Obviously, no vidya board would be complete without a thread dedicated to this legend of video game history, quite possibly the greatest game ever created, THE ADVENTURES OF STANLEY "FRANKFURTER" JONES.
Holy shit eating ducks. Have any of you niggers ever played this game? Because if you haven't, you literally need to grab yourself by the scrotum and hang yourself with it for being such a god damn double nigger-tier retard, you fucking homosexual faggot. This game is like being fucked in the tits by Superman. Have you ever been fucked in the tits by Superman? Because if not, this is the game for you. And even if you have, you should play it anyway, because what do you think, you're just going to say no when Superman asks to fuck you in the tits? Because I'll clue you in on something: when Superman asks to fuck you in the tits, he isn't asking, he's telling your god damn mother fucking fortune.
This motherfucker has graphics that are so good, the creators of the game had to zip them up and email them to the future where they could be displayed without causing all the computers to melt (seriously, every single god damn one of them). The graphics are so good you can't even see those fuckers, they had to make new graphics just so pleb-tier faggots like you wouldn't burn your fucking retinas on those shit eating cock monkeys.
And did someone say point and click interface? Because holy shit, this thing has got one of those like John Cena has got your mom bent over the washing machine, you fucking zebra kike. You'll be pointing and clicking on so many things your literal head will explode like a god damn watermelon on Gallagher's fucking coffee table, fuck.
>Can you pick shit up and put it in your inventory?
Are you fucking kidding me? I ought to slap your monkey face with my dick for even asking a dumb ass question like that.
>What about puzzles and shit?
Nigger, this game has puzzles like a god damn Jew in a pizza oven. You think you can solve this shit? You'd better rub peanut butter all over your nut sack and hit yourself in the face with a frying pan, mother fucker, because you're about to fucking die.
If you don't play this game it will literally jump out of your computer and install itself up your fucking asshole, and then you're gonna see some shit, my dude.
Don't mind me I'm just shilling the retarded game I made five years ago, you should totally play it thought it's pretty fun
>Original Game:
>Sequel (chapter one):
>Development thread for Chapter Two of the sequel (yes it is actually being worked on):