253 replies and 112 files omitted.
oh shit did I just bump this? sorry little faggot, guess it's back to the top for you.
Spike is owned by Twilight - not adopted, he's not a pony and doesn't have the same rights as a pony, he can not be "free" therefore but is under the protection and supposed to, in return, serve her master.
>>164403wow i hadnt made the connection. pretty based.
It looks like you're trying to escape /mlpol/.
Would you like help?
>>123333You have wings now Spike. Just fly away.
>>166761Season 8, Episode 11: "Molt Down"
>>166777I did not ask for this get.
cancer delete this thread
>>166795>checks flagHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
>>123333not today you dragon nigger.
Due to their nature, every dragon must be a private property in Equestria, and mustn't be "free".
Get back up here, dragon nigger.
>>168066>NO FUN ALLOWED>>168066Spike will only be free when Anons forget about him.
If you want the thread gone, fill the catalog with better threads.
Back to page 1 you little niggerfaggot.
>>168706It wouldn't be such a big deal if half the catalog wasn't garbage. Might as well go back to 4cuck at this point.
you cant reach a page 15 when there is no page 15
youre not allowed in canada
Man are you still trying? 9 months later? Damn better stay at page 1 for another 9.
And then stay for another 9 and reveal yourself for the antichrist you are, demon lizard.
>>142071>7 months agoWell hay, let's have some fun.
Back to the friendship plantation you little shit!
Merry Christmas Spike! Your gift is a trip back to page one!
This thread is for tormenting Spike with illusions of escape!
Back to page 1 ya little faggot
>>201338I'm glad the artist didn't turn that into a crotch gun. Aryanne is too pure for that.
whos ready for the 1 year anniversary of spikes torture?
>>201339>assuming that a NSFW version of a ponification of nazism is pure to begin with>>201338I feel like the recoil from that might break her ribs.
>>203562The gun is just an accessory.
The true miracle of aryan science is her killer abs.
It may only be page 6, but fuck you Spike.
Not going anywhere faget.
"No... Not again!" Spike cried out.
A giant green hand came down from the sky and out between the clouds. The clouds pushed aside as it suddenly appeared and came after or little dragon friend, who was gunned. However, he did not come far as the green pinger tips pinched this tail in a tight grip.
He tried struggling against it at first but he quickly gains altitude. Up in the clouds, he didn't longer fight it but accepted his fate.
He decided to take in the vast landscape of the land of page fourteen. It was so close to Ponyville. Suger cube's corner's baked goods' could practically be smelled by him from here. It was a pleasant smell along with the aroma of flowers. Gardens littered with colorful flowers were everywhere on page fourteen, along with perfect sunny weather and picturesque houses and friendly rural communities. The townsponies always offered him food and a place to stay for the night. The food was accepted and appreciated but when he was this close to getting to page fifteen he could not rest.
Even if he never reached his home this place was still nice to visit. However, he was seldom here and when he was, he wasn't here for long.
He was pulled after the hand as it disappeared into a pool of black mud with no depth. It felt cold to the touch when he was dragged into it, yet that feeling washed over quickly since he soon appeared on the other side, page one.
The hand released its grip of his tail over the usual grey boulder that he was placed on every time he was, that these creatures called it anyway, bumped.
As the green hand disappeared after the deed was done, as usual, he thought about unpacking the lunch pack he had on the end of the stick he has over his shoulder. The lunch had been made by the townsponies on the page he just left but then he thought against it. He didn't want to ruin the food by eating it here where a freezing downpour could come out of nowhere.
Speaking of which. A crackle and the world around him appeared whiter for a millisecond before it went back to being overcast and grey. Grey like the sand here that was now turning darker as it was dampened by water. After the initial lightning had a stroke the downpour had come as expected.
He found the specific crack in the boulder he stood on, which he was looking for. It works as a reference point in this wasteland of nothingness. However, this land wasn't but nothingness. It had a road out of here that lead to the next page and that was where the crack, sort of, pointed at. Following its direction, he found the mountain range silhouettes in the horizon almost hidden by the grey sand dunes.
He sighed and let his body go limp for a moment before he gave the mountains in the distance a determined glare.
He stepped off the boulder and began his journey.
Once I get to page fifteen, I will be free, he thought.
>>210151That's really good aside from a few grammatical errors. its a really interesting concept you have going on here,Could spike interact with other threads on his way to page 15? maybe he could visit the filly,/sg/,or even the horse pussy thread.i fell like this idea has a lot of potential and would love to read more.
>>210201Thank you. Then you will recive more within twelve hours.
I sent this through a grammer checker but could you tell me the mistakes I made..