The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
1812 replies and 48 files omitted.
My parents seemed very intent on discussing some reform of the property tax that is coming before the state legislature with our state representative in the parking lot. For some reason I cannot fathom, they absolutely refused to turn the car on while I waited, or at least close the driver side door. Anyways...
Begin Day 5
Okay, I'm feeling not-terrible enough to do just a little bit of RP for now.
>>87211Sister Ash would have slept through the whole night, because she had a rough day (and like hell I'm taking on any exhaustion penalties).
She still gets up in time for prayers though.
>>87212Mind that, she has to sleep from at least 10-6 or earlier, if she's going to avoid hustle penalties and still be able to prepare spells.
>>8721310-6 is doable, she'd be just in time for taking the Celestine mass with the others
>>87214That's what I was aiming for; preferably going to bed earlier.
If she doesn't pray on the dot, she loses a whole day of spells.
>>87215Fug. I guess I should probably prepare spells for the day.
>>87208>>87212Well, if you are sure.Iron wakes up, stretching his legs, popping a few bones. He gets off the bed and stands up. He inspects if the memories that the changeling fed upon have been restored.
>>87217Here. Don't shoot!
I'm thinking I should probably rest, tbh...
Alright, everyone can wake up, although maybe we should wait on Brie for Spark and Silver. Any idea of when you want characters to wake up and what you want to do with them?
>>87227Spark is by the door, so he will wake up when the others open the door.
>>87227Dark Star would probably wake up later than the rest of the party.
>>87227Iron would wake up at 9 to 10 AM. He will mostly try to finish Ash's quest aka either go for the mademares or find Ollie. That can wait if the changelings are to be deported immediately, but he has to be notified to cancel the plans.
>>87227About 8 in the morning for Silver. First thing he'll do is probably find something to eat, then take care of whatever the 'lings need.
>>87228Hell, Silver and Spark could go out to eat someplace, if they wanted.
>>87231That would sound good as long as you stay away from... certain food choices.
>>87232He knows not to order that while friends are around. He's better than that.
>>87231>>87228Probably after Brie>>87230Long after Ash
>>87229Dark Star wakes up alone in the hotel bedroom, which feels like the heat has been cut off, with the covers removed from over him
>>87231>>87232Actually, sure, let's try this
>>87235Silver is roused out of his sleep by the deep sound of his gurgling, empty stomach. "...Oooouuuh…"
>>87234Dark Star Shivers at the frigidness of the room,so he decides to get up and go over to the window and look out at the street.
>>87237Oh dear. Light shines into the room.
>>87238I had originally thought of the room as being an inside room with a window to a courtyard, but I also don't really know what makes sense in fancy 1910ish hotels, so sureLight of mid-morning
>>87236>>87234>>87239Pretend Iron wakes up when Ash wakes upIron opens his eyes, feeling the heat and light of the sun on his face. He stretches his legs and gets off the bed. He inspects his memories to see if the changeling feeding effects have passed.
>>87239thats what i had pictured in my head,sorry we can go with the court yard.Dark Star overlooks the courtyard as he is rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he then goes to the bathroom to take care of business.
>>87239Silver uses a foreleg to shield his eyes from the initially blinding light as they adjust to the sudden change. "Ack! Останови это, солнце. Я еще не готов." While they do so, he takes a look at where Wesley and Kerr were sleeping, to see if they're still there.
>>87241I'll be honest and say that I don't quite recall precisely what my model was. Something like Hotel Lutetia or Hotel Prinz-Albrect, maybe 84 Avenue Foch. Only 84 Avenue Foch has a courtyard, and it isn't a hotel.At least it isn't raining outside. It looks like he has the room all to himself.
>>87242They have decidedly moved. In fact...
Crash. dingdingdingWesley has just opened the bag of marbles. All over the floor. Kerr is trying to open a container of water
>>87240His memories don't seem to have suffered any decay beyond that which would be expected from the advance of time
>>87243After He gets through using the bathroom he washes his hooves and heads down to the lobby
>>87244It is so. Sea Breeze is available at this time
>>87243Well, if he wasn't awake before, he is now. Silver looks a bit amused at Wesley's predicament. He covers his mouth with a hoof to hold back some laughter. "Du musst vorsichtig mit diesen Murmeln sein."
He turns to Kerr, having trouble with the water. "Brauchen Sie Hilfe?"
>>87243Iron stretches a bit more. From what happened yesterday, Ash would not be ready until some time passes. He decides to seek that unicorn foal again, see if he has his starvation problem still. He may have a clue of what's going on with him.
>>87246Wesley just looks at Silver, eyes wide open. He sees he has been caught making a mess of the entire floor. "Das war Kerr"
Kerr has stopped trying to bite it, and is now attacking it with green magic. "Ich kann es bekommen"
>>87247"And a good day to you as well" he replies
>>87248At this time, the little foal is still sleeping
>>87249"How are you this morning,sir?"
>>87249Iron shrugs. Stuff for later, it seems. He supposes he has about 3 to 4 more hours before Ash is ready to move out. He ponders if the changelings are awake at this hour, or the current guardians for that matter. He decides to think while doing some physical excercises at the abbey's garden.
>>87249Silver can't hold back the laugh from Wesley's response. Exactly what he would expect from a pony foal. "Nun, wer auch immer es war, wir sollten dieses Chaos aufräumen."
Before he carefully steps onto the floor, avoiding the mess of marbles Wesley has made, Silver nods to Kerr. "Wenn du es sagst. Ich habe festgestellt, dass die Registerkarte oben wirklich sehr hilfreich ist." He points to the tab on top of the water container used to open it.
>>87250"Busy. In no small part thanks to you" He replies with mostly joy, and a tinge of annoyance
>>87251Nuns approach him, "excuse me sir, could you help us move some trees?"
>>87252>carefully steps onto the floor, avoiding the mess of marblesAww
Kerr has by now started attacking the container with both fangs and magic. When Silver says his thing, he stops, then lowers his jagged tube-like ears, and opens the tab by catching it in his fang and pulling it
>>87253Iron nods. "Just point me to them and it will be done."
>>87254It's a good thing Ash isn't awake.
"In our lower fields the blight got to a few fruit trees. They need to be cut down and moved to the burning pits"
>>87253I mean, as funny as Silver getting a broken back would be..."Wesley, kannst du mir helfen, diese Murmeln zu sammeln?" Silver's stomach grumbles again, reminding him that he should probably get some food in his belly soon. Silver reminds his stomach that it's hard to get outside to get food when there's a marble minefield in between him and the door.
>>87253"i'm just doing my job,sir. speaking of which. whats my next assignment?"
>>87255That's a rather strange comment.Iron nods, then proceeds to the blight zone described. He inspects the tree's toughness. With some bucking, they could be torn down. He also guesses if the cutting could potentially damage the abbey or any other building.
>>87256Wesley's ears droop
>>87258The trees appear to have been orange trees, or some sort of tropical fruit. There are a little decayed and weakened by the blight, and they were never particularly of thick stock
>>87259Before trying to dislodge the trees or break them down, he asks the nun who asked for help. "Is there any danger that these trees may hurt buildings or foals? If not, we can start the process of cutting them down."
>>87259Silver smiles at him. "Hey, es wird okay sein. Zusammen dauert es nicht lange." Silver starts to gather up the marbles, using his magic to sweep them up into a nice little pile.
Fuck. I didn't anticipate a need for 'small' missions. I guess I could have a 'go to this police officer and see if he takes a bribe,' or a 'see if this griffon merchant offers to sell illegal shit' or 'pick up surveillance bugs from this location' or 'talk to this bureaucrat and see if they are persuadable to talk about revolting' but I'm not sure if I can do those without it being rote or boring>>87262Silver is able to push them along the floor a little, and Wesley tries putting them into the bag
>>87261"We are hundreds of yards away, there shouldn't be any danger"
[1d20-1 = -13]>>87263Search: Silver looks around the room for any more marbles that are out of sight.
[1d20+6 = 16]>>87263He nods. He stands in front of one of the blighted trees. He ensures that all nuns are behind him and proceeds to buck the tree. Rolling unarmed damage with power attack, adding +5 damage and subtracting -5 from hit chance.
>>87264a couple by the provisions stack and a couple more under the bed
[1d3+12 = 13]>>87267Rolling damage to that tree.
>>87267He uses his magic to grab them and put them by the others. "Ich weiß nicht, wie man Murmeln spielt…Aber ich weiß, dass sie gerne überall rollen." Once finished, he pats Wesley on the top of the head. "Behaltet sie im Auge, damit sie nicht fliehen, okay?"
>>87232Silver's stomach grumbles yet again. Seeing Spark is still asleep, he trots over to him and tries to poke him awake.
*poke, poke poke*
>>87269I groan but slowly open my eyes.
"Ah. Morning already?"
>>87270"Seems like it. Just helped Wesley with marble mess. Surprised you did not hear it." Silver pats the side of his empty belly. "Anyways, I am starving, and I think changelings can look after themselves for few minutes. Want to go get something to eat?"
>>87271"I could. But are you sure they should be left alone? Something tells me they are not going to like being locked up in here, especially after what they went through."
>>87268Oh it's very damaged, but not quite dead
>>87269Wesley laughs
"hehe, okay"
>>87266Fuck it, let's do this
Sea Breeze leans down and rests his foreknees on the table
"So you've shown you can handle the dangerous stuff. Let's see if you can handle the grunt work. Sea Captain Wind Bard's Ship is returning from Saltmane. See what he is up to this morning"
>>87272"I suppose I should ask them, then."
>>87273Silver turns towards the two changelings. "Wesley, Kerr. Denkst du, du kannst dich selbst im Auge behalten, während Spark und ich essen gehen?"
[1d20+6 = 12]>>87273Supposing the tree will fall down soon, he decides to call it out to the nuns. "First tree is coming down! Clear the area!" He then prepares the second buck, same as last one.
>>87273"yes,sir! Sir,may i ask if the name of the ship is the "Jungle Express?"
>>87276He smiles
"Smart boy. Pier 10. Pier twelve has been closed after a warehouse fire, so the ship was redirected to another berth. It's a seaport, obviously. Try to look like a dockworker, or someone who belongs there. You don't need to alter your whole appearance like a changeling does, but what you will be doing will require you to go unnoticed."
>>87277"What would you like me to do sir?"
>>87274"Ich denke schon, wir haben viele Spielsachen."
"Oh, natürlich kannst du essen, während wir hier festsitzen"
>>87278The tree breaks in the mid section, and falls over
>>87279"Observe who he speaks to and what he does. Take notes, and take pictures. If you interact please, please, note that they get very suspicious quickly" He hands Dark Star a camera
Dark Star Takes the camera and salutes him
>>87281He nods in acknowledgement
>>87280Iron nods. That's one down. Iron looks how many trees are remaining and estimates what time it took to down one tree. He then turns to the closest nun. "Do we also need to pluck out the stumps?"
>>87283"The stumps will likely need to go eventually, but for now simply killing the trees will suffice"
3 more blighted trees
>>87282Dark Star heads off to the Docks
[1d20+6 = 21]>>87284Another nod. He places himself in a bucking position at the next tree and bucks it same as the last two times.
>>87280"So ist es nicht…" Silver sighs. "Es tut mir Leid. Ich bin jetzt sehr hungrig, weil ich seit einiger Zeit nichts gegessen habe. Sie werden hier nicht mehr lange stecken bleiben, aber ich muss essen, um klar denken und sprechen zu können."
>>87285Two blocks south of Black Briar road, onto the seaport itself. At this time it doesn't look as if walking up to the docks themselves requires going through security, although it does look like many ponies are using the area. The steamer in question is pulling into position. There are a couple warehouses prior to reaching the sea wall, a situation similar to the experience a few nights ago
>>87286The hind hooves hit the tree squarely, and leaves fall from it towards the ground
>>87287*pouting changeling noises*
Kerr seems to accept this answer begrudgingly
>>87290Silver nods, thankful. "Vielen Dank. Ich werde nicht lange."
>>87272With that, Silver turns back to Spark. "They will be fine here. Do you have anyplace particular in mind, or should we just stop at first place we come to?"
>>87290Are There any buildings close by where the ship is docking?
>>87291"I'm just as new around these parts as you are. Whichever you think sounds good will be fine I'm sure."
Spark gets up and stands ready at the door.
>>87293"Then we will stop at first place we see." Silver steps out of the room and makes his way down the street, looking for the first restaurant he sees.
>>87294Spark follows, making sure to wave bye to the changelings and close the door behind them first.
>>87292There are two warehouses within 500 feet. There is a smaller structure on the opposite side the loading dock at the base
>>87290After the last two bucks
which I'll assume took down the tree being attacked, leaving 2 more., he decides to do some small talk. "So, how has the two foals that recently came with Ash been doing?" He says as he goes towards the third tree.
>>87296Dark Star walks over to where the boat is docking like he is supposed to be there
Is Anypony working close by?
i caught that skyrim reference >>87297"Well, we are trying to integrate them back in. They were not very eager for breakfast this morning, but were accepting of toast after a while
>>87298Yes. Close to the ship, a couple ponies moor it. A few more ponies prepare to load coal into the ship's bunker. On the dock itself, ponies move crates
>>87298 >>87299Dark Star walks over to a crate and starts sliding it
[1d20+6 = 20]>>87299"I see. I heard bad stuff happen to them." He positions himself and bucks the third tree with his hindlegs. Same attack as the other ones.
>>87302It's a little weaker than the first. It is kill
>>87300Crates are by the seawall, but can be moved. Over by the ship itself, the mooring is tied up, and the gangplank is coming down
>>87301"Oh yes. I haven't heard what, but from the way they talk about it, it must be unimaginably bad"
>>87303Iron nods, then changes into a thinking expression. "What is your usual routine at the abbey?" He walks to the last tree to be taken down.
>>87303Can i see anypony standing on the deck?
Alright, between my getting only 5 hours of sleep last night, and my wanting to finally get this damned job application turned in, I am going to sleep now
>>87306Alright. Night GM. I'll go to bed too.
>>87323>>87325That's three total. Iron, Ash and Spark. Silver, Star, Brie and of course the GM are missing.
>>87327Do I look like an edgy nymphomaniac to you?
>>87323 >>87328Wat. Who is the edgy nyphomaniac?
>>87327Here, kind of
>>87330Pretty sure he mixed up Star and Spark since they both have an S as the first letter and an a on the third letter.
>>87331Yes because I glance at this only occasionally in the midst of my studies.
I'll have some timeduring Movie night, but don't expect too much out of me
>>87322edgy nymphomaniac reporting for duty
>>87325>>87333>>87334>>87330Ok, so far we have Star the edgelord, devoted follower of Aphrodite, Iron the big dumb stubborn boi, Ash, harbringer of peace and trees, Brie, the mad batpony who seems to have scizophrenia for some dark past reason, and the god of the world they inhabit it. Hopefully Silver, the benevolent meat eater, and Spark, an intellectual with a case of alcohol withdrawal or something, can join in while the stew's hot.
aka Ash not passing out. Anyway, Sister Ash would be attending prayers, and speaking with the Sisters shortly afterwards. She would have sileni picked her spells about an hour after figuring out just wtf she was planning to do today.
>>87341Is world of harmony and wholesomeness. No goddess of "sex," only love, marriage, and new foals
>>87342The Princess of Love. Not sex.
>>87345Pretty sure she was, judging how Equestria was split in half to begin with.
>>87344All the princesses are by default sex gods.
Candy just shares an alesthetic/niche with Aphrodite.
Also, Aphrodite is not the goddess of sex, but passionate love, whereas Eros is affection. Pan is the god of sex, iirc.
>>87347Pony Princesses are pure. Just because they are fapped to by tens of thousands does not make them sexual
>>87350There's no rule against being pure/virgin, and still having sex in your deific portfolio.
>>87351This guy gets it.
Note to self: no sleep during the night combined with sleeping well into the evening leads to really weird dreams/nightmares.
>>87335Yes, Brie is literally schitzo, that's the only reason he can understand anything the Lings say, because the voices in his head tell him bits and pieces about what the words mean.
Get it? He's bat-shit! XDDDD >>87355If by hot you mean "Playing an AARPG and getting killed multiple times by a gigantic terrifying demon boss" then yes.
>>87356I giggled.
>>87354Only the intellectual remains to appear.
Have a good lunch/breakfast >>87352Well, maybe... All you need to know is that Alicorn bodies are the pinacle of Pony perfection, and that the Princesses save the married one are all paragons of chastity and virginity (and even the married one is perfectly 'chaste' by Catholic definitions). Or maybe they had lovers long ago, who were died or separated tragically, and vowed never to love again after that. Or maybe they are extreme sluts regularly taking secret lovers and fucking their guards
>>87357Noted for future dreams and encounters
>>87356Cute name
>>87361Well, it was a demon, so I'm sure it was burning hot. So hot that if you touch it, you would literally catch on fire.
Like Ash's angry side >>87350>Royalty>PureAnon, why don't you have a seat
>>87360Preemptive F for Silver
>>87361More like lanky, ashy-skinned, and wicked-grinned with a smile full of sharp teeth, and with hands the size of bedrooms that grab you and try to tear you in half.
>>87364Well, at least it was turned on before the fight.
Cuz its skin is ash-colored, which implies the demon had to endure fire on his body
>>87364sounds pretty lewd to me.
>>87364Interesting. Tell me more
>>87363Pony royalty is pure, like Queen Elizabeth
>>87367So, for some reason, in this made-up game my mind came up with, there was a super boss in the middle of a large grassland valley with no trees in sight. It was the kind you were expected to go after once you killed the main boss. It was some kind of formless entity wearing a white cloak, and used holy-based magic to attack. It was very difficult to kill, but after finding out that it was weak to dark magic, I managed to defeat it. Didn't get any rewards for doing, though.
A couple in-game days later, I returned to the valley to see if I would get a reward, and this massive rift opens up in the middle of it, and out comes this giant, lanky, pale/ash-skinned demon, with the most terrifying evil grim you've ever seen. It was the size of a small mountain, and its hands could easily crush a small house. Apparently the other entity I killed had been sealing it away and keeping it from invading the mortal realm, and now that it was dead, it was free to invade the mortal realm and spread death and destruction across the world. So, we fought, and I managed to take out maybe a 20th of its life bar before it grabbed me, tried to tear me in half, and then threw me so far across the valley I hit the hills on the other side of it. Then it managed to cover the same distance in only a few seconds, grabbed me again, and finally managed to tear me in half. I tried fighting it about four different times, each ending the same way, before I finally woke up from the dream.
>>87369Uh, why did you even have those kinds of dreams? Did you play many games with allusions to demons like Diablo and other RPGs which focuses on demon killing before bed or something? Got frustrated on a boss and your brain decided to torment you about it? What the hell?
>>87371There are very few times when I can even remember if I had a dream, and even fewer times I can remember details about the dream long enough to relay it to someone else. When it happens, I don't know why my mind comes up with stuff like it, but it's always fucked up like that.
>>87369Man you need to grind to get more xp, before you fight the final boss.
>>87372You need Jesus in your lifeAll dreams have this rule. If you recently woke up to a dream, you will remember the details for it, but slowly fades from memory unless written down. Most of the time, I don't even dream. It's like sleeping just to pass time, like how many games nowadays save progress when you go to bed.
>>87373Knowing you, you could very easily surpass whatever I could describe.
>>87374Maybe I haven't gone through enough NG+'s yet.
>>87375I guess so. It just seems like the more messed up the dream is, the longer the amount of time I remember it for.
>>87360In my headcanon, Celestia is more of an Aphrodite and represents the more epicurean approach to life, enjoying each of life's pleasures. Luna would be more of an Athena and a stoic, being rigorously ascetic and still a virgin after thousands of years.
>>87369Sounds like dreams I like to have.
>>87377Epicurean? Pony society is very nearly an enactment of Plato’s Republic in a children’s show. I cannot imagine Celestia taking s hedonistic approach of any kind to her life.
>>87337I'm going to have to leave for a while.
I'll pick my spells after seeing where Sister Ash leaves off.
>>87378Well, she is infamous for eating cake every day. It's not unlikely she would also take on prince-consorts as in the fanfic "The Sun and the Rose." Whether that's hedonistic or not is up to debate, but there's no question she lives in luxury.
>>87380I'll take a short nap, just in case I feel like passing out in the middle of a session. At most, I'll come back in 3 to 4 hours.
>>87377I don't think Luna's chastity is necessarily the result of ascetiscism. I think she's just autistic, and extra awkward after being imprisoned in the moon for so long.
Celestia is married to cake.
>>87369That's gamer-brain right there. Lucid dreaming.
>>87386You must not realize, Luna is the ponification of Nyx (not the poner) the mistress of the night and hidden secrets. You probably already know 'Luna', but without ever knowing her. Cuz thats how she rolls.
Legend says men who knowingly embrace Nyx are forever fixated and sworn to her, cuz its so UNNNNFFFF
>>87389Nyx is the "night" and represents the first offspring of the primordial Chaos before the beginning creation, feared by even Zeus. She's the Mother of Hypnos (Sleep) and his brother Thantos (Death), amd the proginator of all other personified deities. She's supposed to be as terrifying as she is beautiful
If Luna were in any way like Nyx, that would encompass the Nightmare Moon aspect of her.
>>87391However, in Greek mythology, Nyx is supposed to be the mother of Day.
The ancient Greek cosmology has a thematic of all good things rising from darkness and death.
>>87391Tl:dr Love, and don't fuck with, Luna
I think I have my spells, but I'd like her to start the day first.
>>87394Alright, I recall praying with the sisters
>>87395That's about it.
Is there any word about last night?
This is GM, right?
>>87396This is GM from mobile IP. What is the question concerning last night?
>>87397I was just wondering what the general mood in the abbey is.
I think I'llhave her check on the children before she leaves.
>>87398A sort of
quiet has come over the air. Like some facts are too horrible to be spoken aloud, but so impactful they shake you to the very essence of your soul
>>87399Sister Ash would have a similar aura to her after waking up, unsure how to speak of what went on last night, and even less sure of how to react to it.
She decides to help the Sisters with their morning work
(while I wait for Iron's player to show up).
>>87400“How well do you understand plants?” Asks a sister
>>87401*Ears perked*
"Quite well, if I do say so myself."
>>87401*Ears perked*
"Quite well, if I do say so myself."
[1d3 = 3]>>87403“Oh, excellent. We have an area of one garden where the plants are not growing very well. We are trying to clear out other parts of the property for other fields, but we thought that maybe you could help”
>>87404"Hmm, that's odd.." Sister Ash replies quietly, somewhat disappointed that the Enrichment spell she cast on the garden hasn't yet had any dramatic effect.
"I would be glad to help."
>>87405“Oh yes, just up the hill. We have some plants that seem to have stunted growth.” When the sister takes her there, she sees an area that is cultivated more like an agricultural field than a garden, although still not very large. It is on non-level terrain and not terraced. The plants immediately approached seem to be turnips, although other tubers like onions”
“Well, here we are. The problem is that growth in this field seems to be stunted compared to field elsewhere. We were wanting to simply abandon the field, but we were wondering if you knew what the issue was”
>>87406This is a distinct set of plants
[1d20+13 = 16]>>87407Just restating. She would be particularly interested, since she believed that her blessing would have been enough for the whole garden.
Sister Ash enters the area and levitates a clump of the soil.
Rolling Knowledge (nature) to see if there's any evident cause to her.
>>87409I would have just taken 10, had I not suspected it to be supernatural in origin.
>>87408The dirt seems a bit on the alkali side
>>87376The sorcerer finally returned if you are available to continue.