Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Ash and Iron seem to want to head out from the abbey. Dark Star was having a conversation with the rescued foals after doing community service. Silver is having a surprisingly friendly conversation with Blue Skies about politics. Spark is babysitting and Brie is supposed to be doing the same. Onyx is sleeping.
1739 replies and 74 files omitted.
>>90911Will you be able to come up with something tomorrow?
>>90912Yeah. I can do that.
Sorry about it, but i'm actually pretty busy on weekdays.
>>90913Don't worry. I get it.
I do want successful quests though, so try to think your way through this one.
I'm here, probably a little late
>>90919First step would be find food for the Lings.
"Ihr Jungs isst Liebe, richtig?"
>>90922"Okay, bleib in der Nähe"
Brie takes flight, keeping a pace so that Kerr and Wesley can follow close behind, keeping an eye out for a large public area, preferrably someplace like a shopping area.
>>90924Wesley flaps his wings once and moves to Brie's side. Kerr, who has been off and somewhat aloof, now pulls up to Brie's side as well
>>90925There are no "shopping malls" as understood after the 1970s. What there are are various shops of different kinds periodically. department stores are the largest, but also general stores, all manner of specialty stores, and restaurants
>>90927Are the specialty stores in relative proximity to eachother?
>>90928In most areas, no. They appear periodically on the ground floor of buildings that house apartments and offices. It stands to reason, however, that there are specifically commercial areas and "districts"
>>90929>commercial districtPerfect! Plotting a course
>>90930It's essentially a long street of shops with more than a few department stores. Buildings vary in height from 1 to 4 floors
"Warum kaufen wir nicht ein bisschen ein, während wir einen Happen zum Essen finden?"
>>90932Little Wesley wags his tail in enthusiasm as he follows Brie
"Klingt sehr gut!"
Kerr complies, but he remains fixated on the environment, seeming a little uneasy
>>90933I forget, but IIRC they are both disguised, correct?
"Etwas stimmt nicht Kerr?"
>>90934Yes. Wesley as a grey pegasus (like Silver's grandcolt), and Kerr as a purple-grey bat pony (looking like a young relative of Brie)
"Ponys haben die Kontrolle. Und sie werden nicht gerne gejagt"
>>90935"Wahr. Kann ein Pony spüren, wenn es gefüttert wird?"
>>90936"Ich glaube schon. Sie sehen aus, als ob sie Angst haben oder sogar ohnmächtig werden. Ich kann es dir zeigen, wenn du es herausfinden willst"
>>90937"Ich dachte, du hättest gesagt, dass du Liebe isst. Sie werden nichts von mir finden, versichere ich Ihnen."
>>90938"Du verstehst das nicht. Alle Kreaturen haben Liebe. Es ist die Basis für alle Wünsche und Motive, neben Angst und Hass. Es ist Teil der Magie, die deine Seele formt. Sie schmecken vielleicht nicht gut, aber auch Sie haben Liebe"
>>90939"Faszinierend. Beim nächsten Mal vielleicht. Muss das Thema bewusst sein, damit dies geschieht?"
>>90940"Nein, aber es hilft. Wenn sie nicht in einem Zustand der Liebe sind, kann nicht so viel extrahiert werden, bevor sie in Ohnmacht fallen. Aber jedes Pony kann bis zur Ohnmacht ausgelaugt werden"
>>90941"Hmmm. Vielleicht ist das nicht der richtige Ort. Nach etwas Einkauf finden wir dann etwas."
>>90942During this small conversation, it was Wesley's turn to examine his surroundings, and look at the pony filled world around him.
And as he hears Brie say these words, the joy melts off of his face slowly, as the utopia of prancing candy canes and sugar cubes around him is revealed, only to be denied to him
>>90943"Mach's gut, Wesley, wir müssen noch einkaufen."
>>90945"Richtige Kleidung, um zu beginnen. Wir haben eine Reise zu machen, und während Sie Jungs das Teil einfach sehen können, brauche ich etwas mehr Substanz."
>>90946Wesley looks confused, not understanding Brie's meaning, or at least, his intent. Kerr, however, whispers
"Tu was du brauchst. Lass uns diese Sprache nicht öffentlich sprechen ..."
>>90947"Ganz richtig. Lass uns dann gehen und in der Nähe bleiben. Kommunizieren Sie nur im Flüsterton."
>>90949As ponies age, about mid 30's
>>90950>>90948>>90948"In Ordung. Wenn Ponys fragen, bin ich dein dummer Sohn, der nicht sprechen kann, und er ist mein Schulfreund"
>>90952Brie looks at Kerr, rather impressed. "Guter Einfall. Ich wollte es spontan spielen, aber das funktioniert gut. Du brauchst dich nicht dumm zu nennen."
>>90953He whispers "Was nennen Sie sonst ein Pony, das kein Pony spricht oder versteht? Kaufen Sie jetzt die Sachen, bevor mein Bruder entscheidet, dass Sie gut schmecken"
>>90954Brie bows slightly and directs the colts toward a fancy clothier.
>>90955He finds none other than a path tread well before: the Baltimare Branch of the high class "Pommel" chain. A pony named Trim Fit asks "How may I be of assistance for you today. He looks down and notices the foals, but says nothing
>>90956"Good afternoon my good stallion. I shall need a proper suit to go with my vest."
>>90958"For what sort of occasion?"
>>90959"Making a good impression. The colts and I are to be leaving to visit distant relatives."
>>90960He rubs his chin in silent contemplation.
"It seems that you need something high class, yet versatile enough to wear for most occasions, and comfortable enough to wear several days in a week. I think our best suits for that are to our left. Let e ask you, what sot of weather are you anticipating, and do you have any
special needs?"
>>90961"Yes, let me look here. It's been many years since I've visited so I can't speak to the weather, but what do you mean by special needs?"