>What do?
Post the green and quit stalling.
>>139296rite beter
No, but seriously. If you write anything political on fimfiction that doesn't fit the narrative then expect shit upvotes. If what you wrote wasn't political then pitch the story idea to someone beforehand to see whether it's actually good or not. Have someone check your writing style too. Try not to be too generic; readers hate seeing the same thing again and again.
>greenWell then fucking post it.
>>139296>>139299>>139300>>139302I found it because I'm a complete badass.
>>139309I didn't expect OP to be SilverStarApple so I never even checked his profile. SilverStarApple, is the same Anon who shilled that he was completing a 'old story he never finished but wanted to because it's good for ones ow self' or some other nonsense like that.
Top kek Anon, this confirms it's you, nigger.
>>139314I wasn't samefagging you fucktard, I was adding a clarification. I have colour ID enabld you know.
>>139316My bad, the post didn't exactly seem like clarification. Also, your flag is disabled which makes it seem like you're trying to hide who you are. Not accusing you or anything, just letting you know for future reference.
>>139317My fault for getting excited and double-posting, I'm trying to multi-task reading OPs fic and it's an aboslute clusterfuck.
>>139321Are we absolutely sure it's OP's, though? He hasn't given any confirmation one way or the other.
It almost seems like he abandoned thread. >>139324Pretty good coincidence if not OP.
Posted recently, same number of votes, just 1 off, autism + MLP related.
>>139329>>139330OP lurks, see crosspost fail.
>>139329Doing something more important right now, so I can't check that post in archive without getting sidetracked even more.
>>139330You though, you have a pretty decent point.
>>139309I'm impressed, how did you find this out?
>>139313Yes, I'm SilverStarApple, but that wasn't the story I was talking about at the time. I think I was either referring to an OC I planned 22 chapters of content about and then never found time to write anything with him in it, or some really fucking old Naruto fic I don't think I'll touch again for a few years.
>>139338>>139340Thank you for confirming this, OP. I'm pretty sure the reason that this has more downvotes than upvotes is that it seems to be some sort of generic crossover thing. People are probably getting bored of those if they aren't already, and it'll take something really good to keep you in the positives. A better tactic for you imo is to try writing something here, get some feedback, and use it as practice. Repeat ad infinitum ad nauseam, and then go on to write some truly good shit.
>t. aspiring writefag >>139342Technically it isn't a bad story. The overly descriptive nature and lack of anything conversational make the first half alone not so trite or unnecessarily verbose.
It reminds me more of an academic paper than a story.
The story had no transitions? It's not exactly coherent anyway, read more like a 'random comedy' in fact.
Sentence length is surprisingly non-jittery in the first half of Ch1, so it's not a complete pain to read despite the content.
Most of your sentences and ideas start of really interesting so there's heaps of variety in how you start and present sentences, except you use 'was' a lot as well, so don't.
10/10 Shitpost OP.
>>139442I think you're missing multiple social cues, might wanna see a behavioural therapist or trainer about that. In all seriousness it's clearly an unnecessary joke to pull tension.
>>139415I was blocked by a faggot author simply because I disagreed with his poorly inserted gun control editorial in an otherwise excellent story, and even complimented said story.
Did the only thing I could do, downvote everything, including all the previous ones I had upvoted before.
>>139342Makes sense. I tried to do an "Original Displaced" here by having the generic human idiot lose all his memories after becoming a pony, meaning he's now just an amnesiac pony in Equestria unable to use or know of the assorted overpowered abilities of the characters he was dressed up as. I'm not sure if it's possible to do anything original with this premise, because that and "Displaced but the guy starts going to other universes… to conquer/liberate them by killing their all-consuming poorly-written protagonists" were my only ideas.
>>139357Thank you. I honestly had no idea how to open this thing, and I wasn't sure what the tone should be, either. It's a shit post, but how much of a shitpost should it be? Also, how can I improve the academic tone?
>>139444Sod off, Hclegend. Old people's subreddit is that way: ->
https://www.reddit.com/r/AskOldPeople/ >>139415>>139507Context: Hclegend is a samefagging plebbitor with multiple alts on reddit who got me banned from the r/mlp subreddits. He then stalked me to multiple sites, downvoting everything I posted. Then when I asked an old people's subreddit if anyone had ever had an argument with an idiot, forgotten about it, and then found out months later the idiot still loathed you for it… He commented openly on the website, claiming that what I did(pissing him off by disliking Flutter Brutter) "Must have been pretty shitty".
He's not very bright.
>>139512Protip- Don't use reddick.
>>139531It was a phase. Not the typical reddit phase, a "Maybe if I get a high score on reddit, I can advertise the shit I make" phase.
Unfortunately, liking Trump and not liking libtards got me banned from all comic subreddits, the normie gaming subs, the MLP subs, the Fallout Equestria sub, and the Harry Potter sub.
>>139507You don't.
This isn't an academic paper it's a story, what I did is called a 'comparison,' dweeb.
Just search 'how to not write verbose phrases in writing,' something will likely come up.
Also, I wasn't talking about the actual content itself, the story is technically sound but the actual ideas themselves, the tone and the way everything is then presented is entirely different.
Even if my points are right, HClegend's points aren't wrong.
And did you not just imply I'm HClegend?
Also, if you're going to write basically a trollfic it pays to not try so hard to do it well, you learn the things you're going to break.
>>139590Fuck me, I meant to say "How do I improve the tone and make it sound less academic".
His points in the original review that got him banned were wrong, it was a bad "CinemaSins" impression that was all "It's a displaced fic! Ding! The main character is OP! Ding! AND IT COMMITS THE CARDINAL SIN OF NOT BEING FUNNY TO ME, BAWWWHAWHAWHAW!"
>>139591Learn through example, and through fucking up over and over until you eventually get it right.
Read good fics, or better yet, actual books, for examples of what to do.
Read awful fics and stories for examples of what
not to do.
>>139600Got it.
My original vision for this fic, a Displaced fic that suddenly becomes non-displaced, could it be reworked into a parody?
>>139640If you're asking me that, I'm guessing it's because you think your current concept is unsalvageable.
In my experience, trying to refactor something you already have is often more trouble than it's worth. It's not impossible - I'm fairly good at doing it - but for most folks, it's not worth it.
If you absolutely want to see it through, however, I suggest you stick to your original plan. You've already committed, so you might as well take it along that path.
If, however, you have no qualms about dropping it and trying something new, do that. Learn as much from the previous attempt as you can, and take that experience into the next thing you do.
Iterate, iterate, iterate. >>139681Got it. I'll rush through the rest, get this shit over with, and move on. I don't want this to be left as ANOTHER unfinished thing of mine.