The left cannot function without the repression of freedom of speech. If we get the government to force "private" companies that provide speech platforms to respect freedom of speech, the left will INSTANTLY BE KEKED, shrivel and die off.
You know this to be true- any time somebody dissents on reddit, youtube or in any heavily moderated forum, one of the leftist powermod dicksucker do-it-for-free dipshits swoops in and censors the wrong think, removing the viewpoint that reflects reality and making room for more leftist mental illness and drivel to take its place.
With an Internet Bill of Rights, this can be ameliorated somewhat. CAN SIGN FROM ANY COUNTRY. This is a direct petition to the White House to get a Bill protecting freedom of speech online passed. No more of that faggot censorship on youtube and twitter. It's the only weapon they have and they still lose- imagine if our power was unleashed.
We're already at nearly 30k signatures, and we need 100k by April 3rd. It will be a challenge, but if we have daily threads and share it around, we can easily make the goal.
>>131663>Internet forums and social networks which provide free access to the public are a digital place of assembly, and individuals using such methods for public communication should not be subjected to censorship due to political beliefs or differing ideas. Conservative voices on many large public website platforms are being censored, based solely on a differing opinion. Some of these platforms further employ tracking mechanisms for monitoring an individual's digital history, which can be used to censor the individual's public communication through various censorship practices, sometimes without knowledge or awareness. These actions directly violate personal liberty and stand at contrast with the bill of rights.>We the people demand action to bring our digital future into the light.Not much can be done about this. The 1st doesn't cover corporate activity.
Still signed anyway. Maybe Trump will make an executive order to safeguard the right to shitpost. The right to shitpost shall not be infringed!
>accomplishing anything
we were all this new once i suppose
>>131678It would be interesting though if it got a response from the white house.
>>131685But did something happen with Soros' Assets and declaring Antifa a terrorist group?
>>131663Just write your own heartfelt letters to the whitehouse, the people who sort this shit will wet themselves at the first sign of something that isn't fruck bronrald brumpf.
i feel safe here. nice porn. nice news.
great platform for free speech.
people are just offended by the truth.
>sorry fam i just like to smoke weed and praise jesus.
why go outside if youre just going to violently judge me and attempt to convert me to your sub par ideals and art.
good art comes from the soul
not virtue signaling.
seriously though your kids are going to decide whats right and wrong on thier own. its your job to teach them not to make dumb decisions that would jeopardize their freedom.
>>133114Wait a minute your not against killing gay people ?