Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The party now takes on the task of breaking, entering, and investigating the house of Social Democrat politician Comte "Cheese" Burgher, who is alleged to have 'purchased' two young foals. They have already distracted the guards around the gated community and explored most of the property. Now, Ash tries out her role as a 'dog whisperer,' Dark Star contemplates the evidence he has already collected, Silver shifts between stealing jewelry from innocent third parties and talking about the joyful smell of wingpit sweat, Iron harasses guards by talking to them about queer theory while Onyx acts as his his homosexual partner, Brie tries to get the guards drinking on the job, and Spark follows around the group in the attic.
1765 replies and 20 files omitted.
>>85813Kerr is incensed
"Was zum Teufel ist das? Du hast mich reingelegt!"
>>85815"Herr ist ein freund. Herr ist
here goes ungefarlight."
>>85815>>85812Iron nods. He then lays down and tries to think up something nice about his childhood, like small games that he, his brother and sister would play. The kind where he was the bad pony who kidnapped the princess while his brother acted the role of a hero saving her.
>>85812Silver chuckles. "Es ist in Ordnung." He looks a bit more at the color palette of the changeling's disguise, noticing similarities to a pony's he knows. "Du erinnerst mich ein bisschen an eines meiner Fohlen. Er war auch ein Pegasus mit gleichem Fell und Mähne. Er hatte jedoch einen gelben Streifen durch seine Mähne. Sein Name war 'Spectral Streak'."
Brie squats down near Kerr.
"Its not ideal, but it will have to do for now. Your brother - Ihr bruder - will be here soon. I don't speak your language. The only reason I can speak it at all is cuz,... nevermind that. Relax a bit, its been a stressful day for me, so I can only imagine how its been for you."
>>85818He responds
"Das ist schön, Väter zu haben. Wir haben nicht wirklich Väter. Wir werden von Arbeitern aufgezogen"
>>85816>>85817>>85819Kerr doesn't quite seem to understand what is going on, but seems reassured by Iron lying on the floor, and Brie's words. He walks up to Iron slowly
>>85817"You were cut off. What were you going to say?"
>>85820Iron does not react to Kerr reaching his laying form. He can almost visualize it. How he would laugh handsomely while having her sister on his back. 'Muahaha. You will never defeat me!' he would say to his brother, which would then be replied with his own retort. Iron would then lay down her sister on the floor and have a fight, where he usually let his little brother win. It was a nice memory for him.
>>85822The little foal seems uncertain, but comes closer. He licks his lips, and then opens his jaw to bite the air in front of Iron. It almost looks as if he is biting into the hindquarters of some great beast. A green and purple energy starts to flow from Iron into the foal's mouth.
Roll for fortitude save
>>85820Silver smiles at this. "Ja, ich habe gehört, wie deine Bienenstöcke funktionieren. Es unterscheidet sich stark von Ponyfamilien, aber ich denke, das ist es, was so toll ist. Obwohl sie so verschieden sind, obwohl wir so verschieden sind, sind sie für uns beide Familien.
"Also, deine Familie, deine Königin und die Arbeiter, hast du gute Geschichten über sie? Ich würde gerne hören."
>>85822As Iron lays there, Brie briefly recounts... some... of the conditions he found Kerr, his brother, and the others in.
"It was unthinkable. I can't imagine what he must have gone through, and I got there late. The others were....
>>85823"Oh shit, not this again. Uhm! Uhm!" he flails his hooves a bit, unsure how to respond to this development.
>>85827I know you didn't mean me
>>85828Didn't mean to reply to you.
>>85827"Y-yes" answers the little colt
>>85825Iron's little brother becomes fuzzy. Then his sister. Then the whole image...
bleeds, of color, slowly. It becomes sad. Unpleasant, joyless. At first it's just this sense of of the same scene, but in rote. Like it has no more meaning. Then, a memory comes up. Ash. Ash fairly pretty and calm and helping ponies. Then this to becomes grey, and there is a sort of shock to the whole scene. Not shock in the sense of surprise, a feeling almost of electric shock. Like somepony were intentionally trying to incentive him to stay away. As all of this happens, Iron feels a cold over coming him. At first, it could be an open window. Then it is something more. It feels kind of like how he felt a few nights ago, jumping into the water, and then walking out into the January night. That kind of cold.
After some time of this, the colt closes his mouth, and the feeling subsides. He does not feel any weaker, nor does he think he will have lasting headaches.
>>85826The little colt sits and draws energy from Iron for some number of seconds. If you aren't going to burn the Changeling with cold iron, you may as well be glad he is well fed and not in the mood for Bat
>>85830Sister Ash gives the foal a deep, long hug
"..Just breath.. you're alright now.."
>>85830>cold ironDon't have it even if I knew to use it,... which I didn't/don't,....
"Shit! I seriously hope this doesn't kill anyone." Brie Eeeeee's softly to himself.
>>85830Iron is very surprised, even scared at what is happening to his memories. He pants for a bit, not really grasping what is going on, the cold and electricity making him involuntarily shiver. When the colt finishes up his feeding, he tries to remember the same scenes that were recently greyed out.
So... assuming Spark, Onyx, and Dark Star with them made it to the hospital...
I try to get Dark Star set up with a hospital room.
>>85833"Yeah, I wouldn't get sentimental around him too often. The same thing happened to Dark when we were... down there."
>>85810Wesley starts talking to Silver
"Ich wurde im Bienenstock in Vraks geboren. Meine Mutter war Lacinia. Ich hatte viele Brüder und Schwestern, einschließlich des anderen Wechslbalg, mit dem Sie mich gefunden haben, Kerr. Ich wurde später in eine Kolonie versetzt, um ... wie heißt es ..." He seems to be searching for words "'Reichskommissariat Tall Tales.'"
>>85833He has no problem retreading the memories. What is more questionable is the quality of the memories. They still seem to be black and white. As time passes, they become more colored
>>85835It is so if they ever show up
>>85836"I see. *pant* Gods. What happened?"
>>85838Iron feels relieved by knowing the effect is temporary. He decides to test something else. He starts approaching the changeling foal himself.
>>85839Brie shrugs. "I'm not exactly sure, it looked like some sort of energy exchange. Like, this glowing aura came off you and went directly into his mouth."
>>85838Silver reflects on this. Kerr and Wesley. The names of the changelings they rescued. "Tall Tales? Ich glaube nicht, dass ich vor dem Krieg jemals dort war. Es klang jedoch nach einem schönen Ort. Hat es dir dort gefallen?"
>>85839The foal looks at Iron, an starts to back away slowly. He can't speak, obviously, but he has a 'what are you doing?" kind of look to him
>>85837He starts to cry. This is good, because these two colts had been almost entirely free of emotion before. He starts focusing his eyes on objects that are actually within the room
>>85842Iron tries to pick up the foal and nuzzle him, seeing if this also can feed him without sacrificing his memories. He is such a cute foal, after all.
Brie walks irritatedly to the window and glances outside before slowly pacing in acorner of the room.
>>85842Sister Ash pulls them both into a group hug.
>>85844A wagon going down the street, I don't think anypony is approaching
>>85843This frightens the hell out of the foal. The snoot of the foal feels real. Very real. Exactly as he would expect it to be. He doesn't really feel anything that he would not expect, except for the awkward and frightened look in the foal's eyes
>>85844"Was macht er hier?" Asks Kerr, startled
>>85841"Mir hat es nicht so gut gefallen. Die Gebäude waren seltsam. Wir waren meistens in der Changeling-Kolonie. Es gab eine Sache. Es gab Ponys. Sie könnten zu ihnen gehen und sich von ihnen ernähren, und Sie mussten nicht befürchten, getötet zu werden, weil eine Soldatendrohne mit einer Waffe zuschauen würde und das Pony schlagen würde, wenn sie kämpfen würden"
This gets them to emote more
>>85846"Nothing, I'm just getting impatient waiting on silver and your brother is all."
>>85846Iron now strokes his mane, see how soft this cute little foal is. Will it compare to the magestic mane that is Ash?
>>85847Oh, the joys of Socialized medicine. After some time in the waiting room, a nurse asks the nature of the injury
>>85849Soft. Very
>>85846Silver seems saddened by the last part, visibly so to Wesley.
>>85850"I've seemed to have encountered a changling without knowing."
>>85846Sister Ash holds them in her weakened arms for several minutes as she speaks with the other Sisters and fills them in with details about what she experienced, apologizing again for disappearing unnannounced.
"...-And as soon as I saw them, I took them and left.."
>>85849No mere transfiguration can ever hope to match Sister Ash's natural softness
>>85850Finally, Iron decides to gently put Kerr on the bed and pats his head for a bit. He then starts gesturing. "Did the petting," he strokes the air in a horizontal motion. "give you," he points to him, "love like when I," he points to himself, "gave to you with memories?" He strikes a pose where he puts his hoof on his chin.
>>85854That's why Ash's mane is the best. >>85853"Alright. I'm guessing it drained you?"
>>85851Wesley looks a little awkward
"Habe ich zu viel gebissen?"
He can feel a winter wind blow through on his wet coat, making him cold. And there is no way he could know if the feeling is really the result of the wind and water, or the parasite on his back
>>85854"That's terrible! You should take that all to the police"
Bitch please. They
evolved specifically to have lovable disguises.
>>85855He seems to understand Iron's meaning
"Ich habe genug von den Seelen dreier Ponys gegessen"
>>85848>>85856Iron, opposite to Kerr, does not understand a bit. He turns to Brie. "I need some translation. Would you please do that?"
>>85857"He said "I have something of the something something Ponies love", and I'm not sure about that last one."
>>85858Iron furrows his brow. "That does not help much, but thank you."
>>85856Iron decides to go for more risky stuff against Kerr, now moving to light tickling of the foal.
The nurse sends him to an Orange Unicorn
"So it says here that you got drained by a Changeling. He looks at the paper, and then pulls a hoof to his mouth. Then he fails to hide a laugh, then he starts laughing
"Let me guess, you picked up a girl at the bar?"
>>85860"Hiss!" sayeth the foal
>>85856I refuse to believe that transfiguration could ever be as good as the real thing.
Sister Ash seems unsure
"... Are you sure..? I wasn't the only one there, so he won't get away with it.. I had hoped to avoid needless contact with the local authorities.. I'm not really very familiar with how ponies manage things here.."
>>85862His wavering and distracted attention drawn by the hissing.
"Eww! Whoa! What the fuck are you doing?!" Instinctively his hoof draws a knife.
"Take your hooves and,... everything off of him!"
>>85862Iron chuckles at the little one's hiss. He seems like a good colt. He stops from further tickling him, still snickering. "Did that give you," points at him, "love?"
>>85864"Oh please, like I would want to abuse a foal. I prefer something that can actually fit my length." Iron waves off Brie's outburst.
>>85862"no,i was helping what i thought was a foal."
Dark Star says Flatly
>>85856"Nein, Junge. Es ist nicht das..." He sighs, trying to find the right words to describe it.
"Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie wären Pony. Sie haben viele Jahre in Equestria gelebt. Du warst dort glücklich. Du hattest Freunde, Familie und dein Land, um dich zu schützen, um dich glücklich zu halten. Dann kommt eines Tages eine Invasionsarmee durch. Sie fordern Sie auf, die Gesetze eines anderen Landes einzuhalten. Diese Ponys, auf die Sie sich zu verlassen hatten, um Sie zu schützen, waren jetzt wegen der Armee verschwunden. Sie sagen Ihnen, dass, wenn ein Changeling sich von Ihnen ernähren will, Sie sie lassen müssen. Und es ist ein Entleerungsprozess. Wenn das Wechseln nicht vorsichtig ist, kann es weh tun, es kann dir das Gefühl geben, dass es keine Hoffnung in der Welt gibt, keine Liebe, nichts, außer Traurigkeit, und manchmal hast du nicht einmal diese. Und wenn du das nicht willst, wenn du dich nicht auf diese Weise fühlen willst, kannst du nicht nein sagen oder zurückschlagen, wenn sie immer noch versuchen, dich zu ernähren, oder sogar von Soldaten getötet. Es würde dich nicht gut fühlen oder glücklich machen. Es würde Sie traurig machen, Angst, allein.
"Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich Sinn habe. Ich kann diese Sprache kaum sprechen, nicht wie kyrillisch oder sogar ponisch. Aber ich hoffe du kannst es verstehen. Ich möchte nicht, dass sich jemand auf diese Weise befindet, ob Pony oder Veränderer."
>>85867"My hooves are off of him already. Learn to watch the scene in front of you." Iron rolls his eyes.
>>85868What's with this advanced german that I'm seeing? Is Silver a damn multilingual pony or what? >>85869I still don't know what languages there are to choose from in this setting, but I hope to finalize my character at level 6.
>>85871Most creatures of the same Subtype speak one language, except for Humanoids, who may be divided by race.
[1d20+2 = 13]>>85865"Dein Schwanz ist klein. Ich habe größere Schwänze als deine genommen"
>>85875>>85872"Brie, I need more translation. What is the little foal saying?"
>>85863>>85863"Needless? Is stopping a child molester who keeps colts in a sex dungeon 'needless?"
>>85864With the knife drawn, the Changeling turns his back so that Iron and Brie are to either side. He then entirely drops the disguise, reverting to Changeling form. The hatchling already has a ray on its back, which is stood up in a display of what must be assertion
>>85865He does not look pleased, and transforms to his changeling form. Big blue eyes with no whites, a red ray for a mane. Little tube like ears that are 'cut' in two places. Large fangs, two inches long even as a child and a long, narrow, snake-like tongue. Wing covers of a greenish color over dragonfly-like wings. A translucent blue green belly that looks a little full. A short cut tail that has holes in it. A horn on the head of the same solid black as the rest of his chitinous body. And of course, the famous holes in the legs.
>>85878"Dunno." Brie replies coldly, without taking his eyes off Iron.
>>85879"No, I meant rather that it's already been reported by now.." she replies.
>>85879"Do not worry, little one. Brie is just a dumb bat who does not understand how to defuse a situation." He pats the now undisguised changeling. "Brie," points at the batponnt, "dumb."
>>85882"Says the good-for-nothing colt who didn't even have the sense to disengage when there were guns trained on him, and then when I finally
do bail his ass out, he wanders to a tavern. Meanwhile, THIS little guy was trapped in the worst sex-dungeon I've ever seen. But go on. Tell him how
I'm dumb, having pulled him out of there and brought him back here, apparently just in time to be molested."
>>85885>>85879Is silver there with the other changeling yet? He kind of needs to diffuse this situation.
>>85884"Judging by the changeling's reaction to your impulsive action of threatening me with a knife, the changeling is more scared by that than mere tickling. Besides, I am trying to see what other methods a changeling can use to extract love, and no, I am not going the sex route. Like I said, he is too small for me." Iron deadpans at Brie. "Stop trying to act like a hero and sheathe the knife."
>>85881"I see. Well, these foals don't have mothers or fathers to help them through this"
>>85880Kerr reads Bries eyes, and seems to understand, changing his stance more towards Iron
>>85882>patsIt's not letting a hoof near the top of its head
>>85868If Silver thought that arguing politics with Blue Skies was bad....
Wesley responds with a slight air of offense
"Denken Sie, wir wissen das nicht? Deshalb müssen wir entweder betrügen oder mit Gewalt gewinnen. Das Pony wird immer widerstehen. Sie werden uns Monster nennen und uns jagen. Sie werden in unsere Bienenstöcke eindringen und unsere Königinnen töten. In Vraks bekamen wir den süßen Honig der Arbeiter. Es gab nie genug und viele meiner Brüder und Schwestern fielen zu Staub. Glücklicherweise hat unser großartiger Reiseführer einen Weg gefunden, uns alle zu ernähren."
>>85887>Speak germanBecause I wanted them to speak a language that was foreign, but not entirely alien. Now shut up. If you need more reason, it's because in the mod they are a reskin of Nazi Germany under Hitler. If that is not a good enough reason I don't give a shit, I like having intelligent creatures that are capable of speech yet can't speak directly with most of the characters, and I
always love throwing in bonuses to players who bother to google translate foreign phrases.
>>85888"Du bist zu klein für mich, winzig!"
>>85890What languages are there available to pick from?
I still haven't picked mine.
>>85890>>85889Iron massages his temple. Great, now he feels threatened. Even then, he does not even understand his comment. He decides to go to a corner and try to remain passive. Here's hoping Silver comes already. What a bust.
>>85890>"I see. Well, these foals don't have mothers or fathers to help them through this""... It's rather unfortunate indeed..." She says, her voice low as she tries to rock either child to sleep.
>>85890>"I see. Well, these foals don't have mothers or fathers to help them through this""... It's rather unfortunate indeed..." She says, her voice low as she tries to rock either child to sleep.
>>85891>>85893Hmmm... die rolls
>>85892Kerr calms down, and with a flash of green, goes back to being a blue unicorn foal
>>85895Are there any religious or extraplanar languages that might be of interest?
Brie makes a show of putting his knife away.
Can I assume Dark Star will now be taken care of so I can fetch Blue Skies, fill her in, and head to the tavern to make sure everything is going smoothly?
>>85895Iron huffs in annoyance.
>>85897"You could have told me that he was abused when you brought him here, you know?" he massages his temple. "Not when I am stroking his mane, nuzzling him and all that. Why did you not react to those two previous acts?"
>>85896Uh, let me think about it
>>85898He can try
>>85897Kerr takes interest
>>85887I have no idea how many, but it's a fair assumption to say there's a pony equivalent to most of the major languages we have here on Earth. That's just how many I've seen from the mod and from this particular game.I imagine German is the language taught to Changelings from the moment they're hatched, and over time, they pick up the languages of nearby countries so they can better blend in. Since Chrysalis has united the changelings under the idea that they don't have to hide among ponies to obtain love, I imagine most changelings being born around this time won't even bother with trying to learn other languages, and will stick with their own native one.>>85890"Und Sie glauben nicht, dass das die Dinge für unsere beiden Leute noch schlimmer macht? Ponys fürchten sich natürlich vor dem, was sie nicht verstehen, und die meisten Ponys haben niemals die Möglichkeit, Veränderungen zu verstehen. Wenn Sie ihnen beigebracht haben, dass Sie nicht die Monster sind, von denen Sie glauben, dass Sie sie sind, würden sie nicht negativ reagieren. Sie begrüßen Sie vielleicht nicht immer, aber Sie würden Sie auch nicht hassen. Diese? Was macht Chrysalis? Es lässt die Ponys denken, dass du die Monster aus ihren Geschichten bist. Sie fürchten dich nicht mehr, weil sie dich nicht verstehen, sie fürchten dich jetzt, weil sie denken, dass sie dich verstehen. Und wenn sie sich entschließen, sich zu wehren, wird es für eines unserer Leute nicht gut enden. Viele werden wegen zu vieler Missverständnisse sterben."
After a couple seconds, he realizes he's arguing with the changeling equivalent of a teenager. "Ich weiß, ich kann Sie nicht anders überzeugen, aber stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der sich keiner unserer Völker vor einander fürchtet. Wo wir lernen, einander zu verstehen und zu respektieren, und diese Unterschiede zwischen uns. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass das Essen, das man von Ponys in dieser Welt bekommen würde, viel erfüllender wäre als das Essen von Ponys, die um ihr Leben fürchten."
Silver shrugs as best as he can with a changeling on his back. "Ich weiß es nicht, nur zum Nachdenken."
>>85900I'm not going to bother finalizing details until level 6.
Also, with a technicallity here: is Sister Ash, at 6 Strength, physically capable of cradling both foals while sitting?
>>85900Worth a shot.
I head to that base, hoping I don't get shot for just approaching. I look for guards that don't look like they want to shoot me today.
>>85899"Pardon me for being distracted and not wanting to go into detail. I was glad enough to get out of there with him when I did, but waiting on the others has left me thinking."
>>85900Iron rolls his eyes at the bug's sudden 180. He did not complain when nuzzling, mane stroking and love consumption were involved.
>>85906"Sure, whatever you say."
>>85903I really thought I responded to that one.... Hmmm. Anyways
The unicorn says "Let me guess, the foal had a very cute mother?" He stops laughing
"Anyways, this isn't that uncommon. What you have here is a dearth of Harmony magic. The magic that is love and friendship at its essence, and makes up the life force of beings. This is no physical problem." He waves an instrument of some kind over Dark Star
"Alright, it doesn't look like she got you
too bad" he holds back a laugh. "You are not at the point that you cannot regenerate harmony. Don't worry, the life force they take should come back on its own. Chocolate and sugar can help the process, as can being around friends and those you love. But expect to feel weakened at least the next 12 hours. Rest can help as well. And try to stay away from certain cute mares. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is"
>>85905It would take a while, but the Grand Baltimare hotel is available. There are no guards outside of the building."
>>85907Dude, quit being a dick
>>85904While sitting? Yes
>>85908>>85903He adds "Let me get you a tonic that should help in the magical healing process"
>>85908Good help is hard to find these days.
I approach the door. I assume that they allow you to enter the building if they don't have a guard outside. I enter and look for somepony to address the situation to.
A chill and (depending on temperment) uncomfortable silence echoes through the room. Brie has a casual stance, but he's visibly on edge, and his eyes never waver from Iron.
>>85908I'm venting a bit. Iron just has the worst luck when dealing with traumatized foals. Fuck's sakes. I tried being nice to the little foal, attempting to find an easier way to help the changeling to feed which judging from the genome reference, it doesn't matter and I get a hiss and a knife pointed at me. Sure, Iron has touched the foal but he never complained until the tickling and he does a hiss of discontent and Brie decides to be a hero without informing Iron that, hey, this changeling has been abused physically so no touching until Iron touches him. No, Iron was not informed how was the changeling found or what state he was in, just something ominous like 'ooh, he has bad stuff happen to him'. Man,
that stuff is frustrating, specially since I knew OOC but could not act on it.>>85911Iron lays on the floor in the corner, not wanting to disturb the changeling any further. His expression is still frustrated, but not really threatening. He starts doing a light tap on the floor to keep him occupied.
Since it's about 8 o'clock, Sister Ash would try to get ready to put both foals to bed when she's sufficiently calmed them down, and then she'd go to bed herself, since she's had a terribly rough day.
Also it's 2:00 am where I am, I I think I'm going to call it a day as well.
>>85902"Ich habe den letzten Monat in einem Käfig verbracht. Ich wurde erst herausgenommen, als sie mir Fotos von Fohlen zeigten. Die Hengste würden mich zu diesen jungen Fohlen machen und Sex mit mir haben. Die meisten dieser Ponys hatten keine Liebe, als sie dies taten. Ich musste stärker beißen. Aber als ich das tat, schockten sie mich mit einer Batterie. Sie würden mich schlagen, wenn ich nicht folgte. Ich lebte unter Chrysalis und ich lebte unter Ponys. Ich bevorzuge Chrysalis. Ich weiß nicht, wie man ein angstfreies Pony macht...."
*sad changeling noises*
>>85910As soon as he goes through, there is a guard
"Can I help you?"
>>85912The tonic is handed over. it seems to be natural and plant based
>>85913It is skeptical of being touched. Hush and stop being an asshole
>>85914The little foals are compliant, though still mostly not talkative. Ash can tuck them into their respective beds