No seriously when can we just remove custom flags. They're useless if we're stuck to them, it becomes a never ending tripcode that we need a mod to turn off. [Embed]An unsanctioned poll to show the mods that we want to get ride of it. We can figure out what to replace it with later but I just want to see it gone.
>>105634Custom flags? I'm drunk, as in like the commie/gadsden/nazi flags?
We should also get rid of country flags while we are at it or at least make them optional. There are too few of us right now and it makes it easy to identify posters from outside the U.S.
>>105637Yep, but you need to request it from the mods in order to have one. Its devolved into attention whoring like a namefag that can't turn his name off.
>>105638The other option is having a few custom flags that we can select with no-flags being an option. I like it the most but I think we should deal with one problem at a time.
I'll admit to being new to /mlpol/ here, specifically.
Not new to 4chan, but got pissed enough at /mlp/ and /pol/ to wander here on occasion.
I've always liked the country flags, and hated the custom ones.
For the record.
>>105640>>105648The best solution would be to remove geo flags, and to have the /mlpol/ flag become the default flag. From there, have a small list of selectable flags that the community can vote on such as ancap, confederate, etc. That is the fairest way to proceed. Also, a thread should be able to toggle ID's for a thread in the OP like
>>>/qa/3905 → >>105675The problem with the geo flags is that the few non burgers that are here get exposed immediately. There's the German Sour Kraut, Norway Anon who uses /sg/, The last true(?) Swede, Nigel, etc. Their posting style doesn't help, but the flags usually confirm suspicions. They may as well be tripfagging. Until the UID's start hitting 50-100 on a daily basis, the geo flags should be shelved.
Besides, geo flags were implemented to help show the perspective of the poster. If almost everybody here is American discussing mostly American politics, what purpose do the geo flags serve?
>>105680I'd say geoflags would be a good option, but anons should also be able to post their geoflag when relevant. The default should be no flag though. I'd like to see a few custom flags available, like Nazi, Ancap, Equestria, and maybe one more along with geoflag, and no flag.
>>105654>thread should be able to toggle ID'No, just kill all the boards besides /mlpol/ and /sp/ and then things should work out fine. But if your going to make IDs able to be turned on and off then /sp/ should also die which I don't agree with.
>>105680But I like knowing when its Nigel, it saves me the trouble of trying to sway him with reason and logic.
>>105685>But I like knowing when its NigelThen your part of the problem.
>>105680>If almost everybody here is American discussing mostly American politics, what purpose do the geo flags serve?I don't reckon they serve any useful purpose in practice
t. Americ- wait a minute… >>105683Is there a reason to make the default no flag versus the option to have a default flag? My main argument for a default /mlpol/ flag is to preserve the /pol/ness of the site, and the that the flag looks really snazzy.
My reason for wanting a toggle is that in non discussion threads (i.e. /mlp/ style threads) if you are a writefag or just taking a temporary position you are forever "that guy" in the thread. That's great for a topic discussion that eventually dies, not so great for long Pony threads. The id's kill anonymity for the rest of the thread. So either toggle IDs, or create a feature to cycle their IDs to a new ID. I don't know what the capability of the web developer is or what time he has to try and implement such a system. I figured a toggle would be easier and suggested that first.
Default /mlpol/ flag, optional geo flags.
Every solution is the next problem. I wonder if we will cycle. Are we removing trips?
My paranoia says to me that 4/pol/ got flags so that national law enforcement had a better chance of knowing which jurisdiction the poster fell into.
If there is no non-national flag option, I would seriously reconsider my posting here. If there is a non-national flag option I will tripfag.
Now what?
>>105746if that's seriously your condition for staying here, then do whatever. we're not stopping you.
>>105746I already knew you were an Aussie anyways. Your shitposting is a red flag, but honestly you need to step up your game, mate.
>>105739>>105748These are nice bait memes :) saved.
>>105654>going full into ideologyI rather not. It's pretty reddit, doesn't solve the problem (like this one ancap fag right here
>>105655 being noticable as fuck), and it's terriblely convoluted which is probably why some staff hasn't been keen on it. Not speaking for them though, but I think that creating a new system instead of removing flags is more, meaningless work. Just take off the flags and go full anonymoose.
>>105680I think the perspective part is a bit moot. Any one poster that wanted to show a particular investment can say, "Mongolian here… my perspective on biowarfare is… etc… etc…" Problem fixed with the geoflag issue. Even then, the worth of resident national isn't always up to par as you can see with people like Nigel.
>>105752This is my second favourite option. Flags in general, on a slow board, increases tracking. National flags are worse because it is tracking poster and location in real life.
I can still tripfag to bait you all and watch the thread arise about removing trips too!The poll needs a no flag option.
>>105737>spoilerThat or you can avatarfag
which you also do, but I suppose we can remove trips and make rules against avatarfaggotry. But, it could all be fruitless because we're in one big dialectical cycle that is never ending and we're doing is rolling a boulder up the hill! Right, Vril?
>>105756Yes and we also forget that every solution brings a new problem. For example if we go no flags then shit posting will rise because there is no blow back for it.
Is the poll worth it? We haven't even got dialogue from staff. Not that we know.
>>105759My understanding is when the community gets to a consensus the staff will, if feasible, do it.
Custom Flags: Advantages - hides rl location, accountability; Disadvantages - (anti-)cult of personality
National Flags: Disadvantages - pre-judgement, real life location, tracking on slow board
Ideology Flags: Disadvantages - pre-judgement, cult of ideology (unless a nothing flag option)
No flags: Advantages - no pre-judgement, no cult of ideology, no (anti-)cult of personality; Disadvantages - shit posting without blow back
IDs are better than national flags
Tripfagging is the same as Custom Flags
>>105761Yeah, but poll is flawed. I voted, and I don't like the vote cuz the choices. Its either "all flags" or "no flags", which I think is an arguable point.
>>105758If more shotposting occurs, that at least solves the posting problem a bit (the one we have addressed and haven't fixed yet.) However, how could you tell that the reaction will be that? Say that stress rises, but it can be already released by the ethical choice of posting in /sp/. Not to discount irrationality, but there's already a circumventor.
>>105761Forgive my skepticism, but I'm unsure about that.
Honestly, we should begin raiding again. If struggle is eternal, then I rather suffer at the hands of an external enenmy than die by my own compliance. Remember int*, I miss when we were facing them now.
>>105763Okay prescription.
>>105766>ethical choiceDid you just expect a shit poster to be ethical?
>If struggle is eternalIf there is nothing to debate, there is no traffic on the site. Chans need drama.
This thread is our version of drama and SJWing and perhaps even divisiveness.
Another risk is, if you change the culture of the site some people will not like it and silently leave. Other people outside of /mlpol/ won't know the change in culture occurred and won't know to come here to replace them. So it risks a loss of activity.
Regarding no flags = shit posting, this would then be mitigated by mods but lead to unintentional conflicts as long-timers get a 3 day ban or conversely long-timers get treated better than new people leading to 'mods pet' claims.
You have to look past what you are fixing and see what the unintended consequences will be also.
>>105751>This thread is our version of drama and SJWing and perhaps even divisiveness.No, it isn't drama we just need something to disagree on. its why generals are cancer, because no one disagrees. Its why this place has a problem with traffic, we all agree for the most part. Its why /pol/ and /v/ are some of the largest boards on 4chan. People go there to disagree with each other. Drama would imply we have problems with eachother, which chans get around since we're anons
unlessyoutrip/flagfag.png>>105769>but what about Nigel?What about him, ignore him because his posts are shit, there are at least 3 UK anons who come here and even with that you can tell which one is Nigel.
>>105772I found it interesting you didn't object to it being SJWing. The downside of a chan is no drama = no traffic. The right wingers tend to be surprising respectful and decent in there safe boxes (like /mlpol/) and Friendship is Magic adds to that placation. Contrast this to the "tolerant" who have to continue to fight for "tolerance" because they support a hope that can't be pragmatically reached.
We have all the elements of a hug box and a safe area. I might go so far as to say it is a psuedo-ethno utopia.
How to deal with a chan needing drama when its community is fundamentally stable?
>>105776>How to deal with a chan needing drama when its community is fundamentally stable?The options are, signposting or going out of our way to disagree with each other more often. New and current events are fine and all but when you get down to ideology is where anons can disagree and start seeing how many anons are willing to call each other out on shit. I'd say we need more of that along with just being more disagreeable.
>>105768Yes I did. I'm a shitposter and am quite ethical;). But, otherwise this is a tangent at this point. We can deal with shitposters and do. On the 2nd point, I don't disagree. We don't disagree. So, rather our drama be external rather than internal. The difference here is that I offer a solution, and you play centrist
*baits*.>>105769That issue has ended. I thought everyone basically conceded to him.
>>105772My problem wkth your first point is that we're still having proxy drama, or we are just having drama with proxy identities.
>>105771Culture is never static. It changes, and I believe you are hung up on a single issue that is painted woefully dramatic. Shitposting is effectively dealtwith by being removed or accepted with ease. We're one of the most ethical with shitposting that I've seen with most chans and they aren't dying from shitpostin. Well, some of them…
>>105778>concededThats what you - and he - were supposed to think, except that being able to detect when its him is part of the plan. Removing flags totally changes the dynamic
>>105778>My problem with your first point is that we're still having proxy drama, or we are just having drama with proxy identities.Maybe, but its something you can brush aside and start over form again the next day as an anon. If you fall someone a huge faggot and then he calls you a newfag the next day you can start from square one again and even call the person who you shat on a beautiful bastard without knowing. Thats the power of being an anon.
>>105777>just being more disagreeable.And I have suggested no flags leads to shit posting. So perhaps no flags would lead us to bait each other more and create lively debate we can all learn from without it harming our "reputations" because we can't have any under no flags.
Perhaps a safe space for baiting is what we need?
>>105782Are you saying I can't bait? Do you think I'm stupid enough to reply to this?
>>105779I don't understand. Please elaborate. If it's a character issue, then I don't know the solution to that. There's only so much we can shroud in anonyminity. He'll stand out no matter what really.
>>105781That's okay and all. I don't disagree, but these are the type of issues that leave a stain on my mind about this place and shatters the image of grandeur. To put it in context, I want an external enemy rather than an internal one like right now.
>>105782Wow, you really flipped sides on that whole shitposting issue.
>>105782>safe space for baitingkek
>>105785n/m I'll come up with a different strategy, carry on
>>105785>I want an external enemy rather than an internal one like right nowHate to break it to you but even /pol/'s external enemy is mostly just anons larping as shill mixing in with the few shills that exist. An unless your willing to be THAT GUY I doubt it'll work finding someone to be our longterm enemy.
>>105680There's at least two Germans here. Maybe three. There's Chickun, who hangs out in the Aryanne thread, myself, and perhaps one other that I'm pretty sure might be a lefty
To be dialectical, this is all just another problem in ye old big picture.
>>105789I may have to admit to that. But, we it's not like it always been that way. /pol/ used to raid a lot too. We should do that. I demand a full assault on /leftypoll/!
>>105790This is true. I have to be wary when I try to call out Chickun, but I memorised his posting style so much that he's probably the closest anon I know.
>>105794>/pol/ used to raid a lot too. We should do that. I demand a full assault on /leftypoll/!I can do a raid tomorrow night but muh job an shit night anons.
>>105785>I want an external enemy rather than an internal one like right now.We can agree then that drama = traffic. Now we have to work out where to get drama. We can make our own, flagless, or we can look externally. We have tried external a number of times. We are so protected enemies left. But that drama is low tier. We can make our own with politics but we won't actually mean it, it will be low tier.
>Wow, you really flipped sides on that whole shitposting issue.I was persuaded by the point that we need more disagreeableness. This is drama. This is traffic. Self made drama/debate even psuedo can be educational as facts get pulled up that would not ordinarily get pulled up. This removes the "disadvantage" of the 'no flags' option and makes 'no flags' the very best option
, aside from my sexy flag remaining.
Then I can tripfag and bait you all again! >>105794All 10 of us? The last raid I initiated had ~4 people. This won't work, but can still be immense fun if we comprehend it will be small and not overwhelm them. Also /leftypol/ permanently is raiding itself with emotion vs emotion and virtue signalling competitions.
>>105797never forget that a small number of people can make a visible impact, the July 4th Tumblr raid was a thing after all.
>>105797Ever heard of The Battle of Thermopolyae?
>>105800>>105801Change my words to "most of the time won't work as a raid" but don't take this as me belittling us. The "raid" by the ~4 of us in 4/mlp/ yesterday had discussion on the similarity of Equestrian rule and NatSoc rule on /mlp/. This isn't nothing, it just isn't a raid tier.
>>105802that was a raid thread? just seemed like one to sit back and observe, for the most part. Hell, enough chaos was sown simply because of the topic without our intervention!
>>105806I guess so, but if you wanted a raid then it should've been advertised as one. Our mods aren't scared of raids, make the thread for it and anons will come.
Reminder to delete things that are easily traceable when raiding. /leftypol/ is known for doxxing.
>>105812define easily traceable, and traceable to who/what?
>t. guy who usually requires more explanation than necessary >>105813Accounts, names, etc… It's easy to scrounge for data on a particular person here if you are dedicated. It's an issue beneath the flagfag issue that goes ignored.
The name field has all the qualities of a user selectable flag. There is nothing to stop a person from typing NatSoc or German or Vril#tripcode in that space. If we agree that technically automatically identifying nationality is bad flags loose all utility because the remainder can all be done in the name field, and as said before in the comment field.
>>105819We can go full Lain and remove names even. It's about communication.
How about flags from boards as an option?
>>105823Look. Vril had
a period!>>105824Back to your /sp/amhole, dumb football poster.
I could do no flags but if we do that then how about an /mlpol/ flag for all?
>>105820I'd be interested in seeing how this all goes. The ultimate anon board.
NOT! I would then digitally sign my posts to maintain my cult status! Yes I win! Remove Comments field when????! >>105830/fatality! :)
It demonstrate why we can't remove problems from the world. Every solution is the next problem. The world will always be messy. Problems are like energy you can only shift them around you can't remove them.
>>105830Then Vril must be bred for the sake of Aryan causes. I volunteer first. You can go on the front though, and we can cause a good spitroast.
>>105835A compliment from a degenerate. Torn.
Marriage first, boys. Have you been on /ub/ lately and improved yourselves up to my standards?
>tfw have to proposs to vril
I'm a sex symbol again, wow.
These flags sure are a problem!! Stop e-celebs now!
>>105848>>105848Your baiting only makes Monika thicker!
>>105850Lesbian degenerate rejected.
Next applicant?
Did Vril just trash another important flag thread just to keep his flag? How long can he keep getting away with this?
>>105856Der Aussie; behind every shitpost.
>>105860Good point. Playing here keeps me from hunting down insider info.
>>105859This reminds me of how the media plays us. Just keep the public continually off-balance and going in circles until the public withdraws and leaves the leadership with the elite who farm us.
>>105861>Uh huh. But, do you really believe my narrative? Who started the shitposting here? Was it actually me, or did I just give you that carnal release?
>>105863>But, do you really believe my narrative?That I should be bred. Obviously my superior genes should be. So yes :)
>Who started the shitposting here?The OP.
>Was it actually me, or did I just give you that carnal release?You didn't make me cum yet, baby.
>>105866Stop. You're only maing me harder!
>>105867If you throw in some foot worship, that might get me over the edge.
>>105870Is this thread derailed? Why do you let Vril do this??????
This is the most degenerate moment in mlpol history. This just occurred.
>>105871This thread never was 'official' in any sense, so who cares? If anyone wants to refute whatever points they can. In any case, Vril is a delightful douchebag. He'll still be "In some way observably Vril" even if not flagged, so its a moot point imo.
>>105874You can join my cult-harem and help breed the Master Race.
My superior genetics has just come up with the perfect solution! Everybody gets a Vril flag!!
>>105880>>105871>>105870Hi, I'm Vril anon and it's really nice to meet a fan. Back when I was 11 years old I killed a bear with my fist and stole its power, and made that power into conspiracies.
The Lord Jesus Christ blessed me with a solid gold cock which gave me the power to rule MLPOL, and I brought conspiracies to the land and all the ponies rejoiced, for they now had all the conspiracies just like me, Vril anon. And so it shall be, forever.
Amen. Praise Conspiracies.
>>105886You shall be Keeper and High Priest of my cult-harem.
Praise Be The Conspiracies!
>>105886One small correction it was a gold vibrator.
>>105680>what purpose do the geo flags serve?Unveiling Canadian shitposters like /mlpol/ did on April Fools.
>>105897There's a difference between australian shitposting and canadian shitposting. Or at least I like to think so, I put effort into my shit, canadians generally don't, they just come out with the most retarded shit possible.
>>105898True. I had always wondered if the paid shills used a CA proxy because it kept things fast still. I also am reminded that CA was a very willing participant in MKULTRA and is prominently mentioned in Cathy O'Briens mind control book.
Australian's are just unlucky enough that they are in a timezone away from both EU and US. So I think they bait more to stir up the dwindled English speaking population. this doesn't cause more cancer but just in case for people that want to address the issue.
Vote niggers.
>>105904Add on "Site-wide/no flag plus choice list/custom flag" since my concern is geo-flags not flags. Sorry to be a pain.
What if we had by default no flags. But you could upload a custom flag which associates to your hashed IP? And reuploading changes it.
What if in options you could just disable seeing flags? What if in options you can just turn off your flag?
"Choice from list" can also include a "no flag/site flag" option too.
>>105917What if a person wants to post under a neutral/none ideology? On 4chins what is the no-ideology/non-national option? Because I want to use that one over there.
>>105919They didn't have one or maybe it was pirate or something dumb.
>>105920I consider the ideology flags on 4/pol/ an attempt to sow division by dividing people into camps rather than follow logic and evidence.
>>105870>Is hoof worship a thing???I don't know, you tell me.
>>105927You are eligible to join my cult-harem as Minister of Education.
>>105929I never should have doubted the internet.
For your service I offer you the position of Minister of Protocol.
>>105634Bumparo, tis been 2weeks and by the looks of it 3/4s of the anons who voted have said they'd rather we change the system in some form or another.
Personally my flag is pretty much a tripcode of sorts, I'm the only Chilean on /mlpol/.