Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
1872 replies and 108 files omitted.
>>94009“Doesn’t everypony try to fall in love at least once in their lives? They never married, anyways. I don’t know how much he reciprocated her affection. I don’t think anypony does, really. What we definitely know is that she was very close to him, and was a massive influence upon him.”
>>94010“What’s in it for you? She asks
>>94003And thus he does so. It’s quite a number of books Silver has brought back
>>94009>>94011"sombra was a misunderstood hero."
>>94011"Oh that is simple. I get to spend time with you."
He smiles.
"That, and I will not get bored looking at grass all day. I have nothing else to do if you did not catch my drift."
>>94013She tilts her head
“How do you figure?”
>>94014She stops for a moment
“Are you in need of a more permanent job?” She asks
>>94015Iron nods, but just in case she isn't looking he adds.
"I am not sure, but for now I would like that."
>>94011"Hmm...what strange place Crystal Empire is." Silver continues working diligently.
>>94013"You and I will have to agree to disagree, there. I heard he was evil tyrant who enslaved many crystal ponies in Old Crystal Empire, and drove many to death or insanity working in crystal mines. Or simple left them broken and hopeless. How some of those would return and then turn immediately to
communism baffles me, though. It is like trading one set of shackles for another of different color."
>>94015"he fought against the tyranny of the alicorns."
>>93986"Nein. Ich möchte nur, dass Sie ihnen Ihre Geschichte erzählen. Überlass den Rest mir."
>>94019Hast du einen Plan?
>>94018"But the Crystal Empire was independent at that time"
>>94017"I've never been there" is all she can say
>>94020"im sure he had an invasion planned."
>>94020"Me neither. Perhaps we should all go on trip there when this is all over and both Empire and Equestria are reclaimed for ponykind? I would like to see Crystal Palace. I have heard it is especially beautiful when sunlight hits it at dawn or dusk."
>>94020>>94023"i've never been either.Seems like a beautiful place."
>>94021“He did or she did?”
>>94023“That’s quite an ambitious plan”
>>94026"he knew she did, if i were him i would have had one."
>>94025>>94026"Indeed it is ambitious plan. If I still have energy in these old bones by that time, I would love to travel all across Equestria and Empire, see sights to be seen, visit their greatest cities and monuments. Explore all that which serves as proof of what us ponies can do when we are at our greatest. Perhaps even travel to Riverlands and see what ponykind has built there, too. After all, I can only wonder at what grand sights there are to behold in that corner of the world."
After a couple seconds of silence, Silver speaks up. " would you both say, if...I said...I wanted to join Black Hooves?"
>>94016“Well... maybe I can do that, for a few days”
>>94027She nods
>>94028“I would ask you why you changed your mind”
>>94029"I knew you would like it."
Iron smiles at her, then tries to peek behind her.
"How is the food coming along?"
>>94029"Asymmetrical warfare would have been the way to go."
>>94029"I know we have had, eh... put it lightly, and...I have to admit, after thinking on it some more, you were right. At least, on most important aspects. I can not change what happened during War, who won and what changes that had effect on in this part of world, for good and bad. I can only adapt, make use of hand we have all been dealt, and help my fellow countryponies to heal wounds left behind by War.
"Ponykind must be united, if we are to survive coming storm. Changelings, Communists, bandits, wild animals, monsters, even undead: this world is harsh and if we are not careful any one of these could be end of us. I wish to help unite us, prepare ponykind for coming war, and fight back with tooth and hoof against those which seek to destroy us.
"I no longer wish to sit and do nothing. As Black Hoof, I can at least do something to help my fellow countrypony, and fight for our survival, since no pony else will."
>>94030Is that a happy smile, or a not-so happy smile?
>>94033"I agree, I also wish to unite our People."
>>94036Just making sure, since I thought that was of a filly hissing like a cat."Indeed, even if I have misgivings on what you believe needs to be done to changelingkind, from both moral and tactical standpoint. It is better we deal with that latter, when our country is liberated from Hegemony oppression: for now, we have country that needs saving."
[1d20+7 = 23]>>94031“Fairly well. I am waiting on the rice to cook” she says
>>94032“Oh, I know all about that”
>>94033She nods
“So you do”
Sense motive
>>94037"what do you think should be done about the lack of forces in the area? i think we should mobilize Every able bodied pony in the New mareland controlled zone, so when chrissy attacks. Every Mare and Stallion will be able to Fight Against her Hordes efficiently."
>>94039Was what all? I am looking at posts from my phone, so I may have missed a post
>>94038Iron lick his lips.
"I cannot wait. Do you need something else done? Anything to help?"
>>94041I replied to Kerr's question about having a plan with "Ish"
>>94038The result: Silver is indeed speaking the truth. He wants to help, even if it's by working for the Black Hooves directly, something which, a few days ago, he would never have seen himself saying, ever. He's tired of doing nothing, which if he admits to himself has been what he has been proposing all of this time. And, if she digs deep enough, there's a desire, planted there recently but before his arrival to Baltimare, to see his country reborn, and Harmony reformed into something that can stand up to the challenges of the modern day. He does not like what it's become, and wants to change it. Perhaps he will even believe it needs to be reformed into something that resembles Nationalism, if he could gather his thoughts about what needs to be done to it.
>>94040"Perhaps, but that should be last resort. Our greatest strength is our industry. It far outclasses Hegemony's, and if mobilization is too severe it will reduce our strength. I think it is best to reconcile with former members of Equestrian military, convince them that it is best to fight together instead of against one another to save their country. Their combat experience will be of use, both for direct combat and in training new soldiers."
>>94044"That's an excellent idea. and if we could get some of them to join it could be used as propaganda to get even more troops to join,since they're former Military after all. some loyalist may even be converted to our struggle."
>>94022>>94043“Was hast du der Königin zu bieten?”
>>94046"Kommt drauf an was du meinst. Sprichst du von einem Tribut oder sprichst du durch die Vereinbarung?"
>>94044She moves back, still a bit shocked by this development
>>94042“Not at the moment, no”
>>94047“In jedem Fall. Was wirst du ihr anbieten, damit sie dir helfen kann?”
>>94045"Definitely. Propaganda is key to wartime success at homefront. We also need to invest in ways to counter Hegemony's own strengths. Producing anti-tank and anti-air equipment locally and distributing them across all existing and newly-trained divisions would be excellent start. We should also produce tanks, tank destroyers, and MGMCs, and begin mixing armored corps with onwheels and mechanized corps. Finally, we should look into converting civilian factories into producing military equipment. There are more than enough to convert in Baltimare and Manehattan alone to cover our war needs."
>>94048"Abgesehen von meinem charmanten Witz?"
>>94049"We Should also start Producing superior arms. and distribute those to our Stallions as well. that along with their Former military leaders in our cause would provide a large morale boost,to the soldiers."
>>94049Obnoxiously, Blue Skies pulls out a flash light, and shines it directly into Silver’s eyes
>>94050“Ja. Ich bin sicher, sie hat bereits eine Konkubine”
>>94052"what you think he's a changling?"
>>94052Nope. Still the same Severyanan stallion he has always been.
>>94051"Besides fact that giving them automatic rifles and assault rifles would make them far more effective against Changeling infantry? Of course, better weaponry is always boost to soldier's morale."
>>94052"Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, wie ein Geschäftsarrangement sie und die Hegemonie fördern kann." Brie smirks and emphasizes the word business.
Just how savvy is Kerr? Does he expect Brie to negotiate his entire plan with him? >>94054"hmmmmmmmmm you Aren't wrong about that."
>>94055Kerr is basically asking questions to probe a motive out of Brie. The most most direct questions have been asked and answered, so he’s being rather indirect.“Was für eine Geschäftsvereinbarung?”
>>94053“You should have heard him earlier today”
>>94054She just looks at him, dumbfounded
>>94056"I am not sure how much we should focus on aircraft production here in Equestria. I imagine New Mareland is already producing quite bit in Griffonia. If they could send tactical bombers and dive bombers, it would help us very much against Changeling Panzers. And fighters for air supremacy is always needed."
>>94057"You know, that test is very irritating to eyes." Silver rubs his poor, abused eyes. "Is it really that surprising that you would think I was changeling?"
>>94058“That the Changelings would invade tomorrow, and the Blackhooves don’t even intend to defend East Equestria, and definitely don’t have a plan”
>>94059“I just want to know what happened to you. Did you become afflicted by a mind altering spell? Have you been possessed by a demon?”
>>94060Silver is...a little disturbed by what she just suggested. "You know, it is not good sign if one of ways ponies would join your faction is 'they were possessed by demon'."
>>94061“Okay, that sounds a bit more like Silver”
>>94057"Wenn Sie wissen müssen,.... So wie ich es sehe, könnten verschiedene Dinge passieren. Nachdem ich Ihre Geschichte gehört habe, bitte ich sie um Hilfe, um Comte und seine Freunde zu vernichten. Sie wird mich entweder töten oder die Idee unterhalten. Wenn sie mich nicht umbringt, können wir Geschäftsvereinbarungen diskutieren, die sowohl für die Hegemonie als auch für mich von Vorteil sind."
>>94059"That's Exactly what i was thinking."
>>94060"well they could invade tomorrow,Of course the black hooves will defend east equestria,But i know they have a war going on right now. so they probably couldnt spare that many troops.Of course they have a plan."
>>94063“Warum lohnt es sich, den Tod zu riskieren?”
>>94062"..." He just sighs. "Look, I do not know what else to tell you. I know what I have said before about Black Hooves: I am still unsure about some of it. This will give me chance to reassure myself, and give me some much-needed hope for future that
I can fight for."
>>94064>>94066She blinks
“I did not come here to fight in a large war against changelings. I am just a police detective”
>>94067"the time may come where the war comes to you, thats why we should all be ready to fight."
>>94067>>94068"It is much like Dark Star says: this war
is coming. You have unique benefit of being able to choose whether to fight or not. Dark Star and I, us Equestrians...we do not have that choice. We will fight, because we must. This is our country. We
must fight for it."
>>94065"Den Tod für etwas zu riskieren ist besser als für nichts zu leben."
>>94071Absolutely certain of that. 'Suppose this is goodnight, fellas. See y'all tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion to "Occupied Equestria: Silver and Star Fuckin' Break Blue's Sanity".
>>94048Sorry for dying yet again. I'll post now, you can respond later when you wake up and are ready to do so.Iron nods.
"I will go lay on the bedroom if you need me."
With that, he goes to the bedroom and does so on the floor where no kind of rug is under him.
I want to note that last night I was severely distracted by a bug on HoI4 that was causing the Griffonian Empire to be entirely annexed by two minor countries that did 5% of the war effort. This frustrated me to no end, and caused me to not entirely read posts or think about dialogue
>>94075All is ok. I'm having fun with Cauldron through Iron.
She a cute. >>94075It's alright. Was it House Erie and House Eyrie? Those two seem to be among the buggiest countries in the mod.
>>94077I was playing as the River Empire. It was the Griffonian Republic and Aquelia, then I restarted and later it was Whitetail and the Griffin Socialist Republic
>>94078I suppose I could see the Griffonian Republic and Aquileia doing that, since annexing the Empire is in both of their trees, but the others? Yeah, that's an odd bug.
>>94078>>94075That sucks. i hate when it does that.
>>94082is the void lavender scented?
Sort of here, sort of not
>>94074There’s a rug in the living room...
>>94070Kerr nods, sort of understanding
>>94068>>94069She lowers her ears, and steps backwards two steps
>>94086Silver understands her apparent unwillingness. She doesn't have a dog in this fight, not like either Silver or Star, and she's made it very clear in the past that she prefers espionage to the trenches. "Still, that day is not today. Not yet. Until then, I wish to help my countryponies in whatever way I can. From what it seems, I have chance to do so as member of Black Hooves. So, I have given serious thought as to joining, and I wished to see what you two thought of this idea. After all, you are both my friends, and you are both Black Hooves already."
>>94086"there's no need to be afraid Blue. i'll Be there to protect you from what ever happens."
>>94086Iron's eyebrows lower, poking at the rug.
(Should I lay down here? Hm.)
A little dirty joke comes to his mind.
(I could lay on Cauldron.)
He snickers to himself, laying on the rug.
(I wonder how the offspring would come out if I were to have foals with her. Will zebras come out? Earth Ponies? Maybe a mix of both?)
>>94087>>94088She can only nod
>>94089She’s doing something with the food, straining water
>>94090Dark Star walks over to her and hugs her and says
"if i have to give me life to save yours i would do it inn an instant."
Dark Star smiles warmly at her
>>94090I've decided that Dragonforce makes for good music to listen to while playing HoI4.Silver is a little worried that they might have freaked Blue out too much with their talk of war. He gives her a pat on the shoulder, as it's the only place he can reach with Dark Star in the way. "I am sorry if we have disturbed you. It was never our intention." Silver continues working on moving books from the back of his cart to Blue's office. He changes the subject for her. "Blue, did they ever have anything like carnivals or fairs back in Nimbusia?"
[1d20 = 5]>>94090Iron does what would any adolescent stallion do when she has an attractive mare distracted, facing back and rump exposed. What any male of any species do when their dick takes command of his decisions when presented the opportunity:
Iron tries to sneak a peek under Cauldron's tail while she's preparing the food, laying down as low as possible, trying to get that perfect angle to see behind the hairy wall while at the rug.
I'll roll spot just for funsies.
...What? You expected him to jump in and rut her silly? >>94091She closes her eyes, then leans into him, accepting the hug
>>94093“No... it’s okay. I’m sorry...”
After a pause, she looks up at him, and answers his question
“No... they didn’t. At least not when I was there. It was not very industrialized or advanced.”
>>94094I probably should have specified this earlier, but there is a sort of counter-top/bar separating the kitchen from the living area, making doing that not really possible, at least not from the floor of the living room
>>94086"Sie sind erstaunlich weise für ein junges Tier, das Sie kennen."
>>94097"You have nothing to apologize for, Blue." Yet another set of books joins the ever-increasing pile. "I suspected Nimbusia was not as industrialized as Equestria, anyways. But, you did not have anything of that sort at all, without rides you find at fairgrounds here?"
>>94097Dark Star Strokes her mane
>>94098“Warum sagst du das?”
>>94099“Not... really, no. You could jump into lakes, or fly off mountains. So there was that.”
>>94100It’s fairly soft, and of medium length. On the shorter end. She must have washed it this morning.
>>94097After realizing that Iron cannot accomplish his task from the rug, he decides to walk over to the counter. His dick is losing its grasp on his mind.
(Would she be angry if I take a small peak under her tail? That sounds like it could cause turmoil that could open up that one wound on her pride I did a week ago.)
His hooves carry him closer to the counter, resting his head against it.
(She did try to give me a chance to start a relationship if her clarification of her capacity to maintain is any indication.)
He looks straight ahead, contemplating his life choices in his first week.
(With how my track record on successes is so far, maybe I could give it a chance. While I want to go back to my family and receive my father's heirloom, I also like Cauldron, and Ash is... not really interested in maintaining children if her talks about frugality is any indication. My path towards maturity is not as short as I had imagined.)
He hums a little bit.
(Should I just give it a chance? Am I really prepared to commit just to be with her?)
He glances at Cauldron as she makes her food. The dick's influence over Iron's mind long gone as little doubts spring across his consciousness.
(Can I really protect her? Be helpful to her apart from simple strength? Can I make her happy?)
>>94101Dark stops hugging her and says
"im gonna go get some more books."
Then he walks down to the cart
>>94101"Denn selbst die meisten erwachsenen Ponys spielen niemals mit diesem Grad an Spezifität und Einsicht"
>>94101*working horse noises*
"That does sound nice. Well, I suppose flying off mountains would be, if you had wings."
>>94102She turns around and faces Iron
"It's almost ready" She says
>>94103The books are sort of similar to the ones Skies rescued from the fire, although there are more of them. Some have names printed on them, some have nothing on their face
>>94104Sure, let's go with that and not "GM can't write children""Kurz gesagt, Sie helfen uns, weil Sie hoffen, dass Wechselbalgs Ihnen helfen wird, ein krimineller Oberherr zu werden?"
>>94105"It could be nice. Some of the cliff faces were straight vertical, more than 500 feet. You could dive out over the ocean in some instances. You could also do the same from clouds, but I didn't really do that"
>>94106Iron perks his head up, hearing about food. A small smile forms.
"I cannot wait to see what you have cooked up."
He takes a big sniff, his worries slightly washing away.
(For now, get to know her better. She is a mare worth protecting. At least for now.)
>>94106I figured "GM IS SHIT" wouldn't be constructive Xp"Ich helfe dir, weil du es verdient hast. Sie haben eine Scheiße bekommen
You were dealt a shit hand. Nachdem Ihre Situation mitgeteilt wurde, hoffe ich, dass die Wechselbalg-Hegemonie meinen Vorschlag berücksichtigen wird, da ich NICHT nur ein idealistischer Schläger bin."
>>94106Silver daydreams a little, about flying over the ocean blue. Would he trade in his horn for a pair of wings? Eh, probably not. But it's nice to imagine what it would be like sometimes.
>>94106Dark Star Takes a sip from his flask.