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I got an idea that would be worth trying if we find someone who speaks Swedish here. Considering how the train station of Stockholm is so overrun by muslims that even police don't go there, and that feminists still think all bad news about muslims are racist propaganda, we should organize a feminist meeting at the Stockholm train station!

After all, they should "know" that all this fearmongering is just islamophobia, so they should just go there together to prove everyone that the muslims are nice people and there's nothing to fear about them. Name the campaign something like "At home in Stockholm", with posters of happy women having a conversation with muslims and an explanation of how this event is meant to prove the islamophobes that there is nothing to fear. Set a beginning and ending times for when the gathering takes place, possibly with some kind of afterparty in the evening to make the event seem even more legit, and wait for the feminists to get redpills violently shoved up their every orifice.

What do you think?
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We'd need a female anon (itself a rarity) who lives in South Sweden, who can infiltrate a feminist group. It would take a lot to accomplish.
We have a swedeanon who posts sometimes.
This tbh I don't think women show up to advertised events unless following a trend set by other roasties. I think it would be hilarious though.
I don't really have the time but I have thought about doing something similar. I have so many ideas on how to redpill people. I have one which includes putting up an red pill article at my university and watch the fireworks. I also lack the skills necessary to create such flyers and so on.

But if you post something here in english, i can translate it into swedish.

Fight against raceism!
Meet up with other feminists at stockholms train station to stand fast with muslim immigrants, who constantly faces islamophobia. Lets show the racists that meetings across culture borders strenghten our compassion for each other and calms are fears. Let love triumph over hate.
Bring along a gay or two.

Translated like this:

Stå upp emot rasismen!
Möt upp med andra feminister och anti-rasister på stockholms tågstation för att stå solidariskt med de nya svenskarn, vilka ständigt får utstå islamofobi. Låt oss vissa för rasisterna att möten mellan människor från olika kulturer stärker vårt medlidande och tystar räddslan. Låt kärleken besegra hatet.
Ta med en bög eller två.
If you give me text, I'll try making a poster.
Anything specific you want design-wise?
It really was OP that wanted to orginze a meeting.

I do offer my services in translating the text.

Regarding your question, we could discuss the desgin here. But if you want my input, I think that if we are trying to fool people into believeing this thing is for real, we need to use their rhetoric. I think the best way to convince them to do this is to do soething like this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvjwXhCNZcU

There is this expression in Sweden, which was coin by are last prime minister right before the last election. It fits well with the worldview a lot of boomer swedes have. He said anyway, that Sweden is a world power in morality.

So appeal to morality, pity, humanity and to anti-racism since all boomers here imagine themselves to be like the soldiers that landed on the beaches of normandy.

Also i just realized that I don't think this would redpill that many. Maybe some of the feminists that is there but they might as well chuck it up to them being just men.

What I mean do we really want to bring a bunch of feminsist woman into a situation that could led to something similar to what happend in germany on new years eve.

The swedish media would cover it up to the maximum degree only alt news outlets would comment on it. The people who reads them are allready redpilled and they allready have things to point at to say that immigration has failed.

I understand ops idea but I honestly don't think it will work out in our favor. I would rather, in that case focus on trying to get information out to normies that don't read alt outlets.