>>150768There really is no rational reason why these three ponies shouldn't either be in the school or be teaching a class on cutie marks.
Still think giving them marks was a mistake. They were fun when they were being kids and looking for fun stuff to do. This was thrown out the window when they got cutie marks for getting cutie marks and had to spend the rest of their life solving "Who am I" questions for idiots who're meant to solve this question on their own but can't.
yeah it's that part when they all becomes alicorns, and next week, the world ends.
>>150909Missed it, anyone have a link?
>>150911Episode link is in the OP.
Good episode. The CMC acted like the CMC. Cozy Glow seemed a slight bit opportunistic at times. The CMC surprised me at not defending themselves better, but Twilight might be very intimidating to them. They are separating pony schools from creature schools, and other episodes have the Friendship School outside of Equestria, so the nation of Equestria does not seem to be focusing on "cultural enrichment", but exporting the good aspects of its own culture to other struggling cultures/nations.
It was good to see Glimglam still have a devious mind but restrain herself and contribute positively, and the solution to the CMC urge was pretty good but did not address the primary issue - the Friendship School was more fun than radishes and cleaning. But the wider implication is ponies don't need to learn friendship, other species do.
>>150916I love how the implication is cultural imperialism and "white man's burden."
Why was Cosy Glow so separated from Pony culture that she struggled with friendship? Why did she not know the mane 6? Why did other species adapt well to the school but a pony didn't? Why did she have to go to a extra-national school rather than a pony school? Why was she neglected?
>>150921Must've been raised in some remote region. An outsider.
>>150921It could be a budding apprentice for Glimmer, CG has already been outed for deviousness, and her newb answers to the friendship questions were things like "control"
>>150928Excellent point. Tidies up a lot of loose ends and gives Glim a meaningful task.
>>150916>the nation of Equestria does not seem to be focusing on "cultural enrichment", but exporting the good aspects of its own culture to other struggling cultures/nationslol so Equestria has reached its neocon phase. they're going to have a fun couple of decades.
Finished watching it.
CMC were good but everyone else was an autist.
Also WOW Glimmer saves the day again.
I would have though it would be a lot worse but I'm assuming, whether rightly or wrongly that the Cosy is a double agent doing everything on purpose makes logical sense in my headcannon if you haven't seen the /mlp/ spoilers she's coming back in the finale with Tirek apparently.
4/10 slightly below average episode.
>>151040If that happens
competently my view of the series will be redeemed and the autistic screeching across the internet will be studied by astronomers.
7.5/10 absolutely devious
>Inb4 Cozy Glow pulls a Betty and fucks everyone over
You know it. I know it.