/mlpol/-tan and I will be hosting Drawfag requests throughout the day, our pens are ready.
1. no lewd requests
2. pony requests welcomed
3. anime art requests welcomed
4. please be reasonable
>>710Can't wait to draw something for all of you!
>>710You're all gay. Let's do it. I might join in and draw too.
Shoot, now I gotta think..
Give me a bit to think of something completely unreasonable to request.
I demand one of atlas being squished by the world
Is more nice poneh an option?
can we see some appul family photos
/1ntr/-tan and /spa/-tan to start things off
Ive got an idea of all the /mlpol/ OC ponies in a happy group. Syrianna, Aryanne, Fireaxe, Leslie, Happy Enning, ICE and maybe add our Anon in the middle.
>>726Add any others because I dont know them all.
can i get an applejack edit for this
I was gonna post some terrible sketches for these guys in the OCs thread some time today, but I may as well post the ideas here, Since this storm will probably take out my power lines any second now.
I had an idea to ponify the 4 horsemen of the anti-trump apocalypse, thinking they'd make good antagonists for Greentexts with the /mlpol/ OCs:
>AIDs Shrillex: White unicorn with a dark, swampy green mane
>Tyreese: Huge, buff Zebra, with Red stripes, dreadlocks, and hat
>Carl: Yellow Nu-changeling (niether black nor starving, but still without a shred of dignity)
>Banshee: Very Pale gray Pegasus, with a black mane.
>>727I'm no pol-tan or kernigger but I can draw and I might do a couple drawings for you assholes.
I'd like mlpol-tan as a teen/adult reading to Rem, Vlad, Happy, Mai and Ice. P-plox
>tfw no comical image of atlas under the world
>>728Here's a shitty list: Will post images of characters upon request.
Reposting shitty list from last thread:
Aryanne Thread ponies
>Aryanne Hermine Hoofler>Kyrie>Franziska>Luftkrieg>Lina>Leonie>Breta>MitsukoOthers that match with /mlpol/ topics:
>Milo Highliss>Syriana>Veronika (still a political pony, I guess)OCs that were created/completed on/for this board:
>Happy Enning>Rem Move>Vlad Move>Mai Gaia>Leslie Fair>ICE (Paula Ice?)>Simo Hoofsla>Crusaderpone>Identitarian "hipster right" pony>Fireaxe (aka Frieda Axmann)>Smoke stack>Report statHistorical ponies:
>Sgt. Reckless and any of the others mention in the /warpone/ thread /r/equesting image of Milo Highliss "Teboing" (Praying like Tim Tebo), to John Elway after a touchdown.
>>719Sorry if the colors are off. My program has a shit color palette
>>739>/mlpol/-tan noticed me Its the best ever. :---DD <3
I have a bunch of idea, but I don't wanna' be a greedy repeat-requester, so I'll just sit idle for now.
I'd like to see a bar-fight where Aryanne and Leslie are whuppin' some anons who didn't like what they were saying.
>>743Wouldn't they also end up whuppin' eachother?
>>719tried to make it as es four es as possible for ya
>>734ill take this request, this is around my area of style.
There aren't nearly enough pics of /mlpol/-tan dressed for war.
Requesting pic of /mlpol/-tan in a full, black Wehrmacht uniform, firing-off his authentic Third Reich, blue K98; with a few pony plushies strapped to his belt.
Would look even better on horseback.
Screenshot of the shitpost that triggered /k/, for reference.
>>734can you post some Oc of these pones?
>>753Got you, m8.
Rem (the unicorn) was later changed to have green eyes though).
>>739She's the Princess of Nice.
>>758>Thorax vaginaI won't let this joke go.
>>760Yes. Thorax vagina. Best new meme.
>>761Please do his wife's son next.
A version with Aryanne telling Veronika Heil Hitler?
>>754all done, hope you like it
>>769It takes the phrase "prepping the bull" to a new (well, not really) level.
>>726It'd be nice to see Luftkrieg and Orange Anonfilly volunteering at the Safety Squads with Fireaxe, as a Hooflerjugend activity.
Maybe the three of them aiming a hose at a building?
EFG here willing to drawfag anything you guise want
oh yeah? check my digits!
I started drawing something
Then i got bored because i suck at drawing so i crapped a montage over the drawing.
So this came out
Requesting drama between /1ntr/-tan and /mlpol/-tan, in reference to
>>777 →
(Which one of you faggots did this?)
>>764Missing Vlad, but wubs it
>>794ah drets, I'll add that one and post update.
can we get some art of mlp tan and pol tan marrying
>>791check this out!
I call it, "a marriage gone wrong"
>>791Why drama and not shipping
>>803>mlp-tan and pol-tan hook up and marry>mlpol-tan and 1ntr-tan hook upThis is green text worthy
>>804I decided to try my hand at making /1ntr/-tan
what do you guys thing?
>>806His eyes are supposed to be green, not hazel
>>803>Implying there's a dichotomyI'll take either or both.
can i get an image of the cat triumvate
>>808shit you're right
luckily I know a way to fix this...
>>812>>811Careful good sir. Don't make me hose you down.
>>813Dinky a cute!
>>773Actually, it'd be nice to see her volunteering for the Safety Squads with Fireaxe and Luftkrieg too.
*Flies in like motherfucking superman*
"I saw smoke. Is there an issue here?"
The Safety Squads ponies need moar artwork.
>>820Jesus man, there is no roads there and not a cloud in the sky. You are not making it easy to for us to help you.
could i get something in this vein
>>828im happy to have stolen that get
>>831ill steal the 888 get as well
>>833that 33 is that last get you will ever get here ngr
>>836its alright dude, jsut let the get thief do his work
>>842That reminds me. You know what I haven't seen yet? Denver Broncos themed 40k shoops.
/r/equesting broncos colored/themed 40k armors.
>>842Its nice to see an Original /1ntr/ Ngr again, Welcome back.
/r/ing Celestia having a pudding and cake party with pic related.
>>853Requesting pic like that, with Cristi Gratia.
this is the /1nternets/ motherfuckery I have not seen in a while
Drawfag here, ready to take requests.
>>865Are there any pony versions of /1ntr/-tan yet?
>not even drawfagging to take the trips
can we get lewd anything?
>>941that's a weird flashlight
Sorry for all of my autistic friends who messed up your board for the day.. Thanks for the pictures.
>>1075No issue here /mlpol/ friend, it was nice seeing the two boards shitpost together, even some of our old Ngrs returned and joined in on the fun.
it was a good day.
>>1075autism isn't a bad thing, it's the source of our strength
>>1101The thread is over anon, perhaps soon we will have another Drawfag thread soon.