As this board can be rather slow and the standard 'post here when you come' format hasn't helped recently, I figured I'd start a content/recommendation thread.
So, here are the rules:
Whenever you finish reading a manga or watching an anime movie, season, or short series, post here and give it a short review. (Post spoilers for major or minor plot events in spoilers, obviously.) If you feel someone else's review is shit, tell them why so they can improve. I'll start.
Name: Made In Abyss
The Good: the worldbuilding is phenomenal, and the environments are gorgeous. The titular abyss or Netherworld that the story takes place in has varied and versatile landscapes, and each and every one of them is memorable. The creature design is serviceable, a few are uninspired but for the most part they feel at place in a hellscape.
The Bad: there are a few plot inconsistencies and conveniences. Near the end, one of the characters who is portrayed as an experienced researcher seemingly wastes all but two of his test subjects, and then allows the remaining two to escape easily. Reg's arm length seems to fluctuate depending on what the writers need. One minute he's expressing difficulty rescuing the other main character because he lacks the length, the next he's lowering himself down what are presumably hundreds of meters to descend in the abyss safely. The two hollows don't have that well of a defined dynamic, so when you see one of them turned into cat yogurt you don't feel the same emotional investment. The one sentient hollow also sort of stole the show for me, I found her motivations were far more interesting than 'I gotta find my mom.' or 'I am a robot, I will protect you from danger because plot.'
The Ugly: I didn't really like the humor. 99% of it is just some character making a remark about dicks, pussies, balls or butts. Maybe I'd find it a bit less unbearable if they weren't all around 12 (or appear to be around 12). It's just disgusting, felt like the writers were child groomers.
55 replies and 15 files omitted.
Just finished the Saga of Tanya the Evil. Fucking PUMPED for the movie. Great series, awesome animation, avant guarde themes (intro and outro), strategy, fortitude, irony throughout; highly recommended. Imo short series' tend to be superior to lengthy ones, and this is no exception. Gonna rewatch ij German for full Nazi-esque effect later. Seriously, its great.
Watched the most recent episode of Re:Zero this week. Excited for the season 2 finale Wednesday.
I binged the first season a couple months ago, but forgot to post about it.
I watched Re:Creators
All those made-up anime characters fighting each other was an interesting premise. The villain having a metaphorical and literal "dead author" that lets fans add new powers to her was interesting, too. The heroes having to beat a foe with infinite power and deciding to make her author a character she can talk to and fuck off with was interesting.
But holy shit, the stuff with humans and anime-making was dull. Simple concepts that could be summed up in 1-4 lines took multiple minutes to explain, and even watching those scenes at 2x speed was slow. It felt like I was reading a godawful fanfiction that didn't trust the audience's ability to understand concepts like crossovers.
And if you're eventually going to break your own rules with the reality-warping liar girl, why dedicate so much time to over-explaining incredibly simple rules? "What would your characters and creators think of each other" is an interesting question but the creators on their own are not interesting people. And the visual novel chick and his obligatory pervert creator... what was the point of that?
And the subtitling job was dogshit, whenever something important was written in Moon Runes the subtitler forgot to add english subs for it. I still have no fucking clue what Liar Girl wrote on that book she showed to the manga artist guy she killed with a ghost dog because I don't speak foreignese.
I liked the cool fights and the rare exploration of what a character might say to/think of its creator but this show probably would have turned out better if it lasted for half the time, trimming the fat from non-essential talking scenes and pouring any budget this saves into its fights.
Just finished Assassination Classroom. It was way more deep than I would have expected. The finale hit me harder than most series' do, and for that, it's in my all-time top 5.
It's a ridiculous series, that doesnt even take its self seriously. And yet, the final roll call. God damn these onions.
Also, Code Geass was trash. Jesus christ. The animation/art style was garbage, and the "whoa, so strategic plot" felt hackneyed. Would not recommend.
>>1382I loved Code Geass as a teen but it's peak pseud
Lelouch is not smart. He is just allowed to be right when he pulls bullshit. Landslides go in his favor when he triggers them. Deus ex machinas and diablous ex machinas push the story forward. Lelouch doesn't rig the odds in his favor. He gambles everything on ballsy moves or fucks himself with retarded rookie mistakes or wins because his side has the better people.
giant robots are inferior to tanks in all areas. If you need a taller tank you don't want a taller tank you want a chopper or vtol jet to handle that.
if you have a Contrivium energy source that makes mechs on roller skates hit sixty miles an hour it can make normal tanks go even faster.
Deus Sex bullshit does not a thrilling story with twists and turns make.
Halfway through the story a reset button is hit artificially for no reason. Did a studio exec demand that? It makes me wonder how much better the story would have been without that. Where it could go if a timeskip wasn't wasted on a reset button.
This is a hypocritical show that revels in excess only possible in this setting thanks to Britannia's hyper-elitism. Life sucks for poor people but things are unrealistically great for the rich and middle class to make it seem like there's no reason they couldn't share it with the poor. The hero hates his dad's cartoon darwinism because it rejects the worth of plot devices like Nunally and the nice feelings they can invoke in important people and what they can do if the author decides to undisable them. But this made Britannia a globe-conquering force only a mix of plot armour and unbeatable magic bullshit can beat. This is a setting where some people are just better than others whether they are handed magic power or money or political power or not. You won't see Shirley pulling spinkicks like Spinzaku, the original Spinjutsu master. "only people prepared to be killed should kill" sounds deep but means very little. People who got into this show because they wanted something genuinely smart will be disappointed once they notice all the dumb bullshit.
spoiler: Lelouch is betrayed by his friends for no reason and people who did far worse than him get forgiven. His final plan is to die by Suzaku's hand and fake an evil turn to "take all the world's hatred with him" but this would simply make people keep thinking all Britannians are evil while psychologically fucking with a friend he knows is an unstable wreck.
This show isn't as bad as BBC's Sherlock when it comes to pseudointellectual style over substance but it's up there.
Just finished Evangelion for the first time. Pretty good.
Weird ending though...
Okay, I watched the ending movie.
Even weirder ending...
I watched Digimon Tamers, it's pretty good.
Dai Mahou Touge is something else. news is the the
finale Sports Event ends with hors. Lots of hors.
Akame ga kill was a good show.
The way it constantly killed off main characters pissed me off.
Eventually I came to expect it.
>>1465The anime deviates from the manga a lot after a certain point. You should read the manga.
The manga has much better endings that aren't rushed, and it kills off the characters in much more dignified ways.
League Of Legends Arcane was surprisingly good.
I'm glad it featured my old mains Heimerdinger and Jayce from back when I actually played LoL. Gave up before reaching lv20 tho. I played Veigar and Ahri too but I'm glad they didn't shoehorn them in and 200 other one-note characters. They had a story in mind and used these particular characters to tell it because they were necessary to the plot. Although they probably could have shoved in an inconsequential KDA cameo on some stage in the rich people's part of the city, a small piece of fanservice like that wouldn't hurt.
The excessively woke shit was annoying (Jayce being saved by and fucking a "forward-thinking" nigger, the story being full of fucking niggers, the nigger's mom being a brutal warlord nigger and slutty exhibitionist into younger white men, Jayce's crippled dying friend's healing device looking suspiciously like a tranny's chest binder for symbolism that made the injections and magical ball-touching feel weird, another fucking interracial fetish nigger dying for trying to stop his transformation, a little girl scaring a bigger guy with a knife into fucking off, the show blaming slums on "the rich not giving a shit" and drug makers and crime bosses instead of government policies and cultures and drug takers and those who are happy to work for crime bosses, a boxer girl kicking the ass of multiple adults just because she has metal gloves on and they felt like approaching politely one at a time) but the show was good overall. Excellent visuals.
Maybe people are being desensitized by the extremely woke shit over time and that's why they don't complain about slightly woke shit any more? Nobody minded when Wonder Woman depicted WW2 being won overnight by a bulletproof woman while all the men just watched. But they complained when Captain Marvel was even woker.
I think turning the generic "teehee i luv violence and chaos and anarchy and explosions rawr XD" girl Jinx into a tragic character was genius. I never thought I'd find myself giving a shit about this character but goddamn this is a well written show. If I was ten years younger and a far freer man I bet I'd be writing fanfiction right now. Probably dogshit fixfics where everyone is happy and therefore there is no story unless a new one gets shoved in like the chase for a new McGuffin.
Still fuck League of Legends. It's a shit game designed badly, if you have a bad teammate or two in a team deathmatch you don't need extra penalties like EXP and Gold penalties and increasing death timers to punish you further. Paladins is designed better.
I hope that LoL fighting game turns out good, but I'll see if it is before I buy. Preordering is for niggers.
Also "Bidoof's Big Stand" ripped off Dizzy's Instant Kill.
>>1499Is Teemo in it? and How QT is Jinx?
I finished Beastars.
It's a great show but goddamn that part with Tem's killer was stupid.
Gun Lois decides "why take a break from the mafia or sell it to them as going undercover to throw off suspicion when I can just quit for life?" and nearly dies as a result.
Lion guy commits a strangely roundabout suicide method just so the gang would hopefully want Lois alive.
Lois The Gun Deer makes it to a fight Legosheep had no reason to play a part in.
All so that Legoshi can feel forced to eat Lois's foot.
It would have been so easy to make Riz kidnap the faggot sheep to force this confrontation to happen, so the heroes can try to escape once their reason to be here is over. Lois could get his leg stuck and order Legoshi to bite it off. Then Riz catches up, violence happens, and Legoshi feels forced to eat the leg that would only go to waste anyway before the bear can.
Legoshi goes on a goddamn vore offenders registry for this that forbids him from marryng herbivores. Or "an erbivore" as this show calls them.
If the author wanted to make the meat training harder for Legoshi just make it harder without any of this convoluted idiot plot bullshit. Perhaps the lions could force Legosi to eat meat. Or he could do it as a distraction.
Goddamn it why did Lois just fucking forget he had a gun?
Did he not want Legosi to know he has one?
He didn't seem to mind jamming a gun in that other guy's face.
If the heroes needed a reason to fight Riz, couldn't "we must get evidence and bait him into confessing on camera only cleverly" work? Let him smash one camera and act scared while your smartphone records audio and another hidden camera records shit.
And the manga said this day was lied about...
"I know lmao lets blame Riz for the devouring of Lois's leg and then put Legosheep on the same registry for no apparent reason and hope nobody connects the dots".
This story loves its melodrama.
loves to amplify everything to absurd levels.
But magical moth ninjutsu... What's next, rope ninjutsu and the transformation jutsu? (I read ahead in the manga. This story gets messy sometimes and I'm not talking about the gore. And fuck Melon for being so boring. This genetic mistake makes the anti-racemixing culture look right and makes Legosi's goal in life look like it might end in another Melon.)
Beastars History is a funny meme. Tell people the basics and make the complex truth something only the top five students can know about... Maybe if the west had that policy, niggers wouldn't know what slavery is and couldn't legally be told about it in any way.
Also the voice actress for Juno was so good, when Legosi asked to see her teeth I actually felt myself blush at her reaction. I normally have no physical reactions to media, barely even smiling. But that whole scene was gold. Especially when Legosi just left, blueballing Juno. I want to open Juno's mouth wide.
I love the worldbuilding idea of animals getting an "animal room" where they can relax in their preferred segregated environment without any racemixing going on.
Imagine that for a modern college.
The China room is full of pollution and smog, maybe a factory town. The Nigger room is full of mudhuts and witch doctor troll science a European plague doctor would have laughed at. The India place has spicy unsanitary street cooking and rape and shit in the streets. The white room has wheat fields and hot bitches and friendly whites to converse with. The eskimo room has ice and igloos. And so on.
>>1567Is that the furry anime?
>>1569The furry anime with the white rabbit and grey wolf.
not to be confused with Brand New Animal or Aggretsuko.
the latter is strange.
much of the humor comes from how women don't belong in the workplace and Retsuko's life is being squandered at an office job. But the show never has the balls to outright say "fuck wageslave life, make your own career".
There's this joke where the gorilla and secretary bird are walking "like cool people" and then have to take breaks because acting like men is tiring.
I lost my shit laughing. But are they actually going anywhere with Retsuko's romance? Do they hope stringing people along for long enough and giving her enough bad relationships with men will make enough people root for her to fuck women?
>>1569You sound surprised
I finished Parasyte last week.
Good show.
>>1590You know he did some weird sexual stuff with that hand.
>>1591I mean, the Parasytes were confirmed to have no sex drive.
>>1592It's been about five years since I saw it, but didn't the sexy one fuck that one retard out of curiosity and make a baby?
Don't forget that Shinichi or whatever is Japanese and they possess a potent autism.
Like bronies.[/s}
I finished Cowboy Bebop. What a unique masterpiece. Tragic ending.
I haven't finished Castlevania but I feel like giving up on it and not making a new thread about it. 2 episodes in and I feel like it's spent more time being about bashing Christ than it has spent showing me men fighting magic bullshit, because it has.
For episode critique, we never see the Speakers help anybody in episode 2 so their claims that they help are pure tell-dont-show.
Would have helped the propaganda if the church showed up in a dying man's house to declare a dying man dead and finish him off, only to enounter a dying man being saved by a Speaker and want them both dead. The scene could try to paint christian prayer as inferior to vaguely foreign herbal witch voodoo or christian western civilization's medicine anachronistically before its time.
Aggretsuko fucking sucks, I've finished the show.
Can't wait for Mob Psycho season 3.
>>1139Currently watching Fist of the North Star.
I just finished Cyberpunk Edgerunners.
It was pretty great. Might make a thread on /cyb/ tomorrow if anyone gives a shit.
I'm not an anime fag but the last one I watched was Ergo Proxy. It has a lot of episodes and the story is engaging.
>>1198>>1590Still need to watch it, but don't think I could take it serious, having to think about Midori everytime I see his hand.
Finally finished Little Witch Academia today. It was pretty great.
Finally finished Aposimz. Great manga. Would recommend.
>>1946I was really touched to see how the full manga circled back to the one-shot prologue.
I finally watched all of Spy X Family
Good show
>>1971Based. I think there's technically one more episode in this season though, it comes out this week in Japan.
Also I think they're planning to make more but I'm not sure when the next batch will be arriving
I finally finished all 8 episodes of Delicious Dungeon.
Good anime. Might pick up the manga, but I think I'd rather wait and watch the anime at a steady pace.
Finally finished Zomb 100.
Excellent show.
Just finished watching edgerunners. I'm not that surprised by what I saw tbh. The finale was ballsy tho.
>>2034Excellent anime. I only wish it were longer. It could've benefitted from some slice-of-life episodes. We never got to see Rebecca take David dancing.
>>2035I actually appreciate the shorter runtime. It forces the writers to come up with a more focused script. But I think it also serves the show thematically with how tightly packed everything is. Things move really fast, as they should in a story like this.
On the other hand, maybe 2 more episodes would've helped to tie up some loose ends. Namely, showing a bit of the character development that happened off-screen during the time skip.
Just finished binging Kaiba. Excellent anime. One of a kind drama.
>woman recommends anime
>it turns out to be SHIT
Don't watch an anime called Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor.
>>2079Never listen to Women.
>>2079But if you didn't like that anime why did you watch it to the end? You trying to fuck her or something?
Just watched Golden Boy. Six episodes of kino.
>>2125Golden Boy is classic. I think I might actually still have a VHS cassette of a couple of those episodes lying around somewhere.
>>2126I watched it on YouTube