Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The party now takes on the task of breaking, entering, and investigating the house of Social Democrat politician Comte "Cheese" Burgher, who is alleged to have 'purchased' two young foals. They have already distracted the guards around the gated community and explored most of the property. Now, Ash tries out her role as a 'dog whisperer,' Dark Star contemplates the evidence he has already collected, Silver shifts between stealing jewelry from innocent third parties and talking about the joyful smell of wingpit sweat, Iron harasses guards by talking to them about queer theory while Onyx acts as his his homosexual partner, Brie tries to get the guards drinking on the job, and Spark follows around the group in the attic.
1765 replies and 21 files omitted.
>>86729"oh come on,blue i was joking."
>>86732She laughs
>>86731"Sure thing"
>>86726>>86727"So... What is this fight over Changelings?"
yes, she did just bring up something they were fighting over when they are trying to make up
[1d20+11 = 17]>>86733Target spotted. Iron goes for another boop.
>>86720Brie sits there for a moment, entirely unaware of how to respond. "They're damn cute for the 'scourge of ponykind'," he Eeeee's to himself. "I get that people are scared of them because of the eating, but I can't help feeling for the little guys. They're kind of like stray kittens in a way."
>>86732>>86733Silver pays for the drinks
however much they cost, and brings them back to the table, sitting down to enjoy his drink with his friends.
>>86734Attack of opportunity!
>>86735*startled pegasus noises*
"I didn't know you were here... Yes, I guess they can be like kittens"
>>86736Brie has arrived apparently.
>>86733"you went inside his room right? they'll go home to their occupied territories and kill ponies by draining them dry. and everyone seem ok with that because "they are so cute." Dark Star does the air quotes with his hooves
[1d20+11 = 29]>>86737Not really cuz muh improved unarmed strike but eh.Iron is bitten. He is unsure if this really hurts or not. But Kerr does leave his nose unprotected while biting so... Iron boops Kerr while his other hoof is being bitten.
>>86735>>86737>>86738Silver is slightly less startled. "...Had I known you were here, I would have bought drink for you as well."
He sighs at what Dark Star said. "I do not wish to get into big long discussion, especially right before bed, and
especially right before we are to have friendly drink together."
He passes the whiskeys he got for Star and Skies to their respective ponies.
I haven't been following what's going on downstairs, but if there is a Brie downstairs, yes he's a changeling
>>86736>>86738"Changelings don't
kill by draining. The worst they can do is completely drain a creature of all joy, happiness, love, friendship, laughter, and warm feeling, and leave them unable to recover, as well as unable to perform either that magic that distinguishes them as individuals or that magic that comes with what race of creature they are. But they are still alive, and able to feel other emotions, at least negative ones
>>86739Yes really because you are reaching under a bed towards a readied creature"Scheisse!"
>>86744No. Because that possibility creeps me out
>>86672>>86673>>86679etc. Brie has been upstairs ever since
>>86661 >>86745Fair enough. Ambush rulesIron laughs triumphantly. "I have bested you in the boop battle, Kerr! Yield and you may be spared from further booping!"
>>86745"my mistake they will go back to their occupied lands and make the ponys suffer a fate worse than death."
>>86748"That's only at the very worst"
>>86747"Du wirst mich niemals lebend nehmen, Pony!"
[1d20+10 = 25]>>86749"I will take that as a no, then!" He then tries to reach Kerr from under the bed. Rolling grapple to see if I can drag him out of under the bed.
[1d20-2 = -9]
I don't know what the fuck that dice roll was
>>86752Reee, talk things out with Star and Skies
>>86750Changeling is caught
>>86753>>86754"Got you!" He laughs like the bad guy usually do and drags Kerr out of under the bed. He proceeds to do some huggles. He expects Kerr to put up quite a fight, then get tired.
Throw me those grapple rolls until Kerr feels tired. >>86754*shrugs*Honestly don't know what else Silver could say, but I'll try.>>86748>>86749"From personal experience, unless changeling bites hard, it is just usually uncomfortable feeling while they feed. Only reason they bit hard when we rescued them was because they were starving."
>>86749"they will all face that fate, at the hooves of these monsters" He points up towards silvers room
"they will not stop why should they? we are nothing to them. nothing but a meal ready to be eaten and then they will move on to the next meal."
>>86755"Lass mich runter, Pony!"
>>86756"I take it you don't think you need he Blackhooves to deal with Chrysalis now?"
>>86757"What must be done?"
>>86758Iron keeps the huggles some more. "Are you feeling tired yet?"
>>86758"ill tell you later, right now. lets enjoy our Drinks."
Dark Star sips on his
>>86758"Oh no, Chrysalis most definitely needs to be stopped. In that I believe we are all in agreement."
>>86761"you seem to care a lot for changelings. are you sure you aren't one?"
>>86762"I checked him already. He's not"
The expression on her face implies that she cannot rule out the possibility he's been replaced since then
>>86762"No, as a matter of fact, I am not. You know that. I just do not wish for genocide. There are better ways of handling this than exterminating entire species that, for all of their differences, are still like us."
>>86758Realizing that he's nodding off while sitting there thinking, Brie gets up and walks over to where Wesley is lying. He pats the Ling on the head gently. "Ihr ist guten kinder." He says softly, looking at Wesley and Kerr. "Wir denken etwas."
>>86765Iron laughs evily. "Muahaha. I will never let you go, young foal! Unless you go to bed like a nice foal, of course." He giggles.
>>86764Dark Star rolls his eyes
"they are nothing like us, when was the last time you stole someones memories of their loved ones? they are Sub-Ponies Plain and simple."
>>86765"Like removing Chrysalis from power, eliminating all trace of her influence from Changeling government, and replacing it with one that is more willing to cooperate with ponykind. There are many changelings who do not believe in her ideas, and many more who only follow them because they see no better alternative. We need to show them alternative."
>>86768"They did not steal your memories, Dark Star. Not only that, they are still alive, like us. They have hopes, dreams, fears like us. They get happy, sad, angry like us. They have families, communities, even nations like us. No, they are not exactly like us in every aspect, but I can not see reason why we would be inherently better than them, nor reason why they would be inherently better than us."
>>86766Wesley looks adorable when pet. Kerr, wiggling around in Iron's hooves, says "Zehn weitere Minuten?"
>>86769"That is not going to be easy. Chrysalis is Popular and her government is strong. That will remain true until Crysalis's 'colonization' plan has failed"
>>86770"That is not a yes I am hearing!" Iron continues his huggle 'torture' on Kerr.
>>86769"Buck all of them, they all need to all pay,why is there no Opposition to chrysalis? because they hate all ponies and want to eat us. they love chrysalis, and will destroy us with out a second thought, they hate you. all of them, they want your children for food yet, you still worship the ground they walk on."
>>86772"You are too pessimistic"
>>86769"You are too optimistic"
>>86773"its the truth. im a realist."
>>86773I like miss mediator SkiesIron keeps up the huggles. "So, how about it? Will you go to sleep, little one? Or will you suffer my wrath?"
>>86770"No, it will not be. It will be as difficult as fighting their entire army. But no things worthwhile in life are easy."
>>86772"There is opposition, but they have been forced from changeling lands. It is still there, but without support, they can not get anything done."
>>86773"Perhaps. But what else is there to do? We must not lose hope, no matter what. We can not give up fight until we have completely and totally won."
>>86776"They need to be
defeated before they would willingly give up there plans. And even after all of that, there is the eternal problem of Love"
>>86774"So do directly try to kill
all of them?"
>>86778"they deserve nothing less. for the suffering the ponies are going through."
>>86778Iron increases huggle intensity at his lack of response. "Feel the wrath of my grapple attack!" Cue intense huggling and nuzzling.
>>86779"So, kill them all out of revenge?"
>>86780*squeeky Squeeky*
He's mostly stopped resisting. From the aura he puts off, Iron can feel why
>>86778"I know. Defeating them is obviously first step. As for love, I imagine there are those who would help willingly, if we could dispel misunderstandings and falsehoods about changelings to ponies, and dispel misunderstandings and falsehoods about ponies to changelings. Optimistic, I know. But ponies have willingly helped changelings before."
>>86779"Even those that have had no part in this, and
want no part in this? Even young and innocent, old and feeble? They
all deserve to die in your eyes?"
Are they falsehoods? I sincerely doubt there would be many volunteers"
>>86781Uh, is he love drunk or what?Iron, for his part, does not understand the lack of fighting spirit Kerr is displaying right now. This does not dissuade his huggles though.
>>86782"there are no innocent changelings. they all support their queen."
>>86781"they brought this upon themselves."
>>86783"From what I have seen? Some are, some aren't."
>>86785"Not all of them."
>>86784*Changeling noises*
>>86785"If that is how you feel, can you keep quiet about it in public? They will be easier to defeat if they don't think the struggle is existential"
>>86787"do you have any proof to back that up?"
you have any proof to back up your own claim?"
>>86788Iron shrugs. He feels nice. Smooth even. All good things must come to an end though, and he gently sets Kerr on the bed.
>>86790"the hordes that blocked out the sun."
>>86788"i can keep my mouth shut."
>>86792"Is that every changeling in existence?"
>>86794"No, they did not." Silver sighs. He looks disappointed at this turn of events. "And thus, we are back at square one. And this is why I did not want to get into big long discussion before having good drink with friends."
>>86791He would feel like his disguise, in this case a colt unicorn. Kerr is sat on the bed, sitting up
>>86787"What happens when there aren't enough. well, you
know what happens when there aren't enough
>>86794"That is factually wrong. There were a few who agreed with Thorax on a closer friendship, some of the hives preferred infiltration rather than colonization and conquest, and of course there are the Griffonian hives"
>>86795"This discussion needed to happen, Silver."
>>86796Iron leans to meet Kerr at eye level. "Now, will you go to bed, Kerr?"
>>86796"They starve. But, they were starving before. It is not like prospect of more food could be any worse than that."
>>86797"Did it?" Silver looks like he's unsure about that.
>>86788Brie, exhausted from the day's proceedings, can barely kee his eyes open. "Guten nacht schon kinder. Schlafen sie gut. Wir schutzen sie."
He then crawls under the bed and curls up.
>>86799Ignore that first part, I must be losing my mind.
>>86796"And look what that got him. they will all pay for the sins of their mother."
>>86799""FOOD,Ponies are not food."
>>86795Dark Star Sips his drink
>>86798"Ich spreche kein ponyish"
>>86799"And when they starve, they go out and get food, same as any other creature. When this happens, the trust is eroded, and all back to square one"
>>86800Are you seriously going to have him sleep under
Silver's bed?
>>86803Silver is just idly looking into his still-full glass of whiskey. "I wonder if there is way to make food for them that does not require ponies..."
>>86804Eh, go for it. >>86803Iron pokes his chin. Brie just went to sleep, so no translator there. He decides to do charades. First he points at Kerr. "You," then he points at the bed and tilts his head sideways and down, like he was putting his head on a pillow. "sleep."
"Schlafen. Its the word for sleep."
>>86806"they acquired the taste, theres no going back."
>>86805Uh, hidden
>>86806"Other Creatures. They are just less loving"
>>86807Kerr imitates his action, moving his head on on its side and moving down, then sitting back up
>>86809"That's... What?"
>>86809>>86810No response. There's little acknowledgement of the world around him, outside of the glass of whiskey in front of him.
>>86810He pokes his chin again. Maybe if he does the action, he will understand. First, he checks if he can actually fit the bed with the two residents and without crushing Brie under the bed.
>>86811The sorcerer knows this well. That's why it is a character to him.
>>86810"they will accept nothing less."
>>86815Scratch that. Maybe if he does it on the floor. Kerr will do it on the bed. He gently lays down in a circular motion, resting his head on his forelegs and closing his eyes to show what he should do. He then opens one eye to see if he follows his lead.
>>86815He smiles from this, at least getting a little reaction from him. One of his hindlegs starts a tapping motion, and his ears relax at her touch.
>>86816Kerr looks at Iron. Then he circles around, and lays down in a curled up ball
>>86817She continues, as this response calms her
>>86815Dark Star Finishes his drink
>>86818He leans his head into the petting, and closes his eyes. His leg continues its tapping.
>>86819Is finished
>>86820What Silver is imagining as hoof, then wing, runs through his mane is known but to him. But she continues
>>86818Iron nods in satisfaction. "Good." He thinks some more. "Iron," points at himself "goes," imitates walking somewhere, "to other place. Does Kerr," points at Kerr, "want to stay here," he points downwards, signalling the room, "or go," he does the walking motion again, "with Iron?" He points at himself again.
>>86823>giving a choiceYou must know how this will end
>>86821Dark Star gets up and goes to the bathroom
>>86823Kerr slightly tilts his head, but remains sitting in place
>>86827It is so
>>86822She continues petting him
"Does his attitude worry you?"
>>86828Iron pets Kerr. "Do not worry. Just sleep. I am going with Silver." He ruffles his mane. "I will see you soon." With that, Iron exits the room, being sure that he closes the door when he leaves.
>>86828He is very much enjoying the pets. "Yes. I feel hatred has clouded his mind, and his judgement."