Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
1724 replies and 66 files omitted.
I'm back. Is it time for me to stab a bitch?
>>98452Onyx reflects that this isn't the worst situation he's been in.
He's decides in his infinite wisdom to go towards the gunshots, halberd at the ready.
>>98455Yes. Yes it is. And Spark has entered as well.
>>98457Forward, forward, forward. Until her can tell they are outside and to his left, with sone coming from far in front of the train.
>>98453Quickly, he’d come upon a pink mare in partisan uniform holding an identically looking pink mare in uniform with a knife at her throat.
>>98459Looking out through the door of the train, he can see two ponies along the side of the gorge facing forward, with rifles that occasionally flash against the midnight
[1d20-3 = -7][1d20+3 = 16]>>98458Proceeding to stab a bitch, followed by maintaining the hold. The +3 dice is the attack roll, the... other +3 is the,... grapple hold.
Tell you what, I'll put a -3 on the grapple roll so you can tell them apart. It won't affect the dice, and that way they can be differentiated (don't you dare apply a -3 to it out of spite Xp)
>>98464Yes. Pull the level on the door to the right
>>98463That's it so far as damage goes?
>>98465Knives are made of rubber unless the user is unaware of its presence.
>>98465The let the lever be pulled
>>98467Thus he is able to go outside, where there seems to be a firefight taking place
>>98465Yeah, they're just +1 masterwork daggers (1 is somewhere in the train car, one is in the lime, so he has 8)
>>98468He dares consider that it is high time to find some cover while seeing if he knows any of the ponies
Is there a chance that the knife that missed hit a passenger?
[1d20+2 = 12]>>98470None of the ponies look familar. The two on the river bank are dressed the same as the two he knocked unconscious earlier. Unfortunately this side of the bridge is a small clearing, so unless he uses the space between the cars as cover, or tries to run under the bridge, or runs past the other two and into the forest on the other side of them, there is no cover. Well, he could lie prone and try to use the grass.
>>98469She tries to break free of the grapple
The stallion points his gun over
"Alright, which of you two is real?"
>>98471Probably not, I am imagining it going high and hitting a window of the back wall or something >>98472Hmmmm, can he walk back inside?
[1d2 = 1]>>98475Yes
>>98474Let me do a certain dice roll
>>98476Nice dice roll.
Onyx hereby invents the moonwalk as he akwardly shuffles backwards before shutting the door.
>>98478That's not what the dice roll was for
"My name is private Snowflake, born 990 in Luna Nova"
>>98477Well. Things are still going on outside
>>98480Onyx decides to check the train some more, where the horse with a glorified spear isn't threatened by guns.
[1d20+11 = 28]>>98480Her bluff roll (+10 for knowledge)
>>98483>>98481He's inclined to believe the pink mare, and points the gun towards Brie
>>98482Well, there's the forward car
[1d20+7 = 21]>>98483God dammit
2nd attempt
"Would I be stabbing him if he wasn't the intruder?"
>>98484Do I really have to say it?
"Don't shoot! You'll hit us both!"
>>98487In the final car, looking through the window, we have Spark crawling on the floor, a pissed off not-brie bat pony at the end of the car, two ponies around him trying to deal with the chaos, and much closer to the front, a pink mare holds a pink mare at knife point while a forest green stallion aims a gun at them
>>98491Onyx looks between all the situations before deciding to stand still and wait until he sees an opening.
[1d20+2 = 9]>>98490This is more convincing to him. The pink mare struggles to try to get free
"EEEEEEEEEEEE" Brie Eee's internally at his player
Well... Brie's in a tough situation
She won the grapple escape, so she can automatically move to an adjacent space
>>98498Stix has little choice but to blow his cover now and aim at the pony threating his friend... assuming he is one of the two.
"You best drop your gun if you want to live."
>>98500Damn it. I knew one day I would mix up my character names.
>>98502Oh shit, you're right, it was a tie, and Brie has the greater modifier
>In case of a tie, the combatant with the higher grapple check modifier wins. If this is a tie, roll again to break the tie. >>98503I stand corrected
I didn't actually pay that much attention to the dice rollsBrie still has her in her grip
>>98505>>98503Saving the batty fellow one reminder at a time!
>>98500Pretty sure he doesn't know who is who
>>98508I can narrow down that it is one of the two ponies in the struggle, so I am aiming at the one pointing the gun.
>>98510"Irrelevant. Drop the gun if you want to live."
I keep the sights on his head.
>>98511That's definitely a roll to intimidate
[1d20 = 15]>>98512Damn die rolling. It ruins everything.
>>98511Onyx decides to join Spark, trotting up while threatening waving his halberd
[1d20+3 = 16]>>98515What is his cha modifier?
[1d20+3 = 20]>>98514You mean since the main gun wielding pony is distracted? I'm glad you asked.
"Look, I'm sorry I attacked you, it was a matter of self preservation. I don't know what the resistance is about, and I don't... oof... care. I need this train to... OW... keep going and you're in the way. Stand aside and you won't be harmed." Brie whispers to the pink mare.
Disengage the grapple (unless she resists, he can do that without a check).
If she doesn't, the soldier pony is getting a knife to the face.
>>98518>>98519Just looked it up, I got 16 or +3
>>98520That goes much better than it could have
She turns around and asks "Who
are you?"
>>98521He steps back, and lowers the gun
>>98522"I'm just a bat,, in the wrong place at the wrong time. My name is Brie. I'm just trying to get to the end of the line, and this forestall isn't helping. You hit me, I hit you, we're square. Lets not kill eachother needlessly. I'm not a changeling, I just like disguise magic. I'll show you, but I won't surrender."
>>98524"They, the ones in the room brandishing weapons, or they the ones outside shooting guns? I don't know about the ones outside, but I'd guess it has something to do with the mare you're after. Pinkie Pie? I don't know, I'm just going off what others have said. I'm not involved with them, but I need to get this train going again."
>>98526Without standing up, Brie turns and puts his back to her with his hooves outstretched so she can see them. "Now is your chance."
As an afterthought, since he doesn't seem to be immediately threatened
(whatever happened to the solder who might have gotten a blade to the face BTW?)
he chuckles. "Oh right," and removes his cloak, slowly and unthreateningly.
>>98525"Brie? That's you?"
Then something else clicks
Pinkie Pie?"
>>98530"Yeah its me,... what, you know this Pinkie Pie?" Brie calls out. Then, to the pink pony, "Pardon me, I need to take this." and stands up, hooves still out-stretched.
>>98528Well... He's not getting stabbed
>>98529>>98530Speaking of the other soldiers
Two more partisans level their weapons towards Spark, Brie, and Onyx
>>98532Quick, someone panic shoot them!
>>98531"More know of. She's helped save the Crystal Empire a few times-"
>>98532Onyx looks from his halberd, to the guns, and back again.
He then wonders how he got talked into melee training.
>>98534Not impossible to charge. If he can get past Brie, the pink pony, and the green stallion
[1d20+9 = 19]As Brie stands up, the last vestiges of the disguise glamer trail off of him, and he stands there a slightly bruised bat-pony with his hooves outstretched, with his back away from the pink pony (who no one can see, except maybe the gun-wielding stallion who might have caught a knife to the face).
>>98532"Please don't bark at me,
slight of hand, frog a dagger I'm coming out. No more blood needs to be spilled."
>>98535I assume improved overrun will be of no help?
>>98538It would help put those meanie ponies prone, yes. Including all the other ponies in your path.
I think. "The one behind me is to remain unharmed, she has my word." Brie continues to slowly step forward, scanning the train car slowly and unaggressively.
>>98537>>98540Looking over, Brie can see a few things. The first is that the leader is not actually dead, although she seems at least as injured as Brie, and is bleeding from her barrel. The second is that the old bat pony at the end of the car is lying on his side and his restraints are on differently. The two partisans level their weapons at them, though focused more on Brie. The pink mare is keeping back, but the but the green pony is still angry. A firefight is actively going on outside still, with some shots coming from what seems to be the car in front of them. The passengers are still there, but remain passive, neither knowing what is going on nor wanting to be shot
"What do you want, and where is the corporal?"
>>98538No, that could help
>>98541Excellent! Subtly be damned, Onyx charges at the one furthest from Brie.
What checks do I need?
[1d20+7 = 17]>>98542Seeing the movement, Brie waits for the remaining guns to train on Onyx.
The moment they do, the officer is getting stuck again.
>>98542Strength check
Let me think about who would be in the way...
The green pony may be off to the side, pretty sure Brie is in the way
>>98544Pretty sure all those guns are going to be firing on Onyx
very soon
>>98545>>98545Reminder that you can't dodge out of the way due to improved overrun.
Not waiting
"I'm trying to get some sensitive cargo to a sensitive place. I picked the train because I thought I could have an unassuming and low-intensity ride to my destination. I don't care what your agenda is, I only care that the train has stopped. Your corporal is dead. I killed him, because he was unwilling to listen to me. I hope you won't make the same mistake. We do not surrender, but we might parlay."
>>98548Has Brie ever been trampled by a horse before?
>>98546Are you targeting Brie? Because he's in the corridor between Onyx and the two targets
>>98549That depends. Did he stick the officer?
>>98551Not if he was waiting until the partisans didn't have a readied action to shoot Brie
Onyx hadn't done anything stupid to make them shoot him yet >>98550I was attempting to target a target that isn't an ally
>>98553Brie is in the way though
>>98553You can, but you're going to trample Brie with them to do it.
>>98554Can I just stay put then since I can't do anything?
I feel like there is a bit of a catch 22 here
[1d20+4 = 16]>>98559We'll go with that one then
"Brie! Move!"
Onyx then sets himself into a full gallop at the horses at the end of the hall. I don't care which one, just go ahead and pick.
>>98560Is that a trample roll, or an attack roll with his halberd?
>>98556Roll reflex save >>98560Brie takes a step forward (or back, whichever will get him clear faster). If he CAN, he also tries to stick the officer with his blade.
this is still blade #8 >>98561Would I need to do so as well?
>>98562To the sideHe can upon a successful roll of a reflex save
>>98563I don't know... Maybe Onyx moved in front of him?
>>98563Eh, if you want to get trampled on, sure.
[1d20+3 = 13][1d20+3 = 5]>>98567They fire at Onyx
>>98568Brie, by virtue of not being the target and thus not recieving the full 12+4 trample roll, rolls out of the way
[1d20+1 = 7]>>98567One bullet hits Onyx. Rolling opposed Trample
[2d6 = 3]>>98567>>98570Onyx knocks one to the ground, but is shot once
>>98570God dammit, can I still stick lime in the face?
>>98572>3 damageBut a scratch
I guess that would end Onyx's turn then.
>>98574Pretty sure the shots were their turns. You can hit them again.
>>98573>>98574There is a still a pissed off partisan next to Onyx, and the forest green stallion over near Spark and sort of behind Brie
>>98574Onyx feels a hornet sting
>>98574 please tell me that gets a sneak bonus, PLEASE tell me that gets a sneak bonus
>>98578I mean, she's not in a combat stance
[1d20+11 = 12]>>98575>>98576Excellent!
To Onyx everything is now slightly reddish, I wonder why?
He then stabs at the pony who shot him with his halberd.
[1d20 = 17]>>98576Spark decides that the situation can't be salvaged at this point and fires at the forest green stallion.
>>98583>>98580Oh look, now I'm seeing red.
>>98584Don't think you'll have to see my face again
Anyone? anyone? [2d6 = 5][1d20+3 = 12]>>98580He falls the hell down. The pony shoots again
>>98582She is definitely dying
>>98581Hit. Rolling damage
[1d2 = 1][2d6 = 8]>>98584>>98587Looks like a hit on Onyx. Rolling damage
>>98581He is injured, but not yet out
[1d20+7 = 12]>>98590You're right
(going with bluff, because he can't into intimidate)
>>98593>>98591Forest green seems to buy it, the stallion towards the front near onyx does not
[1d20 = 12]>>98594Onyx stands up and stabs that stallion to prove that he should listen to reason and peace instead of violence, red Haze still in his vision.
>>98594>>98595I think that’s a hit. Roll damage
[1d6+8 = 10][1d10 = 1]>>98596Yeah, it should be +11 but I forgot.
>>98597And that is... not quite a kill, actually
>>98588It looks like now a ceasefire has been achieved, with the evident leader dead and all 4 of the others injured.
>>98598Good enough, he has been taught that violence solves nothing so I'm satisfied. Onyx may not be, but I am
>>98600"Glad you could make it bartender."
>>98599"Everypony! If you wish for everypony to kill one another, then strike me down now. But if I can speak for a moment, we are not one another's adversaries. I don't know why you've hijacked the train, and I really don't care. All I care about is getting to my destination alive and with my cargo. Your soldiers attacked me, and so I killed them. I didn't know why, and I would give them as much time to explain as they gave me. But we don't have to fight. Please, someone, tell me what you all are after. Train your guns on me if you like. Your officer is down, I'm not interested in hearing from people who order others to their death. I want to hear from you ponies. What is your aim?"
>>98602“We are here to rescue Pinkie Pie, on route from Baltimare to Ponyville.”
>>98603"Why couldn't you reach her if you got the intel that she would be on this train? Why not just tell her through a message not to be on this train at this time? It has obviously backfired horribly for you."
>>98604“The Blackhooves and the Changelings.”
>>98605“She has been under house arrest since the surrender.”
>>98606There are multiple options, including a secure car, placing several guards in one large room, and so forth. >>98607"Thats it. Now I'm PISSED!" Brie sets off toward the rear of the train, intent on resuming the search through the cars.
>>98607"I'm guessing she isn't her usual self then, or she would have already escaped. Still doesn't explain your hostile takeover. You should have located the location through espionage and then tactically assaulted the area you needed."
>>98608Spark looks surprised at the sudden outburst from Brie.
>>98608Only 2 rooms remain in Brie’s car, then several more past that
>>98609“Pray tell, what the actual fuck do you think we are doing here except using intel to try to rescue her when security is weakest?”
>>98609"No one harms the pink one!" Brie exclaims as he leaves for the rear compartments.
>>98609>>98608>>98600‘Ol midnight blue, still on his side, starts laughing loudly, almost maniacally
>>98610"Doing a sloppy job. You staled the train and then went car to car looking for her, causing a panic and giving the Blackhooves plenty of time to report the hostile action. They no doubt are on their way to recapture her once you succeed. Your operation wasted too much valuable time. Furthermore, why didn't you try to secure some potential help taking over the train from any loyalists to the Celestial crown from the passengers to buy yet more time? This is a joke of an operation."
>>>>98613He sighs
“Dumbass, there is literally no other way to do it. If we attacked the safe house, there would be far more security and a nearby police force. If we attacked the drop off point, there would be far more security and police. If you didn’t notice, it’s 2:00 AM in a rural area outside if the Everfree forest. The nearest Blackhooves garrison is many, many, many miles away, and we made sure to disable the radio first. And if you also didn’t notice, we were chatting peacefully with the passengers until you assholes showed up. Celestia, think about shit before you start critiquing.”
>>98614>>98609>>98600“As I said before, she’s not on this train”
Then why are you here?" Brie growls through gritted teeth.
>>98618This is Midnight Blue Brie is talking to
“To get to my destination in Bales. Why are you here?”
>>98616"I don't think you are in a position to be complaining here. You got defeated by civilians that got pissed off at your disruption. You failed your objective from what should have been a non-issue. Next time, bring a unicorn to teleport civilians out of harms way."
>>98620“They weren’t in’s harm’s way until YOU STARTED SHOOTING IN A CROWDED TRAIN CAR.”
>>98618The stallion answers for Midnight
“This is Black Ostend. He was going to Bales to work for the SSA there. We found him during the search.”
>>98619Brie walks back toward the bat-pone. "We have something in common." Brie says calmly. Then he grabs the tip and pulls open one of the bat-pones wing. "Maybe two things. One, we both know how easy it is for a bat-pony to be handicapped." he says, gesturing one of his knives along the fleshy part in between segments. "For two, and this is the one I'm assuming on, we don't like to be fucked with. You don't HAVE to make it to Bales of course, but
if you do, there's no telling if you'll fly again."
>>98581>>98625>>98624“Hahaha, what liberation movement are you a part of, youngling?”
>>98626They shot first and would have shot Brie if I didn't.
>>98626Oh whoops. Guess the group sorta overreacted all around with all the knockdowns and kills. Granted, they shouldn't be knocking on door like they're SS or the pony equivalent of it, especially if anyone has a weapon and something to hide.>>98627Tell that to the mare as Spark, not the GM.
>>98628Eh, it's clear they are not in the mood for such talk. They will just cycle through one uping me for each response I give.
>>98626Brie sticks his knife in the bat-pone's rear-left hoof. "Do I strike you as somepony who takes or gives orders? I don't give a fuck about resistance movements or factions or what the fuck ever. I'm just a pissed-off foal-sitter who has far more pleasant ponies to tend to then you. So the sooner you give me the information I need to get this train moving again, the better chance that you won't be maimed in the process."
>>98581He looks up at Brie with lidded eyes, damned near seductively. He places up his forehoives as a reminder to Brie that he is and has been restrained
“And what do you want to know?”
>>98631Brie reaches down, grabs the knife stuck his rear hoof and sticks it in his other rear hoof. "I'm sorry, this would take forever if I were to play games with you and I
am on a timeframe. How about you tell me what
you think might be important, and I'll stop slowly killing you if I agree."
>>98633“Then what is your question?”
>>98635It wasn't directly meant to be about you, more like the tip that you're being 'restrained' somehow.>>98634What dice rolls in particular? I think move silently, hide and other sneak stuff but not much else that I can think of.
>>98634"My question?" Brie pulls the knife out and places it before the bat pony's eye. "When should I stop?"
>>98633>>98637“Missy, if you want to continue to play with me the way my brothers did with me when I was a foal, then give me a knife and we can have some fun. If you are working for Celestia then I have to wonder why you killed their Sargent in cold blood. I for one have been arrested and beaten for attending the wrong church, hired and then discharged after several weeks before my first paycheck, and have generally been shafted by these Celestia followers my whole life, so I’m not inclined to help them, or you if you’ve lost your damned mind and decided to join them. But I can tell you that I have been interrogated and have interrogated prisoners many times, and it generally helps to ask a question you need answers to, and only thereafter be angry for non-responsive questions. You should art asking now, because by the looks of your bleeding you don’t have very long. At any moment, the pony behind you could decide to shoot you while you are staring at my beautiful face, or the pony down the car, or the two armed ponies outside, or those bandits closing in.”
He has a long scar running down his face
>>98638(Uhm,... Brie isn't bleeding, he's only taken two hits, a glancing strike and a buttstrike,... he's still at 16 hp,....)
>>98639Hmmm, he could take more then. I thought he was at 3 HP
>>98638"Bleeding? Me? Oh no, none of this (he gestures to himself) is mine, I've just been very busy. Sill, you make a valid point. I appreciate the admission though, I was about to stake your hooves down and tend to my foals for a moment. Oh THAT'S it!"
Brie looks around to the assembled ponies. "He wants to die, so he might try to force you to kill him. He appears suitably restrained at the moment though, so if he tries anything he should be able to be beaten down, but he should be done so at range in case he's skilled at unarmed combat, which his little tidbit suggests. I know what he's NOT prepared for though!" Brie exclaims, departing for the Lings' room.
>>98640He has 26 max. He took a 3hp blow and a 7hp blow, unless I'm missing something.
Are either Onyx or Spark still here?
>>98642I was thinking 16. I’ll take that into consideration and build a more challenging encounter next time
>>98643Sidestepping the body in the dining car, Brie presents himself at the Lings' (and his) door, knocking twice, and then once.
>>98644>more challenging encounterHe's only alive because of plot devices. By all reason he should have been swiss cheese already, 2-3x.
Don't expect me to play him that way though. ^_~
>>98645Its a ceasefire atm, and the shackled bat-pone is more edgy than Brie. He's still shackled, and Brie just left to acquire 'the means to interrogate him'.
>>98646Kerr answers
>>98645One if the partisans starts to walk out through the back
>>98648"Umm... where do you think you are going?"
I follow him, gun and glass right to my side.
>>98649He continues walking towards the back vestibule
>>98649"Mind the corpse, I usually clean up after myself."
>>98648"Herr Kerr! Bist du und herr Wesley hungrig?"
>>98650I continue to follow, gun ready incase he pulls something.
>>98649"This pony, he might know how to manage
physical pain, but I bet we can get him to talk." ^_~
>>98652He slips around out of sight towards the doors
>>98654>out of sightHow? I thought I was following. How do I lose line of sight on a train?