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Hey friends, I need some advice. Kind of an opinion on what journey I should take in life. Right now I have a decent career, but an absolutely empty life. I want to move, and adjust my career but the world is so unstable and in such bad shape. But my secure empty life is safe.

Work in the media for a radio and tv station, absolutely tired of coworkers, location, and politics of the business. Salary of 50k CAD (lolz), though company has given me a private use 2016 Dodge Ram. Free cell phone. Pay for my cable/internet at home. Benefits all that shit.

Comfy, empty. Live by self, pay rent, save about $1000 a month. Live in small town nothing to do. Student loans around 24k. Impossible to meet new people, everyone has hiking/sports lifestyle and I'm not that, I get bored.

I want out so bad. I want to move from my 5k pop town to a city with more than a million people (Born in a big city, moved here last year, worst decision of my life). But I'm so worried I won't be financially stable at all, I could probably find a job in a city, but it will never be this well paid. The markets are crazy, it's scary as shit, and I feel trapped in this shit life I created for myself.

Wut do?
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buy a sugarstar and be happy with what you got, plus silicone horse pussy
13743 13747
well, what do you like to do? what are your hobbies?

also, do this >>13739
or mary. the new mary is very horse pussy too
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What I got is low key narcissism that keeps me from an heroing, and a insanely an hero worthy life.

I guess what I'm asking is, low middle class people actually live life in today's society? If I left my middle class life for something a little less, but in a better place, would my life be completely wrecked financially?

You're seeing it bby… I like live music, watching and analyzing movies/tv, and beer and wings with friends. Video editing is fun as well and I'm making a passive income website that actually made $10 USD (OMG real money) so far this month.

The place I'm currently in has no bands travel through, a one theater theater that only gets the expected box office hit of the week, and no people I relate with at all. Btw I have to drive 8 hours to get to a town with more than 10k people and the sun doesn't come up in the winter.
Sugarstar is tighter, and I assumed OP was needledicked because he's a fucking leaf and also OP
video editing can make you some money if you're good at it.
sounds like northern leafland. try moving south if you want more people, I don't know about the other stuff though.
Yeah currently I can build and repair television and radio studio's broadcast equipment. I could work for any TV studio, radio station, network station (Like Discovery Channel/Fox) or internet/cable provider.

I might be selling myself short, I guess I'll start looking for a job in a city.

BTW ama about news stations I guess.
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can.
>right as if
Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?
nigga I moved into a small town and had to live in a shed for a year. (mind you, not an insulated, well furnished shed, a shed you'd buy at Home Depot)

you don't have it that bad. Why not start reading, writing, learn a new skill, start streaming vidya. You're the one in your own way.
aight, I'm going to think about how much longer I want to stay, and save money, I'm either leaving July or Oct.
well fuck you OP, I just bought my sugarstar. They had a flop with a nick in the base for dirt cheap, gray.

In 2 business days I'm gonna be cumming in retarded horse
I am guessing you are still young so please excuse if advice is a bit wrong. I would advise you to make a one year and five year plan. The most important aspect is to be able to support yourself job free for a minimum of 6 months. Get the money together and give up the job on good terms so you can always go back. If your company does a system of sabbaticals then take one of them. Will write a bit more but the with wants to have an early dinner….some things are best not fought over.
Pay your loans first
ANON you live in a small town and haven't gotten yourself a girlfriend, yet??
That's the reason why you're feeling empty.
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I actually haven't met a single girl in the town yet, all are pretty much teen moms, and a very large percent of the population is permadrunk natives. Whites are minority here. I can't really describe natives to a european, lets say you massacred their people, lead them to a life of abuse, and gave them the joys of alcoholism and teen pregnancy. They fucking hate white people lol.

I won't be able to last long enough to pay off 25k here. I'll end up rage quitting my job and having no savings to move before that.
I haven't met a single single girl in town yet, they're all in LTR.
just say "muslims" and Germans will understand exactly what you're talking about, Anon.
Fucking popular restaurants.
When I wanted to move to Japan I was already married so visa was not a problem. I had already been working for some time so money was also not much of a problem. At first I made a work/life proposal to my boss for 6 months on/ 6 months off work schedule. It was agreed in principle if I could find a suitable job share partner. This did not work out so I took the next option of a 1 year sabbatical. I worked out how much I needed to live comfortably and actually over estimated by a long war. I was ready but the wife consulted her feng shit charts and said moving direction would need to wait for another years. I continued working and saving in that year. Once I got to Japan and found out my living costs were much lower than London I extended my sabbatical for another 3 years as which point I just never went back to England.
My point being as long as you have funds then life takes care of itself. I think the advice about the loans is good. Try and pay them off or at least not have them hanging round your neck.
As for meeting people then timing and luck always come in handy. Nearly all of my good friend started from random meeting in the streets. I met my wife on the street and 17 years later we are still together. My friend who I will go and get pissed with tonight I met on a train journey home. However that is just me and the kind of women I like are the ones who take the odd risk in life.
it's good advice, in all honesty my random dream would be to move to montreal and learn french to fluency then continue my career. My job won't allow a sabatical leave but I can go on good terms, I might return to the company in the future, but not at the location I left. I've got 3 weeks of vacation banked, that will be cashed when I quit, and a 2k bonus as well. I'll have around 6k by the end of June, and I can live in montreal for about $1400 a month, so I'll be able to get 3 months of language for sure.
If I find an job in my field, I can easily get 38k+ salary, if not I have a crazy amount of experience in literally any other field.
Sad thing is you only can get picky and truly free when you are out of the debt and have no family. Debt is new slavery. After you get done with debt you can say "Fuck it all"
Can confirm I am fucked up in debts yet I will pay them all until October.
Then I'll be comfy as fuck
Don't move to the big city it sucks, move to Victoria - the best city in Canada. IT is very easy to meet people there, people are super friendly.

But if you do move to Vancouver I'll totally be your friend. I work in your industry sort of too, although I went the web route with passive income instead of the radio route right out of radio school. There are a shitload of jobs here but not necessarily in radio/tv.

You might call me low middle class, to the extent that most milleneals are sort of in that economic category - but I live a very comfy life, am self-employed, and have paid off all student debts
Could be an option! My parents live in duncan now. I grew up in calgary. I heard victoria and montreal were both awesome cities to meet people. But im kind of autistically stuck on wanting to learn french. Its a big passion for me as well. I definitely want to hear about your web radio stuff. My email in the email thing.
Andd you shall have it