Share your favourite episodes and memorable moments from the show.
Anything that stuck with you when you started watching it for the first time?
One of my favourite episodes is "Rarity Takes Manehattan".
I like how it shows a variety of characters on their high and low, and how you shouldn't take the unknown with a naive mentality. I particularly enjoyed how Rarity evolved into a more disingenuous character without changing her personality.
I'm also fond of the conclusion of the episode, where every objective was resolved in the protagonists' favour (Rarity wining the contest, Coco Pommel getting a fulfilling job, everyone enjoying their vacation at Manehattan) without having to choose a specific outcome on lieu of a moral lesson.
What did you, anons, think of this episode?
>>105584Ohhh… There is so many good uplifting moments in the show. I am only on my 2nd watchthrough so my memory is not the best. But if I am going to pick up one moment that I remember right now it would be….
>why isn't my brain working right now, I really wanted to post about an episode>I have to think about it and bingewatch a bit >>105584Probably Cutie Mark Chronicles.
I'm a sucker for all the background connections at a seemingly supernatural level.
The sonic rainbooms were really special, made me tear up.
>>105584My favorite episode is Scare Master, Fluttershy is just so cute the entire episode and I am a complete sucker for that. But the most memorable moment had to be either cutie mark chronicles with dash's first rainboom, or the return of harmony part 2 when twilight was completely alone.
>>105597>I have to think about it and bingewatch a bitIt's been a bit, anon… You don't have to pick the
best moment, just tell us something you remember fondly.
Like the 5 seconds that unironically got me into MLP: When the CMC got their cutie marks.
Don't ask me why why I really like it, cause I had never really felt like CMC episodes where that good but that one touched me somehow.
>>105666>a post from ancap hellI also liked that closure for them, even knowing that I'd miss their episodes where they searched for their cutie marks (which, for the most part, I found silly). Weird stuff.
>>105684I won't fucking lie, tears where shedI guess the closure may have done it. Maybe it was that they had finally gotten what they had been looking for for so long. Either way that was a good scene.
I also didn't start with season one, so going back to watch the first episode was nice
I don't remember the title but I really liked the episode where Fluttershy got over her stage fright and learned to sing in front of people.
I know not many people like it but I like the season 2 episode where Twilight panics about not getting her lesson of friendship in before the weekly deadline and she loses her shit.
Twilight is just that one pony that is hilarious to watch her crumble under huge pressure since she rarely gets in those positions.
>>105780Twilight's autism was cute in the earlier seasons, it's a shame she sort of lost that as the series progressed.