Celestia stepped outside of the bounds of the Harmony agenda Harmony would impose It's Will on Her. And we see this when the when the Map sends Starlight to the Sisters because they drifted from Harmony.

>Bear in mind also that Twilight is a branch of government now…. etc

These government roles are the lower level stuff that Harmony does not care about. Harmony is the "Queen" and the Princesses are It's subjects, as are all life on the planet. Stay in line and you won't suffer or die.

>It's more accurate to say that the unicorns secretly run everything because they pull shit with their head penises and call it providence.

The Union of Starlight Socialist Republics (USSR) headed by a unicorn that can control cutie marks but was bested by Harmony's Special Forces. Unicorns are allowed there powers and they can be removed easily.

>assuming of course that the legend is even true,

Granted. But the whole cartoon isn't true, so if we are going to put aside doubt to watch it, why not go all the way?
>The wendigoes seem to have been dead for a long time, because disharmony has been pretty prevalent all over the place and there's been utterly no sign of them

This is a very good point! And the Tree/Map/Mane 6 is a rather inefficient and volatile system compared to wendigos. Hmmmmm!!!!

Did The Founders transform the wendigoes into the Tree? Hmmm….
158527 158529
>We'll have to wait
I highly doubt they'll resolve it before the show ends next year, and I really wouldn't like to see them butcher the series any further than they already have, so any intricacy is likely gone for good, what we have now is all we have to work with. I should comb over the comics at some point.


Luna's fault, all she had to do was eat the god damned pancakes. As for Celestia, I'm inclined to believe she's already an avatar of harmony since at no point in show has she ever stopped expousing its values, going so far as to give twiggy the overweight piggy the boot and ordered her to make some god damn friends.

>All life

Except any life that isn't ponies, griffons were discordant, no wendigoes, no wrath, storm king was pulling his shit for a long time, no wendigoes, no wrath, at least until he threatened equestria


She ran away because everyone realised communism was shit and lost none of her powers, Twilight was able to block them because she's a super nerd.

>Cartoon isn't true

That's no excuse for inconsistent world building.

Also no, Starswirl literally just casted a spell and made the seed, the wendigoes had been gone before they were doing their thing, and it's strange to note that there was still disharmony at that point in time and no sign of wendigoes. I'm of the opinion that they're a made up legend, like all the other stories to facilitate cohesion.

There is something though, any time, any time Equestria is threatened they harness their social cohesion and use it as a weapon.
Checked again.

>Celestia, I'm inclined to believe she's already an avatar of harmony

This demonstrated Harmony's control over her. Do the Sister's say they have parents? Or could the Tree/Harmony have made them?

>Except any life that isn't ponies, griffons were discordant, no wendigoes, no wrath, storm king was pulling his shit for a long time, no wendigoes, no wrath, at least until he threatened equestria

Conceded. The reach of Harmony seems limited but it also seems to be growing. So maybe it is more of an invasion, or grey-goo like (Twilight's Castle, crystaline structures: Crystal Empire) mind virus (Obey!).

I suspect the Crystal Empire was a parallel attempt at Harmony which did not quite work (King Sombra), but is working better now.

>She ran away because everyone realised communism was shit and lost none of her powers, Twilight was able to block them because she's a super nerd.

Without the map they would not have been there to stop Starlight. The Map KNOWS ALL, IT SEES ALL.

In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrN-giomPgs Luna shows that the wendigos can return when needed. I would suggest wendigos are actual avatars of Harmony, they can be materialised when other options have been exhausted. Back when they first appear no other structure was available to Harmony, so wendigos are the default. Again we have the "how accurate is the portrayal of history" problem. But this scene might show that wendigos can return when needed as a final resort.

Wendigos are aliens taking over ponies minds!!!
158530 158535
In fact the weather is directly related to the emotional state of the ponies. The more disharmony the more cold it gets. The more harmony and the snow melts. Celestia being the pinnacle of harmony is also the sun. Because Equestria remains so harmonious the perpetual summer is such a problem they have to artificially induce winter! That is particularly amusing.
158533 158535
They also have to artificially induce spring, so I'm more inclined to believe that they're on a completely ecologically-devastated world that's only able to remain habitable because of the constant attention of its inhabitants.
77919__safe_lyra heartstri….jpg
Another alternative is they are on a planet centric system where the sun and moon oppositely orbit the fixed planet. This means that the planet can't have seasons because it has no axial tilt because it has no axis. But somehow nature needs seasons, so something bad did happen.

There are indications of human technology supporting it being "Planet of the Ponies" scenario too. We have seen dinosaur bones and car tires.
It's not clear what their origins are, some official sources have them from a city of alicorns, but that was A.K.R's thing and it was dropped. Others have them being born that way, which is kinda vague. The tree isn't even that old, but chronology of the series just handwaves everything off as 'over a thousand years ago'. We know Celestia first raised the sun 1111 years before the current time in the show, and it's been around 2-3 years since the first episode's events, she had her buttmark and was an alicorn before going to the tree to get the elements with Luna. The lore really is a clusterfuck and I'm not sure it'll ever be sorted out in any real way.

>So maybe it is more of an invasion, or grey-goo like (Twilight's Castle, crystaline structures: Crystal Empire) mind virus (Obey!).

This is your reminder that pic related looks very similar to another artifact in the crystal empire that keeps unnaturally cold weather at bay. >>158530 may be correct that their world is actually fucked, according to the map, there's ice north and there's ice south, and there's no sign of an equator, so it's likely the planet is in the middle of an ice age.


Conceded, whatever Starswirl did to make the seed to make the tree to make the map seems to be growing out of control. It hungers for more souls to add to the equestrian's psychic gestalt.

Also, the wendigoes seem to have returned because what's-her-face seems to have erased the hearthswarming event from time, meaning a certain artifact holding back extreme weather no longer exists.

Wendigoes are spirits drawn to disharmony, they grow more powerful in proportion to how fucked social cohesion is, like the tantabus grew more powerful in proportion to Luna's self pity and almost ripped its way through to real space(perils of the warp anyone?). Discord too seems to be this kind of entity, and considering he requires disorder to even exist probably indicates that magic shapes reality using thoughts/emotions/concepts as a medium.

Luna grew resentful and angry, Nightmare Moon.
Twilight got mad she couldn't figure something out, literally on fire.
Celestia wants to rule alone and unchallenged, Daybreaker. Presumably, it was all a dream
Sunset does evil things, turns into a daemon.
Scilight does evil things and lusts for more power, turns into a daemon.

They have to be calm and friendly or the magic they generate will warp the world into a barren, ashen hellscape.
Sol does have an axis and an axial tilt, however, despite being our own system's primary, so it's not out of the realm of possibility for a planet acting as a system primary to maintain an axis and an axial tilt. And even then (assuming our future knowledge of astronomy doesn't contradict this once we enter the Space Age) the planet would likely end up tidally locked anyways, with only a tiny band of habitable space in between a barren hellscape and a frozen wasteland with no day/cycle or seasons at all because the gravitational forces acting upon the planet would keep its sun on one side all the time. Which would actually make sense if, instead of Celestia and Luna raising and lowering the sun/moon, they were instead simply using their magic to force the planet to rotate.

I can believe a "Planet of the Ponies" situation, too. If you look at a map of Equestria and the griffon and dragon lands to the east, you can almost see what looks like North America split in half by an inland sea.
>she had her buttmark and was an alicorn before going to the tree to get the elements with Luna.

But the Tree has the Sun, Moon and the elements on it prior to all those butt marks. This means that the Tree is related to -or- is the planner of pony destiny. The ponies don't freely decide their own destiny, Harmony requires an organised pre-planned society. Cutie marks are the equivalent of submitting to your artificial eugenics destiny! And it is growing in reach.

>Conceded, whatever Starswirl did to make the seed to make the tree to make the map seems to be growing out of control. It hungers for more souls to add to the equestrian's psychic gestalt.

Discord, SAVE US!!!

>Wendigoes are spirits drawn to disharmony, they grow more powerful in proportion to how fucked social cohesion

You suggest they spontaneously arise from mental state energy. Where are the counterpart entities that emerge from cohesion? Where are the angels? Instead the wendigos seem to be guardians sent to punish according to an agenda. This is rule by fear from an external source. The ponies then have to self generate their own love. Why does Harmony only punish?

>like the tantabus grew more powerful in proportion to Luna's self pity and almost ripped its way through to real space

This was a dream world that may have made it into the real world. If true (does fear of = true) it is a property of the Alicorns, perhaps only Luna, we don't see any ponies making spirit beings, do we? And using Luna's song, and Tantabus together, could we say Luna planned to create wendigos? Is Luna the avatar of punishment and Celestia the avatar of reward? But Luna is having trouble grasping this and Harmony does to transmit information clearly. Luna is the dark one.

>They have to be calm and friendly or the magic they generate will warp the world into a barren, ashen hellscape.

Who makes the hell exactly?
158552 158554
What if the Equestrian sun is small and close? Admittedly it could not ignite…. unless the calamity stripped the sun AND the planet! :O

Alternatively, what if the humans annihilated themselves completely and they are now in a spirit world as ponies. In this Astral Plane they have more mental control over the environment but their psychology is still rooted in planets, houses, tables, chairs, etc. but it is slowly drifting away from obeying atom based physics.
And now you've lost me. I mean, so long as the force of gravity and expansion were kept equal, you could increase the density of the star while decreasing its mass in order to maintain its fusion processes at a satisfactory rate to keep it as an F, G, or K class star. Likely G or K.
Look how thicc her hips ar….png
MLP - Pony.png
>But the Tree has the Sun, Moon and the elements on it prior to all those butt marks.
Cutie marks existed before the tree was planted. What most people don't get about cutie marks is that it's not an imposed destiny, but a reflection of who you are on the inside already. Glimmer was essentially stealing/swapping pony souls.

>You suggest they spontaneously arise from mental state energy. Where are the counterpart entities that emerge from cohesion? Where are the angels?

Alicorns. Tree. Elements. Map. They shape their magic and are in turn shaped by it, as evidenced by what Sombra could do if he infected the crystal heart, which he even did in that alternate timeline to no punishment.

>we don't see any ponies making spirit beings, do we?

Implied that you need a lot of magic to be able to do it, and Celestia, Luna and Cadence have the most out there. Refer to pic 2 for the numbers. Luna's purpose seems to be to shepherd the mental wellbeing of ponies, considering she has a natural talent for dreamwalking and upon casting the spell to "dreamwalk" darkness spreads from her much like the darkness on her butt tattoo, though she's obviously not constrained to good dreams having created the Tantabus to give herself bad ones, she could go either or depending on her mood.

>Who makes the hell exactly?

"Ash". Or more accurately, the ponies themselves do when they go bad, when they go bad, their magic goes bad and becomes more destructive.

Though there's a contradiction there in the timeline Nightmare Moon ruled, nothing was really wrong, it was just night. There was even tourism.

The sun and the moon are not actually the sun and the moon, each celestial body somehow casts its associated time of day around it. It's an illusion.
But you have a lower limit of mass to cause ignition.

>All stars should be at least 8.7 percent as wide as our own sun


>Sun = 109 × Earth


>8.7% * 109 Earths ~ 9.5 Earths.

>Moon = 0.273 of Earth's


Sun minumum = 9.5 / 0.273 ~ 34 moon widths
But increased density can also create the required heat and energy for ignition to occur, potentially subverting the lower limit of mass.
643247__safe_princess luna….JPG
>Cutie marks existed before the tree was planted. What most people don't get about cutie marks is that it's not an imposed destiny, but a reflection of who you are on the inside already. Glimmer was essentially stealing/swapping pony souls.
But you are ruining my le edgy, stop it anon!!

Pic two is awesome autism but… pic#1 Raising the sun and moon depletes magic PERMANENTLY. Does Celestia have any power left? Is she weakening? Is Twilight the replacement? Will day and night be replaced with permanent twilight?

Pic #2: Star Swirl claimed not to know what the sun and moon iconography means on the Tree. Did Star Swirl lie?
Who did that?
>Who did that?
I'm afraid I don't understand the question.
158572 158577
You are speculating that the sun is being artificially influenced. Who are you attributing this action to? Since we are fantasising.
158565 158569 158575
Only for regular unicorns, somewhere in that journal it says that raising the sun and moon 'reset' Luna and Celestia which is why they never age and never die and never run out of power. That book, however, was written before the finale of season 7, so it's no longer canon, the lore is a complete clusterfuck because they can't for the life of them stop changing shit. We have to assume he did lie if we want anything in the book to be true to lore.

Wow, this has gone way off track from whether or not Equestria has anarchism.
Fun = board activity. :D

Harmony is a conspiracy! The Tree/Harmony is now using cutie marks for it's own purpose (if not always was) by making them flash. This could override the presumed self-destiny of ponies. *blink* *blink* report to your crystalline authority for mobilisation! Ponies are being drafted.
158575 158580
>Wow, this has gone way off track from whether or not Equestria has anarchism.
158590 158595
If I were to hazard a guess, possibly some precursor civilization. You don't get a world as fantastical as this, with inhabitants gifted with such literal magical abilities, while still needing this much direct intervention to even function properly, without outside influence. Perhaps the entire planet is an artificial construction, designed as a xenological preserve, life-seeding project, or a giant biological research study, before the precursors died out or simply abandoned their creations to the ravages of time, and the ponies having to control the planet's weather systems, seasons, animal and plant behavior, and even the planet's rotation itself is the result of the planet's automated systems slowly shutting down over the course of thousands or millions of years.
Wow. Maybe we need to create a new thread just for this discussion?
>being artificially influenced
Nope its just how the physics of larger stars operate, the density of the core creates an imbalance due to the amount of radiation ejected which makes larger stars less dense then smaller stars.
It's not specifically the cutie marks that flash and blink, remember when Spike got drafted? No butt tattoo, so his spines got used instead, and it only seems to be those connected to Twilight in some way, Spike because she used her magic to hatch him and Starlight because she fucked with the map AND helped fix it. I don't know if that's changed in season 8, though, and I don't care either. Fuck that school, fuck those students and fuck those messages sideways with a stick.

Pony magic has become conscious and developed a will of its own, but that will can be bent by its users.

You can't stop the fading of the first flame.
158595 158599
What if the Tree is a mere branch of the artificially intelligent planetary core manufacturing a top down environment where life can no longer create the thing it naturally tends towards - self annihilation. Harmony is an AI, Crystals are nano-machines in a mesh network.
Run with it here we need new ideas and content :) Why is Twilight called Twilight SPARKLE? Is it stars or crystals that SPARKLE? Is her name correctly translated as THE TWILIGHT OF THE CRYSTALS?
AI confirmed. Pony Terminators on the rise.
What I don't understand is to have "ignition" and light we have a minimum size/mass starting point. So to make it smaller and avoid tidal lock we need to achieve ignition and end up will small size ultimately. Some additional event is needed.
Nanomachines, filly! They harden in response to harmful feelings!
158601 163162
The use of cutey marks as a flashing device is a sign of the intent to co-op cutie maks meaning. It says "I own cutie marks now." It could have chosen to flash anything, instead it chose to control cutie marks. Twilights speciality is magic, why is she not an academic researcher/scholar? Why is she instead warrior for the crystal conspiracy?

There is no magic, mess of nano-machines make up the environment overlaid with some nature of limited viability due to past disaster.

>you can't stop the fading of the first flame.



158607 158610
>Is it stars or crystals that SPARKLE?
On one hand, her cutie mark is clearly represented by a cluster of stars (or at least starburst patterns), and she has a clear interest in astronomy in addition to her other magical studies and magical prowess.

On the other, she lives in a crystal castle, and crystals themselves seem to be a stand-in for modern electronics and semiconductors for their ability to conduct the same magical energies unicorns can tap into, and unlike nonrenewable silicon, they literally grow from seemingly nothing, and aren't so much mined as they are farmed like crops. Hell, the only other race of ponies besides unicorns who can "cast" magic of their own are MADE out of crystal or at least have many similar properties to crystals.
Makes sense. Nano-machines being duplicates would be crystalline in look at scale meshed together.
The natural pony is merging with the crystal agenda…. slowly… not seeing the threat but adopting it as a destiny. Can it be more insidious? What is this artificial final form of the natural pony… pic related. The Crystal Pony.
I disagree, he molested all of Equestria without consent and left them all, mares, stallions and foals as twitching messes.

Maud even says there are magical and non magical crystals, and the magical ones are worth a lot more.

The 'first flame' the flame of friendship during the first hearthswarming became crystallised and they named it the crystal heart, they must have taken it north where it turned the ponies to crystal.

Flurry had the right idea.
Whenever the Crystal Heart activates, notice the magic it releases turns any nearby non-Crystal Ponies into Crystal Ponies, at least temporarily…

…If you spent enough time around it, perhaps even for just a couple generations, would it then turn you into a Crystal Pony…permanently?

Would it be a sign that you've been assimilated into the greater gestalt intelligence of the planet? Made…compatible with it? Would you even care at that point?
158621 158681
>I disagree, he molested all of Equestria without consent and left them all, mares, stallions and foals as twitching messes.

They are all sympathisers with the crystal invaders. Tyrek merely turned there power to its proper function.. stopping the spread of the crystal nano-tech. Should life be replaced by machines? If life submits are they not already wanting doom? Should ponies be biological or a mesh of small machines?

>>Maud even says there are magical and non magical crystals, and the magical ones are worth a lot more.

>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

>The 'first flame' the flame of friendship during the first hearthswarming became crystallised and they named it the crystal heart, they must have taken it north where it turned the ponies to crystal.

>Flurry had the right idea.

Sombra did nothing wrong.
Tyrek did nothing wrong.
Chrysalis did nothing wrong.
Starlight did nothing wrong.
Flurry Heart did nothing wrong.
You could have prevented this.

Natural disorder shall fall to the crystal order. Pic #2
You've been warned… turn back now!
Would the large crystals deposits in the Frozen North be naturally formed…or are they the result of the Crystal Heart's influence having an effect on the land. What if it can also serve as a terraforming device?
What if it is a symbiosis between fragile life and nano-tech repair. The "ice" wastes are reserves of nanites. Keeping the nanites at bay is exactly the same as keeping the best attitude. This is how the weather is controlled. Be good, no Ice Age of nanites. The AI seeks out disorder of a nature that can lead to wars of mutual annihilation. Life has self-adapted to avoid being threatening and evolves as cute pastel ponies from the pressure of the AI imposed artificial punishment. The AI is experimenting with the best strategy; Crystal Empire, Tree of Harmony, spreading crystals around, infecting ponies with nano-tech leading to "magic" and/or crystallization. A final strategy has not been settled on for the whole planet. It has the upper hand, ponies survive if they obey. And now the nanites are merging with the biology….
I have to run off, I'll come back and play later.

Why is it called the Crystal EMPIRE? But Equestria is only Equestria?
Yeah. Why wouldn't it be called the Principality of Equestria?

I might have to reconsider "Sombra did nothing wrong."

>King Sombra is a male initially-umbrum unicorn, the former tyrannical ruler of the Crystal Empire, and the antagonist of the season three premiere and the IDW comics' thirteenth story arc. Princess Celestia tells Twilight Sparkle that he took over the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago but was banished into the frozen north. Before his banishment, King Sombra put a curse on the Crystal Empire which made it vanish into thin air. When the Empire returns, so does Sombra, who attempts to retake it. He is defeated by Princess Cadance and the Crystal Ponies' use of the Crystal Heart, later returning again with help from Radiant Hope and eventually reforming.


I'll suggest that Sombra was the initial violent attempt of the crystals to take over ponies. This failed and initiated the Tree of Harmony attempt using "friendship". Crystals play both sides of the "conflict", ponies submit to Crystals.
explain this please
Ok sure: https://archive.is/RrKgV
I'm pretty sure Equestria is just a constitutional monarchy. The monarch has absolute power but promises to only use it when shit hits the fan. Rural villages can farm and shit, other villages can have steam shit and factories, local governments have all the power. The only rule they have to obey is "Be good to ponies and don't piss Celestia off".
… or the crystals.
Lets look at this deal
>keep one person well fed
>they will save us feom the jews and niggers
Worthwhile deal tbh.
In general I think that there should be as much power as possible to the individual as possible but there are still things that to big for individuals and should be managed by some kind of institution like border protection and takind care of the weak (old, kids, sicks) so I am kinda fine with this.
161460 161485
The real question we need an answer to is, if all humans were totally free how many would act evilly? We need to know that percentage to the ascertain if humans deserve freedom and how much.
You ever play the video game Rust? Yeah, its a shortcut to losing all faith in humanity
Also, DayZ. However, video games cannot be used as a testing ground for social behavior. People intrinsically know that there are no real-world consequences to actions in game and the most harm they inflict on others is emotional irritation. Hence why there aren't more and more mass shootings as a result of vidya games, as moral guardians warned.

This may be different for psychopaths, who treat life as a game.
161489 161500
I think a more relevant question is what type of personal freedom affords the most opportunity for evil people to do evil on a scale that actually makes a difference? My guess is the percentage of "evil" people tends to be pretty consistent no matter what sort of government you have, and evil people are likely to always find ways to do evil. The question is what kind of system enables them to do the most harm?

The impression I have of old-style feudal monarchies is that it really wasn't a top-down power structure where the king had huge amounts of influence and authority over the common man. If anything it seems like there was a pretty big distance between the king and the individual subjects he ruled and the system was better for it overall. Kings seem to have primarily dealt with other kings and their own vassal lords, and although their decisions and proclamations affected the common people, they didn't micromanage law and order in peasant communities. My understanding is that towns and villages during the middle ages mostly either managed their own affairs or would appeal to the local lord to resolve disputes. Towns in particular were pretty independent communities and were mostly governed by tradesman's guilds; they owed fealty and taxes to the king but the king didn't really govern or regulate them, or get involved in their local politics. A medieval tradesman living under the technical authority of a king probably had more practical freedom to earn a living as he pleased than a modern business owner living under Federal regulation.

It's also my understanding that local communities were more or less free to dispense their own justice and make their own local rules. All justice was technically done in the name of the king, and the king could make broad proclamations criminalizing certain types of behavior, but in practical terms law and order was mostly handled locally. If you lived in some remote village somewhere and someone in the village was a pedophile, the village could decide on its own to hang the guy and it's pretty unlikely the king or even the local lord would want to intervene. By contrast in a system like ours individuals have legally defined rights, and there are legally defined processes for how to deal with criminals. So basically if your neighbor is a pedophile and you know he's a pedophile that's not enough. You have to catch him doing something illegal or have proof that he did something illegal, and even then he has to go through trial where it has to be proven, and the penalty depends on what specific crime he's convicted of.

I was watching that show The Wire a few months ago and I was struck by how ridiculous our legal system can really be. Basically the show is about cops who try to take down drug dealers in Baltimore, which is one of the blackest cities in the US. The cops have to take the nigs down according to the law, while the nigs expend most of their IQ points figuring out ways to sell drugs and murder each other in ways that allow them to barely circumvent being arrested. So the cops have to sit on these corners and watch these dealers sell drugs, and even though they know perfectly well they are selling drugs they can't arrest them until they slip up and do something that gives them a legal justification to arrest them. Even once they're caught and arrested they usually just get a bullshit sentence and end up back on the street eventually, and even if they manage to bust a king nig and put him away for a long time it just creates an opportunity for some other nig to take the first nig's place as king nig. Meanwhile there's all these lawyers and local politicians getting rich by exploiting all of this in various ways. It's like watching people play a game.

Constitutional government has its advantages, but when everything runs according to a legal mechanism, all an evil person needs to do is figure out how to exploit the mechanism. I tend to think a more organic system would curb this somewhat. In theory a king has absolute power and it would stand to reason that an evil king could do a lot of harm. However in practice a king's power is dependent on the support of vassals, and a king has to focus most of his attention dealing with affairs of state. Meanwhile an elected official like a President or a Governor controls a portion of a large legal mechanism that affects the entire country and has a lot of room for exploitation. A commoner community living under the rule of an evil king could probably still deal with drug dealers and rapists as it saw fit, whereas the same community living under the impartial rule of law has its hands tied by the law in terms of how it deals with crime. An evil defense attorney who makes a living figuring out ways to get reduced sentences for drug dealers has less technical power than an evil king, but his use of the limited power he holds does more direct harm to his local community than a king would be likely to.
So, you'd be in favor of a decentralized government, then?
>villages/communities deciding punishment
As much as I can respect this, I really don't see it leading to a much better outcome.

Think about this for a situation. In some rural town, there's a feud going on between two families over their opposing lumber businesses. Family 1 decides to end it decisively. Information is 'discovered' that most of family 2 has been systematically raping children. Of course the entire town is enraged, baying for blood, and rightfully so, seeing as they 'know' that there are pedophiles in their midst. In fact, they're so angry that they don't even think that family 2 might be innocent, that they might have been set up. Instead, 12 people who didn't do anything are dragged out of their homes and hung, while the rest fall into poverty and die hated after their jail time is over. Family 1, now without any competitors and the added hero status of uncovering pedophiles, proceeds to establish a stranglehold over the town that lasts until the next slimy bastard to come along fucks them over.

Humans are vicious, brutal, stupid things if we aren't bound by impartial systems. We tend to dispense justice quickly, but that also comes at a price. We overlook things. We makes stupid mistakes. Obvious things go unnoticed. This is only compounded when there's someone at the front, a figurehead, to follow into the fray. Never mind that a good amount of charismatic leaders are also irredeemably evil manipulators. What if some powerful imam managed to whip his community into a frenzy and send them building to building hunting down and murdering Christians? How about an honest to god communist disposing of the political opposition by telling the people that they are killing and jailing unrepentant cocaine dealers who were trying to get the youth addicted? Or a sadist and psychopath who gets a raging boner from seeing the final jerking motions of a woman who was just hung and knows how to talk to a crowd? This would be perfectly fine under middle age law, and intolerably likely if applied to the modern day. And god help if some town got a lord that was anything like most politicians today.

Our legal system, slow, obtrusive, and loophole filled as it is, tends to let people think. Instead of just rushing into punishment and being done with it, it lets the evidence simmer. Sometimes, people that were almost undoubtedly guilty are revealed to be innocent. Occasionally, someone who was thought to be guiltless is shown to have masterminded the entire crime. Sometimes things get through, that can't be avoided, but it's certainly better at it than any town or lord's lightning fast and potentially influenced judgement. I'm not saying that I like what we have now, and I really do want to believe that a monarchy would turn out well on the community level, but right now I just don't see it happening.

that get makes it real.
Ha ha! Welcome back.

just like godzilla earth… the enviroment adapted to the great destroyer.
Also nano metal started to do that too absorving the surroundings…

like the chaos seeds discord left long ago…

Magic in fact is some nano tech acting at subatomic level and concentrated in equestria and ponyville crytal castle is the epicenter.

this mae sme think.. before Celestia who moved the sun??

is the moving sun just an holographic magicall thing over equestria and not seen like that in other kigndoms outside…

and maybe not even holographic but only seen in the minds of ponies…

so much implications…