Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
1872 replies and 99 files omitted.
For fuck's sake, I don't know what else to tell you. I am absolutely shit at explaining things and using words and everything related to language, English, or logic, so I can't reasonably explain anything OOC even in the best of days, and it pisses me the fuck off because I fucking hate it when I stumble over my own words and make other people pissed off because of it. It's especially bad right at this moment as this feels like an off day, so I would very much appreciate it if you took what I've said with a grain of salt. A heavy grain of salt. If you truly want to see whether Silver would or not, then just wait for an opportunity IC. But right now, probably not going to happen, because it's obvious I need to stay as far away as I fucking can from anything like a keyboard for today.
>>94524I think the image you used indicated disapproval, which triggered his response.
Poking thread for hidden players. Maybe GM too.
>>94515Fuck you.>>94524it seems like
You Want SilverSkies to continue.
>>94527More like SilverStarSkies.
Nothing like killing what is effectively a god by stabbing them in the taint with a really long sword to bring peace to your mind.
>>94524Sorry about all that. Thought you were getting at how disappointed you were with the answer, and I was
really pissed already off at the fact that I couldn't find the right words to type to explain what I meant.
>>94528We have become one!>>94540Why thank you, kind sir, for telling me how to woo the bat.
>>94540Racemixing is degenerate.
>>94542Good thing it's speciesmixing and not race then.
>>94545>Or be better labourers than only Earth Ponies, dunno.REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>94546>Forgot Dark Star is earth ponerOops. Uh, Earth Pony master species!
You can always embrace the stripes. >>94550Harsh, but okay. Please no shooting zebras or I'll have to hit you.
>>94551not even the ones that stole my land?
>>94552Those you can, sure. At least it's personal retribution and not specist.
>>94553Specism isnt bad mkay? its bad not to be specist.
>>94554Let's just say that any specism is not going to be taken lightly from the receiver of it.
If the receiver confronts you, a discussion and eventual blooshed may happen if it goes poorly.
>>94555Thats why dark star carries 3 guns.
>>94540Hmmm.... I realized that that is not the image I thought I was posting
>>94558which image did you mean to post?
Would fug the bat-Dark Stars player
"Degenerate."-Dark Star >>94561So... sex with bat ponies is degenerate to Dark Star?
>>94563Dats Specist you can't say that!
Although they might be eeee-bil if Luna goes Civil War. >>94563I'm guessing definitely no dating a zebra, a changeling, a yak, a hippogrif, or anything like that?
>ChanglingPerhaps,it would depend on the scenario
>hippogriffperhaps,it would depend on the scenario
>>94567>Changelings>PerhapsI supoose you mean a 'pony' changeling
>Would smash a fish/griffin mix before a batSkies may complain
>>94568Complain about what exactly?
>>94569Admitting to rut a species similar to (((griffons)))
>>94568Are you saying there's something wrong with the fish?
>>94575It's the griffin part that will bother her, fo'sho
>>94566Anyways, glad to see you weren't blown away during those storms a couple days ago. Can't say the same yet for the currently missing members of the game.
>>94578>>94577Oh yeah, you guys had a big storm over there.
>>94578Big ol' F
>>94580You're goddamn right. Kentucky got damn near blown off the face of the planet, with how many tornadoes touched down in that state.
>>94577Wait, me? I've just had rain and fog.
>>94579Someone else already explained it to you
>>94582We got storms, rain, and hurricane-level winds. Don't know where in the country you are, so I just went off of what I experienced.
So... does anypony want to play tonight?
>>94586I mean, I'm always up for it.
Hmmmm... Last I recall, Silver was kill, Iron was about to go out for a walk, and Dark Star was about to ride a roller coaster
>>94590Nah, Silver is liv. He's just close to becoming a book hoers, himself, moving all of the books had had acquired.
>>94590More like a jog to vent off excess energy from energetic swing.
>>94590Unless you're killing Silver off, in which case I might as well roll for a new character.
>>94590"This line is taking forever."
[1d20 = 9]>>94595Iron already stole the 20, so I bet my roll is going to be a 1.
Silver is not kill. Silver is more or less where he wants to be
>>94602Cauldron moves forward
"Okay, we can go. Let me just put some things up in the kitchen first. I may also need to get my jacket"
>>94604Definitely leaning towards "Rollercoaster is closed for inclement weather"
>>94603Iron nods virgorously, still jogging in place in place.
>>94605"Wow,that's just my luck."
>>94601While Silver doesn't know really where he'd want to be, he is starting to get a little annoyed at just how many books he has to move.
GrrrggglegrglegrrrThe fact that he hasn't had dinner yet and is starving right now isn't helping.
I wonder if Blue would be cross if I used her room's kitchen to heat up can of beans... >>94607She pets his shoulder
“It’s okay Dark Star. Not every pony was meant to know the exhilaration of flight. Some are just... grounded”
>>94606She moves around things in the kitchen
“Do you still want food later?” She asks
>>94608At least it's a decent hall, but silver is able to eventually move all of the books. It's not
that many to move
>>94609"I shall eat any leftovers of today tomorrow morning. You do not need to cook any longer, although I am quite tempted."
Cauldron can hear the heavy clops of an excitable stallion pounding at the floor still. He is really eager to move out.
"If I keep on going with your food, I might not sleep for tonight, and that is no good for anyone of us."
A little chuckles escapes him.
"Unless you want eternal clopping of hooves against your floor all night."
>>94609Dark Star laughs
"Yea i guess so."
What other attractions were at the carnival?
>>94610If she is cross, she is cross. Nothing that can be done about it. I am starving. Can not do this job on empty stomach. Only at most three trips left to go. Before he gets started on the next, though, he takes care of his primary issue: heading up to Blue's room to heat up something from his bags to eat.
>>94611"Don't clop too loudly, the people downstairs might complain" He can hear her clanking pots and pans and the like, and after a minute, she comes back wearing a knitted red sweater.
>>94612Well, dart games, a carousel, a ferriswheel, concessions, and probably something else
I believe the first post stated that there was a tea cup ride>>94613A guard stares at him as he moves across and through to the stairs, but he is not accosted
>>94616Just doing your job, I know. Do not worry, Silver sends out in a most-definitely unreceived mental message to the guard as he heads up the stairs and follows the path to Blue's room.
When he enters her room he first, naturally, checks the kitchen to see if there's any sort of pot or pan he could use for his bean-heating goals.
>>94616Iron tones down his standing jog, nodding at her attire.
"A strange thing you are wearing, but it looks good on you."
He moves to the door, clopping more quietly now.
>>94616Uh, what do you ride on,on the carousel? are the seats still shaped like horses?
>>94617Roll Die>>94618"Thank you... It can get cold out here in the winter"
>>94619I would assume manticores and sea serpents and other fantastical beasts. Or something
>>94620"Lets play some darts."
Dark star has an enthusiastic expression on his face
He motions towards the dart Stand
>>94620A small smile forms as he awaits Cauldron by the door.
"Do not mention it. I have a feeling we shall get warmed up pretty quickly if we trot all the way."
>>94622Death will wait just a little while longer to claim Silver
Silver can find, scrimmaging through Blue's cabinets, one smallish pan with curled up and tall sides. There is also only one gas stove bed. This is, after all,
a hotel room, not an apartment, and so there is a limited variety of cooking materials available. It also appears as if Blue has never used this pan. Or at least, if she has, she made sure to place it back deep inside the cabinet, which is much tidier than the rest of her room would imply she normally is.
>>94621"Alright then, lets go."
The dark stand is the classical "throw darts at targets to win a pize"
There is a separate "air gun on moving targets" challenge
>>94623"Well... maybe so."
She goes past Iron, then down the hallway, then down the stairs, and outside into the cold January air
"Let's go this way"