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Archived thread

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156440 156638
>What’s this thread about?
Every night we listen to a police scanner based in Chicago. You will hear of shootings, beatings, dead bodies being found, mobs of 20+ people fighting in the street, people fighting in McDonalds parking lots, attempted suicides, gunshots, “fireworks” and sassy dispatch ladies. It will be comfy.
ROBERT is the hero Chiraq needs but doesn't deserve; His nemesis is MALE BLACK, a notorious thief, murderer, and general rapscallion. By night they battle for the fate of the city.


>CPD Dispatch Stream:

>Same feed with ambient music:
>For Ambiance:


>Chicago cops aren't even issued fucking armor by their shithole city.
>Get Behind the Vest donation drive:
>The Chicago Police Department Memorial Fund (ALSO GET SOME SWEET MERCH):


>Shootings Scoreboards:

>Chicago Racial Demographics:
>Chiraq Gangland Map:
>Police Codes:
>Chicago Police Dept. Directives:
>Related twitter

>COPS is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement.
>All dindus dindu nuffin untill proven in a court of law
I don't think there's a better theme for a police thread
Also some visuals.

>Male Black firing gun into car (a while ago)

>Male Black flashes gun
>Male Black firing gun
>Male Black holding gun while being chased by tired Robert
>Crazy Mother smashing windows
>White Male trying to sell kids (did I hear that right?)
>another shooting
>Male Black involved in cta stabbing
Tonight's shaping up!
Sounds comfy. Maybe I'll join sometime.
>Entire pallets of Yellow Pages
>State Police chasing car
>Robert in pursuit
>Male Black threatening people on train platform
>Shots heard by Burger King
>Two Males shot at parked vehicle
>Everybody out here is wearing a white shirt and jeans
>Whoever's talking about drywall WATCH YOUR KEYS
>Hit and run chased by motorcycle
>Threatened with knife and choked
>Shots fired at man and girlfriend
>Shots fired by gang members
>Gang bangers getting ready to fight
>Group of gang bangers on corner throwing bottles, drinking, smoking mariguana
>Group of 30 outside drinking doing drugs, possible weapons
>Fighting in alley
>Female threatening suicide
>Older Male Black trying to cross expressway
>Hit and run again
>Vehicle hit dog and sped off, DOGGO IS OK

I probably missed quite a bit, I was away.
Confirmed suicide 5:35 AM (UT)

Young female threatens to jump into oncoming train, hangs up.

DAVID - Missing on arrival
Based anon.
It's hard to keep up with all the shit going on.
>Young female threatens to jump into oncoming train, hangs up.
Bitch ain't gonna do it she just wants attention.
People committing suicide usually want to be stopped.
It could have been a real attempt, depending on how/when she hung up, it could have been real.
I've dealt with people with suicidal thoughts. It's like an internal conflict between their suffering of life vs their desire to live.
Since it's chicago, she's better off dead.
>Male Black beating White Female at Hospital
>Another hit and run
>People running breaking car windows
>Shots fired again
>Battery in progress, man dragged woman out of Papa Johns
>Male Whites looking into houses and climbing in windows
>Two victims struck in hit and run
>Male said to Female he's going to blow her head off
>Man pulls gun in Gas station
>Shots fired again (again)
>Intoxicated Male hit his head and is bleeding
>Fireworks disturbance
>Sister's boyfriend hitting her
>Battery in progress, group fighting
>Man followed hit and run driver to Pine Grove
>Group of 20 teenagers walking around, blocking traffic
>Man in wheelchair on ground
>Another battery in progress
>Group of gang bangers on corner flashing signs, one White with gun, rest are hispanic
>Ex throwing rocks at windows
>Male Hispanic robbed man at gun point
>Another hit and run (had to call twice)
>Male Blacks selling liquor out of car
>lots of hit and runs tonight
>Loud party
>Domestic disturbance
>Two Males about to fight at restaurant
>Another shots fired
>Another domestic
>2-3 Male Blacks yelling at SUV looks like a fight
>Gangbangers hanging out at school basketball court making noise
>Intoxicated man in parked car
>Another domestic disturbance
>Male Black threatened to shoot Female Black
>Battery in progress, Male beating wife and kids
9 shots fired so far give or take the many I missed, night everyone.
sounds fun
>Male White verbally threatening bartender
>Males hanging out around gas station walking back and forth
>House broken into
>Man can't get up, girlfriend coming
>More fireworks
>Domestic, aggressive husband
>Loud party
>"Bullseye, today's the day, we're gonna have fun."
and our first shots fired of the night!
Robert ponified.png
>11 year old boy with no shoes, says his mom threatened to kill him.
>Domestic and person with gun, possibly related
>Shots fired
>More fireworks
>"Say that again in English."
>Person hit by vehicle
>Two Males fighting
>Domestic, boyfriend trying to take car
>Shot fired or fireworks, it was just fireworks
>More fireworks
>Male banging on doors, smoking
>Person shot, in trauma
>Person sitting in garage with car running
>Fire hydrant open, kids running around, even more fireworks
>Criminal damage, man throwing fireworks at callers window
>Battery in progress
>2 gang disturbances
>Shots fired, caller saw 2 males standing on corner, heard 12 shots
>Watch your keys
>Shots fired again
>100 people block party, some of them reported to have have guns
>Nobody wanted to investigate two crashes on highway now it's backed up
>Male hispanic highly intoxicated
>Two people outside still fighting
>Man walking to corner has gun
>Suspicious person, Male Hispanic sitting out front
>Loud music on rooftop, about two football fields away
>Some parties getting shut down
>Male snooping around front yard
>Live band in front yard, its 11:30
>Fireworks hitting open windows of house
>Female Black drinking out of liquor bottle, Male BLack smoking, with group of five others
>Cocaine and weed hit her stomach
>Another loud party
>Liquid on street, motorcycle slipped, other vehicles are slipping too
>Person threatening to kill bus driver because she left him
>Victim at hospital, one gunshot wound on right arm, good condition
>Gang bangers drinking outside
>Male unconscious on curb
>People on bus highly intoxicated
>Crowd gathering for cameras
>10 guys hanging out in alley, drinking
>Male Black driving, has gun
>2 Males in knife fight, Male Hispanic has knife

Also art
>Male and Female fighting in front of bar
>2 Male Blacks with guns
>Battery in progress, Male beating Female in car, Female was screaming for help
>Male pointing gun at caller
>Male Hispanic threatening to kill Female
>Male White on back porch with flash light
>Male Black looks to be in distress
>Battery in Progress in front of taco shop, several people involved
>Shots fired, caller heard 5 shots
>Shots fired, 7 shots from backyard
>Kids drinking on school grounds
>2-3 people in Roberts face, NEEDS HELP
>Male pepper sprayed callers car, has gun
>Person pulled into jeep against their will, Jeep took off
>2 weapons recovered from alley
>Shots fired
>Female White pulls gun on male she was arguing with
>Male Whites fighting outside
>Male being followed by vehicle
>Man in abandoned building pulled gun on caller
>More fireworks
>Disturbance, tenets purposefully stomping on floors
>Ex boyfriend threatening him (caller)
>Male on porch unresponsive
>Male Black playing with knife
>Male and Female Black screaming at each other
>Male caller says Female is holding him hostage, uncooperative, hung up
>Hit and run on parked car
>Car parked outside caller's house for a while
>Domestic Battery, Girlfriend slapped caller, refusing to leave bathroom
>~35 yo Male intoxicated, half naked yelling at people
>Loud Mariachi music being played
>Some more fireworks (we can expect this until the 4th)
>Need to start clearing blocks out
>Battery in progress Male on Male
>Male beating up another Male on the bus
>Shots fired
>Bicycle struck by open car door (its 1:00 AM who the fuck is riding a bike at 1 in the morning)
>Missing person
>Another Domestic
>Burglary in process, caller heard door get kicked in, someone on first floor
>Female attacked by Black Male, he is now at 7-11
>Intoxicated driver hit many vehicles, still moving
>Male hispanic hit several cars, got out walked away
>Male hit Female in face, took purse and vehicle
>Boyfriend not allowing caller to leave basement
>Shots fired
>Male White has gun in pocket
>Violent Male, under the influence
>Another drunk driver
>Shots fired again
I thought I was the only one that did this for fun, only difference being I'd listen to Flint MI police scanner instead of Chicago
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This is so sad, black people were a mistake
I used to lurk the /cpd/ threads on 4/pol/ a while ago before I was b&, so I figured I would just bring it here.
Diversity is our strength anon
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Potentially highly interesting thread for documenting real life crimes in real time.
>Patient threatening doctor in ER
>Male White pushing a shopping cart down the street
>73 yo father having suicidal thoughts, threatening to kill everyone in the house
>Burglar alarm at library
>Domestic disturbance
>Another domestic, boyfriend spit on caller's face
>Homeless drinking in alley, being loud
>Another burglar alarm
>2nd floor tenet threatened caller
>Burglary in progress
>Male White walking dogs, stopped and broke callers rear window
>Road rager threw bottle at caller's car
>Person attempted to rob caller at gun point
>Domestic, man threatening to beat woman up, baby in apartment
>SHOTS FIRED, 2 heard, Robert thinks it's just fireworks
>Domestic 2nd call, boyfriend now beating woman
>Person having seizure(idk why police are getting this?)
>Female victim of robbery, with friend, phone was taken
>People throwing fireworks at caller's window
>Domestic, Man arguing, breaking things, want him removed
>Another domestic, Man throwing things
>Robert following shoplifters, took 1 bottle of booze
>People loitering and drinking
>Man screaming at people across the street
>Domestic battery, boy in dispute with baby's mother who spit in his face
>Male Black looking though window, checking doors
>Shots fired #2
>Several Male Blacks holding sister Hostage, pulled guns when he tried to get her out
>5 people jumping boyfriend, have guns
>Caller found house door open
>Abandoned vehicle
>Domestic, intoxicated woman breaking windows
>Male Black with a few others walking down street, has gun with an extended clip

Seemed like a slower night but might be heating up, not cold or rainy tonight, maybe people have work in the morning.

Is listening to scanners (relatively) popular in Germany and the UK?
>Caller spotted smoke above trees, turns out to be garage fire
>31 Robert needs the second wagon
>Robbery of walgreens in progress, robber still in parking lot
>Male in blue nissan parked in driveway, offender's girlfriend is across street
>Male Hispanic with knife walking around gas station
>"Is this part of your mission?" "Uh yeah we'll go with that"
>Robert not responding to his radio, he's OK
>Shots fired #3, 3 round shot at building
>Battery in progress, women fighting outside
>Teens loitering by playground
>Battery, both fighters are intoxicated
>OVER 40 people fighting on corner
>Black 4 door keeps circling area
>Anonymous caller says people are killing each other, nothing further
>Battery in progress
>Step-mom in chevy tahoe is intoxicated
>Another burglar alarm
>Male Black came out of bar, throwing bottles at passing cars
>Man punched intoxicated girlfriend in face
>Trailer has been blocking street for 5 days
>Skylark bar, man on floor not responding
>Music disturbance
>Males with a gun walked behind caller
>Highly intoxicated female
>Shots fired, car hit callers car, saw male and female running from alley
>Person in car is shot, doesn't look good
>Male Black trying to procure prostitutes, playing loud music, has gun
>2 Males pushed 2 intoxicated females into their van
>House alarm went off, caller with kids
>Assault in convenience store, Male White offender
>Suspicious person walking around backyard
>Assault with bat in progress
Weeknights tend to have less action, 4th should be fun though, maybe listen to Fire and EMS for stupid drunks starting fires during the day and niggers getting into wizard fights at night.


>Robert pursuing car through alley
>"White Hispanic Males"
>Male in yard, looks like he's hiding from police, similar description of man who was in cemetary in earlier call
>Shots fired, 2 males shot out car windows
>Caller choked by unknown Male Black with knife
>Suspect who was wearing red and blue shirt is now shirtless
>Male shot out car window, Male victim being retrieved to ID offenders
>Domestic on beach
>People shooting and setting off fireworks
>Person down by bank, EMS not responding
>Male on motorized scooter walking dog down the middle of the street
>Disturbance, Male White yelling in parking lot
>"Hey where are the white women at?" "What was that?"
>2 different houses playing loud music on same street
>Mother with kids left keys and phone on bus
>More fireworks
>Suspect has warrant in Washington, can't find out what for though
>Domestic, Son-in-Law kicking in doors, jumping on daughter, she's running from house
>Fireworks set off in DP lot
>More loud music, fireworks and a bonfire
>Criminal trespassing, homeless people doing drugs
>Male and Female Black, broke into garage
>Male on front steps, under the influence
>Woman refusing to pay restaurant bill
>OD victim
>Shirtless Male yelling at caller in car
>Mother with down syndrome son and diabetes inflicted daughter kicked out of apartment need help finding somewhere to go
>Male threatening to kick gangangers ass
>Male trying to beat down door
>Male choking and beating Female Black next to car
>Shots fired
>People sleeping in passage way
>Male Black throwing objects out of window while driving
>Son is high on drugs needs to go to hospital
>Mother's boyfriend in front of house threatening to kill them
>6 Male Hispanic gangbangers throwing bottles at vehicles (I think we've had this call before)
>Male passed out on ground with food all over him
>Male procuring prostitute "trying to fill herself"
>6-8 Male Hispanics fighting on sidewalk, possibly 1 female
>Domestic with possibly drunk son who won't leave
>Dumpster on fire
>Shots fired again, 4-5 shots
>Wellness check, 18yo high on xanax and cocaine, possibly in underwear, mother doesn't know where he is
>More shots fired
>Robbery, gold chain taken off her by Male Hispanic at gun point
>Domestic, couple fighting
>3 cars broke into company, stealing from crates
>Male White lurking in alley
>Caller found door open, looks tampered with
>Male Hispanic, waiting outside gas station to beat caller
>Shots fired
>Jeep vs parked car, victim in ER
>Female waving a gun around outside
>Shots fired in alley
>More shots fired
>Female Black tried to rob caller
I'm glad you guys started this on mlpol. I'm ready for some 4th of July
Warm night, lots of fireworks around me, wonder what will be on the scanner tonight.

>Fireworks disturbance

>Male banging caller's car with baseball bat
>Male Black driving towards Pulaski and Cicero, has gun
>Fireworks along bike trail
>Battery in progress
>Burglary alarm
>Fireworks going off sound like m80s
>Open keys
>Still open
>Male Black, weapon in hand in parking lot, told customer they're going to rob a gas station
>Male intoxicated walking down sidewalk yelling at himself
>Male Black lying on sidewalk next to truck with door open
>Male Black walking around Union Center with a gun
>"Units you need to quit clicking that radio"
>Female, passed out but breathing
>Battery in progress
>SHOTS FIRED, two guys taking turns shooting a gun and fireworks in an alley
>Hit and run
>Car traveling north bound, open door, no driver
>Suspicious person, Male White running and screaming up Damen
>15 Male Blacks setting off fireworks
>Shots Fired by people with fireworks
>Intoxicated Male in pickup truck threatening to shoot up burger king
>Assault in progress
>Male White near Damen, shirtless, walking in circles near park
>Assault in progress, Female Black attacking caller
>Battery in progress, Male being beat up
>Domestic, woman having dispute with intoxicated boyfriend in basement
>Female in water at Rainbow Beach Park, having trouble breathing
>Male with gun in waistband
>2 Males fighting on corner
>Domestic, Father threatening daughter
>Fireworks on beach
>Male outside threatening customers with gun
>Male White, driving up and down street slowly, been doing it for years
>Caller struck and stuck in a pothole
>Weird noises over scanner, radio keeps getting clicked
>Bike stolen
>Male Black pointed gun at caller after running red light
>Shots fired, 5 shots heard
>Dumpster on fire
>Curfew investigation
>Caller hit by neighbor's fireworks
>Domestic, girlfriend won't let him leave
>Another Domestic, girl with intoxicated boyfriend
>Sister throwing objects, she's bipolar
>Another Domestic, cousin and "babyfather" fighting
>Prisoner being moved to hospital
>Male Black has a gun
>People fighting in parking lot, one has knife
>Young Male White with tire iron breaking car shop windows
>Delivery driver yelling at caller, throwing things at door
>Shots fired, Male hispanic fired 2 shots
>People fighting in lot, throwing rocks at eachother
>Drag racers in alley
>Domestic on beach, Female Black have dispute with daughter
>Daughter says ex-boyfriend is outside door threatening her, kicking and banging on door
>Domestic, Female arguing with daughter, telling her to remove her things from home
>Disturbance, Intoxicated Male offering caller drugs
>Shots fired, 7+ shots fired
>Intoxicated Shirtless Male arguing with people
>Disturbance, Loud Party, OVER 200 people playing loud music, shooting fireworks
>Another Disturbance, College kids playing loud music
>Domestic, Female Hispanic having dispute with intoxicated son who locked her out of apartment
>Husband on porch with one of her children
>More fireworks, hitting powerlines
>Shots fired, 7 shots heard, 3 Male Blacks saw running
>"You guys need to listen to your radios you keep cutting eachother off"
>Battery in progress, BP station, 2 Male Blacks, one homeless, one a customer
>Caller intoxicated, jumped by 4-5 males, waiting at bar
>Drunk Male Hispanic in restaurant threatening employees
>Homeless Male on train being threatened by 2 Males, one has a knife
>Person with knife at train station
>More fireworks
>Live band in backyard, its 12:30
>Domestic, roommates fighting
>Possible DUI on Ohio going westbound
>Battery, boyfriend hit caller took phone and ran
>Residence alarm went off
>EMS needs Robert, person bleeding, being hysterical
>Domestic, intoxicated boyfriend needs to be removed
>Disturbance, Males congregating
>Gang of people fighting on porch
>Veterans Hospital, Male victim with laceration above eye walked in, won't give any information
>Female in 20s trying to cut herself
>Intoxicated Female Hispanic, harassing people
>Domestic battery, boyfriend hit caller
>Auto Accident, hit and run with silver Honda Civic
>Indiana plate not on file
>Battery in progress, people in hallway fighting, Female screaming
>Male passed out on sidewalk
>3 unknown adults on porch, drinking and urinating
>EMS at McDonald's, Male on ground holding chest asking for police
>Gangbangers in alley trying to fight caller's family
>Robbery, 2 Male Hispanic armed with gun robbed caller, took phone which has tracker, shows its at car dealership
>Shots fired
>Domestic, caller having dispute with son and wife
>Suspicious person, Male and Female Hispanic with pitbull looking through caller's window
>Male White, pulled behind caller's car got out and stretched, got back in but now unseen
>5 Males on corner shooting fireworks at passing cars
>Robbery in progress, caller uncooperative
>Assault in progress, Male and Female fighting in front of Target
>Caller says Female on 3rd floor sounds like she's getting beat
>Person down, 40yo Male lying in street yelling
>Shots fired, 7 shots, caller doesn't know if he was shot
>Husband trying to fight wife in Pizzaria parking lot
>Female shot in left leg
>20 people parked on sidewalks, loud music drinking
>Domestic, caller want's boyfriend out of house, Male heard screaming in background
>Intoxicated Male threatening people
>71 yo Male caller, a bit lost and confused
>More Shots fired
>People came back to play music and drink after police cleared them
>Person with knife threatening family members, left now but still has knife
>Male Black in SUV tried to lure caller in
>6 people fighting in street
>Male and Female fighting in alley
>Male Black, driving aggressively and recklessly
>Unknown person ding-dong-ditching caller
Happy 4th of July!, thunderstorms tonight, you'd think that means no one is going to go out to set off fireworks or commit crimes, but I can hear thunder and explosions so that's a good sign we'll hear about some criminal behavior.

>Fireworks disturbance

>Auto accident
>"Go!" *Sounds of Robert running*
>Male Black, no shirt, beating woman in vehicle
>More fireworks
>Robert is going to help a man find his lost great dane
>Male threatening callers with a gun
>SHOTS FIRED, 8-9 shots
>Found 80yo Female, seems dazed and confused
>*Dispatch lists off many fireworks disturbances*
>Caller found door open
>People fighting with bottles, brother-in-law has baseball bat, broke all the windows
>People throwing fireworks in garbage cans
>Intoxicated friend walking away from caller through traffic
>Domestic dispute with ex-wife
>People fighting in front of building
>Caller met woman who says she was beaten
>Rico Rodriguez stabbed, taken to ER by GF
>EMS requesting a Robert, Male Black breathing but unresponsive on back porch, caller says he doesn't live there
>Male shot in the leg in alley
>Battery in progress in alley
>Male bleeding from head
>Fighting in an alley
>Domestic, intoxicated Male wants Female removed
>"White T-shirt, blue jeans!" - Running Robert
>Robert clarifies, caller was shot at not shot
>Fireworks disturbance
>More fireworks
>Male Black refusing to leave drive-thu
>Shots fired, Robert hears gunshot near his location
>Male laying down in street
>Shots fired, caller heard gunshots while taking a corner
>Group of teenagers in park
>Boyfriend beat girlfriend
>Car rolling around shooting fireworks at people
>Another Robert, heard gunshots
>Battery in progress, 3 intoxicated Males fighting
>Gang disturbance, gang members attacking house
>Battery in progress, 2 Males fighting in front of chocolate factory
>Male White on mattress, exposing himself, "That's what men do", "Probably out of fireworks"
>Caller just attacked and robbed
>People throwing balls across the street
>3 Male Hispanics, one has gun
>Person blocking driveway
>Woman attacked and robbed by Male
>Intoxicated friend came over, aggressive, can't control him
>Robbery in progress is now a Battery in progress
>Male on bike is bleeding from back of head
>People running through yards into alley, flailing guns in the air
>DUI, 2 intoxicated in station wagon
>Male Black refusing to leave train
>2 Male Blacks standing on corner with guns
>*siren sounds*
>35-6 Check your key
>35-6 Open Key
>Check your key
>*sirens sounds*
>Burglar alarm
>Caller battered at bar
>5 Male hispanics flashing gang signs and lifting up their shirts to reveal guns
>Shots fired, could be fireworks
>Domestic, mother, father and son are fighting
>Fireworks hitting windows and cars
>Open hydrant
>Male jumped on caller
>Battery in progress, group of people fighting
>Domestic, both husband and wife called
>Female bit someone's eye out
>Male threatening with broken glass
>Drunk driver driving on wrong side of the street
>Trash can on fire
>Female screaming calling for police
>7-10 Gang members fighting
>Domestic, roommate stole cellphone
>Females outside figting
>Battery in progress, Males fighting in alley
>Male Black no shirt, no shoes
>People banging on doors and windows
>People drinking on roof and shooting fireworks off
>Intoxicated female's family fighting
>Shots fired 5-6 shots
>K9 injured in arrest is OK
>Males under expressway setting off fireworks
>Domestic, Male taking son out of car
>Shots fired
>Caller says he's being held hostage, 2 Males and Female arguing about letting him go
>Male says he's going to shoot someone, held object in air but couldn't confirm if it was a gun
>Male in front of Marianos, completely naked
>Shots fired, 20 shots
>Shots fired, 30 shots
>Male with gun, veteran with PTSD is walking somewhere, wife trying to call him
>Male complaining about "foot issues"
>Robert requests ambulance for highly intoxicated woman
>Male in parking lot, unresponsive
>3 Hispanics, 2 Males, in alley with guns
>People with guns
>Females involved in catfight
>Battery in progress, neighbors upstairs fighting
>Assault in progress at 7-11, Female Black threatening other customers
>Domestic, intoxicated husband banging on window threatening to kill wife
Welcome back to Chicago Nightlife Party Platter, before we start I'd like to inform everyone of an incident this morning, Anti-gun violence protesters, led by Reverend Michael Pfleger blocked the Northbound lanes of the dan-ryan expressway (also known as I-90), one of the busiest highways in Chicago and the country. Police made no arrests of the protesters and we learn that the protests was apparently planned alongside the mayor of Chicago (((Rahm Emanuel))) and Il Gov. Bruce Rauner, the protest was originally only supposed to cover the right lanes of the highway but the protestors eventually moved to the other lanes and nothing was done. Rauner took to twitter to condemn the protest because it wasn't going to plan and (((Emanuel))) tweeted back "It was a peaceful protest. Delete your account". What we need to take away from this is not that the protesters were stupid or the mayor is a lefty faggot, but that the mayor and gov can apparently agree that the law doesn't need to be enforced all the time, and can plan out breaking the law with criminals, and that the police will follow along with these plans even if it disrupts the lives of thousands of people. Nuke us.

>Chicago Tribune article

>Drunk and disorderly female
>Panhandler with mental issues
>More fireworks
>Child left alone, Father wants to know if children have been left alone by ex-wife who appears to be partying on social media.
>Intoxicated teens on roof
>Male Black on train platform yelling at people asking for money
>Male unresponsive in front of church
>Male black with gun following caller in car
>11yo son refusing to come home
>Bike stolen
>Male Black ran through caller's yard and jumped fence
>3-5 Males using National Guard equipment (?)
>Music disturbance
>10 cars in parking lot refusing to leave
>Shots fired #2
>2 Male Blacks standing, looking suspicious
>Battery in progress, people fighting in the street
>Domestic, Daughter needs to be removed
>Homeless Male bothering people at burger king
>Shots fired
>Male White on motorcycle threw gun and fled
>People throwing bottle at passing cars
>Female White lying on ground crying asking for help, she's inoxicated
>Nuke us.
I think you need more than a nuke, Anon.
>Animal bite victim
>Multiple people with guns, they are all clothed
>Suspicious person, unknown person kicking at front door
>Criminal damage in progress, intoxicated female breaking things at chicago pizza
>Boss is refusing to give caller his check
>assault in progress, 4-5 Females in alley arguing
>Caller can hear Male in building screaming and arguing
>Males Blacks have guns and drugs, keep entering a store
>36 yo female released from hospital yesterday has not come home, has schizophrenia
>Bleeding Female refusing EMS
>Domestic/Person with a gun
>Battery in progress, Male and Female Black fighting
>Possibly intoxicated driver
>Battery in progress, 6 people fighting
>Domestic battery, boyfriend through brick
>Battery in progress, Female hispanic with knife fighting Male hispanic
>Lindsay is knocking on caller's door and threatening her
>Battery in progress, Male and Female fighting
>Male hispanic on front porch, doesn't live there, could be intoxicated or a burglar
>Male with gun
>Intoxicated Male in accident, 5 yo daughter left with demented grandmother
>A bunch of people fighting, someone has a knife
>Male Black just through a brick through a car window
>Another domestic battery
>1 Male Hispanic and Male Black throwing paint on cars traveling westbound
>Tenet broke into apartment
>suspicious person, Male Hispanic walking back and forth near garages
>Children threw fireworks at caller's window
>Caller heard Female screaming and crying, Male yelling the name "Markus"
>Battery in progress, several calls of several people fighting in the street
>Damage of property, people graffitiing under a bridge, 6 Males 1 Female
>Unresponsive Male
>open key
>Female unit you have an OPEN KEY
>Hispanic gang members smoking and drinking
>SHOTS FIRED, Female in black skirt fired 2 shots
>Animal bite
>Loose dog
>Domestic, ex gf trying to damage vehicle, silver chrysler 300
>Group loitering, being loud, shooting dice
>People arguing on lot
>Burglar alarm
>Suspended license
>Woman drinking in front of building
>Bunch of Males, age 16, knocking on doors, running around
>2 boys 8-11 selling candy
>Male White screaming at people
>Kid crying to be let in
>Shots fired, caller heard several shots
>Dumpster on fire
>Disturbance, 4 Male Blacks tried to break into store
>Shots fired, people witnessed firing several shots
>Anonymous caller can hear people drinking
>3 Male Whites yelling racial slurs out of van
>Domestic, Male and Female arguing, about to fight
>Car was broken into
>Emergency at hospital, detective shot in shoulder
>Male hispanic arguing with homeless people
>Suspicious person, Male Hispanic and Male Black "using a slim jim to get in" somewhere
>People shooting fireworks, blocking traffic
>Battery in progress, 20 Males fighting
>People smoking dope
>3 Male Blacks with guns fighting
>Male Black punched caller in face
>Male Hispanic throwing beer bottles at passing vehicles
>Man with mental illness rolling around on floor
>Bicyclist struck by vehicle
>Hispanic running around setting off firealarms
>Shots fired, caller heard fireworks and gunshots
>Auto with no occupents
>Female Hispanic checking car door handles
>Barking dogs, unusual
>Domestic, couple arguing
>Domestic, Male Black is battering pregnant woman in front of kid
>Female screaming for help
>Assault in progress, Male Hispanic threatening caller
>Caller heard someone say they were going to get a gun
>gf struck by boyfriend
>Caller was playing music too loud and a bunch of guys jumped her
>Male Black armed with gun
>Wellbeing, OD not responding
>23 yo having seizure from edibles
>People jumping fence to get to pool
>Burglary alarm
>"I think this is more of a mental disturbance than a car accident"
>Man threatening to kill caller
>Hit and run by white/green jeep
>Male Black with gun walking up and down peoria, has a .44 Magnum
>Multiple Females threatening caller
>Male Blacks outside with guns, looking for brother in house
>Domestic, Male and Female Hispanics fighting
>Person missing
>Intoxicated Male in parking lot
>Male Black letting people into a gate and onto rides
>Male stealing bicycles
>Management wont give caller boyfriends cellphone
>Man slumped over on exit ramp
>Male blocking traffic and cooking
>Female huddled in doorway crying
>Male came into shop, said he's suicidal
>Female selling drugs
>SHOTS FIRED, 5 shots
>Shots fired again, 2 shots
>Person shot
>Several Male and Female Blacks stealing from store, they're teens
>Caller trapped in storage unit by Male with knife
>Aunt broke into caller house
>Female Black having seizure
>Possible witness to shooting from earlier
>Hit and run on neighbors truck
>Female Black harassing people in drive through
>Kids climbing on construction equipment
>Intoxicated Female refusing to leave
>Gang Members tagging house
>Parked car in traffic
>Domestic, wife and husband fighting, both have knives
>6 people fightnig outside
>2 13yos stole a car
>Shots fired, several shots
>Mother's Male friend trying to stab her
>Male selling body oil
>Robert chasing car involved in shooting
>Person in car has been sitting in car outside caller's home since 4:00
>Male White passed out near bench
>Person trying to break into house
>Hit and run
>Assault in progress
>Neighbors on balcony partying
>Gngbangers crashing cars back and forth
Chicago chimpout incoming
>blm Chicago at it again live

File (hide): BDD5CB555A7A06B40A4A840E618801BD-5536729.mp4 (5.3 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:31, 07 14 18 Shooting.mp4) [play once] [loop]
07 14 18 Shooting.mp4
Bodycam of shooting
More protests tonight. Come on chimp out you fucking niggers.