>>120413Literally who? Yeah it's a stupid image, but is it worth getting triggered over?
Nope. >>120414Yeah probably not
The picture is really well done and turned me on, afterall who the hell really cares about Aryanne fucking other species? Afterall pretty much all of Aryanne's pics are her taking human cock so this is hypocrisy
But i'd still love to raid Derpibooru as no one really did this before, it would be pretty funny and would go down in the history of /mlpol/
The image is good at least.
But i think if we edit it, we can give a better shitstorm than just complain in the comments.
In the end, a zebra is a black pony with white stripes.
Or in our case, a white pony with black stripes. If you white wash the zebras, and say that she is getting fucked by her aryan countrymen, the zebradom part would be deleted.
>>120417Fuck yes, could you do it or have some friends that could do that?
>>120415>who the hell really cares about Aryanne fucking other species>pretty much all of Aryanne's pics are her taking human cockAnon, have you forgotten how ponies are white? Do we need to send you to the re-education camps?
Raiding Derpibooru with a flood of pro-Aryanne and pro-Aryan pony pics sounds like fun, though. We could do what >>120417 suggested, too. >>120419Of course i do, i mean that most of the Explicit pics of her having sex are her taking human cocks and not ponies of her same species
>>120419We need more aspiring artists to draw cute pics of aryanne getting breeded by aryan stallions to flood Derpibooru
There is a fucking german cuck that hates natsocs and wants his wife to get fucked as he's called "Bronycuck"
Why make a whole thread for it though?
>>120431>>120430Wakey wakey
This cunt wants to keep going
By god, spoiler this shit.
>>120437I cannot spoiler the main posts
>>120442Would you be willing to join a discord raiding/hacking server against this faggot?
Maybe we should give this fucker the Ben Garrison treatment, take his art and make it 88% cooler.
Zebras have proportionately smaller cocks than horses irl.
>>120445Can you edit art? because we fucking need to do this
We need an artist to do this! we need an hero!
>>120448I can do it, I'll even make them white.
Who wants tossend it to him when I'm done?
>>120450I can do it, but it's better if we upload that to Derpibooru.org
>>120413>>120430>>120433>>120434Do I have to be the curmudgeon that dredges up the ancient Rules of the Internet™ for you?
>14. Do not argue with trolls - it means that they win >15. The harder you try the harder you will fail >16. If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure >19. The more you hate it the stronger it gets >33. Lurk more - it's never enough >>120413Aryanne Thread here.
I have found this picture just now on DB and have yet to decide what to do with it. To be honest, I have never heard of the responsible artist before, his works look overall unremarkable. My guess is he is doing this for selfmarketing or to signal boost towards his audience. I did briefly look over his older works and noticed that he does in fact draw
cuckholding porn, so there you go. For obvious reasons i wont feature or archive any of this. I am surprised though that he seems to get so much of a backlash for it. We did not really have a lot of activity going on in the past 2 months.
Aside frome the fact that the artist is a raving leftycuck i dont think the picture itself it too bad. All we really need is someone with
photoshop and minor drawing skills to
edit the stripes out and alls well that ends well. I am willing to admit though as far as effort for trolling goes, this might be the most refined attempt yet. Keep in mind what i said about Trolling in the other threads where stuff like this was brought up, that applies to this case as well. You don't see /pol/ raving at unflattering Pepes, for the most part.
>>120425>BronycuckI remember this name. Belongs to a politically motivated porn blog that started in December last year. Started to follow my Aryanne blog at the end of January 2018. I dont think this is genuine. Might be Soros funded Propaganda or just a dedicated troll. puts very little effort into this stuff and it was curious how he had to change from pony to regular porn in less than 2 months, seemingly for a lack of material or attention.
>>120447Factually true. It's just dickriding on the Blacked meme.
>>120454I do think that the Art is fine too, but as you can see by my previous posts, he's going to make Aryanne getting raped, hurt and abused art
We need artists, and we need them now
>>120443Yes I would! Sign me up, fam
>>120454My dream is to make Derpibooru get spammed with Stalliondom porn, fucking zebras and different species while Aryanne gets loved by pure aryan stallions, no more lesbian shit. It would get spammed so much (High quality art, no shitty art but that could come too) that Derpibooru would start banning and then hacking would take place to bring them down
I imagine doing an "Ocean man" music video with the end of Derpibooru as the anti-degeneracy /mlpol/ wave washes away degenerates and forces them into an exodus around the porn sites
We need to make another operation, an operation called "Operation Ramses II"
>>120467There you go, but this is a temporary group since the owner of another group that i am in is currently away and we're looking for recruits
https://discord.gg/BrUMKHS >>120458>I do think that the Art is fine too, but as you can see by my previous posts, he's going to make Aryanne getting raped, hurt and abused artNothing is eaten as hot as it is cooked. We will see if he is just talking hot air or if he will go through with it.
I can say from experience that Anti-Aryanne art is doing in average poorly and usually makes the creator look like an ass. My guess is he is just trying to cause more drama with his provocative tumblr posts.
>>120471It does because nobody does high-quality art of it, now that the kike did an high quality art of Aryanne getting striped it would sparkle the flame that it needs to invade out territory
Abackgroundpony (An obvious 4chan troll, at least i hope, otherwise.... GAS) has said that Dragk is gonna be doing Anthro Aryanne Zebradom art, so we must wake the fuck up as soon as possible
Maybe we should start our own Derpibooru, with Nazis and AnCaps!
>triggering over a random pic
That's a snowflake-tier behavior tbh, just sage the author.
>>120477>TROLLS ARE TAINTING THE PURE REEEEEEEE>LET'S FIGHT THE INFIDELS ON THEIR HOME TURF REEEEEEEE>BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD REEEEEEEEFighting blood for blood tends to be less effective, when your opponent is a vampire.
You would be better served letting it be. There's better things to focus your energies on.
>>120485For real. We should be using our energy for something more productive like getting more users. 4/pol/ is being invaded by shills right now.
>>1204924/pol/ is a shit that no one currently cares about
>>120490Idk, I'm okay with raiding the author but as a deliberate act perpetrated later on down the road rather than an immediate knee-jerk response to shit-OC cuz he's trolling
>>120413Content creators stop making art if they don't get (you)s. Same goes with cucks like this artist. Its better off if you starve him of negative attention it'll make him feel weak or like its not doing anything. Better option is to make OC yourself making fun of ziggers or the like. Its much more smug and pisses those off much more. Its like focusing on a narrative the left has pretty much pushed through, its useless. Better off to flip it on its head and piss them off by just changing to entire point.
>>120496I'm pretty sure he means we should be fishing on /pol/ instead of REEEEEing.
>>1204964/pol/ is still useful to us. Lot's of normies browse 4/pol/ now. We can redpill some of them and there are still a few anons that we can bring over here from 4/pol/.
What if we were to portray Zebra society as ethno-nationalist with powerful Zebras and Aryanne both being disgusted by miscegnation, universalism, and multiculturalism, and both providing support for the other in the goal of preserving racial purity, while recognizing their differences?
>>120511That... would be an interesting perspective
A:"You are filthy zebras"
Z:"And you are racist scum"
A:"But your strenght is remarkable"
Z:"And your intelligence truly will make you reach beyond the stars"
A and Z:"I may not like you, but i respect you"
>>120588Checked. Also objectively superior than the original.
>>120594Maybe add some cutie marks to them and post that?
>>120594I didn't think anyone was making an edit, am sorry
>>120588Digits are a sign this was the original and best version
>>120600Nah, its fine.
It was my first edit too, so I can't say it was amazing
>>120425What the fuck is this doing here? I'm getting /pol/ flashbacks. Delete this.
>>120605There is a reason this thread should have just been saged.
>>120606Not anymore
We delivered and fix the problem
>>120588>88It was destined to be succesful
>>120413Tumblr, generic furry drawstyle, obviously mentally retarded, no fucks given.
>>120413Cucks are being cucks? In other news, sky is blue.
I fail to see why we need to care about this, it's just a drawing by a shameless little man who wasn't raised right. A man with so little self esteem that he unironically fantasises about this, he didn't draw it to "fuck with nazis", but because he's perverted deep down. His very existence is his punishment, he should be ignored, or pitied at the very most.
>>120588Is someone gonna post this to Derpi?
Also going to reiterate other facts already posted in this thread
Stop with the raiding/crybabby bullshit
That's what they want you to do
Ignore it and move on or edit it to not be shit as was shown here
It's a shitty drawing made by a degenerate who clearly is pushing the debunked big donged dindu mythos — couldn't care less.
>>120930Meh. I don't like the face that much, even without the ziggers in the pic.
I never really cared for DB drama anyway.
>>120939Derpibooru is pure, concentrated, and infectious cancer.
>>120943That's why we need to hack it and destroy it
>>120947Oh fuckoff you cynical basterd
I'd take part in the raid and hacking of that degenerate website
>>120948In due time young apprentice... you are but few and they have the jewish advantage for now. Best bide your time and sit this one out.
We may hate it, but they want us to attack. It’s those dumb jewish tricks where you get your enemy to take the first aggressive move and then you have moral high ground to the eyes of the normies to launch attacks on us. You must learn to channel your rage to fuel your desire to right the wrongs of the world that are currently more pressing, like this gun control war and free speech rights. Only once we win these can we bother with the small fry like this degenerate.
>>120950Well those lefties seem pretty aggressive towards the white-washed picture of Aryanne
I think it will only take time before they cry to the mods
>>120952>>120954cool, now it's no longer Aryanne OR racemixing!
>>120955Dumb liberals don’t even know how to insult us properly.
>>120952>>120954I'm not sure whose autism is worse in this scenario.
>>120959Ah, meme warfare. I love it.
>>120963they should call me mr. nazisckleen
>>120965they didn't even get the swastika right
>tfw triggered easy to trigger leftist with simple editing
>>120969they're saying that Big-Mac-155 did this
>>120971I think it’s a good image for us, don’t you agree?
https://derpibooru.org/1663144>>120982M8, the best course of action is a classic one. Don't fees the troll- same thing can be applied to artist who crave attention, good or bad.
>>120982The only thing you deserve now is pity.
>>120982Sorry, I don’t have access to my computer right now, so my edits would be useless. Plus, don’t worry about it. The worst they can do is make this a running joke, and might now that you are egging this on. However, they have literally no power over us. So why are you battling so hard over this? A few memes are well and good, but it is not important. It is a faggot that made a shitty little picture.
Big deal...
Well, now it might be now that you are making it more popular.
I decided to work on it some more
>>121023Can we get it without semen? I hate semen
>>121024Can't do it with my set up atm. Phone can only do so much
>>120413>TumblrFilled with fucking disgusting nigger lovers. I'm not surprised.
>>120943Which is exactly why we should consider my proposal
>>120484 >>120484Why would we do that? Does derpibooru censor us?
>>121023>>121024>>121026>>121030>>121032>>121036>>121037Alright mates, Ralek, Dragk and Big Mac are fucking planning to do more Zebradom art, with gryphons too
How the hell should we react?
>>121050>>121051Considering they probably wouldn't be doing it if you weren't shitstorming about it
Fucking nothing
Stop, holy shit just stop
No sane person gives a fuck about some cuck drawing his cuck art
Why is it so hard for you?
also, stop namefagging. you're the only guy with that flag and ID in this thread, we know who you are. >>121051The best we can do is edit their art and change it into our in case anyone wants to use their art as a way to troll us
>>121053well i just restarted my modern so...
By the way, how the hell do we edit gryphon art though?
>>121056Maybe make them into hypogrifs? Are those acceptable?
>>121056By golly, is he starting to understand why we said not to? No? Oh well...
>>121057We need a good artist for that though
>>121052This. The only people who would take any notice would be us and a handful of SJWs who know about us. A normie brony is not going to stumble across the picture and think "oh, well /mlpol/'s mascot is race-mixing, they must be huge hypocrites."
We could win a direct battle only if we had a huge number of artists who could simply outpace these haters. We don't have that so just let them circlejerk as we appreciate our own art.
What i find curious about this whole case is the fact that i see this italian flag only pop up in these drama threads where the OP goes off about some cuck art on DB. I have come to believe that this poster may not be a genuine MLP user, but a VPN that is used to inflate and perpetuate this kind of artist drama.
Anyways OP, it is okay that you brought this to attention, but you should have stopped digging yourself deeper into this 2 days ago. I don't see much purpose in this at the current state. It doesnt help that you end up screeching for support in comment sections and requests more artists to help you, those dont grow on trees you know.
My thanks goes out to the Anons who bothered to bleach the stripes out. I do suggest we keep this practice up for future smearing attempts from detractors, this ought but put a stop to this once they get that they essentially just end up making free art for us if we know how to spin the spear.
>>121069this desu
also op made a raiding server and isn't even in any of the other mlpol related ones so further doubt this op
When something like this happens, best to downvote and move on, starting a flame war with triggered lefties in DB comments is pointless
>>121069I was honestly wondering the same thing doesn't help that OP is formatting his posts like a newfag and reacting like one. Really makes you think.
>>121071>>121072>tfw you are so retarded that you get confused for a trollI actually am serious about this, but now i prefer if we hit them back with aryan art
>>121074Not saying your a troll, but the way your formatting your posts is as if you haven't been around here for too long.
Which leads me to believe you don't understand how to play the game.
Pro tip, you don't. >>121075I am legally retarded honestly in Italy as i have something called "Article 104" that basically says i'm retarded and should get privileges
I got this article when i was 6 and when i didn't know how to learn and write still
https://www.disabili.com/legge-e-fisco/speciali-legge-a-fisco/legge-104-disabiliI still have this because i don't want to do shit
>>121076well that explains everything.
>>121076>I am legally retarded honestly Lurk more and you'll fit in just fine then.
>>121076>I am legally retarded honestly in ItalyI wouldn't have admitted to that...
>>121095Well who cares anymore? i'm not actually retarded but i am on paper
Justgive him recomondatioins on how to kill himself and mo ve on, he's a shit artist so whoi cares, look at that god aweful anatomy.
I would strongly advise not engaging in any hacking or DDoS attacks. It is simply a bad idea. Be sarcastic or be cool. People want you to be angry if they give you something inflammatory, so if you act cool or act sarcastic, they don't like it.
Yes, it is annoying but it is designed to piss you off. I would be playful in a not too aggressive way, because that gives the impression that you don't really care and that you are the one having fun.
Don't raid, don't hack, just keep your wits about you, maybe be a bit playful.
Also, DDoSing Derpibooru is going to get you nowhere as from what I can gather, they are effectively neutral territory, assuming their rules are enforced fairly. Also, seeing how many pictures I see with their tag system, we use it a lot.
>>120413Also I don't think it was specifically targeted at us, as those are pretty common things. In all likelihood, he doesn't even know who we are.
Pic slightly related.
>>121423That’s because it is technically his art that was edited. Stop being triggered like a little feminist. It will be ok. We got the edits here.
Leave it be.
Let me repeat that.
Leave it be.
Can you stop bumping this garbage?
>>120415White cocks anon. White cocks. Remember who you are.
>>121488Under normal circumstances, this would need no reply. Those digits are not normal circumstances.
>>121182We could aim to make the edit get more likes
>>120511>>120513So Wakanda, but Whites nuked everyone after WWII? So we have nationalist Zebras and racist Aryanne living at the same time?
It would be a bromance between Malcolm X and George Lincoln Rockwell. I can get behind that.
And you're gay for posting in an mlp thread. Do we trade addresses and plan to meet for anonymous sex now?
>>121516I don't know about wakanda or malcom x or rockwell, but i would have a little idea of who will be the pony
>>122100>>122080>>121564>>121516>>121515>>121514THEY FUCKING REMOVED THE ARYAN EDIT WE DID
>>122632Meh. Just typical DB bullshit. Nothing to get fussy about.
>>122632While that is annoying, it's important not to let them manipulate you into a frenzy. What do you have to gain from fighting over that picture?
It's apparent that you are driven by what you believe in. Perhaps you could direct that drive towards arguably more productive goals? I'm not familiar with current events in Italy, but here in the US one such goal would be educating people about the truth behind gun control and gun violence.
>>122660Italian politics are no joke right now and I recommend reading up or learning about them right now.
Their election is coming up very soon and it has the potential to dramatically change the continent over there.
They are basically having their own version of brexit.
I pray that they stand up and leave the European Union.
>>122676>>122660>>122641How about we downvote his shitty art?
>>122687How about you get tired of being told to leave it alone and following the advice
I'd almost think you were the artist himself at this point with the amount of effort you're putting in to get a rise out of people
>>122692At this point I am convinced that there is a correlation between the Italian poster and this kind of art drama threads. Just look at the other thread he made, his constant misbehavior even after being told off numerous times, how he talks in an attempt to stir up more drama...
Something simply does not add up. I never really had full trust in him but I can't take him seriously anyways after he claimed he is legally retarded by law, there must be more to it.
Have you all not entertained the idea that OP is in fact the artist and is only coming here to create "proof" that his art is making "dem ebil Nazis" rage so he can get some social justice brownie points?
I mean we have attracted one or two lolcows already trying to make themselves popular, thinking they can best our autism with their legit autism.
>>122699I had considered the idea, but it felt too stupid to post
>>122699Well, regardless of everything, everything is done in this thread.
We REEE, we calm down, we fix it in
>>120588, and we got it saved.
Let's let the thread die. It fullfill it's purpose. And italian OP, chill. Even you know better.
If you keep this up, you can earn a ban. We want to keep our users, not destroy them
>>122733>>122709>>122702>>122701>>122699>>122697I don't give a damn about what you think, this guy is a fucking disease and he basically took someone else's oc without his permission for his hateboner for his oc
Not to be >triggered, but why is this shit not spoilered? If a drawing of Zuckerburg is bad enough to get the spoiler treatment, why not this?
>>122843you can't add spoilers to your main post
>>122842We could get this user pretty much get banned if we manage to accuse him of appropriating the oc that he took without anyone's permission
>>122839Most Tumblrites are a disease, but we're not curing them anytime soon. Let it go. He's feeding off your angst.
Also, if we can incorporate Leftypol's mascot in unflattering art, some random SJW can do the same with ours. If you're so concerned then learn to draw and outpace the bad art with good art. Let it go.
>>122845If we were to start getting respect we would need to take action about this and accuse him of drawing that oc without our permission
we could get the fucker banned on Derpibooru
>>122844>We could get this user pretty much get banned if we manage to accuse him of appropriating the oc that he took without anyone's permissionThe worst part is you're probably legit retarded enough to believe this
I have to give the artist props, he was successful, even if you're the only one to give a shit
>>122848Hello Big-Mac-115
Go away with your jewish tricks
>>122848Daily reminder that Big-Mac-115 posted 4chan memes before and could pretty well be infiltrated inside there like the internal-kike he is
And don't forget he's american too and keeps using the "muh freedom" argument to attack nazis
That little piece of shit took down the edit out of fear of being surclassed by an edit or remake, this has happened tons of times before and if you anons don't want to trigger Derpibooru out of "Why should we feed the trolls?" it means you don't have the will to, if we organise we could take the fucked down, perhaps hack derpibooru in case (((They))) don't want to even if we find out something illegal that he has done
>>122851He might be a troll but we need to fuck the troll over so he may regret it
>>122850I bet Big-Mac-115 isn't nearly as cancerous as you are despite him being a cuck
Why are you trying so hard to make us all look like aspies?
Nobody gives a fucking shit
How many times must this be relayed to you?
I doubt you could even function in society or a job if this is the sort of person you are, even if you wanted to.
You are not a credit to this board at all and need to fucking stop
I'll say it again
Fucking STOP
Holy shit
You are making me far more angry than the fuck that drew the picture to begin with
>>122853But anon, i want to see the world burn
>>121076>>121099"I'm not actually retarded but I am on paper."
Yeah, sure…
>>122859fun fact: The doctor that assigned me that article was actually a jew
>>122860You're getting so triggered over a picture one would think either Aryanne is your actual mother or you're Big Mac himself trying to goad us. SJWs may try to suppress us, but we won't stoop to their level, regardless of what "muh horseshoe" centrists think.
Just get over it. Use some of your angst to help a political rally in Italy (or don't, they might be better off without you), or pick up the arts and do something constructive.
We must take small steps in punishing degenerates. Doxx them now, let their parents and friends know what they draw, then escalate
(One post by this IP) >>122951Why must you bump this shitty thread and encourage retardation?
>>122951You're giving them the moral high ground by doxxing them over a stupid picture. That would make them martyrs in their little clique of degenerates.
Please you fucking spergs don't dox or attack these degenerates! For fuck sake how can you deal with life if this is the level of deep rooted autism riddling your frail little minds!?
>>125527OP was a shill. And please sage this garbage thread.
Delet that comment to un-bump the thread pls.
https://imgur.com/a/XEIEwhttps://derpibooru.org/1683930?q=AryanneSeems like we have another case of a professional cuck artist on our hands. If anyone wants to fire up photoshop and purge the degeneracy from this piece, be our guest.