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145796 145807 145809 145835
So why did americans save the jews. I’m not memeing here. Back in WWII, Jews back then were victims by Hitler and his crew. But after the war ended. Jews starts to garner a bad reputation to the point where is controversal. In film, cartoons, memes, etc. they were seen as greedy and always putting themselves first.

Ever since the “pewdewpie hates jews” incident, his video was taken down for being offensive towards jews. Why? If Jews has a bad image in the Internet why are they still being defended?

Again, not memeing here.
>So why did Americans save the jews.
Because Jews are very effective at subverting institutions. If at one point we knew they were fucking taking over shit, by the next generation they had fully taken over the institutions that could make others stop caring, like the media, academia, and entertainment.
>why did america save the jews in ww2
From what I have been told America really didn't give that much of a shit about the jews since before the war they would often ship jews escaping Germany right back to them but once Japan attacked America (its debatable who really started it but I don't really care about that tbh), obviously America had to pick the side of the (((Allies))) so when America fought in the european front, they did it for Britain and the other allies instead of the jew. However if I am wrong someone please show me evidence proving otherwise cause I really don't know tbh. I know definitely after WW2 is when America started kissing major jewish ass with the whole Israel becoming a nation and every baptist, evangelical, presbyterian, etc. foamed at the mouth defending the jews cause "muh God's chosen people" and that is when the jew really took hold.

Also if you wanna know why the jews are being defended today, just take a look at (((who))) controls the media. A lot of ceo's in giant corporations and government officals are jews so naturally they dont want the goyim to be aware so they blind them with propaganda and "muh God's chosen people" stuff. Also you would really be surprised to see how the majority has an unwavering loyalty to the israeli state and the jews, ready to give their lives for them cause that is what the media and the churches have been telling them. Its why when the jews get targeted, even if it is something so small as an insult, they will go out of their way to punish the bad doer cause they don't want the masses to even hear about claims against the jews, that would encourage thought. Its really only here and other sites under the radar on the internet that is aware of the jewish scheme, the masses that go on the mainstream media have no idea about it and has never even thought about it nor hearing the facts. Thats how much control (((they))) have. To find out who has control over you, find out who you aren't allowed to make fun of.
>muh poor jewish victims
Quick history run
>be America in 1930’s and the economy is shit because of the stock plummet and big bank failure
>Germany just started rearming itself despite the treaty of Versailles
>eventually Britain and France declare that they’ve had enough of Germany’s lebensraum and that if Germany conquered one more inch of land then it would be war
>Germany invades Poland and shit gets serious
>America wants to remain isolated from idiotic European problems, it’s the Great Depression and America needs saving.
>japan wants oil and all the island hopping isn’t fruitful, asks America for oil
>Britain has to carry the war efforts after the complete failure of the French, not enough tanks, rifles, munitions, rations and more.
America needs jobs, Britain needs production, and so America secretly supports the allies by supply of their demand while remaining “neutral” to the politics of the war until pissy japan starts shit cause “we wanted glorious oil for nippon machine”
And that’s history
145865 145909
Germany declared war on the United States when we declared war on Japan. The hoped the two front war would slow us down. It's kinda a technicality because we were already sinking German U-Boats in the Atlantic before we joined the war, but it mattered for the Axis diplomatic strategy.

People in American hated jews before the war too. Just look at stuff like the Leo Frank case. Jewish guy runs a factory in Georgia, checks all the boxes for greedy jew stereotype. He gets accused and tried for killing some poor factory girl. Next he gets lynched while filing his appeal. The case wasn't handled that well and people think it was actually some nig nog janitor that did it, but people didn't like jews so it didn't matter.

I have no idea where the whole "God's chosen people" guys come from but it probably dates back to the second great awakening if I had to guess. I'm a historian not a master on jewish conspiracies so that's all I got. I'm always baffled because Christians have had no problem shitting on jews all through history, but here in American they are Iseal's strongest voting block.
So much of the way WWII is framed is bullshit. The Nazis are made out to be these brutal bad guys but everything they are infamous for was already being done by other countries. The Soviet Union had secret police and were guilty of race-based genocide, the US had concentration camps, and Jews were pretty much universally disliked across the board until "oy vey the shoah" made anti-semitism synonymous with being a Nazi.
I'm not an expert on political or home front stuff, but I would hardly make the argument that two wrongs make a right. For example, when the Nazis started Case Blue, there was a severity order issued. Here is the quote of the severity order from Wikipedia. Its citing a 1974 book, instead of something like microfilm or German archives, but I know the order existed even if its not written exactly like this.

>The most important objective of this campaign against the Jewish-Bolshevik system is the complete destruction of its sources of power and the extermination of the Asiatic influence in European civilization. … In this eastern theatre, the soldier is not only a man fighting in accordance with the rules of the art of war, but also the ruthless standard bearer of a national conception. … For this reason the soldier must learn fully to appreciate the necessity for the severe but just retribution that must be meted out to the subhuman species of Jewry.

The "clean Wehrmacht" stuff is impossible. The Soviets are super shitty as well, but most Americans barely even know what they did in the war to begin with. For example, in Crimea there was a population of Germans there before the war. During the early months of the war NKVD show up and those Germans disappear to god knows where. The eastern front was a war where no quarter was given. I discount the cruelty of US Jap internment camps, but I do live in America so maybe my view is biased. I've never researched them so I don't know. The problem today is that people don't want to hear a historical narrative that is nuanced or complicated. Just good vs bad morality stories. Discussion of WWII as a whole is kinda detached from the OP, but I just love reading about it. Since the Soviet archives opening in the 90s the whole field has been changing. So many things people used to believe are being changed. Its incredible to watch.

David Glantz has an excellent lecture here about some "Myths and Realities" of the eastern front. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Clz27nghIg [Embed]
This video here also places the Strategic thinking behind Hitler's directives in a new light. If anything he is far less "insane" than the post war German generals have lead us to believe.
https://youtu.be/kVo5I0xNRhg [Embed]
That's a biblical quote if I'm not mistaken.
Jews where God's chosen people, but they betrayed God.
Idk ((why)) but everyone forgets the betrayal.