>"Videogames and Paranormal"
>No Don't Starve Bread.
What is thus madness? Am I losing my mind?
>>875Brief description from Klei's site:
>Don’t Starve is an uncompromising wilderness survival game full of science and magic. >You play as Wilson, an intrepid Gentleman Scientist who has been trapped by a demon and transported to a mysterious wilderness world. Wilson must learn to exploit his environment and its inhabitants if he ever hopes to escape and find his way back home.>Enter a strange and unexplored world full of strange creatures, dangers, and surprises. Gather resources to craft items and structures that match your survival style. Play your way as you unravel the mysteries of this strange land. played this game shortly in what was it 2012? i think it was still in early access or just released
was never much into survival games. its not bad but i found they never got the balance. dying can happen to fast and with revive the game kind of lost its charme to me. also getting killed by walking trees in winter was no fun.
>>11573>also getting killed by walking trees in winter was no faggun.Dude those things were always a life saver for me,
>Have problems with monsters, find a tree monster to aggro the monsters to.>Run into a pack a wolves, run to the tree monster.>Run into a were pig, find a tree monster.>Giant monster finds you? Find a tree monster family.the fact that you can out run then is great because you can lead them away and get back to base in no time at all, even in winter.